Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Red Blood - Blue Stone ❯ chp 2//.Bandit Troubles ; ; EnterTaka ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kiki; I'm confused. Was the first chapter the intro, and the next the first, and this the second? Or was the last one the second, so this ones the third, and the intro and first chap where molded together? Ugh…
Muffin; don't look at ME, you where the one who arranged the chapters…
Kiki; shut up.
Akina; if only she would. You to, Kiki.
Note; W.D stands for both Muffin, and Kiki, so that's how I sign, as it is our username.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ (I dearly hope that I don't have to tell you what this is.)
… Neither knew that their time would be cut short. Shorter than either of them expected.
/~Al's POV~\
“Come on Al!”
Ed yelled for his brother, as it had been a minute, and the crowd was gone. Al reluctantly joined his brother, who was wondering aloud what he wanted for dinner. Al wasn't listening, though. He was off in his own thoughts. The entire way here, ED had kept why they where coming her a secret. It mystified him. His brother had never kept secrets from him…surely it wasn't the time to start now?
“Brother, why have we come here?” Al asked, putting his question out there for his brother to answer. Ed stopped a moments, in mid sentence, and gave Al a look. Despite the questions radiating from his younger brother, Ed brushed Al off, saying that he would explain later. Al looked disappointed…as disappointed as a tin can can look, and treaded after his brother.
Ed led the way through the winding alleys, going to the small in that they had picked. Well… Ed had said that it was small, and it was all Al could do to go along with him. It didn't matter to him, as he didn't exactly sleep…only stood guard over his brother. But as they approached the directions that Ed said the inn was in, Al couldn't shake off the faint sense of foreboding that followed him like a shadow.
/~Akina's POV~\
Back in the park, the same foreboding feeling haunted Akina. She couldn't begin to think what it was coming from, when a large shadow blotted out her own.
“Hello there, missy.” The rusty voice came from behind her; the acrid breathe blinding her senses. Akina froze, Winry caught staring, as a massive hand reached over her head, and fell in a downwards swing. Akina moved just in time to let the large, crude battle-ax fall with a chuk into the ground where she had once sat. The mountain of a man wore his beard in a scraggly braid, the rest of the black clumps framing his face. He had a large jaw, small bloodshot eyes and a large nose. The man grinned menacingly, and drew his weapon from the soil. Winry crawled backwards in fear, suddenly aware of how very sliceable her flesh was. Akina tumbled over, trying to get to her feet, when the man attacked again. His swings where wild, thy arced and curved in squiggly lines…unlike the neat, disciplined practices Winry had watched Ed and Al do. But neither Akina or Winry where any less intimidated, as he still had a weapon, and all they had where their two feet.
“Go!” Winry gasped, finally stumbling to her feet, and taking of at a sprint. Akina quickly followed suit; the man roared, pounding after them. He swung his ax, trying to reach them, but Akina was in frenzy. She only thought off escaping with her life. Deep down, she felt cowardly…if only she could fight back. Winry was bounding beside her, trying to keep her face straight. This was the adventure she had dreamed of. Okay, maybe not a maniac following her around with an ax, but defiantly an adventure; in a sense. Bandits, obviously friends of the other mans, came springing from alley corners and bushes, trying to gain a lead on them. But the two girls just went rocketing past them…they where both to scared to look backwards, and risking falling behind. So they kept running, trying alleys and spins, trying to throw the bandits off their heels. Suddenly, out of nowhere, there came a crash.
/~ Ed's POV~\
Bang. Ed was thrown off of his feet. Before he hit the ground, he placed his hand in way to absorb the fall and roll. Hitting the ground, he flipped, landing back on his feet, his hands at the ready. Apparently, he had bounced right off of a huge man's chest. The guy was apparently in a rush, as he turned beet red and started to run again. By the look of the ax in his hand, he was obviously chasing someone. Ed and his brother stepped out in front of the man and his crew, barring their path. The guy hefted his Ax from his right hand to his left and back again. It was a threatening display, but Ed didn't back down. Even with one useless arm, he still stood a chance. Al was drawing a transmutation circle with his toe, not looking at it. if they where to stand a chance, they needed the element of surprise.
“Are you sure you'd be wantin' ta do tha', shorty?”
The man's accent was heavy, that of a commoner's, not of a wealthy born family's. he hefted his Ax again, so that it rested in his left, and with out warning, hurled in at Al. Al as ready, dropped into a duck crouch, sweeping the man's feet right out from under him. Ed was on another guy, kicking and exchanging blows with his left hand. Two guys where on their backs, and the leader was in the middle of recovering, when Al activated the transmutation circle. A large stone fist shot out from the ground, and threw a few men into the air. When the men hit the ground again, there where some awkward snaps, groans, and they where still. Judging from the rise and fall of their chests, they where alive, But knocked out of commission.
The rest of the band turned and fled, cursing loudly enough to draw many stares. They looked like a pack of dogs fleeing a fight, their tails in between their legs, shouting the insults of a coward. Ed grin, placing a hand on his side, and Al laughed slightly. He couldn't help it; they looked comical, running as fast as they could. Ed and Al turned towards the hotel. Al's eyes widened at the sight of it.
“Brother, you said it was SMALL!” Al complained loudly, pointing to the marble pillars and red carpet. There was a small sign outlined in gold that read `Enter' in fancy writing. A pair of butlers stood at the door, welcoming in guests with the phoniest accent Ed had ever heard in his life. When he went to check in, he was greeted with that same annoying accent.
“Good day, monsieur.” The man said, standing straight, dressed in a silky tuxedo. Ed looked as if he would gag, and Al glanced around sub-consciously. Inside, there was a wooden desk to the left, which they stood in front of. The desk was obviously carved out of some kind of rare tree, as it was polished until it reflected, and the butlers treated it like an antique. Golden lanterns adorned the corners. Shedding light onto the leather couches. It seemed no one bothered to sit on them, or where to rich to do so, and they where just there to fill the space. Ed snorted at the obvious lack of taste; a homey fireplace and Well-used couch COULD have suited this place just fine. But this…this was just for snobs and brats.
“A room for two. “
Al said, as his brother was either lacking speech, or had just decided not to bless the fake-french man with a conversation. The butler nodded, and pranced solemnly over to the desk, whispered something, and got the total. Like a peacock preening his feathers, he fixed a stray strand of black hair back in the combed mass that served at hair. It could have been a wig. No one knew, or honestly cared. The butler strutted back to Ed and Al, grinning slightly. Ed could have just ripped the smug expression right off of his stupid face. Fake mustache and all.
“The total would come to 2500$.”
The man said, barely containing his grin. Now Ed REALLY wanted to get rid of that grin…even if he had to slice the butler's face right off. But that suited him just fine. Al looked scared at the look in his brother's eyes. It was like someone was going to die, and he wasn't going to throw flowers at the funeral; more likely grenades. Al edged cautiously towards his brother, just as the butler should have been cautiously edging towards the door. Al hopped that his brother wouldn't exlode…again.
But Ed managed to smile politely, pulling a few crisp bills from his pocket. The Butler gave a girlish gasp, as if he had presumed that the boys wouldn't have enough. Ed grin turned to a sneer.
“What's wrong…? Didn't think the boys would have enough?”
Ed asked, and strode towards the elevator. Al trailed after him, shuffling as quietly as he could. It was getting dark, Ed saw, and the moon was full…a foreboding warning, if he had ever seen one.
/~Akina's POV~\
Akina lurched to a stop, panting. She could have sworn that she had seen the man stop…but no one could be too sure. These were troubled times. She didn't think twice about double-checking. She didn't want to risk having her, or Winry sliced to pieces. It was nerve racking. Finally, she relaxed enough to put her hands on her knees and pant. They had been running long and hard… and It seemed that they where almost to Akina's house.
Akina grinned, motioning Winry down an alleyway. Winry trudged after her, exhausted. They reached a small, homey house that had `come in' written all over it. there was a line of rose bushes to the left, and an alley way, then a row of houses to the left. This particular house, however, seemed a little bit mustier than the others…
Winry jogged up to the house, prepared to ring the doorbell. She obviously didn't want to barge in on Akina's parents. Akina's eyes softened, the blue deepening, it seemed.
“Don't bother. My parents are dead.” Akina sighed, reflecting sadly. It wasn't like it hadn't happened to others… she just didn't like the idea that it did. So many homes being torn apart…not just hers. It humbled her. It shamed her. Winry frowned sadly.
“Oh… I'm sorry…”
“That's alright. I doesn't bother me.” Akina said softly, twining her fingers together. She went to go and open the door, when a sudden whirlwind of movement caught her off guard. The door exploded open along with a boy… Akina screamed
“Taka!!! GET OFF OF MY GUEST!!!” She cried, as the boy, Taka, instead of landing on top off Akina, had bowled Winry over. Winry's face flushed as the twelve year old boy with unruly black hair stood up.
“sorry, babe” Taka grinned. Winry went an interesting shade of red, while Akina's face went pale.
“TAKA! What did I tell you about flirting?!?” she asked dangerously. Winry gave her an odd look. At times, she could really be the opposite of Ed…a lot like Al. this wasn't one of those times.
Taka gulped. Running into the house, he skidded into the hallway, followed by Akina.All Winry heard was a crash, a yelp, and some hysterical laughter. Winry looked in, to see Taka, under a broken poted vase and a knocked over table (he must have slamed right into it), and Akina, laughing her head off.
Winry smiled to herself. It looked like it was just another one of those days.
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