Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ The Four United ❯ Telling The Boys ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Four United
Chapter Two Telling the Boys
“Brother, why don't you just tell her how you feel?” “Because Al, it just doesn't work
like that. If she doesn't like me then our friendship will be ruined.” “But what if she does
like you? Then you're just wasting time until she moves on to some other guy. She
wouldn't help us if she didn't like you.” “And what about you and Succori?” “What do
you mean, brother?” “Why would she help if she didn't like you? I know you like her,
Al.” “She helps to make sure Gabby doesn't do anything stupid and get herself killed.
And it doesn't matter who I like because I am just a hunk of metal.” “No you're not, Al,
you're understanding, girl's like that shit. Besides, Succori is someone who likes guys for
their personality, not their looks.” “Oh great, she likes me but she doesn't want to look at
me!” “Al, that's not what I meant, or what I said. We don't know who she likes. Besides,
once we get our bodies back she'll be all over you.” “Whatever, so when are you going to
tell Gabby how you feel about her?” “When the time is right Al. Yeah, like NEVER.” The
girls walk back into the library and sit down. Succori is smiling while Gabby looks as
though she could murder someone. Al looks from one to the other and then at Ed who
was staring at Gabby. “Is something wrong?” asks Al, “No, actually it's great.” “What's
great?” “I have figured out how to get your bodies back.” “You have! How?” “Do you
remember the legend about the four alchemies coming together and having greater power
even than the philosopher's stone?” “Yeah, but there's only three, me, Gabby, and
Mustang; we still need the weather alchemist.” “Elemental actually, and not anymore.”
“What do you mean?” “I mean that there is a reason the weather changes with my mood
swings.” “You're the weather alchemist?!” “Yep.” “How-When?” “That's a story for
another time.” “You mean you're too fucking scared to tell them how it really happened.”
“What are you talking about Gabby?” “Go on Succori; tell them how you got your
powers.” “It's nothing to worry about.” Gabby and Succori were glaring at each other and
finally Al spoke up, “Succori did something happen to you that we should know about?”
“No/Yes!” shouted the girls at the same time. “Well tell us already and stop wasting
time.” Said a flustered and annoyed Ed. Al was thinking something along the lines of: I
hope she's okay. “It's nothing. Now let's go find Colonel Mustang and get your bodies
back.” “Wait a second, when did you stat calling him Colonel? Does this have to do with
him? I knew we shouldn't have left you here alone! What did he do?” “Calm down AL, it
was nothing; I'm fine.” “Geez Al I didn't know you cared so much.” “Well I do so what
happened?” “Roy, [stupid son of a bitch] raped her while we were gone.” “He WHAT?!”
“Al, calm down, it's okay. I'm fine; I shocked him before he could do much. Let's just
get him and get your body back.” “He raped you! You don't expect me to sit by and be
okay with it!” “What do you care? I've like you ever since we fucking met Al, and you
just ignore me! I have worked my ass off to give you back your body so maybe you
would open up your eyes and see that. But no, you are blind to it all. And now I have
found the one way to save your sorry ass and you are as ungrateful as ever. I hate you!
But you know what, I don't care anymore because I still want Gabby to be happy, and
you happen to be part of that package; so I am going to help save your ass. So set up for
the ceremony, I'll be back when I've found the Colonel.” With that, she left, leaving
Gabby and Ed staring, between the two and Al looking after her. “I'm sorry.” He
whispered to her retreating figure.