Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ My Dream ❯ Future Aspirations ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A FullMetal Alchemist fanfic

Written by Miyu, Vampire Princess

CHALLENGE: Write a fic where a pair is celebrating 10, 25 or 50 years together. Need not be a wedding anniversary.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This will be the final chapter. The muses are copping out on another one. >.< But I think it's still a good ending. My muses came up with it after all. =P Told from Ed's point of view. WARNING: Lemon Content. A Standard Disclaimer follows the chapter.

Part Six - Future Aspirations


"Izu! Don't climb on the couch!"


"Trisha, don't run in the hallway!"


"And Hughe, don't...!" CRASH! "Throw the ball in the house!"

Usually these qualities would work on the most obnoxious person. I deal with them every day at work! But today is a different story. Despite my best efforts I am still being overrun. Overruled. And downright ignored.


By my own children.

"I thought you guys were supposed to be sleepy after a meal."

"Daddy, you're just upset because Mommy's not home yet," Izu said.

"Yeah!" Her older sister, Trisha, backed her up.

Winry had gone out for an afternoon with some friends. Shopping, primping...the usual girl stuff. I was stuck at home with the kids. On my day off. But I hardly cared. I spent long hours at work and it was good to spend time with the little ones.

Even if the domineering little buggers were getting on my nerves.

I sat down on a large pillow chair in the kid's play area. The room was an addition to the house. The house my brother and I rebuilt. It looked just as it did when we were kids, and both of us were excited to see it again. Despite the memories. Despite the hardships. Despite the two years it took us to construct! It was home.

I offered it to Al when it was finished. He was already married with a little one on the way. But his teaching job took him into the city more times than not. So he moved his family there.

Then I married Winry, and...well...the rest is pretty much history.


"Hmm?" When I wasn't looking the kids had gathered around me. Trisha on my right, Izu on my left and Hughe at my feet. The question had come from my left. I put an arm around my daughter and asked, "What is it?"

"Are you sad because mommy's not here?"

"No, no." Hughe shook his head, a tiny blond ponytail bobbing back and forth. The spitting image of me most say. I just don't see it. Seriously! "Daddy's upset because he has a surprise."

"A surprise?"

"For us," Trisha asked.

"No, sorry." I ruffled my son's hair and frowned apologetically at the girls. "It's for your mother."

"A surprise? For me?!"

All of us looked up to find Winry framed in the doorway. The kids immediately stood and ran to her, little Hughe pulling up the rear. Maybe he is a bit like me. Maybe.

She hugged each of them with a smile. There was a game of "show and tell" as she showed off the few items she purchased. Then there were the gifts. The kids squealed in delight as they received new toys, clothing and books. Normally, the amount of money she'd spend on the children would irritate me. Today that didn't matter.

Not when it's taken me ten years to be able to keep a promise.

The kids dispersed and I walked over to my wife. "Where're my toys?" I asked, kissing her on the cheek.

"Your toys?" She countered, poking me in the chest. "Didn't I hear that you had a surprise for me?"

With the kids occupied, I lead her into the kitchen. After a quick hug and a real kiss, I produced a small square box. It looked so small in the palm of my metallic hand, the black velvet a stark contrast to the silver automail.

But the look in her eyes was anything but small.


She swallowed hard. "Well, what?"

"Don't you want your present?"

"Of course!"

She snatched it out of my hand immediately. Her eyes traveled from me to the box. Slowly, she lifted the lid. The gasp she issued was enough for me to know that she liked it. I promised this gift to her once, ten years ago. I was only sorry it took me so long to get it to her.

"So," I inquired.

"So?!" She waved the ring under my nose. "You mean it's taken me 10 years, three kids and one marriage to earn this ring?"

I had to feign hurt to keep a straight face. "You got diamonds on our wedding day...."

She shook her head. "Not like this one!" The rock was 100 times the size of the tiny flecks in her wedding band put together. Despite a size difference, it complimented the band perfectly. Not to mention the bracelet and necklace she would never take off!

But nothing was more beautiful than the look of love in her eyes.

"Thank you," she said as tears began to fall.

I encompassed her in a tight embrace, lips lightly caressing hers until they parted and I was invited to do more. With all the love I could muster, I gave her the most passionate of kisses. It was exactly like the first kiss we shared as a married couple. The kiss I laid on her in front of nearly 100 people.

Too bad they appreciated it more than our children.



"Get a room!"

Well, since they suggested it....

Reluctantly, I pulled away from Winry. She pouted at me, but I only grinned in return. She raised her eyebrows in question, but said nothing. Turning towards the doorway between the kitchen and the playroom, I clapped my hands.

"Uh-oh," my youngest, Hughe, said loudly.

"Daaad," Izu whined.

"You said not in the house," Trish said with her hands on her hips.

"I said no running in the hallway, sweetheart," I replied, applying my hands to either side of the doorway. Slowly the wood turned to metal. Thin bars formed, falling from the top of the entrance way to the bottom.

The kids watched with wide eyes as they realized what was happening. My eldest daughter narrowed her eyes at me. Her younger counterpart was immediately contemplating an escape, the wheels loudly turning. Hughe just pouted, clapping his hands together, but nothing would happen without a transmutation circle. They all looked at me with frowns.

"I'll be down to let you out in about an hour," I told them, turning away from the door.

"What are you going to do, daddy," Hughe asked.

I smiled. "I'm going to get a room...with your mother."

"While I'm all for the room," Winry commented. "Is this necessary?"

Without warning, I swept her off her feet and into my arms. "Do you want them running loose in the house?"

Smiling, she rested her forehead against mine. "Not really." She paused thoughtfully. "And they have everything they need."

"What about what you need?"

"No...not yet."

Any complaining the kids may have done was drowned out as I headed through the kitchen towards the staircase. Though my legs weren't as long as I would've liked them to be, I moved quickly down another hallway. Thank goodness the door to our room was opened. I stepped inside, lowering Winry to the floor. The door closed and with another clap, I reinforced the lock.

"Just in case," I said at Winry's questioning gaze.

With her hands on my shoulders, I leaned back against the door. Fingers began unbuttoning my light blue shirt. I was amazed by her aggressiveness. Not really surprised, but certainly awed. She can be a tiger in private, and it's more of a turn on than I'm willing to admit.

My body, however, can't keep the secret.

Dark eyes look on as feminine hands press against my bare chest. With the lightest of caresses she pushes the shirt aside. A shrug or two and the material slid down my arms. It dropped to the floor with a seductive whisper.

I lifted my arms to return the favor but she swatted them away. Try after try I was thwarted! But at the same time I felt my pants fall to my knees. When did she--?! The question vanished from my mind as warm fingers wrapped around hardened flesh. Figures, the one time I don't wear underwear....

Words slowly form again, fighting past the pleasurable sensations of her pumping hand. "Winry, what--?"

With an evil grin she replied, "Just making sure I've earned my present."

Oh she'd earned it long before now!

Of course, the hand job was a nice touch.

And her mouth.... Oh gods....

But before she could push me over the edge, I hauled her to her feet. She pouted prettily, her bottom lip popping outward. I lifted her once again and the pout disappeared. I held her weight in my hands, fingernails digging into her rear.

Slim legs wrapped around me as I pushed away from the door. Some fancy footwork and I stepped free of my pants and moved forward. She leaned toward me and I took her offered lips. The kiss was wet, open mouthed and tongue twisted from the beginning, but it ended as I reached the foot of the bed.

Then I unceremoniously tossed her onto the bed.

There was no time for argument however. I jumped in after her. With a fake growl and a wiggle of my eyebrows, I collected her lips in another kiss. Less fevered, but just as passionate. As she writhed beneath me, I unbuttoned her blouse. And thank the gods for bras with front clasps.

She couldn't be naked fast enough.

And I couldn't wait to kiss her bared skin.

My lips latched on to one breast and she cried out in pleasure. The smooth texture against my tongue sent shivers through both of us. I could feel the warmth of want spread through her and into me. It drove me to mold her flesh in my hands, to touch her more, to kiss her harder. Even the automail worked to my advantage. The contrast of hot and cold was enough to give her tiny orgasms. She vibrated against me, my body growing harder in response.

I pulled away slightly just to take in the sight of her. She's as beautiful now as the day I married her. I can't get enough of her! Looking at her. Touching her. Just not enough.

Both of us were working the waistband of her pants downward. Not enough! Not fast enough! Faster, move faster! We both groaned, frustrated as the material clung to her curves. Several pulls, many tugs and too many seconds later, they were at her knees. I pulled away again, just long enough to remove the evil material.

Staring down the length of her body, one ankle still in my grasp, my mind blacked out everything but raw need. It raced through my veins as my eyes focused on one spot in particular. The glow in her eyes echoed my desire, her body moving slightly, tantalizing the senses and drawing my body closer.

Her arms wrapped around my neck as I rose above her. As I moved forward, I found her center and slid home in a single thrust. Our bodies always came together damn near perfect. Like fate. A tiny fraction off would have totally ruined the mood. A shift of her hips caused me to sink deeper. She whimpered, her walls already spasming around me. A moan rolled from my throat, my hips moving in response.

The dance was nothing new, even with her foot resting against my shoulder. Actually, it added to the choreography. Better even after she willingly raised her other leg. I had to balance myself on my knees, rising slightly for better leverage. Her hands reached for the headboard as mine grasped her hips.

Then the dance ended and the primal urges took over.

It wasn't long before both of us were panting, breathless and spent in a haze of white. Lying side by side, we stared at the ceiling. The brush of her arm across my stomach added to the dream effect. Stretching out my human arm, I held her to my side. Lazily, she melted against me, her voice bringing me back into reality.

Gods, I'm glad it wasn't a dream!



She kissed me on the tip of my nose, tickling my senses. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

"Should we rescue the kids now?"

"Nope. I still have another 45 minutes." She giggled as I nuzzled her neck. When I pulled away, I looked at her seriously. "Besides...what about me?"

Confused, she asked, "What about you?"

"You haven't given ME any diamonds."

"Edward, why do you need diamonds?"

"I don't." Motioning to my automail arm, I nodded. "But I could use some adjustments.... Maybe some new plating."

"Hmm," she grinned evilly, one hand cupping my face. "You'll have to earn them."

Returning her smile, I leaned in for another kiss. "Then I'll get to work on that...."



"After I make a better cage for the kids."



"Thank you."

Now I was confused. "For what?"

"For making my dreams come true."

My love for her could not have been stronger then at that moment. We shared a sensual kiss and a little more groping before the kids screamed for me again. With a sigh, and a lighthearted giggle from my wife, I crawled from bed and searched for my robe.

Walking downstairs to assess the damage my children had caused, I couldn't help but smile. I really was living my dream. My real dream. I'd never felt more empowered. More alive.


My children, however, may not be so lucky.


I do not own FullMetal Alchemist or the characters contained in this story. That honor goes to Hiromu Arakawa. I'm merely borrowing the characters for my ebil, hentai-minded purposes. Since I'm not making any money from this, you will not get any if you sue. I'm only having some fun. Truly I am!