Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ My Salvation ❯ My Salvation ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A Full Metal Alchemist Fanfic

Written by Miyu, Vampire Princess

This popped into my head after watching episode 43. Now I've only seen what's aired on CN so far, so I apologize now to those who know how the story ends. This will probably fit nowhere into what's coming. However, I have a slight fascination with this pairing and therefore feel the need to write it. *sigh* My muses are no longer allowed to be awake after midnight! Told from Roy Mustang's point of view. Warnings for some spoiler info up to episode 43 and lemon content. Non-canon pairing. A Standard Disclaimer follows the piece.

I really don't know what to make of the current situation. Decisions like the one I made last night are uncommon. For me at least.

Not that I hadn't given it some thought. I did. For the briefest of moments. But one look at her...at those beautiful blue eyes...and my body made the decision for me.

That lack of self-control is...unforgivable.

I have a debt to pay to many people. Her, especially. My past is laden with misdeeds. Things I knew were wrong, but I did them despite myself. I was in no position to question my orders. My inability to stand up for what I believed in caused a lot of pain and suffering.

Yet, another unforgivable part of me.

Why I've singled her out in mind has nothing to do with her golden hair or soft curves. It has nothing to do with her gentle stare and caressing touches. It has very little to do with her, in general. No, this is about a mistake I made, one that affected her as badly as it has me.

My mind replays that day as if it's on a permanent repeat cycle. Not one of my proudest moments, the slaying of two doctors. Her parents, I learned much later.

I can't erase what I did. She knows that as well as I. I would if I could, but then fate may not have brought us together.

It has been nearly five years since I saw her last. My career has taken off and she wanted to remain happy with the person she loved. Or thought she loved. No, she loved him very much. It was he who couldn't see it. He was too busy trying to obtain his dreams to pay much attention to hers.

Edward Elric, you are such an idiot.

I'm curious if he ever did get back his arm and leg. Or find his brother a human body. I have been out of touch with them since they went their separate ways. I may have to ask her later...if it's not too painful.

She'd been alone for several years, given up on a happy life with her love. I happened to walk into town on a brief vacation. We met at a small store on the edge of town. She had grown taller, her hair longer and her eyes a deeper blue. We stared at each other before words even bothered to form.


"Actually, I'm a General now."

"General Mustang? That has a certain ring to it."

"It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Yes, it has."

I think we were both surprised that we chatted like old friends. It's amazing that people can speak of nothing and everything all at once. After nearly an hour of standing in the store, we decided to have a drink and chat some more. That drink led to lunch the next day and dinner the day after that.

And all of that has led us to be together here. In my hotel room. I'm beginning to wish we'd gone to her place, like she suggested. I was uncomfortable at the prospect then, but now, at least, I'd have more to offer than the cold breakfast waiting downstairs. I wonder if she would've made me breakfast.... It's been months -- years actually -- since I've enjoyed a home cooked meal.

What happened last night happened rather quickly. Both of us were very caught up. Very emotional. God, but it was great! Yet, for all the joy, there is still the unknown. How will she feel about it this morning? Will she condemn me again for my weaknesses?

God knows I deserve her hate.

But that's not why this happened. No, this happened because we were both lonely. Both hungry for attention. She's supposed to be my last hope.

My salvation.

"Roy? Are you all right?"

"Good morning, Winry."

"Good morning." She smiles. "Now answer my question. Is everything all right?"

"I was just...lost in thought."


"Last night. Everything leading up to last night. Are you all right?"

Stretching her arms above her head she yawns. Even with the sheet pulled close I can still see her lithe form move under the covers. "I feel great actually." She pauses, sitting up in bed. "Wait...you were thinking about last night?"


"Good thoughts? Or bad ones?"

A smile plays with my lips. "Both, actually." My sarcasm is lost as her brow furrows in thought. She looks sincerely worried and I toss joking aside. "Winry, I enjoyed last night, make no mistake. I just...I didn't really consider what would happen this morning."

Worry turns to fear. "Was it all right? I mean...do you.... Do you regret it?"

"Do you?"

"No," her answer is steadfast and immediate, a light blush covering her cheeks. "I don't regret a thing. I...enjoyed it too much to regret it."

Her response brings the smile back to my face. "Good. Because I want to play a little more."

The pink of her cheeks turns a brighter red. "Really? Does that mean that you...I mean, you don't regret it, either?"

"I enjoyed it too much to regret it." Those beautiful eyes capture mine as my hands frame her face. I could say many things, including how badly I want her again. But all that comes out of my mouth is, "Can you forgive me?"

"For what?"


There is understanding behind her eyes, a small smile tugging on her lips. "I don't know...."

My turn to be surprised, despite the playfulness in her voice. "Winry...."

"Roy, I've already forgiven you. Your past...is in the past. It's part of who you are. Made you the man you are today. A good man hiding a good heart." Her smile grows brighter. "But I won't forgive you if...."

I'm not sure how I can speak when I'm holding my breath. "If what," I manage to breathe out.

"I won't forgive you if you don't kiss me."

The lady doesn't have to ask twice.

I start by brushing my lips over hers. Once, twice, then I press down, issuing a kiss. She moans the moment contact is made, her lips parting and tongue seeking something much more passionate.

Fire is quick to burn between us. Lucky for us that my alchemy needs a circle. Otherwise "burning love" would be quite literal. Still, her touch is like a flame licking at my skin, her lips searing passion against mine. I feel as if I'm melting into her.

I wonder if my touch does the same....

It must. Moans pour from her throat as I pull the sheet away from her. She gasps as I mold a breast in my hand, her body pressing to get as close to me as possible. Fingernails scratch along my sides, teasing my flesh as she attempts to get a hold on me. I move closer without her asking, forcing her onto her back, covering her body with mine.

My lips wonder away from hers, wanting to travel to other places. There was much exploring to be done even after the events of the previous evening. But I'm halted, my breath catching as her fingers find something to hold onto.

Fiery fingers wrap around heated steel. The up and down movement of her hand only heightens the burning sensations. It's more erotic than painful the way she works my flesh. Moans come forth without my having to try.

I return the favor by laving her breast with my tongue, teeth nipping at sensitive flesh. My hand holds her, squeezing as I pull the hardened peak into my mouth. My other hand pulls the sheet away from her completely, tracing the curve of her hip and down upper thigh. Her knee rises, allowing me to tickle the back. She moans my name, her hips pushing upward. To soothe her, my fingers entwine in soft, damp curls.

She's more responsive than before, more vocal, more daring. I could die happy coming in her hands while whispering her name. At least my brain thinks so. My body, however, disagrees.

Her hand is removed with a bit of force. Kissing her neck I hold both hands above her head. If she disagrees with this position she doesn't say. Good, I think as my lips claim hers.

Fire rages in my gut. More so than last night. Where did this unforgivable need come from? She moans into our kiss, the sound pulling the fragile strings of my self-control. My hips push against her, a silent command. Her body answers, her legs opening, knees lifting.

I do not ask her permission as I settle myself between her legs. I do not wait for her to be ready as I push myself inside of her. I can't take anymore! The only way to squelch the fire in my gut is to be inside of her. The only way to cool the lava flowing through my veins is to have her in my arms, moving beneath me.

It's ever so subtle, but the tiny pulse of her hips adds to the friction of my movements. I can read her body's reaction, allow them to fuel my own burning desires. I vary the pace but too soon it's torture for both of us. My hips pound into her, the sound of flesh on flesh echoing in the small room. Moans and muttered curses blend into the noise.

She reaches her peak not once, but twice. The clenching heat of her body is almost enough to send me over. Almost. Not until I feel her body quiver beneath me, hear my name from her lips do my senses reel and I fall over the edge willingly.

Our bodies cooling, I move to lay beside her again. Her eyes remain closed, her lips slightly parted. My head is still foggy from our lovemaking. Reason does come to call, though. Desires have been met. The fire has been put out...for now. It seems as if things have taken care of themselves between us.

But one problem still remains.

"You're leaving for Central tomorrow, right?"

"Yes, that's right."

"When will I see you again?" Silence seems like a slap in the face.

"Will you see me again?"

"Of course, I will." I kiss her temple. "The bigger question is...will YOU see ME again?"

Her smile sends both relief and renewed desire through my body. "Baka. Of course." She snuggles closer, poking me in the side. "I'll hunt you down if I have to."

I kiss her temple again, holding her close. "I hope it never comes to that," I say with a chuckle. She'd do it too, of that I have no doubt.

In years past I would've left her to wait forever like every other girl I'd leapt with. But she's not every other girl. She's something special And she's been left behind once. I won't hurt her like that.

Haunted by my own past, I'm tired of hurting too. Tired of being sheltered and alone. Of being uncared for, unloved.

Perhaps she is my salvation after all.

Only time will tell.


I do not own Full Metal Alchemist or the characters contained in this story. That honor goes to Hiromu Arakawa. You rock! I'm merely borrowing the characters for my ebil, hentai purposes. Since I'm not making any money from this, you will not get any if you sue. I'm only having some fun. Truly I am! ^_^