Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Heart ❯ prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wild Heart
By Belletiger
type: angst, drama , romance and yaoi, AU.
Paring: Roy x Ed
Series Rating:: PG-13 - NC-17
Warning: violence, torture and blood.

Synopsis: Ed was kidnapped by the scientist from the 5th lab before he could do the human transmutation with his brother Al. Being now a chimera, Ed acts more a predator than human. Can anyone tame his wild heart?


It was very dark room, a little child, blond hair, golden eyes was sitting in the floor , hugged his legs and crying. Ed wanted to get out there and be on his brother's side. Ed thought Al must be feeling alone after those guys kidnapped, him.
He was on his way back home with the stuff for the human transmutation to revive his mother when men in black and wearing shades in their faces caught him and then firmly held a handkerchief to Ed's mouth and nose. After that, Ed only remember darkness. Ed could have escaped using the alchemy but they tied his hands to make sure he couldn't escape.

Then, the door opened and two man in white came in, They grabbed Ed both his arms and they took him to another room. The room was big with a big transmutation circle on the ground. Both the man put Ed in the middle of the circle as they tied him in the ground. Ed was real scared as he realized there was two cages; one with a lioness and another was with an eagle in the circle. Ed had a bad feeling about this.

"Lets star it, Dr. Tucker?" asked one of the men in white.

"yes, that boy will be a beautiful sphinx."

The one named Tucker placed his hands in the circle as the transmutation stared. Ed couldn't do anything, except crying.

To be Continued.

I know this chapter was short, but I promise the next chapter will be longer and Roy and Al will show up.
I know my grammar sucks and I am looking for a beta-writer to help me with this problem.

Anyway, I hope you liked my first Roy xEd story and I am already working in the chapter 1. ^^
Please, comment about my fic, I want to know your opinion; good and bad. And if you want you can suggest anything for the future chapters.
See ya later ^^