Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ My Dream ❯ His Dream ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A FullMetal Alchemist Fanfic

Written by Miyu, Vampire Princess

AUTHOR'S NOTES: After some deliberation, and a little prodding from some reviewers (you know who you are), my muses decided to continue the "one shot" originally planned for this one. Again, the muses have free reign, so I have no idea how long this story will go (if it goes anywhere). This part is told from Edward's point of view. Non-lemon chapter. No clue if lemons will even be involved. And no real spoilers either as I have no idea how the series ends (yet). A Standard Disclaimer follows the piece.

Part Two - His Dream

"I'll take it to her."

"Think that's a good idea, brother?"

"Sure, why not?"


"I know she's said she doesn't want to see me, but she's asleep, so it should okay. Right, Al?"

"I don't know. What did you do to make her so angry anyway?"

"How the hell should I know?! I haven't seen her for...what...three years!"

"Just be careful. She's not feeling well, and you shouldn't stress her out."

"No problem."

Stress her out?! Yeah, right! But I thought better of saying anything else on the subject. Without looking my brother in the eye, I grabbed the tray of food from him. He's quite a chef. Whatever he'd made Winry smelled awfully good.

Truthfully, I've never been so nervous in my life! The tray should've shook from the tremors in my arms. Even my automail quivered with uncertainty. She was serious when she said she didn't want to see me. She wouldn't even speak to me let alone look at me. Bringing her lunch was a risk, but one I was willing to take.

I just prayed she stayed asleep.

When I left to chase my dream, I knew things would be different if I returned. IF! That was a big one, back then. I really didn't know if I'd be able to return, alive at least. I was running into danger, there was no doubt of that.

The Philosopher's Stone was still a hot commodity. Despite what my brother, Al, and I managed to do with the one we had in our grasp, our goal remained unattained. We sought other ways, other means. It meant learning more about alchemy. More about ourselves. There was so much to learn that my full attention had to be focused.

As much as I wanted her by my side, I couldn't put her in danger, too. One of our lives was enough, wasn't it? I refused to make the mistakes my father made. I made the right decision to leave her behind.

My dreams...the ones I've had since I was a kid...had to be put aside.

But looking at her now...I'm not so sure my decision was the best.

I really can't believe I'm this close to her again! It's too much like a dream seeing her angelic sleeping face. My body is tickling with excitement. I don't think I realized how much I missed seeing her until now.

I could've used her support on the long journey. When they say "you don't know what you've got till it's gone," they're absolutely right. I missed her smile. Her cooking. And just where was that automail genius when I needed her?

So close. But not close enough to touch. My heart suddenly plummets.

"Why do you hate me so," I whisper. "Should I be surprised you do? I guess I've been a real idiot."

A bigger fool than I ever thought possible.

I should have loved her when I had the chance.

The road was a long one. The journey wrought with dangers and unknowns. We had friends, but we also had enemies. Trust no one, we were told. The truth is out there. Sounded like science fiction to me, but it was the best advice offered to us.

The islands of Konistan.

The sands of Rizenbull.

The mountains of Lachstoch.

The further experiments in other hidden military facilities. All of the horrors we faced, old and new. I learned a great lesson in my journeys. One I'm certain Teacher would've been proud of. I have to remember to visit her grave and tell her someday.

It took two years before we finally managed a transformation. A complete transformation. For Al anyway. We took a lesson from Dante, of all people, and found a way to make the transference work without the use of a Philosopher's Stone. There were still drawbacks, but my brother was human again. Flesh and blood.

And dating a sweet girl named Naomi. Go figure.

Our goal hasn't been fully realized -- I'd still like to have my old arm and leg back -- but I'm satisfied. Al and I will continue to pursue the future, but there's no rush now. I'm tired of being on the run. Tired of trying to undo what I did to myself. Causing more pain for others.

I'm happy for my brother. Happy for the life he's carving for himself. He's achieving great things, how can I not be proud?! A good-looking girl, a three month engagement, and if the rumors are true, I'll be an uncle in half a year. I really am happy for him.

Now I want that happiness for myself.

I want MY dream back.

Is that too much to ask? Too much to want someone special by my side? Someone to love? Dare I hope for a family of my own?

"Is it really too late to love you, Winry?"


I do not own Full Metal Alchemist or the characters contained in this story. That honor goes to Hiromu Arakawa. You rock! I'm merely borrowing the characters for my ebil, hentai-minded purposes. Since I'm not making any money from this, you will not get any if you sue. I'm only having some fun. Truly I am! ^_^