Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Red Blood - Blue Stone ❯ chp.1//Help the Poor, Mock the Short ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

W.D- It seems the friend that WAS taking control of the first chappie forgot. â—‹.o
Akina- believe me, first A/Ns are disastrous for her. Why, just the other day-
Akina is cut of by random car driving past and droning out the rest of her speech
Akina; o_o what…?
W.D; FWAHAHAHAH… I mean… -pays random guy in random car five bucks-
On with the fan fiction.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~* (My other scene divider thingy)
But of course, five years later, the fullmetal alchemist happened to chance across this small town…
/~Akina's POV~\
Akina pushed through the bustling street, many a time stepping on her long pink scarf. She ran her fingers through her soft hair; it had become a nervous habit ever since… The accident. She rarely allowed her self to think about it anymore…let alone talk about it. Akina wrapped her thin arms around her shopping bag tightly, trying to keep her balance. She felt as if she would trip on her on two feet; her scarf was an entire other matter.
Akina only caught the briefest glimpse of lemon yellow hair, when she slammed into someone. She swerved, tripping on that scarf of hers, and toppled backwards. She hit the cobblestone street awkwardly, but wasn't given time to clutch her side in pain, as the contents of her bag was now spilled on the street. Akina scuttled over to the crumpled brown bag, only sparing a side-glance at the person who had rammed her into the ground.
The girl had, as mentioned before, lemon yellow hair, pulled into a ponytail. Stray bit hung in two long strands that framed her face, accenting her deep…ocean blue eyes. Akina felt slightly awkward, as this girl was, in fact, very pretty… in a cute, child-like way. The girl clutched her head in pain, as if a large hammer was boring down on it, and she was trying to shield it with her hands. It actually would have been comical, had it not been quite so painful.
“I'm sorry…” Akina murmured, gathering the food off the ground, and dumping it back into the bag. “I'm so forgetful, and clumsy…” Akina lowered her own blue eyes to the ground, feeling as self-conscious as ever. But, unlike how Akina had thought she would, the girl grinned.
“No, you aren't… I just wasn't paying attention.” The girl said solemnly, though offered a small grin. Just to add emphasis, it seemed. Akina had to smile back…or at least try. She didn't want to offend the girl…she just wanted to get home, feed Taka, and go to bed, to do the same tomorrow…maybe never breaking the chain until Taka was old enough to get a job, too.
Had Akina been paying any attention to the streets at all, she would have noticed the crowd had bunched together in one spot. She would had heard the screaming. `THERE HE IS! Wow…he looks like a runt. Dwarf.' And then a strangled sounding choke, followed by a string of words that went along the lines of `WHOJUSTCALLEDMEASMALLSPECKOFDUSTTHATWASHARDTOSPOTBECAUSESOMEONESTEPPEDONHI M?!?!?!'
However, Akina had only ears for the girl in front of her, who had begun to speak.
“Hi, my name is Win-“ She would have continued, had she not been listening to the crowd. Because of that all too familiar outburst, she covered her mouth, here eyes wide. She only spoke once, before grabbing Akina's arm, and pulling her to her feet.
“He's here.”
/~Ed's POV~\
Ed had just got here. He had stepped through the gates only a few seconds ago, and already there was a crowd, a random guy looking scared, and he… standing there, fuming mad. It always turned out like this. Random civilians would call him short, he would scream, they would run. Al was holding his shoulder in a firm grip, like if he let go, the civilian turning to run would be doomed. That was a likely case.
However, just as Ed had taken a train here, his arm had shut down. Just like that. Stupid automail. Ed turned, with only a short, snappy “lets go” to his brother. Al trailed after him like a stray puppy would it's master. The two pushed through the crowd that was finally dispersing. Al felt relieved for this, as it would be less chance of his brother killing some random guy.
What are their problems, anyways…? Ed thought moodily, left hand in his pocket, as his right arm hung useless by his side. It always quit working, just when he needed it the most. That statement is all too true… Ed thought, as he had been in a number of situations where he needed his right arm more than anything else…and it had abandoned him…
Like his father…
Ed shook his head, snapping from his train of thought, and looked over at his brother. Al was scanning the crowd, and Ed looked at him curiously. Al let his eyes wander…he could have sworn that he had seen a patch of lemon blonde hair…
/~ Akina's POV~\
Akina was yanked to her feet, but this time she was prepared, and clutched the food tightly her chest. The girl's eyes where wide with panic, and she was looking around hurriedly, as if trying to find somewhere to hide. Akina cocked her head, and was about to speak when the girl beat her to it.
“ I can't let them see me…”
The girl said hurriedly, and turned to walk in the opposite direction of the crowd.
“Who?” Akina asked, looking backwards to see a blonde haired boy and a man in a full suit of armor. The boy wore a red jacket, on the back; Akina's keen eye caught the glimpse of a snake cross.
“You know the Fullmetal Alchemist?!?” Akina asked in amazement, hardly daring to believe it was true. He was a celebrity, a child prodigy, and she may have stumbled across one of his friends!
“My name is Winry Rockbell, and I promise to explain everything later!” The girl, Winry, yelled over her should, and she took of at a run, her hair flying behind her like a banner. Akina stumbled after her, gained her footing, and rocketed along to catch up with her.
“Your…fast…” Akina panted, skirting a clothes stand to run beside Winry. Winry grinned in reply, and picked up her speed. Akina noticed this, and ran faster to match her. Winry went faster, and Akina went faster still until they where both skidding along the pathway, neck in neck, both aiming for an oak tree. The unspoken race ended as Akina put on a fresh burst of speed and touched the tree trunk, Winry right after her.
They both buckled to the ground, laughing and trying to catch their breath at the same time. As the bouts of laughter ceased, Akina stared at her friend in amazement once again. “There are so many things I don't know about you.”
Winry grinned. “That's the fun of having a friend.” She said. “Getting to know them.”
They both sat in silence a moment; panting and enjoying each other's presence… neither knew that their time would be cut short. Shorter than either of them expected.
That's the end of the first chapter; more on the way, I promise. Well, if my friend will get her lazy but over here, and help me with it…-_-;;