Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ The Four United ❯ Not Again ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Four United
Chapter Three Not Again
I can't believe you actually told him how you feel. Yeah, well it doesn't matter because
he doesn't care. Did you see him? He just sat there, placid. Maybe that's because you
were fucking scary. I mean, it's amazing he didn't pee his armor quite honestly. So
you're saying I still have a chance? Oh, no. you ruined that. I mean, what guy wants to
date someone they're scared shitless of? Not many. She was walking to the last place she
really wanted to be, the place where she had been raped, where her rapist sat now. She
admitted to herself that she still had nightmares about it and that she was almost glad Al
didn't like her just because her fear of being raped again. She was proud of herself
though, I mean, managing not to freak out every time she came near Mustang, or Ed
accidentally touched her. As she reached the door she paused, her hand poised to knock.
You can do this. You have to face him some time. But what if he does it again? You are
an alchemist now, and you have perfected your powers. You can handle yourself. Okay.
But if he even touches me then I am killing him as soon as the boys are restored. Fine
with me. But make it seem like a natural cause. She took a deep breath and knocked on
the door. “Come in.”
~*~Ed, Gabby and Al~*~
Gabby looked over at Al, “You dumbass! What the fuck is wrong with you? And now
you're just going to let her go back, unprotected, to her rapist? How dare you? And I
actually thought you cared about her!” Gabby stormed off to the study where Succori had
broken the news only an hour earlier, to set up for the ceremony. Ed looks up at AL,
“What are you going to do now?” “I'm not sure, brother. I'm still surprised that she liked
me at all. Not that it matters now that I have messed everything up.” “You can still go
after her and tell her how you feel.” “What do I have to offer? I'm the tin man and she's
an angel.” “But we're going to get our bodies back tonight.” “But if it doesn't work then
she's stuck with a guy that can give her absolutely nothing.” “But it will work. I know
Succori, and she doesn't make mistakes Al. She wouldn't even suggest this if she wasn't
100% sure it would work.” “I guess you're right. But, then how do I make it up to her?”
“You go after her. Girls love that romantic bullshit. Besides, if you don't go after her
Mustang'll probably rape her again.” “Bye.” And Al was out of the library and clanking
through the halls before anything else could be said. Ed headed towards the study door.
Now for a little fun of my own. You're honestly going to try and pull something with
gabby? Yep. Now, when she's pissed about Succori and Mustang and would rip your
balls off? And yet you won't even tell her how you truly feel about her? Well, I was just
going to stare at her and possibly accidentally touch her ass. But who really knows
what's going to happen? You devil you. Sexy beast actually.
I hope Succori's alright. I don't know, she looked pretty upset when she left. The door
opens and Ed walks in. oh shit, what the fuck do I do? Act natural. Right. What the fuck
is natural? Talk about something. What? Anything! Ed gathered some supplies and the
book son that particular legend and started setting up for the ceremony. “Where's Al? I
wanted to apologize for being such a bitch.” “He went after Succori.” “That's great! It's
about time they got together.” “Yeah, too bad we still have one more couple to set up.”
What the hell are you doing? Not sure. “Really; who's that?” who the hell is he talking
about? “Us.” oh, that's who he's talking about. What do I do? Go along with it. Right.
“Oh really?” “Yes. Gabby, I'm tired of not being with you. I need to hold you in my arms
at night and kiss you every morning. Will you please be my girlfriend?” cheesy! It was a
bit spur of the moment. Besides, I think she liked it. “That was the corniest thing I've ever
seen you do! But it worked. Yes I will be your girlfriend.” “Yes!” and Ed runs over and
picks Gabby up and swings her around and kisses her passionately.
God I hope I'm not too late. Well if you hadn't wasted all that time ignoring what I say,
you would have told her how you feel months ago and she wouldn't have reacted so
badly. Now she's on her way to her doom. Gee thanks. You are just so helpful. Anytime.
Al was running down hallway after hallway until he finally reached Mustang's door
where he stood panting for breath and listening in…
Come in.” came the voice she had been running from since the event. She swallowed
hard and went into the room. When he saw her he rose from his desk and offered her a
chair. She sat, trying to act calm. He locked the door. Oh fuck, it's happening all over
again! “So, you just couldn't wait to come hurrying back to me huh?” “Fuck you.”
“Already have darling. Though I am a little busy right now, how about later?” “Would
you shut the fuck up Colonel, before I kill you where you stand. I came to tell you that
you are to help us return Ed and Al's bodies back to them.” “Ah yes, the legend of the
four. Fine, I'll help you, but I want something first.” “Oh really? What's that?” he came
up behind her and his hand rested on her chest where he began to fondle it, but to
Succori, it felt like knives. She grabbed his wrist and looked him in the eye, “Don't touch
me, Colonel. I will not restrain myself much longer.” “I don't think you're in the position
to make threats Miss Flame.” With that he pulled her up, pinned her to a wall by her
throat and kissed her hard on the mouth. “Don't touch me.” “I had my way with you once
and I shall do it again.” “No you won't!” shouted Al as he plowed his was through the
office door. “Let her go Mustang.” “Fine.” He released his hold on her neck and she slid
down the wall to the floor. “I'll just meet you in the library. Can't leave you two bodiless
now can I?” “Just keep walking if you want to live.” Roy was down the hall before Al
could look back around. Al raced to the other side of the room where Succori still lay
shivering in the floor. He reached out and put a hand on her shoulder; as soon as she felt
his armored hand she shied away and tears began streaming down her face. Al backed
away and nearly cried himself. “What has he done to you?” “Al, I'm—I'm sorry. I—
can't--it's like--I'm sorry.” “Don't be. Nobody should be expected to be even half as
strong as you after something like that. But I have to tell you something, if you'll let me.”
“Okay, anything to make the nightmares stop.” “Look at me.” She did. “What you said
back in the library, I just want you to know how I feel. I fell in love with you right away,
but I realized that without a body, I could give you nothing more than my friendship. I
wanted to tell you how I felt, but I didn't think it possible for someone to like a tin can
like me. And now you get raped, just before I get my body back. I don't think we were
meant to be together after all.” “Yes we are meant to be, just because Colonel Mustang is
an asshole, doesn't mean that I don't want to be with you. Besides, I could always see
you; it was you who couldn't see you. And I love you Alfonse Elric. I'm just, I just need
some time.” “You don't have to be the hero all the time you know.” “Thank Al. I guess
we'd better go save the Colonel from Gabby.” “Wow, I admire you.” “Why?” “You still
have compassion enough to save the man that destroyed you.” “Only until we get your
body back will I protect the sorry bastard. After that he's dead meat. Literally.” “Then
again, I'm glad I haven't pissed you off.” “Let's go and get this over with.” “Right. Do
you want help?” “No. I think I should maybe walk on the other side of the hall; I'm still
not very comfortable. Sorry.” “Don't be, I understand.” No you don't, you could never
understand the pain and fear in which I live every day, knowing that he is still here.
Succori, itsokay. Calm down. Al is only trying to help. He just forgets sometimes that
he can't help you with this problem. What do I do? Just give yourself time to heal, then
open upand let someone in. you'll find them more helpful in the healing process.
Whatever. I just want to get this over with so I can kill the stupid son of a bitch. Al
stepped back and let her walk out of the room, never taking his eyes off of her. They
walked down the halls with him on one side and her on the other. I wish I could
understand the pain she's feeling. I wish I could help her. Just give her some time.
Everything will work out in the end. I hope you're right.