Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Heart ❯ chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wild heart
Chapter 1- the beauty beast.
Roy Mustang was a state alchemist. For using the fire alchemy, he got the title as the flame alchemist. At the age 28 he became a colonel after the Ishvar war. After the Ishvar war, he adopted Alphonse Elric who lost his mother and his older brother. Al ( all his friends call him that) believed that his brother; Edward was still alive somewhere, and that's the reason why he became a state alchemist; to look for his brother. Roy was against about Al's decision but he left Al became an state alchemist with the title the Soul alchemist ( he can seal a little part of his soul in objects.). In that moment, they went together in a undercover mission . They suspect that the underworld society makes illegal bets and fights and their mission is to find out the head of those illegal fights and who are fighting in the arena.
“Password.” Said a huge man wearing a suit and sunglasses on his face behind of a wooden door.
“Shooting Star.”
The man in black opened the door and left two young man enter to the mansion. They both were wearing a black suit, but one of them was older with a black short hair and dark eyes. The other one was younger, around of his 14, he had a blond hair and golden eyes.
“Are you sure you're ok, Al?” asked the older man.
“Yeah, I am ok Roy. I am just a little nervous.”
“I understand. After all this is your first undercover mission.”
Both the states alchemists went to downstairs and in there they entered into a circular room. In the middle of the room, there was an arena ( like that arena from Rome's coliseum). Roy and Al sat down in the chairs in there. They realized there was a lot of rich people in there, and they already making their bets on the gladiators. Roy didn't liked hearing the word gladiator. Then, the gates opened in the arena, in the right side came out a huge beast. It looked like the legendary minotaur. The left side came out a reptile creature that looked like a dragon. But Roy and Al knew what they are.
“Chimeras? The Gladiators are chimeras?” asked Al to Roy.
“Its looks so. So, that's how they do the illegal fights”
The fight was very intense between the two beasts. Al was getting sick when he saw the dragon ripping the minotaur's limbs apart before he remove with his fangs his internal organs. Al couldn't help but faint. Too much blood didn't suit on him. Roy caught him before he hit the ground.
Roy left Al in one of the guest rooms in the mansion. He would check the rest of the mansion by himself since Al couldn't handle to see too much blood in the underground freak show.
Roy was checking each room in the mansion underground. But most of them were empty. Roy entered to the next room and he realized that one wasn't empty. He entered in the room and he realized the room was very elegant and in the middle of the room there was king sized bed and something was sleeping in there. When Roy got near of the bed, he saw a humanoid feline creature sleeping in the bed. The feline had a light brownish fur, a long blond hair and white eagle wings. He was wearing around of his neck a cuff with a chain connected in the wall. Roy knew that feline humanoid was a chimera, but a very beautiful chimera. Suddenly, the chimera's eyes opened and he growled at that intruder in his room. Roy backed off in time before the furious feline could scratch him with his razor claws. Roy was thankful for the chain wasn't long enough to that chimera to be near of him or else he would be dead by now.
“Sorry, but no visitors here.” Said a voice.
Roy turned around and saw a man in black suit, with glasses on his face. The chimera became quiet when the man entered in the room.
“Who are you?” Roy asked to the man.
“Shou Tucker, I am the owner of this place. Its lucky you found only Sphinx here, if Envy was here you would be dead by now.” Explained the man.
“The dragon chimera. My best chimera after this one. You saw him fighting against Minotaur a while ago.” said Tucker as he was holding the feline chimera's chin with his hand. “ And this one is his mate and he doesn't want one near of his precious kitty. We had no choice, or else he would kill the rest of our whore chimeras here. You see, beside of our gladiators show, we also have whores here to please people who want a different kind of Sex. That's too bad, Sphinx here was one of the best gladiators here, along with Fox.” Then, he let the chimera's chin go as he turned to Roy. “Its better we go now before Envy comes here and find us here. We don't want to be killed by an angry dragon.”
Then, both the men left the room. Roy looked at the sphinx for one last time. He realized in the feline's eyes had a deep sadness. And Roy already is sick of that place, beside of watching two chimeras killing each other, he just learned they make whore chimeras in there as well.
“If you want, I can provide a cute chimera for you to fuck .” said Tucker as he locked up the door of Sphinx's room
“No thanks. Maybe later.” Said Roy. “Its better I go now. I will get my friend and leave. But I am sure you will see me here again soon, Mr. Tucker.”
After two man left the room, the sphinx chimera still glared at the locked door before he felt two arms around of his shoulders. The chimera didn't need to turn around to see who was holding him.
“Let me go, Envy.” Said the sphinx coldly before he turned his face and glared at the dragon chimera in this human form. Envy was the only chimera around who could turn into his human form ( a young man with a green hair) and his dragon form whenever he wants. No one knows how he can shape swift but most of the chimeras in there were jealous of him for having a human form.
“Humph, I didn't like the way that guy was looking at you. You're my mate.” Said Envy.
“ I am nothing yours!!” The sphinx snapped at him as he scratched his face.
Envy only smirked at the sphinx. He like his precious kitty mad at him and acting like a lioness around of a male lion . He removed the blood and he took his chin to force him to look at him in the eyes.
“Heh, don't forget our deal my dear. You promised to be my mate and I wouldn't have to kill your chimera friends like I did with your ex-mate. You don't want nothing happen to that little fox, do you?”
The chimera sphinx widen in horror when he mentioned his ex-mate and the little fox. He growled dangerous at him.
“Don't you ever dare to touch him!” snapped the sphinx. “I promised to my mate I would take care of his little after you killed him in cold blood in the arena!”
“So, don't forget our deal Ed. That fox is dead and I am your mate now. If you're a good kitty, nothing bad will happen to that little fox.” Said the dragon chimera as he laid down the sphinx on his backs to the bed.
Envy stared to kiss his neck and shoulders as Ed closed his eyes as tears rolled down. He hates Envy, but he couldn't react because he doesn't want anything bad happen to his late mate's little brother being hurt because of him.
Russel, why did you have to be killed by this bastard? I am protecting Fletcher like I promised but each day is getting harder.
Sundelly Ed roared in pain when Envy forced into him roughly without warning, without preparation, without anything. That was his living hell.
In the Mustang house, Al finally opened his eyes and he realized he was laid down in the sofa of the living room. He saw Roy beside him.
“Felling any better?” asked Roy as he gave him a glass of water. Al accept it.
“So so. Sorry if I almost ruined everything Colonel.” Said Al before he sat down and drank the glass of water.
“I don't blame you. Those images of the fighting chimeras and the bath blood were too much for you. And while you were out, I found out something else in that place; they also create whore chimeras in there.”
Al almost gasped with the water when he heard that.
“You gotta to be joking!”
“I am not. And I suspect they're using human to transform them into either fighting chimeras or whore chimeras.” Said the Coronel to the young Elric.
“Thats horrible! We have to hurry soon. We need to find the profess soon and get those bastards to the jail!”
“I know Alphonse, But I will do that by myself. You're not ready yet for this type of mission.”
“But sir..” stared Al but he was interrupted by the colonel.
“No buts. I promised to the Rockbells I would take care of you and that's what I am doing. I will be back there tomorrow night by myself. You're going to stay here. Understood?”
“yes sir.”
Then, Roy smiled at the younger boy as he pets his messy blond hair. He wouldn't never let anything bad happens to this boy and he also promised he would help him to find his long lost brother. But in his mind he couldn't forget that chimera's sad eyes. Those eyes was almost asking for him to help.
To be Continued...
I hope you guys liked the chapter 1.
Surprised for I adding Envy, Russell and Fletcher being chimeras along with Ed?
Anyway, for the next chapter, Roy will meet the sphinx again and a lot of fight will happen in there. Ah, you're welcome to suggest anything for the story!
See ya in the next chapter!