Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Akeru Sasoi ~ Empty Temptation ❯ The Things We Do ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Akeru Sasoi ~ Empty Tempation - Chapter 4: The Things We Do

Chapter 4: The Things We Do
Nihao, minna-san! Well, this is the first chapter with citrus in it. Gomen, I said this was gonna be a lemon, but all I could manage this time around was lime. It's harder to write stuff like this than I though. *sighs* Oh well... enjoy what I wrote, anyway. And any tips that you may have on how to write a lemon will be helpful, for some of the later chapters.

A small note: Any and all lemon chapters contained in this story will be written so the people who don't like them can skip them and still understand the story. Of course, there will be strong yaoi undertones throughout the other chapters. Just a small convenience from your friendly neighborhood fanfic writer! ^_^


Kouji climbed into the nest first, Tasuki following behind. The fanged Seishi pulled a cord the demoness had pointed out to them earlier, letting a curtain of leaves drop down, effectively secluding them. He heard Chichiri do the same.

Pulling off his tessen and depositing it on the floor, Tasuki loosened his shirt so as to get more comfortable. "G'night," he muttered, settling down to get a good night's sleep.

Kouji, it seemed, had other ideas.

Grinning slyly, he literally pounced on his fiery-haired lover, slipping his hands under Tasuki's shirt and nuzzling his neck. "I missed ya, Gen-chan..." he stated, his tongue darting out to taste.

Tasuki let out a low moan. "Mmmmm... Kouji..." hands came up to tangle in the bandit's navy hair, pulling his head up until he was face-to-face with his lover. "Missed ya, too," he muttered, before his mouth was occupied by Kouji's own.

It was a searing kiss, full of pent-up passion. After all, the two hadn't seen each other in months, and it had begun to effect them both early on. Kouji's tongue traced Tasuki's bottom lip, demanding entrance, which the fire Seishi readily supplied. As two tongues twined together in a hot mouth, Kouji thrust upward with his hips slightly, causing Tasuki to break off the kiss, gasping.

The navy-haired bandit didn't seem to mind the interruption, however, as his mouth traveled lower, to the junction of neck and collarbone, nipping, tasting, and suckling all at once. This only caused Tasuki to moan loader, burying his hands in Kouji's hair, silently pleading for him not to stop. Not that it seemed likely that he would.

Tasuki took a sharp intake of breath as his lover's hands found his nipples, squeezing slightly. Kouji forced the fiery-haired Seishi's shirt up and over his head, but not quite off of his body, effectively trapping Tasuki's arms over his head. "Stay." he held the arms down for a second, making his point.

"Mmm... Kouji...?"

"What it is, Gen-chan?" Kouji asked huskily, once again nuzzling the shuddering Seishi's neck.

"Hnn..." Tasuki sighed in pleasure before voicing what he wanted to say. "Stop... teasing..."

Kouji smirked, leaning down and kissing his lover; lightly at first, then harder, initiating another tongue war between the two.

The kiss ended as suddenly as it had began; Kouji teased his lips up and free from Tasuki's and sat up, his gaze wandering along the warm body spread beneath him. He smirked, looking thoughtful.

"You," the navy-haired bandit decided, "have way too many clothes on."

Tasuki grinned up at him, amber eyes glittering with suppressed mirth. "So, what'cha gonna do about it?" he asked breathlessly, teasing.

Before Kouji could continue their little activity, the fiery-haired Seishi acted. In a burst of speed, Tasuki twisted his legs around his partners', flipping him over. Now their positions were reversed. Freeing his hands from his shirt, the Seishi gazed down at his best friend through half-lidded eyes, curling his upper lip to reveal one of his tiny fangs. "And who says *you* get to have all the fun, ne?"

Wasting no time, Tasuki hooked two fingers around the collar of Kouji's shirt, yanking sharply to tear it and reveal an expanse of bare chest. He smirked as the muscles in the bandit leader's stomach jumped in response to the tickling caresses of wayward fingers. Kouji groaned.

"Gen-chan... My shirt..."

Tasuki leaned down, nipping at an earlobe with his fangs, before plunging his tongue once, twice, thrice inside. "Don't worry... Get an new one... tomorrow..." he promised.

After that, the shirt was forgotten, in lieu of other, more... interesting things.


Chichiri, Suzaku Warrior, Taiitsukun-trained mage, and joker of the Seishi, was scared. He didn't know how, he didn't know why, it was just a feeling, an emotion, reaching into the deepest part of his being. Something... Something... or SOMEONE... was siphoning out his essence, the thing that made him what he was.

Dark. Where was he? Where were the others? He stumbled along, hoping to find a place he recognized, or at least a friendly face.

But there was no one.

And there was no place.

He fell.

And Chichiri screamed.


Kouji hung poised over his objective, breathing lightly, teasing, playing. He wasn't touching, however; a fact that made his supposed 'victim' extremely agitated.

"Kouji, ya bastard..." Tasuki breathed, reveling in the warm rush of air over his aching erection. "Ya better hurry, or I'll do this without ya..."

The navy-haired bandit gave no reply, just smirked, leaning down to nibble on the inside of his lover's thigh, ignoring what was most obvious. The fire Seishi growled, then-

"AAAAGGGHHH!!!" he gasped in pleasure.

In a sudden move of pity for his partner, Kouji had wrapped his mouth around the erect flesh, sucking hard. Holding Tasuki's hips still with both hands, he deep throated him, his tongue reaching down to tease the fanged warrior's balls.

It was then, being thrust into that warm, wet cavern, that Tasuki lost the little self-control he had, as Kouji knew he would. Humming, the bandit leader brought his lover to the brink- and then pulled away, much to the displeasure of Tasuki, who groaned.

"Don't... stop..."

Sitting up, Kouji swept a few pieces of stray bangs from the amber eyes, half-lidded in lust and pleasure.

"Sorry, buddy, not just yet. Don't want ya ta use all your energy and get tire, do we?" he glanced around the small nest they currently occupied. "Don't suppose there's anythin' in here ta make this a bit easier?" but he saw nothing. "Oh, well,"

Something knocked him on the head, hard. It fell on Tasuki's stomach, as the two looked at it in surprise. It was a bottle. Kouji picked it up, reading the label.

"'Vanilla Lotion'?

It took him a moment, but Tasuki grimaced. "That damned demoness! She's spyin' on us!"

Kouji grinned, opening the bottle. "At least she's good for somethin', ne...?"

There came the faint sound of 'I heard that,' but the two were too busy to notice.

And anything that happened after that was nobody else's business.


"Ya know I only let ya be on top without a fight," Tasuki mumbled, yawning and cuddling closer to Kouji, "was 'cause I'M the one that left YA, right?"

Kouji grunted assent, already half-asleep.

"And next time, it'll be diff'rent," the fire Seishi promised. The navy-haired bandit mad no reply this time, just tightened his arm around Tasuki.

And so the two drifted contentedly off to sleep, never guessing what would happen in the future. That, or not giving a damn.


Next up: The four continue their journey, encounter more puns, and stop at the North Village.
