Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Military Branch ❯ Chp.1// The Past ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Military Branch
A/N Yep, I'm starting a new one In between The other one. I promise that I'll work on the one as much as I work on this… But updates may get slower. It will be easier because I'm just taking something had been writing on paper and typing it out- but, believe me, that doesn't mean I'll slack off!
The Military.
Even the mention of them used to send shivers up and down my sister's spine. I don't care to mention her name anymore…It's all too painful. But the imprint of her disgusted face at their name cannot be removed from my mind. I can't even giggle at the way she would pull faces across the table- we where only a year apart, But she was so much more immature. That immaturity left us, how ever, when they killed our father for a crime that he had never committed. Our mother had been heart broken… after a week, she stopped eating all together.
It seemed as if she wanted to follow him… Even in death. I remember that one day that I had fought with a nurse- I hadn't wanted to leave mom's hospital bed, even to sleep. Eventually we had warded her away. No one else bothered us again. They new that we would not be moved. We knew what they where trying to hide from us. The look of utter pain and loss that had been plastered to our mother's face. The look that served as a reminder of the day that our father had been publicly shot- and then towed away like a rag doll that a child didn't want anymore.
But when out mother was gone, the guilt sadness and rage took over me. I was a bull seeing red. I charged through the house, smashing everything and anything that I could lay my hands on. Smashing china and dishes and lamps until my hands where scarred and bloody. That night, I had gotten rid of anything that could remind me of THEM. Even know, they will remain nameless is my eyes. I remember throwing a chair at a light- watching the light bulb smash and rain sparks on me. The light had flickered out. Outside, the neighbors had probably watched that small house on top of the hill go dark. They had probably pitied the poor girls that lived there- now orphans. In the country side just outside of central, there are many small houses dotting the landscape. All abandoned. Our's is now one of them.
From that night ion, I and trisha where out against the world.
We looked nothing alike. I, with my blonde, elbow length hair and she, with her short cropped, deep chestnut hair. I had a slender, slightly oval face, while her's was more heart shaped. The only similarities between us, it seems, was in our eyes. We both had striking forest green eyes that seemed to light up a room. Even when our hair, our skin, our personalities seemed to contrast rather than reflect each other, our eyes would always be our connection.
The problem that lay in the way of our happiness was the fact that we had no living relatives. We where alone, unwanted and poor. We eventually took the only option that presented it self plainly; we took things that weren't ours. Clothing stalls, food stands- they where all the same in the end. They had what we needed… and we just had to take it from them. The desperation and hunger seemed to throw all other thoughts from my sister and I's head. (AAAHHHH my grammar is so poor. ;.;)
At one point, we had stolen a pair of precious jewels from a high-ranking jewelry stand to sell on the black market. Central's military police had been onto us, and they weren't making it easy for us to get away. Shots rang out from behind us as we skipped out of the grasp of the pursuing military. Both my sister and I hated the Military, as they where absolute beasts- no better than the nick name they had earned: Dogs. Loyal, beastly, rabid dogs. If they had orders to kill, that's what they would do…no questions asked.
BANG. Another bullet ricocheted of the ground that I had occupied not even seconds before. Across the rooftop we fled, the desperation now evident in the way that we ran. My sister stumbled, grazing her knee against the rock, leaving a smear of red on the roof top. I grabbed her hand, and pulled her along. We jumped to a different roof, and began to stumble up the shingles. Bullets destroyed shingles behind us. Making them shatter into millions of pieces. I dreaded to think of that as my head. Jumping to a flatter roof, and finally gaining purchase for my feet, I rocketed off, my feet flying faster becase off the added boost of adrenaline.
A single shot rang out, and the other footsteps that came from beside me stopped. My feet suddenly felt like lead. A numbing sensation spread up my spine. Having been stopped dead in my tracks, I turned quitly, on the balls of my feet.
My worst fear had come alive.
Because there, on the ground, her own blood pooling beneath her, lay my sister.
I whispered the name that I promised myself I would never speak again.
I felt as if my heart had stopped, like her's had, seconds ago. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move. My sister was dad. My stomach dropped, but my heart plummeted faster. My knees trembled and almost buckled, but I managed to hold myself up. The military finally clambered onto this rooftop, looking around in a daze. My sister lay dead, for them too see… But I was gone.
Well, there you go. The first chapter of my second fic. Comments? Questions? REVIEW!