Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Once For All Time ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Once For All Time

Summary: The homunculi are on the move, growing closer to the creation of a philosopher stone, and, with a new promotion and ally, Edward is growing closer to restoring Al and destroying the homunculi.

Author: Manga Girl - MoonVeil

Foreword: I was inspired to write this story after reading, “Old Memories” by, Britni Fullmetal Otaku. Our stories will be nothing alike though, seeing as our plot lines are vastly different, that said, I hope you enjoy the story. Please review, not only do they help me know how I’m doing, they help to motivate me when I need to update.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist, nor do I make any profits from the writing of this story.

Chapter One

Important Note:
This story is both based on the Anime and the Manga. Spelling of names and certain characters may be from either one. So, if anything confuses you, email me and I’ll fill you in on who they are or how their name differs.


Edward Elric was not happy. And when Edward Elric was unhappy everyone knew - there was no way of not knowing; his screams echoed off the walls. Roy sighed and reached into the drawer located to his left for easy access, pulling two small earplugs from said drawer, he pushed them into his ears, smiling as the screaming of a certain blonde became muffled. The girl beside him didn't seem to find his childish display unusual, nor did she find the screaming to be out of place, quite at ease she continued reading her book.

Counting down the seconds on his gloved fingers, Roy closed his eyes, leaning back in his seat. As Roy’s fingers clenched down the last second the door was flung open, it slammed heavily on the wall behind it. The framed pictures on the wall shook and Roy watched them shake with mild alarm.

Roy smiled without looking the least bit surprised by Edward's loud entrance. “Hello Edward.”

Edward clenched his fists tightly, shaking one of them at his superior officer. “Stupid Colonel!!”

“Ah yes, so nice to see you too, Edward.” The girl beside him snorted her face hidden from the angry boy behind her thick book. Ed spared her no more then a glance before rushing towards Roy’s defenseless desk.


"Yes?" Mustang picked up some papers on his desk, shifting them around and setting them back down neatly.

“...” Edward’s scowl deepened, in one quick movement he roughly removed the ear plugs from Mustang’s ears, smiling at the older man’s cry of surprise. “Now, Mustang. I have some questions that need be answered.”

Roy ignored the boy completely, motioning to the girl sitting beside his desk. “I cannot believe I almost forgot! Amelia, say hello!”

“Hello,” the girl droned, not lowering her book.

“Mia!” Roy whined pulling away from Ed’s slackened hold, “you didn’t say hello to Edward!”

She still didn’t lower her book, “hello Edward.” Dark eyes peered over the top of the book for a moment. "Roy, don't act like a child."

Roy’s face pulled into a frown, he reached out and snatched the book from her grasp, his pleased expression falling away as she stood, holding her gun to his head.

“Roy.” She ground out, her tone low. “Give me back my goddamned book.”

“Watch your mouth!” He chided, swinging the book from the tips of his fingers. “You wouldn’t hurt your loving older brother would you?”

“Broth--” Ed started to say in disbelief, his words drowned out by the loud firing of a gun. Roy yelped and held perfectly still; the girl lowered the gun, holding out her hand.

“Give it to me Roy, now.”

Roy did no such thing - perhaps it was years living with Riza and her easily roused temper - or maybe it was a momentary lack of judgment, but regardless Roy shook his head, “no.”


“I said no, not until you say hi to Ed.” He added on an afterthought: “properly.”

Grinding her straight teeth, she thrust a hand out to the slack-jawed boy. When he did nothing to take her hand she picked it up, giving it two good firm shakes, shakes that shook his whole body. “A pleasure to meet you, Major Elric.”

Ed, finally removed from his stupor, shook his head. “Please, just Edward or Ed will do. It’s nice to meet you Miss-?”

“Oh right, Amelia. Amelia Mustang.” Her light and pleasant tone was once again threatening, “now Roy, give it to me. And then tell Major-” She paused and corrected herself, “-Edward why you've asked him to come.”

Roy did as he was bid, tossing her the book before turning back to Edward. “I understand, Edward, that you have once again lost the trail of the stone.”

Ed hesitated, “yes.”

“The state can no longer allow you to run about the country; with war quickly approaching all alchemists are need here.”

Ed’s eyes widened as he moved forward to protest. “But I-!”

“No Edward." Roy said, "not this time. And on another note, you’ve been promoted.”

Edward stumbled, unprepared, his legs nearly sending him to the floor below. “What?!”

“Since Hughes’s death I have been meaning to fill his position. Major Armstrong had always been my first choice, but he has refused and that leaves you.”

“But why, why now?” Edward asked as he studied Roy, waiting for an answer.

Roy frowned, leaning forward. “Now, more than ever, do I need you here, I could not allow for Marcoh to gain this position. It is dire that you should be the one to be promoted.”

“So it’s true? The military really is being led by one of them.” One of them meant the homunculi, Roy had only once told Ed of his suspicions, coupled with Al’s retelling of Martel’s death. She had told Al, in her last few seconds, that the Fuhrer was a homunculi. Soon after the Fuhrer himself had killed her while she lay hidden inside Al.

Edward had, rather than believed, pushed the obvious truth aside, hating the idea that the government was being led by a monster. But now the truth had become blinding and he knew he could no longer ignore it. “How long?”

“Almost thirty years.” Roy replied. “All this time they have been waiting, gaining the trust of civilians and military workers alike. You know as well as I, killing him would be suicide. He is too well liked.”

“But what would we do?”

“Expose him,” Amelia told him, turning a page in her book. “Show what he really is. Not everyone will believe, but none will revolt against his death. Have a new leader planned and ready to take over. Without a head to this military, it will fall apart.”

“But who?” Edward ignored Roy as he coughed out: 'me'.

“No one evil, Lieutenant General Raven seems like the obvious choice, but a closer look and you will see his hidden nature. Dig into his past and you will find a life of anger and greed. In short, his has a small fuse and kills without needing to. He is ruthless and would lead us to destruction.” Amelia turned another page in her book. “Lieutenant General Grumman, grandfather to Riza Hawkeye and a good man. Fair, and compassionate he would make a fine leader. Granted he live long enough to see ten years of his term go by.”

Ed sat down in the seat beside hers, “who do you have in mind?”

She smiled, “Major General Hakuro.”

“Hakuro? He's not really--"

“I know what you’re going to say, he’s too easy, too kind. But he’s the only real thing we’ve got.”

“What about Armstrong’s sister?” Roy threw in casually.

“Olivier Milla Armstrong?” Amelia breathed in disbelief. “She fits the job I suppose, but Roy, really.”

Roy feigned confusion, ignoring the annoyed look on his sister's face. “What? I’m sure she’d do a fine job.”

“Yeah, I can just see it now. Her idea of training military is beyond anything you could even imagine. Try serving under her command, brother. She’s a good leader, she’s just too.” She stopped, her face scrunched up as she sought for the right word.

“Over enthusiastic?” Ed offered.

“Insane?” Roy murmured.

Shooting her brother a glare she closed her book setting it on his desk. “No, Roy. Yes, over enthusiastic works. But in the end, she would do a wonderful job. Not to mention what a glorious moment it would be for women.”

“Yes, yes. Woman in power, anyway - Edward, Mia will be the first under your command.”

Amelia’s angry retort was forgotten as Ed stood with a start, his chair clacking to the floor behind him. “What?!” He bent to pick the chair up, once righted he turned his look of disbelief upon the small girl.

“Mia is also in the military.”

Her fingers twitching on her gun Amelia looked at Ed, “a Second Lieutenant, sir. It will be a pleasure to work with you.”

Ed somehow managed to nod, his face pleasingly blank. “Yes.”

“Well, I hope you consider taking up this offer, Fullmetal. Tomorrow is the party -- no don’t give me that face -- if you accept this position, tell me by noon and I shall announce it at the party. That is all.”

Ed bowed and turned towards the door, hoping to catch a quick bite to eat before he met up with Al, but he halted and turned back to Amelia, his questioning gaze focused on her hand which rested lightly on his arm. “Sir, if I could escort you to your room? I have something I need to ask of you.”

“Ah,” Ed nodded, “sure, of course.”

She smiled and motioned for him to proceed forward. Shooting Roy a last minute glare over her shoulder she followed Edward from the room. Roy smirked, leaning back into his chair. With an hour until Riza returned, the wonderful prospect of napping loomed largely before his eyes. Roy lowered his head to his crossed arms, and he intended to do just that.


Edward breathed deeply, willing his feeling of unease to pass. It didn’t and finally he broke the heavy silence, “so--Mustang.”

“Please, sir, just Amelia.”

“Right, yeah, of course - but only if you don’t call me sir.” She smiled and Ed took the moment to study her. She was tall, not nearly as tall as her brother, but a good average height. Edward had never been more thankful for the small growth spurt. He wasn’t by any means ‘tall’ but he had finally gotten past his pathetic height of 5’2. At a sturdy 5’6 he was no longer short, something Roy had been saddened to see.

She was only an inch or two shorter than him, her build small and slender, her skin a golden brown, much darker in color than Roys' but nowhere near as tan as Edward himself. Her narrow waist gave way to long toned legs, the thin shirt she wore showed arms that announced the hours of physical labor she must have gone through. Her face was pretty, it was to be expected; Mustang was a handsome man. She shared the older man’s dark hair and darker eyes. Her well-formed mouth was turned upwards in a small smile, her small delicate nose dotted with freckles made by long hours in the sun. Her dark eyes were heavily fringed with curling lashes.

“Where did you learn to shoot?” The question fell from his lips before he had realized it; she seemed as startled by the question as he was.

“Riza--Lieutenant Hawkeye taught me when we were younger.”

“Oh? How old are you?” Ed nearly bit his tongue off, stupid question after stupid question.

“Seventeen. And you?”

“Eighteen in a few months.” Ed tilted his head to the side, asking her a question he had wanted to know forever. “How old is Mustang?”

“Roy?” She didn't seem too surprised by the question. “He turns thirty one this year.”

“Thirty one?!” Ed exploded, “he looks so young!”

She laughed and nodded. “Yes, he never seems to age. He was twenty five when you first met. He was prodigy; no one had ever become a Lieutenant Colonel at such a young age before. He has been topped only by you. The boy who joined at twelve.”

Ed blushed and waved a hand, brushing the praise aside, “I only did it to help my brother.” He trailed off, wondering just how much Roy had told her of himself and his brother.

She answered his unasked question, “I know what your brother is and I know why you search for the stone.” Ed grew silent and stayed that way until she stopped before a door. “This is your office, if and when you accept the position to become Lieutenant Colonel, I will help you move in. If you should need anything, sir, I will be here.”

“Thank you.”

She bowed and turned to leave, her long hair trailing behind her. Ed watched her go, wondering what she would look like in uniform as to the cloths of a civilian. She paused at the corner, waving once to him before disappearing from sight.

Edward pushed open the door, studying the contents of the room from the doorway. He heaved a sudden sigh; suddenly he knew why Roy hated paper work. Piles and piles of it lay on the desk, spilling over onto the floors; work that had once been done by Hughes hadn’t been done at all in quite some time. Vaguely Ed wondered if this wasn’t some elaborate scheme of Roy’s to get out of paperwork.


Roy sneezed, his legs flying of the desk, his body bent over in an uncomfortable way. He rubbed at his nose, wondering idly if someone were talking about him. He hoped it was that cute girl from the bakery; he had been asking her on a date for months. He couldn’t wait to see the look on Havoc’s face as he snagged another one of the man’s love interests.


End of chapter one. Please review, I hope you enjoyed reading this story, another chapter soon! Any questions please email me--it just makes it easier for me to reply.

Until the next chapter-- MoonVeil - Manga Girl

Preview Of Chapter Two:

Amelia sighed, casting her eyes to the floor. “Our parents...I never really knew them. When they died I was but two and Roy fourteen. Riza’s father took us in, he taught us all we know about fire alchemy.”

Beta Love: MagenKyotenChiten