Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ The Angel Alchemist ❯ One Thing Leads To Another ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Riza Stared at Him Blankly

"Whoa Whoa Whoa Wait Did you Just Ask Me Too.....Marry You"Riza said

"Yea"Mustang said starring into her eye's"Will you Marry me"
Then He Showed her the ring.riza's eye's widened as she looked at
the ring in front of her.

"Will you"Mustang asked

Riza looked at mustang and started to cry

"Yes Yes I'll Marry You Roy"She Said

Roy smiled And Put the Ring On Riza's finger
Riza smiled then pressed her lips to his

Everyone Clapped And Roy And Riza Smiled And Thanked Everyone For their Kindness

"Thank Ange She's The One Who Helped Me Pick Out the Ring"Roy Said

"Thank You Ange"Riza said And Ran over to her and gave her a hug

"Your Soo Welcome that was my second favorite ring"Ange Said Then Smiled

"Are You Thinking About Your engagment Ring Your Only 18"Riza Said

"Acually i'm 17 hehe"Ange Said

"Still...."Riza Said

Ange Lokked Around And Seen Ed And Al Standing over a red rock

"Whats That ed"Ange asked

"The Philospher's Stone"ed Said Eye's Wide

Ange Was Sent Back In Shock She Ran Over To Her Bag And Grabed Her Bandana And Put
The Philospher's Stone in it

'Thanks Ange"Ed Said And They Went Home
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< br> When They Got Home Ed And al Went Right To Work Drawing A Transmutation Circle On The Ground
Outside.Ange Gave Ed A Worried look.

"Are you Sure You Know What Your Doing Ed"Ange Said Worried

Ed Lookede At Ange And kissed Her

"Trust Me"Ed Said Then Turned To His Brother

"Ready Al"Ed Asked

"Why Me First"Al Asked

"Just Get Into The Middle Of The Circle Scardy Cat"Ed Yelled at His Younger Brother

Al Steped Into The Middle Of The Circle And Gave His Brother A Ok.Ed Nooded And Placed His Hands On The Circle
Many Brillant Colors Swirled Around Al And Soo He Was Enclosed In A Colorful Ball.Ange Saw Ed Was Getting Very Weak So She Ran Over to The Circle And Placed Her hands Next To Ed's.Ed looked At Her And Seen The Consurn Look In Her Eye's And Smiled at Her.Ange Looked At Ed And Smiled Back At him Then Went Back To Concentrate.In A Few Minutes Al Was In A Human Body.Ed And Ange Took Their Hands Off the Transmutation circle And looked At Al.Ange Sighed And Smiled At Ed.Mustang And A Few Men Took Al And Put Him Inside The House.

"Your Next"Ange Said To Ed

"No"Ed Said

"Yes And Arabella and i can Do It......Now Go''Ange Said And Pushed Ed Into The Circle

"Hey Ari"Ange Yelled To Her Sister

'Need Some Help Sis"Ari Said

Ange Smiled at Her Sister And They Placed Their Hands On The transmutation Circle.The Colors Came Once Again And They Wraped Around Ed's arm and Leg.Everyone wached With Excitement As They Seen The Colors Move Away From Ed's Arm And Leg To Revieal A Human Arm And Leg.Ange Smiled at Her Work.Ed Stood Up And Moved His Arm And Leg,Then He Smiled At Ange And Ari.

"Thank You Guys"ed Said And Ange Ran Into His Arms

"You Like"ange Said To Ed

"I Like Very Much"Ed Said To Her

"GOOD"Ange Yelled Then Kissed Ed

"Ooh Wait"Ange Said Pulling Back From Ed"Be Right Back"

"Where Are You going Ange"Ed Yelled
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Ange Ran Down Many Streets Untill She was Outside Of Russes Clock Shop,But Something Caught Her Eye.She Ran up to thr door And Read The Sign

"Closed....But It's Tuesday"Ange Said then Went Around Back To See If the lights Were On.

"What's up Russ....Are You Sulking Because I Choose Ed"Ange Said Out loud

Ange tried To Open The Door but It Was Locked So She took Out her Bobby Pin And Picked The Lock.

"Where In"Ange Said Confedently

Ange Walked Up The Stairs To see......

"Flecher"Ange Said"What's Up"

"Ange How Did You Get In Here"Flecher Said Then Jumped Off The Couch

"The Back Door....I Picked The Lock'She Said Showing Him The Bobby Pin

"Your Good"Flecher Said Amazed

"Where's Russ"Ange Said

"In His Room Sulking"

"Where Is His Room"Ange Said

"Down The Hall The First One On the Left"Flech said

Ange waisted Noo time And went To Russes Room.She Tried To Open The Door But it Was locked Soo She Took Her Trusty bobby Pin And Picked The Door

"Russ..."ange Said Opening The Door.To Her Suprise Russ wasn't Alone

"Ange"Russ Said Startled

Ange Sceamed and Shut the Door.Flecher Ran Down the Hall To See Ange Sitting On The Floor In Shock

"I Don't Ever Wanna See that Again"Ange Said Shaking Her Head

"What What"Flech Said Worried

"He Was Doing IT With My Cousin"Ange said And Started To Shake

Flecher Looked At Her And Fainted.Ange Picked Him Up And Put Him On The Couch.Russ Came Out with His Robe On And Sat Next To Ange

"What Did You Want"russ Said Feeling Guilty

"uuh.....Ooh Yea my Uncle's Getting Married"Ange Said Then looked At Russ

"Ooh Tell Him I Said Congrats"Russ Said To Her

"Ok"ange Said looking At Her Feet.Then She Stood Up"Well I'd Better Get Going....Come Visit Sometime"


Ange Was About To Leave But Stoped

"Ooh Yea"Ange Said And Turned To Russ"Ed And Al Have Their Bodies Back To Normal Soo"Ange Said then Turned To The Door"I Guess Good Bye Russ"She Said Then Left.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ange Walked Throu The Front Door And everyone Looked At Her

'You Look Like You Seen A Ghost"ed Said

"Worse I Seen Russell Doing IT With My Cousin"Ange Said

"WHAT"Everyone Yelled

"Anyway How's Al Ed"Ange Asked

"Ask him YourSelf"Ed Said Pointing To The StairsAnd Al

Al Was Wearing A Red T-shirt And A Pair Of Faded Jeans

"Al How Are You Feeling"ange Said Running Over To Him

"Better...Still Light Headed But Better"Al Said To Her And Smiled

"Good"Ange Said then Seen Ari Starrring At Al So She Walkd Over To Her Sister

"Whats The Matter Sis"Ange Said To Ari

"Uuh.....Nothing...But is It Me Or Is Al Really Cute"Ari Said Then Blushed

"Maybe....Maybe Not Do You Like Him Sis''Ange Said To Ari

"NOO......Well"ari said"Why Are You Asking Me These Questions"Ari yelled And everyone Looked At Her

"because I Have A Boy Friend And You Don't"Ange Said in A Sing Song Voice

"SHUT UP ANGE"Ari Yelled And Chased After Her younger Sister

"This Is Going To Be A long Night"Al Said Then Sighed
"Ed"Ange Said


"Can I Tell You a Secret"Ange Said


Ange Whipered It To Ed And His Face Changed


"Sssh Ed"Ange said

"Well..."Ed Said

"Can We Keep This Between Us".Ange Said

"Sure"Ed Said

"Good"Ange Said Then Crawled into Bed With Ed And Went To Sleep
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