Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Military Branch ❯ chp.3// Small Notes and Answers ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N Sorry that I haven't updated in forever, but this is being put aside as a side project… so… no reviews as frequently. Oh, and by the way… I've been book marked! OH MY GOD! XD
Happy reading.
Edward opened the door for me. I didn't even glance at him from over my shoulder as he made introductions.
“This is Colonel-“
I cut him off, slamming my hands onto the man's desk. The inkwells rattled and a stack of over-due papers fluttered to the floor. My hand clenched over the wooden desk, barely held anger bubbling inside me. Even as I fought within myself, trying hard not to punch the startled man before me, I still heard the smirk in Ed's voice.
“Exactly what I was going to say.”
That's when he caught on. The angry tears streaming down my face was definatly a hint. I growled through my tears, the skin on my hand stretching white over the bone. Ed was by my side in a second, a hand put subconsciously on my shoulder. Probably out of instinct, as I was shaking and going to pieces before his eyes. A sob was ripped from my throat without permission.
“You killed him.” I growled, and Mustang went rigid in his seat. I could tell that he was reaching for his gloves under the desk.
“You killed him and he was your friend,” I Growled louder, and my voice level crept dangerously closed to shouting.
“He was my FATHER!” My voice shot through two octaves, and in the same instant, Edward realized what was happening. His auto mail hand shot out and punched Mustang straight across the face. I froze. Roy mustang sat, shocked through and through, before he spoke. When he finally looked up, as composed as he could become, The words came smooth and unjostled.
“Welcome to the military, Riko. I'm surprised that you came willingly”
I growled at him through clenched teeth. I was about to follow Ed's example of punching the colonel, when a suit of Armor barreled through the door. I heard him shout.
“Brother, I've been looking all over for you!”
I jumped backwards, startled, and stepped on Ed's foot. I was surprised, as it was hard…metallic. It was like stepping on stone. Maybe it was just his boots. I suppressed the needless urge to shake my head. The Armor had proceeded to begin to scold Ed for wandering off. Ed looked at me, as if I was means of escaping.
“Oh…hello” The Armor turned to me, upon realizing that I was here, and listening. The Colonel was ignoring us all, shuffling his papers and inconspicuously rubbing his cheek. I turned to the suit of armor, which had offered his hand. I took it and shook, smiling.
“I'm Al. I suppose that you've met my brother, Ed” I nodded towards the cringing blonde. Al growled something to low to hear, and I saw Ed nod quickly. I couldn't help but hope that it was a threat. That kid needed a good beating…brat. Al gave me an odd look, as something must have shown on my face. I quickly rearranged my features so that nothing showed, and quickly turned back to my father's murderer.
Edward was by my side, all traces off fear gone.
“Explain yourself.” Edward growled at him, and even Al turned in shock at the hatred embedded in that voice. Roy Mustang winced, looking down at his folded hands. I growled in frustrations, and Edward's fist clenched in reaction to the tense silence.
“call me a murderer, If you think that that is right.” Roy said quitly “But I did what I thought was right.”
Roy quickly tore a piece of paper from a clean sheet of paper, and scribbled something on it. He slid it across the table. He rose fluidly from his seat, And left, letting his last few words hover in the air.
“Go there. Meet him. You both may find answers.”
I looked at Edward questioningly and his jaw clenched as he continued to refuse to look at me. Roy mustang had closed the door after him, and all that would be heard was the quite whir of the ceiling fan. Al chuckled quietly to himself. I turned to him questioningly, all traces of anger gone.
“Well, it looks like we have to get on YET ANOTHER train”
Edward groaned, and pointed accusingly at me.
“This had better be a joke or something. We have to go all the was to the south end of Amestris!” I grinned at him, though the smile probably offered little condolence. But he smiled sheepishly back, and Al caught the quick flash of electricity crackle between us. I took the paper from his hand.And read in quietly.
Maple Crest. 163
Isabella Tucker.
Let's just say, Edward and Al are completely dense. They didn't even catch the clue in her last name. Jeez. Like, really… ugh. Read and Review!