Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ My Dream ❯ Her Dream ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A FullMetal Alchemist Fanfic

Written by Miyu, Vampire Princess

CHALLENGE: Seven deadly sins - pick one and convey the meaning and/or emotion behind it.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This story evolved as I wrote it. It began with no definitive fandom or pairing and slowly became this. A non-lemon piece with the pairing more implied than definite. This part told from Winry's point of view. A standard disclaimer follows the story.

Part One - Her Dreams

There's a question that keeps running through my head. I don't have the answer. I'm not sure I even want to know what the answer is. But every time it echoes in my head, the question hurts just the same.

Why not me?

We grew up together. I was his only friend when he fought with his brother. A friend who cared about him. Who worried about him while he was training. Who wondered just when he'd be coming home and would be ready with open arms.

Why not me?

I stood by him when he thought the world wanted him to be miserable. When his world crumbled. When he'd lost something very dear to his heart. I stood by despite the trouble he caused. Despite the cold shoulder he gave me. Despite the cold words he spoke to me. I even stood by him when he came into the house screaming in pain, yelling incomprehensible words and instructions that even my grandmother couldn't put together.

Why not me?

I used what skill I had to build him a new arm. To construct him a new leg. And I did so every time he outgrew the old ones. Every time he broke, bent or destroyed them in battle. I was proud of the work he did, of what I, myself, was able to accomplish. Despite all the hardship, I've stood by him. I traveled with him. I took care of him. Put myself in harm's way just for him.

So why couldn't he choose me?

Why not, dammit?!

I didn't think I was being selfish. After all, I'd given him everything I had. I couldn't see myself being beside anyone else. I didn't want to be with anyone else. I thought that he'd understand. That he felt the same way.

"I can't stop now. I have to keep searching."

I wondered when he would come to his senses.

"We're so close. Just a little further and I know we'll find it!"

I wondered when he would figure out just how much I love him.

"It's time for me to go."

That day has not come yet.

"See ya around, Winry."

It probably never will.

I'm disappointed. And jealous. Yes, jealous. It's possible to be jealous of a dream. To envy an intangible object so much. I may even be envious to the point of hatred. But is it him I hate, or the dream he so desperately seeks to fulfill?

"What are you doing sitting at the kitchen table like that? Don't you have work to do?"

"Yes, Grandma. I was going to clean up the workshop."

"Then stop daydreaming and get to work. I'll finish up in the kitchen."

"Yes, ma'am."

It's been nearly three years since he left to continue his search. Three years since I've heard from him, or his brother. I wonder if they're okay. If they're alive. I'm sure I would've heard something to the contrary, but I can't help it. After everything they've been through, I still worry.

Sluggishly I make my way to the workshop. I've been tinkering around lately. Creating one hell of a mess. Grandmother's been on me for days. The hot weather has been painful, and the dry air terrible on the sinuses. I managed a few excuses. Now I'm just going for something to do. Maybe take my mind off of these thoughts of mine.

Too bad it doesn't work.

Every piece of automail in that room represents him. Pieces of him. And right now I'd rather forget about him. Forget every good memory, every bad one. Every emotion I've ever felt for him. I just want it all to go away.


Now I'm even hearing his voice. No, no, no. Go away Edward Elric. Go away and leave me alone.

"Watch out!"

That didn't sound like a dream. I couldn't have imagined his voice so clearly! There's no time to look around though. The shelf I'd been hanging onto comes loose. It begins to fall.

So do I.

'This is it,' is all I can think. I can feel the hard ground against my back. Feel the weight of the shelf as it falls on me. One, two, three objects hit me at a time. There's no time to cover my face for protection. No way to maneuver my body to keep from being crushed under the hail of automail parts falling upon me.


I hear my name and dare a look. Only one of my eyes will open though. Only one eye focuses through a haze of white until color begins dotting the world. Shades of red and yellow appear above me. Brown and black are also prevalent. But the colors have no shapes, no definitive lines.

"Winry, are you all right?"

"Brother, what happened?"

"Get to the house! Quickly!"


Before I can stop them, tears begin to well in my eye. A combination of emotions run through me. Surprise, jealousy, anger and finally fear.

"Winry? Winry, can you hear me?"

The colors begin to fade back to white. But there's a light, as if the skies have parted. And as I move toward the light, I come to an epiphany. I know the answer to my question and realize that the answer is as scary as I imagined.

"Winry, hang on. I'm going to carry you to the house."

I envy Ed his dream, not because I think he won't attain it.

But because I'm afraid he will.

I suppose I'm still being selfish. Even as I feel strong arms lift me and carry me off. Even as I feel my heart soar because he is here with me. I'm still selfish.

Selfish because I want him to wear the automail I make. Because I want him to be proud of my work. To be proud of me.

Why not me?

Why not my dream?


I do not own Full Metal Alchemist or the characters contained in this story. That honor goes to Hiromu Arakawa. You rock! I'm merely borrowing the characters for my ebil, hentai purposes. Since I'm not making any money from this, you will not get any if you sue. I'm only having some fun. Truly I am! ^_^