Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ My Dream ❯ An Uncertain Voice ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A FullMetal Alchemist Fanfic

Written by Miyu, Vampire Princess

AUTHOR'S NOTES: More Ed x Winry angst. The second to last chapter. There will be only two more after this. Even if my muses whine and cry. *phttt!* So there! I do hope you will enjoy. This part told from Winry's point of view. A Standard Disclaimer appears at the end of the chapter.

Part Five - An Uncertain Voice

"Check, please."

It seemed like the entire evening had been a bust. I mean...I spent an hour and a half getting ready for this?! Well, it was a fancy restaurant. And he did ask nicely. Very nicely. Blushing even!

"Would you...like to go out...for a change?"

"Out...to eat?"


I was floored! Almost literally. Every emotion I'd been trying to reign in and grasp went nuts. Despite his prior admissions, I still had doubts. Lots of them! And why not?! What had he proved to me just by returning home? By taking care of me?




I agreed because I wanted to give him a chance. A chance to squelch all those doubts once and for all. He was the only one who could do it.

We decided on a time, and I let him choose the place. Granted there weren't many choices here in Rizenbull, and a train would mean at least a two-hour wait...on top of waiting for the train. But I wanted to be as amazed as I made him when he saw me that night. The look on his face when he saw me in the blue dress grandma had bought for me was priceless.


I managed to hide my blush behind my hair, since I was wearing it down. For a change. "Thanks."

He escorted me out like a gentleman, his brother and my grandmother looking on. I'm not sure what made my blush darker: the fact that they were watching or the fact that I was actually going out on a date.

A date!

A reservation had been made at the most expensive restaurant in town. Not hard to do. But special arrangements had also been made. We had the best table in the place, set neatly aside in one corner. Flowers of all types surrounded us, and a small waterfall graced the background. How he did it, I have no clue. But I was awed. Amazed even! A good start to the evening.

Things went down hill quickly, however.

And it was my fault.

After we placed our food orders, we both just sat there. I enjoyed taking in the sight of him. He'd grown up, matured well. Dressed in a nice suit, with his hair slicked back in a long ponytail at the nape of his neck, I almost didn't recognize him. I had to keep reminding myself that it was Edward.

And all the nagging doubts returned.

"What is it, Winry?"

"Hmm? Oh! Nothing," I said a bit too quickly.

"You...don't like the setting?"

"No! No, it's not that. The flowers are beautiful, and the waterfall is quite tranquil...."

"Then...what's wrong?"

"Nothing." I was flustered by this point and forced a smile to hide my unease. "Why do you ask?"

"We haven't really talked in a long time," he said pointedly. "But I still know when you're upset."

I insisted, "I'm not upset."

"Then what was that frown for?"

What, indeed? "What frown?"

"Winry, if you didn't want to come with me tonight--"

"No! Don't think that!" Again I was quick to speak. "I'm glad you asked me out." The blush that colored my cheeks went unhidden this time. "I've...I've been waiting...." But then the frown returned and I wasn't fast enough to hide it. "Too long."

"I'm sorry," was all he said as the waitress began bringing us portions of the meal.

This was supposed to be a happy time! So why was I stressing out?!

'He'll leave again.'

My mind kept telling me things. Trying to convince me that tonight wasn't real. That my emotions weren't real. Worse yet...that HIS emotions weren't real.

'He's only doing this to butter you up.'

'He doesn't have the balls to tell you.'

'He doesn't love you.'

This made the meal much more stressful. We were cordial, of course. Making small talk about the renovations to the old house and about his brother's new girlfriend. But every sentence, every comment, was punctuated by the evil nagging voice of doubt in my head.

'He'll leave you behind.'

'You don't deserve him.'

Dinner passed slowly and we both agreed that dessert was out. A real shame since their chocolate cake is marvelous. He paid the waitress and thanked her for her help. The night was drawing to a somber end. Maybe it was just better this way. It felt all wrong...but just maybe....



My heart stopped when he stood from the table. Had he had enough for one night? Was he really that upset with me? I really thought he was going to leave me there. Not that I blamed him.

Imagine my surprise when he kneeled on the floor next to me.

"What are you doing," I practically squealed.

Did I mention I was surprised?

Wide-eyed, he asked, "What's it look like I'm doing?"

"Like you're about to vomit on the floor." At least I was honest. He was whiter than a sheet and the meat had been a bit raw.

"Well...not intentionally...." He admitted.

I blinked as he produced a small, oblong box. Not what I had actually expected -- nay feared -- but the sight of the elongated velvet shell had my blood rushing. In fact, my heart was pounding so hard that I missed what he'd said.


His jaw dropped, and not in a good way. "You mean I have to repeat

"No...I mean...." All I could do was sigh to keep my cool. It was difficult. Arguments always seem to ensue after we start like this. The dinner was proof! But I didn't want to cause an even bigger scene. As calmly as possible, I explained, "I'm sorry, I was so excited, I didn't hear what you said."

"I SAID that this gift isn't anything special." He blushed a deep red. "It's more of a promise."

"A promise," I repeated, still uncertain.

"I'm trying to say I'm not going to leave. Not again." His head bowed as his cheeks turned an even darker red. "Not without you."

"You're not...leaving...?"

He looked up at me in disbelief. "Of course not!"

"Oh," I muttered, worrying my lower lip with my teeth.

An awkward silence passed between us. I was unsure of his intentions still, but he was trying to reassure me. That was a start, wasn't it? But my damn stubborn doubt refused to leave. What was I supposed to say? To do?



"Are you going to accept my gift, or not?"

By now, others were looking in our direction. A few of them quietly speculated on our situation. Could either of us be more mortified? Taking a deep breath, I reached out and took the box. "Thank you" was all I could say, even after I lifted the lid.

Then I was stunned into silence.

A necklace lined the length of the box. A gold chain glistened in the light. At one end was a small pendant. A diamond pendant! I had to be gawking like an idiot! But all that changed as Ed carefully lifted the necklace from the box.

"May I?"

All I could do was nod, still disbelieving as he slid the gold around my neck. Fingertips lightly brushed over the diamond pendant that sat scant inches above my cleavage. Maybe the bra grandma suggested had been a good idea after all.

"There." Ed smiled as he sat across from me again. One of my hands was trapped between both of his on the table. "It looks good on you."

"Thank you." Tears stung my eyes, although I wasn't sure why. I was hardly sad, and the necklace around my neck silenced the voice of doubt. But tears formed and fell even when I bade them not to. "So...you're sticking around are you?"

Ed's smile faltered slightly, "Yes, I am."

"Good," I said, wiping away tears with the back of my free hand. "Because I expect a ring to go with this necklace."

His smile brightened, and he even let out a chuckle. "You'll have to earn it," he teased.

"What?" I put on a look of mock seriousness. "Putting up with you doesn't count?"


I pulled the napkin from my lap and laid it on the empty plate before me. Well, then. I guess I'll have to work hard." Leaning forward, I did something I've never done before: use my cleavage to my advantage. And it worked, his eyes glued to my chest, if only for a moment. Teasingly I asked, "What do I have to do?"

"I'll show you," he said with a wink. I was startled by his more passive aggressive gesture, again uncertain of what was to come. "Later."


He stood from the table and waited for me to join him. I was offered his elbow and despite earlier events, I was shy about accepting it. But accept it I did, and began to lead me towards the door of the small restaurant. With a smile the melted my heart, he held the door open for me.



I do not own FullMetal Alchemist or the characters contained in this story. That honor goes to Hiromu Arakawa. I'm merely borrowing the characters for my ebil, hentai-minded purposes. Since I'm not making any money from this, you will not get any if you sue. I'm only having some fun. Truly I am!