Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Neighboring Emotions ❯ Those Gates ( Chapter 5 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Those Gates-Chapter 5
Elina and her father finally arrived in Risembol. The car was their waiting, but her mother was not there to greet them. Maybe she is at home preparing dinner or something she thought. She and her father got into the car. Her father did not seem too happy. She was sure that he would be excited to be home as well. She looked at her father with great concern. “Daddy?” he didn't answer. The ride to their house was silent.
Elina saw their house. It looked just as she had remembered it. She got out of the car and ran screaming “MOM! I'm Home!!!!” she ran inside looking for her mother, but she wasn't in the kitchen. Maybe she is upstairs she thought to herself. She ran upstairs practically falling over every step. She opened the door, but she wasn't there ether. Maybe she is at pinako's house she thought again. Only this time her thoughts seemed more and more desperate. She ran to Pinako's. She knocked on the door. “Well hello Elina…long time no see.” “Pinako is my mother here?” Pinako looked at her with great disappointment. “No ...Eli she's not here” “maybe She's at Ed and Al's house right?” “No… She is not there ether.” “Oh…Well where is she?” Pinako didn't know how to say it, until her father came up behind her and said “Come on dear…lets go see your mother.” Elina looked at her father, he was not smiling, he had no expression that she could see on his face, but his eyes. His eyes could show everything he felt. Elina could see the sorrow deep in those green pools. She felt her heart drop as they came to stop at a gravestone. “But…Mommy…” she stared at the grave. The stone read
Here Lies Susan Clark
A loving Mother and Wife
May She Rest In Peace
That was all it said. Her father had known about it for some time. When he first mentioned to her a year ago that they were leaving and then had to change it, he knew. Elina had figured it out now, she realized that he knew then. “How come her date of birth and death are not there?” He paused a moment. “Because a long time ago, before you were born, she asked that if she died before me to not put her dates on there so people couldn't tell how old she was.” Elina fell to her knees and began to cry. Her father stood next to her so not to feel alone, but he truly felt just as heart broken. He finally knelt down and hugged his daughter. “It'll be ok…you'll see…we'll see her again.” Elina replied between sobs “I-I… wish mommy …were here.” “I now sweet heart…I know.” Before they knew it night had fallen, and Elina had cried herself to sleep. He picked his daughter up and walked back to the house, thinking about what he told Roy a year ago [flashback](Roy)you sure your not going to tell her…first her friends and now her mother. (Eugene) positive…maybe she wont take it so hard if I wait.[flashback end] He now thought that maybe it was a bad idea. He truly wished his wife was home cooking a meal made with love. Susan…how I miss you my dearest he thought to himself as he looked down at a sleeping Eli. He laid her on their bed and walked down stairs, where he stayed all night.
It had been about a week before her and her father had come home. She found herself outside be her mother's grave staring up at the sky an awful lot. One day she noticed the grave beside her mother's. She read the stone and felt a double pound of sorrow, but not for herself. She felt it for Ed and Al because the name on that particular grave read Trisha Elric. Then it suddenly occurred to her where are Ed and Al? she thought. She walked to their house only to discover ashes…their house was burned down? She thought again. She suddenly feared for their safety, thinking they were at Pinako's house inured she ran there as fast as she could. “ Granny Pinako!!!” she yelled barging in to see Winry and Pinako sitting at the table. “Umm…yes Eli?” “Where are Ed and Al?...Are they injured?...” “calm down child…they are fine.” “Then Why has their house been burned down?...” Pinako looked at the scared child standing before her. “They burned it down themselves….[eli's expression was that of child being slaughtered]” “But why?!” Winry walked over to her and gave her a hug, and Eli calmed down. “Don't worry….Edward wanted to become a state alchemist so he and Al left to do so….after their mom died they burned it down….to try to forget—“ Elina looked at Winry who was now sad. “Forget what Winry?” Everyone was silent. Until, “They went to Central you know.” Said Pinako. “Really?....We have to find them....i am gonna go tell Daddy!” “hurry home Eli…it's going to rain” “Ok!” Elina went outside and began to run home. Pinako looked at Winry who was also looking outside. “It looks too much like that night …doesn't it?” “yeah.”
Elina ran through the drizzles of rain that had already started to fall. Her shoes were very muddy. When she reached her porch she took them off and left them outside. She went to her room, oddly enough she hadn't been in her room since they had been home. She had slept in her parent's bed. On her window sill was a poorly folded paper crane. She walked to her window and laughed. So Ed was paying attention when I showed him how to make one she thought. “I wonder what Daddy is doing…and I need to tell him about Ed and Al…hmmm Where is he anyway?” She walked downstairs looking for her father. There was a door in the kitchen that led to a basement type of room. She saw glowing lights come from under the door frame. “Oh…he's down there.” She walked down the dark steps, she was barefoot and stepped in dirt that was on the steps. “dirt?” she kept walking. When she finally reached the bottom the light went away. She stood on the floor and began to look around for her father. She could barely see in front of her. Then a dark figure stood before her. “Daddy there you are guess what Ed and—“ before she could finish a hand came and grabbed her around her neck, the other hand holding a gun to her head. It squizzed her neck tightly, all she could manage to say was “da-da..ddy?” “aww…look…she seems scared.” Of course Eli was terrified, she was about to be killed by her own father! Suddenly she heard a voice that seemed to come from inside the body that was holding her by her neck, it sounded more like her father. “if she is scared now…lets show her the gates.” When she heard this she was more afraid now…why would daddy want to scare me even more??? She was beginning to black out. “yes…lets do that” The form dropped her in the middle of the floor, clapped his hands together, placed them on the floor, and it began glowing. While coughing, Eli realized that she was sitting in the transmutation circle. She closed her eyes and screamed.
When she opened them again, she was somewhere…really white. She looked in front of her to see these huge black gates staring right at her. She stood up and walked backwards away from those awful gates. She bumped into her father…oh no! she moved away from him immediately. “please don't be afraid Elina dear.” Wait a minute that sounded like her normal father, one that was not trying to kill her. “daddy!!!” she ran towards her father and began to sob deep into is stomach. He knelt down and returned her embrace. “I did something awful to you…and to your mother.” She looked up at him. “what did you do?” “…I almost killed my only daughter….and I …lost my own body…” “huh?...what do you mean?” “…I attempted a human transmutation…that's why you stepped in dirt walking down the stairs….i had to…” “I know what you did…but why did you lose your body?” “…because [flach back] Please work…I would give my own soul for it to work! [flash back end]” “oh…I see” “ a being known as a humunculous comes from failed human transmutations…that was the `other being' you heard talking…I brought you here so that you could see the truth…I have hidden it form you for so long…” “so what is the truth…” “not what…where?” “where?” “ yes through those gates.” Elina's face became filled with even more fear. “but I don't wanna go through them…no please don't make me!” “…Elina do you trust me!?” “yes…but..” “then please do this…for me….unless you do the humunculous will kill you…once you have gone through…the humunculous will die.” “but why…how?” “the toll for going inside the gates…will be my life and body….so the humunculous will be gone when you get back.” Elina hugged her dad one last time…she walked towards the gates with him…the gates opened, terror cam across her face. Long black arms came and snatched her away from her father. They then went for her father.
She had seen what the gates held as `truth'. She didn't like everything it had to offer. She realized that the `thing' that had taken over her father's body was still alive. Oh no it didn't work! She thought. `It' held the gun towards her, as it did the gate suddenly appeared and engulfed the form that stood before her, but it had managed to pull the trigger.
She walked towards Winry's in the rain barefoot, holding her right shoulder. She was crying but the rain running down her face hid her tears. She walked up on to the porch and knocked. “Oh MY—Winry get in here!!!” Winry dropped her book and ran to the door. “Elina!...not you too” Elina looked as though…she had no feeling…and at the same time her 12 year old self seemed grown up. She had seen some awful things behind those gates…and even in her own house. Winry treated Elina's wound, they fixed her some dinner but she didn't want any. She walked upstairs to the spare bedrooms and looked out the window to see the rain falling. She now knew why Ed and Al burned their house down…because she felt like doing the same thing…she now knew what they had done…and why…but one question still lingered…. I wonder if Ed and Al were scared too…when they saw those gates?
To Be Continued….
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