Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ When Doves Cry ❯ Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Summery: Ed asks Roy about sex and we get a rare glimpse into the Flame Alchemist’s past. EdxRoy, OCxRoy, angst, yaoi, under age non-con. Please R&R!

Disclaimer: Nope, I don’t own Fullmetal Alchemist and they don’t pay me.

Pairings: EdxRoy, OCxRoy

Warning: strong yaoi situations, graphic lemon, underage rape, strong language.

A/N: Thanks to everyone who reviewed the first chapter. I hope you like the second!


Edward had thought about it the whole train ride to Central. He’d thought what to ask and what to say. Al hadn’t known what he was thinking, but he knew his younger brother had been worried about him. Al always worried about him.

It hadn’t gone the way he’d planned. Edward was pleased when his voice didn’t squeak at the word sex, but he knew he’d lost his cool at some point and Colonel Mustang had gotten the best of him. The bastard.

Then as he was leaving the idea struck him. He should get the bastard alone. So he offered to deliver the report to the man’s home even though he had it there, tucked inside of his coat. And, to Edward’s slight surprise, it had worked without raising any suspicion. Edward was just a little pleased with himself.

“I’ve got to go deliver this report to Mustang,” he told Al as he left their room at the dorm.

“I thought you already delivered it,” Al said and moved his empty metal head in Edward’s direction.

“Yeah, he wanted me to elaborate a bit. I’ll be back later,” he shouted and quickly shut the door and walked down the hall before Al could ask anymore questions.

In a way, he envied his little brother. That body. That shell where he could feel nothing. Well, Ed knew it was a horrible state in which to exist, but he also didn’t know how to feel about himself. No matter how smart he was nor how mature, his body, the flesh and blood, just didn’t seem to listen. It would do things and make him feel things he didn’t understand. It made him feel helpless and out of control. Those were two feelings Edward Elric didn’t particularly like.

When he got to Mustang’s apartment he stood outside for a moment and watched the lights get flicked on and the shadow of a man moving around. The report in his hand felt light. Insubstantial. Pointless. His jacket felt too heavy and too warm, even though the night was cool. After a long while Edward finally walked up to the door and knocked.

Mustang answered it and immediately smirked. Ed pushed past him and into the apartment. He wasn’t sure if the Colonel would want him to stay or not, so he knew he should get in.

“Ahh, I didn’t think I’d have the pleasure to entertain you tonight, Fullmetal,” he heard Mustang say as he sat down.

“Cut the shit, Colonel, I’m here to give you my report,” he said and threw a file on the coffee table. He was afraid for one fleeting moment as Mustang looked at the report that he was going to get kicked out. But the older man just picked up his glass and sat in an armchair.

“I’m all ears,” he said and Edward began.

He had a hard time keeping his body still. His good human leg didn’t seem to listen to him and it kept bouncing up and down. Edward was glad his voice was steady, but he was having a hard time coming up with catchy insults with the Colonel watching him like that. Finally, he was done and took a slow breath to calm down.

“Do you have a date?” Mustang asked, and Edward swore the son of a bitch smirked. The smug bastard.

“No,” Edward said and felt the familiar throb in his pants. “Why the hell would you think that?”

The bastard really did smirk at that, and Ed was afraid the man was on to him once again. He hoped he didn’t notice. Then a thought struck him and he looked Mustang right in the eyes. “Actually,” he said.

“Yes?” Mustang asked and practically sucked the edge of the wine glass. Edward swore he was doing that on purpose.

Edward sighed silently as he watched. “I’m just a bit confused is all.”

“Which you like?” Mustang said and there was that damn smirk again. Edward really wasn’t sure if he should punch him or not. He decided against it, for the time being. He glanced around the room briefly and felt the bastard’s cool eyes on him the whole time.

“Well,” Mustang said and Edward watched him refill his glass. “You should experiment a bit and see which you like more.”

Edward pretended he wasn’t surprised. He even pretended he hadn’t been watching the Colonel at all.

“That’s the thing,” Edward said and glanced back at him. “I already have, and I still don’t know.” He had looked at both girls and boys and he couldn’t figure it out.

The Colonel took a long sip of his wine, and Edward thought those eyes were sizing him up. He had a feeling the man was going to accuse him of lying. Instead he lowered the glass. “Have you? With both?” he asked and sounded a little annoyed.

Edward smirked and nodded. “I guess I learned well.” He said it because he knew. It wasn’t a secret. Everyone in the military knew. At least that’s what he thought. Mustang was the biggest man about town in Central, possibly Amestris. At least, that’s how Edward saw it. And it was something he’d been seeing since he was twelve.

But, of course, the bastard wasn’t even phased. He merely smirked back. “How far have you gone?”

Edward felt his previous victory slipping away. He knew he had to think fast. “How far? Well, I’ve fucked both if that’s what you mean,” he lied.

Mustang watched him for a moment and nodded slowly. Edward noticed he took a deep breath before he spoke. “What do you want me to do?”

Back in his court, he shrugged and pretended like he didn’t care. “I just thought I’d ask since you know so much.”

Mustang shook his head. His hair, which was already a bit messy, brushed his forehead slightly with the movement. “What do you want to know?”

There is was. Edward almost got up too quickly. He almost ruined everything in his impatience. But the throbbing in his pants wasn’t getting any better. It was the door he’d been waiting for and now he had the key. He took his time and slowly removed his jacket. “What can you teach me?” he asked and stared at the older man. It was out there now, there was nothing he could do to get it back.

Mustang’s dark eyebrows knitted together in a frown. “If this is your idea of seduction it is a really lame attempt.”

Edward felt like he’d been punched in the stomach. “You think I would try to seduce a bastard like you?” he asked and gave his best glare.

Mustang stood up. “I think you should leave.”

Edward felt a hot prickly sensation behind his eyes and fought to control it. That was no good in a situation like this. He stared at the bastard for another moment. There was only one thing left. Edward decided to give it a try and slowly, with trembling hands, he began to unbuckle his pants.

“What are you doing, Fullmetal?” he heard Mustang ask. He sounded angry, but Edward made no move to look at him. He simply threw off his shirt and pushed down his pants. Then he bent down to take off his boots. If the Colonel wanted him out, he’d have to remove him with force.

“Fullmetal,” Mustang said when Edward once again looked at him, “what are you doing?” He no longer sounded angry, but breathy and he looked slightly flushed as he turned away.

“I just want to try something,” Edward said and walked up behind him. He grabbed the bastards arm and turned him around. He was going to make him look.

When the older man did nothing to protest, Edward began to unbutton his shirt. It was a standard white oxford and he hoped Mustang didn’t notice his hands were still shaking. He leaned forward and kissed the man’s chest. It was hard and muscular, but he was much leaner under the clothes than he appeared. Edward, unsure of what he was doing, licked Mustang’s nipple and heard a gasp from the man’s lips. He was pleased he was doing something right, and reached a hand down his pants. The bastard seemed to like that too, so he unbuckled them and took the semi hard dick in his mouth.

It was strange, Edward decided, and at that point he wasn’t sure how much he liked it. But he did like the sounds coming from Mustang, and he sucked and licked and ran his teeth along the shaft until he felt the bastard had had enough.

“This isn’t a good idea,” Mustang said when Edward looked at him. But he was flushed and breathing heavily and Edward didn’t think he would stop. He wasn’t sure if he wanted him to. So he leaned up and kissed his lips. They were slightly fuller than his own and his mouth was warm and wet and tasted somewhat bitter. Edward hoped he was doing a good job, never having kissed anyone before, and he involuntarily let out a moan that sounded desperate to his own ears. He was panting when he finally pulled away. His hard on was pressed against the taller man’s leg, and he could feel Mustang’s erection against his stomach. “Now what?” he asked.

“What are you asking that for, Fullmetal? You started this whole thing!” Mustang wasn’t happy. But Edward wasn’t going to let it phase him. He knew the bastard liked it. He had to.

Edward moved away from him and toward the couch. “Do you wanna be top or bottom?”

He wasn’t sure how much he liked that either. It was a strange mixture of pain and pleasure. There were certain moments when he couldn’t control his voice and he would scream and whimper. His eyes teared up a bit and it felt wet, and then Mustang pushed it in so hard and fast it stung and he cried out again. But then, for Edward Elric, it was just what he deserved. It was equivalent trade.

It was afterward that the real pain set in. His stomach was dripping in his own semen and he felt the limp penis of his commanding officer pressed against his backside while the man’s come dripped slowly and silently down his leg. His ass felt like it was on fire. He was sure he would have trouble sitting for at least a week. But that wasn’t the worst part. It was Mustang. The bastard hadn’t said a word. He simple laid there, panting in Edward’s ear. Edward bit his lip to keep from making any noise, and he let the tears come.

Finally he pushed the bastard off of him and got up. He quickly got dressed and felt Mustang’s eyes on him the whole time.

“How are you Fullmetal?” he asked as he was picking up his own boxers.

That was his breaking point, he later realized. He hadn’t known what to do. After that, after everything, the man could still be so cold. “Why can’t you just call me Ed?” he asked and grabbed his coat before storming off into the night. He hoped the Colonel hadn’t seen his tears that time. He was grateful the night was cool. He wanted them to be dry and gone and dead by the time he got back to Al.

* * *

Roy had taken a bath that night and then gone to bed. Alone. He was grateful to be alone again. But as he laid there listening to the storm raging outside of his window he could still feel it. He’d scrubbed his hand until it was raw, but it was still there on his palm. The hard, pulsing wet feeling wouldn’t go away. He rolled onto his side and tried to sleep.

That was only the first time. It was nothing compared to what would come. Roy hadn’t known that, of course. He thought it was only the one night. He thought Lucius, his master the Light Alchemist, would never try to touch him again. He was wrong.

It escalated slowly. There were kisses between lessons. Lucius knew just how and where to touch him. He knew how to make Roy beg for release. First they were just hand jobs, simple and quick. Roy did it himself, alone in his room of course, but it felt so much better to have someone else do it. Lucius told him that, and Roy believed him. Then there was the mouth. Roy had liked it so much he practically shoved it down the older man’s throat. But then, when the roles were reversed, and the warm salty liquid spilt into his mouth he nearly choked on it. He’d never been fond of giving blow jobs since.

One night several months later Roy was alone studying when Lucius knocked on his door.

“Are you still up?” he asked and smiled in his gentle way.

“Yeah,” Roy said and smiled back, just slightly.

“We should take a break,” he said and put his hands on Roy’s slender shoulders. He was tall for his age and lean. His hair, which he’d been growing out, fell just to his shoulders. It was messy and Lucius ran his fingers through it. “I love your hair, Roy. It’s one of your best features.”

Roy squirmed under his touch. “I just wanted to finish with this book.”

“You can do it later. Now, do you want me to get cross with you?” his master asked and ran his long fingers over Roy’s chest and under his shirt. Roy could feel the stubs of the nails caress his skin just a little too hard for comfort.

“No,” he said and took a sharp breath. Lucius’ hand had found his nipple and squeezed.

“Then be a good boy and come along,” he said and Roy followed.

They went to Lucius’ bedroom. They always went to his bedroom. Roy didn’t know why. Later, when he was older and thought about it, he wondered. He’d never get the chance to ask him. Not now.

Once there, Lucius had done every thing like normal. He’d taken off Roy’s clothes and pleasured him in a variety of ways. But he hadn’t asked for anything in return. Which Roy found unusual, but he didn’t say anything because the soon he got it all over with the better. He could get back to his book and his master would fall asleep.

Then as Roy was laying in a small puddle on his own making he felt something enter him from behind. “Ouch,” he cried and turned to look but his head was pushed forward.

“I’m just trying something, Roy. You’ll like it. I promise,” his words came out like a hiss. Roy was pushed on his stomach and he felt something push in further. He gripped on to the sheets and bit his bottom lip and Lucius did what he wanted.

Roy found out Lucius like to be on top. He found out quickly. It became almost routine for nearly two years. His master, the man he’d trusted when he stepped off of the train in Central, taught him a lot. He taught Roy things it would have taken him years to find out on his own.

That last night, before Roy was going to take the Alchemy Exam, Lucius had come to him. Roy was a bit bigger by then, no longer too lean. But he laid on the bed and took it. That was the last time. After he got his silver pocket watch he got a room in the dorm and left all of his things behind. He never went near Lucius’ house again.