Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ My Dream ❯ A Heart's Dream ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A FullMetal Alchemist Fanfic

Written by Miyu, Vampire Princess

AUTHOR'S NOTES: The muses have free reign, so I have no idea how long this story will go (if it goes anywhere). This part is told from Winry's point of view. No real spoilers, as this is an "alternative" look at the end of the series (yes, I've finally seen the end of the show). A Standard Disclaimer follows the piece.

Part Three - A Heart's Dream

That moron!

That idiot!


I can't believe he'd be so stupid! I mean, why ask such an idiotic question?! He should know the answer! He should!!

Shouldn't he?

'Is it too late to love you?'

How the hell am I supposed to answer that?!

Two days. I've pondered that very question for two whole days. It's a simple enough question right? Not too difficult to answer, right?


Two days. I've avoided speaking to Edward, despite his best efforts to converse with me. He's brought me my meals, even sat at my bedside while I've slept. Aside from "hello" and "good day", he hasn't asked a lot of questions.

Nor has he offered any explanations.

What I have learned of the past few years, Al has told me. Mostly through enthusiastic ramblings on his part. I'm...floored...that he hasn't changed. Well...he has changed.

He's not a hulking mass of metal anymore.

Completely human. And no different than when he was younger. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear he'd been human all along. That the suit of armor was just a dream.

Yet he's grown up. You know, more mature. He loves talking about his adventures with Ed. And his girlfriend, Naomi, sounds like a real sweetheart. My heart flutters when he talks about her.

Just like my heart sinks when I see his brother.

Ed has grown too. And not just in inches...well, probably only an inch or two actually. There's wisdom in his eyes, a mature quality to his features and manner that I never thought I'd see. There's still the matter of his arm and leg, but he's every bit the young man his mother would've been proud of. Both of them are!

I'm at a complete loss about how to act around him, though. I've missed him for so long. My heart has craved his presence, to know he was safe. I should run to him, shouldn't I? Want to hold him tightly and never let him go?

So why can't I? My heart screams for him! I love him!

Do I...do I really hate him that much?

"Good morning, Winry."

Still trapped in my thoughts, I barely smiled as Alphonse entered the room. "Morning, Al." Then I pick up on something unusual. Edward had been bringing me breakfast of late. "Where's Ed?"

"He went into town with your grandmother. She said she could use his help." He set a tray of food in my lap and looked at me questioningly. "Did you...want to talk to him?"

"NO!" My initial response was loud, and way too quick. He was taken aback when I added, "Yes!" My heart lurched in my chest. After a deep breath I corrected, "I don't know. I'm...I'm confused."

"Eat some breakfast. That might help."


But all I could do was pick at the wonderful food Al had prepared. The eggs smelled as delicious as they looked. The sausage was tender, not overdone and not undercooked. The biscuits were piping hot, steaming fresh and just as good as the rest of the meal.

After only a bite or two of each offering I told him, "This is good, Al. You should be a chef."

"Naomi tells me that all the time," he replied with a chuckle.

"Can she cook?"

He shook his head. "Not at all."

My smile grew, and a sound like a chuckle worked it's way into my throat. However, it came out more like an angry bark than a laugh. My heart sunk deeper into my stomach and my appetite disappeared completely.

It's then that I realized something important.

As he moved to sit in a nearby chair, I inquired, "Al?"

"Yeah, Winry?"

I don't hate him.

"I really do love him. Edward, I mean."

"I know."

I was just scared.

"Does he know?"

"I...I think so."

Scared to death.

"You think?"

"I know that he loves you, too."

Frustrated as I was, I was also comforted by Al's words. Euphoric even. But that joy turned to stone in my stomach, making me nauseous. I know it showed on my face because Al moved back to my bedside quickly, worry lining his face.


"I'm scared, Al."

"Scared of what?"

"That he'll leave again. That he'll disappear." Tears stung my eyes and I shook my head as if the evil thoughts would leave me alone. "I couldn't stand it. I couldn't...!"

"Then tell him." I looked up at him as if he was crazy, but he only smiled in return. "Tell him how you feel. I don't think he'll leave again."

"How can you be sure?" I asked as he stood to leave.

"He has no other place to go."

"That's never stopped him before."

"True. But.... He's more likely to leave if you don't," he said, walking towards the door.


"Tell him, Winry." With a final smile, he left.

And I'm all alone. Again.

'Is it too late to love you?'

Laying back in bed, I cried. Tears old and new fell down my face, soaking my nightgown and the sheets. Anger, frustration, and sadness all left me as my body shook with sobs.

'Is it too late...?'

"No, dammit, It's not too late!"

But he wasn't there to hear my answer.

"Why are you never around when I need you, Ed?"


I do not own FullMetal Alchemist or the characters contained in this
story. That honor goes to Hiromu Arakawa. You rock! I'm merely borrowing
the characters for my ebil, hentai-minded purposes. Since I'm not making
any money from this, you will not get any if you sue. I'm only having
some fun. Truly I am! ^_^