Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Fushigi Yugi: The Legend Reborn ❯ The Bewitched Book ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Fushigi Yûgi: The Legend Reborn

Chapter 1: The Bewitched Book Began

Akarui closed her eyes as she felt the cold, salty sea air blew though her long, platinum blonde hair. She felt calm standing there alone at the half vacant view-point-look-out. Her thoughts were clear and free. This place always seamed to be her only refuge from the haunting images of her dream`s and visions. A place where she could be alone and not be bothered. She opened her golden-amber eyes, the beautiful view of the ocean met her gaze. The sight fascinated her heart and soul how the golden lighting of the sun danced on the ocean surface as it set below the horizon. Akarui stood there trapped in the moment, not wanting to leave. Although she knew she would have to start heading home soon because night was creeping up on her quickly. She sighed heavily and turned to head home...

As she walked through the crowded streets of the city a strange feeling came over her. A feeling that was familiar to her. Feelings of anxiety began to rise in her chest.She took in a deep breath biting down on her lower lip, tears began to build up in her eyes. Something was calling out to her. But where is it? Akarui thought to herself.

Suddenly she turned her attention to the old store that sold books on witch craft and other stuff having to do with magic. There! The feeling's coming from there! Whatever it is I have to go in there and find it... She thought to herself. She walked over to the store slowly, she had never stepped foot that place, however her twin sister Kuraiyami always went in there. Her sister was a big fan of the supernatural. Akarui was too, but she wasn't a fanatic like her sister. All she knew were her visions.

Her heart beat quickened as she entered the half empty store. A middle aged women stood behind the counter. She looked up at Akarui acknowledging her presences slightly. The feeling that was calling out to her lead her to an ill of old books on ancient Chinese legends, myths, and also civilizations. She glanced over the books as she waked down that aisle. She stopped when a certain book caught her eye. Her eyes began to tear up once more as she reached out and picked up the book.

The book felt heavy and warm in Akarui's hands. On its warn out red cover was written in old ancient Chinese letters "The Universe of the Four Gods of Earth and Sky..." The book looked as though it has been used many times and that it had been around for ages. Slowly Akarui began to recognized and understand why this book had stood out from all the others. This book was the same book that she kept seeing in her dreams as well as her visions. Akarui decided that she had to buy the book. She had to know why it had been calling out to her. Little did she know that this book would be the bringing of her destiny...

Akarui walked through the door of her apartment. Her father Keisuke Yûki was the first person she saw as she walked through the living room. He sat there on the couch watching TV. A thing that he always did after he came home from a hard days work. The sound of her mother, Mayo washing dishes sounded through the air of the normal size apartment.

Keisuke glanced over at Akarui, a warm smile spread across his face. He felt all his troubles of the days fade away at the sight of his young, beautiful daughter. "Hey, there!"
he said.

Akarui gave a small, cheerful laugh, "Hey daddy, how was work today?" she asked.

"Oh same old, same old," replied Keisuke, "well, you're in late, what were you out doing?" he asked.

"Oh cram class got out early so I went to the beach for a while, then I stopped at the book store around the corner and bought a book to help me out with my studies," replied Akarui partly laying. The truth was that she couldn't concentrate today in class. Visions kept flashing before her that disturbed her, so she had to go somewhere peaceful to clear her mind or she wouldn't go crazy. This was an issue the she knew her father and mother would never understand.

"Oh I see," said Keisuke.

"Well, I got a lot of studying to do," said Akarui before turning for her bedroom.

Keisuke watched Akarui as she went into the hallway. He was happy to see that at least one of his kids were into hitting the books. He only wished that Troi and Kuraiyami would be like that. He then turned his attention back to whatever he was watching on the TV.

Akarui walked in her room. Kuraiyami was sitting on one of the twin beds in the room reading a book called "How to light a sacred flame". She tore her soft-yellow-amber eyes from the book and looked up at Akarui. She ran her fingers through her shoulder-length, icy-blonde hair.

Akarui tossed the book that she had bought onto her bed, and began to taking off her brown junior high school uniform, except for the white caller, long sleeved shirt. She headed over to the closet where most of her cloths were.

"So where'd you go off to today? We missed you at cram school!" questioned Kuraiyami.

"Oh, I just didn't feel like going today, that's all..." replied Akarui as she pulled out a hanger with her p.js hanging off.

"Mom and Dad aren't going to like the sound of that!" stated Kuraiyami. Her gaze fell upon the book that Akarui had tossed on to her bed. Curious about what it was she went over to Akarui's bed to look at it. The book didn't look like any of Akarui's normal study books from school. The Universe of the Four God's of Earth and Sky, she read to herself. "So, where'd you get this?" she asked.

Akarui finished putting on her p.js, which were a pair of yellow sweat pants, that were wide at the ankle, and a white and yellow spaghetti stringed top. She sat down on the bed next to Kuraiyami who was still waiting for her reply.

Akarui picked up the strange red book and looked at it for a minute, "I got it from that strange book store near the park. It was calling out to me, so I went and bought it..." she finally replied.

"Oh I see..." said Kuraiyami.

"You know that dream I've been having?" questioned Akarui.

"You mean that one with the strange book?" replied Kuraiyami inquisitively.

"Yeah," answered Akarui.

"Oh okay, what about it?"

"Well. I found out that wasn't dream, it was a vision, and this book was the book that I kept seeing..." replied Akarui.

Kuraiyami looked at Akarui showing no expression on her face of what she was thinking about the whole situation. She never questioned Akarui when it came to her dreams, but this time things seamed a little far fetched. "Are you sure about this, Akarui?" she questioned, "I mean, I know this dream's been bothering you for a while now, but this-" she started.

"I know, this sounds a bit crazy... but when I saw this book I got that feeling from it... you know... and... well... I had to get it," Akarui interrupted.

"Oh I see... well then. I hope that this book helps you out and that you can be able to sleep better," said Kuraiyami. Akarui smiled back at her and nodded. "So, why do you think this book was calling out to you?" asked Kuraiyami in curiosity.

"I don't know. Lets take a look and find out," said Akarui as she opened the book.

Both of the twins eyes widened when they saw a picture of two beautiful dragons encircling a yen-yang that looked like two dragons knotted together. One dragon was gold and the other was black. "Wow these look like Chinese Earth dragons," said Akarui.

"Wow, really how'd you know that?" questioned Kuraiyami.

"I took a course on Ancient Chinese Astrology and Myths when I took collage classes last summer," replied Akarui.

"Oh cool."

Akarui turned her attention to the inscription written at the bottom of the page. "This is the story of a girl, who made her dreams come true, after she came to posses the seven stars of Mitsu, and many powers were bestowed upon her.

The story itself is a spell. The one who reads it through will be given the powers and granted a wish just like the girl in the story.

Because... the story begins and becomes real... The moment the first page is turned," She read aloud.

"creepy..." said Kuraiyami with a slight shudder.

"Yes, but also interesting! Well lets see what this girls story's about! Hum?"

Kuraiyami said nothing she just nodded. Akarui turned the page.

Suddenly a bright yellow light engulfed the two. Their screams were silenced as they were pulled into the book.

Akarui and Kuraiyami landed in a strange forest. They both sat up shocked at their surrounding. "Where are we?" asked Kuraiyami.

"I have no idea..." said Akarui.

"Okay..." breathed Kuraiyami. She thought for a minute. Maybe this wasn't real. and that somehow she and Akarui had passed out and were now dreaming this, "Hey Akarui," she said.

"What?" asked Akarui.

"Does this hurt much?" Kurayami asked as she rammed her elbow into the crown of Akarui's head.

"Yeah! Check it out sis!" yelled Akarui as she socked Kuraiyami in the face.

"Ow! This hurts to much to be a dream!" said Kuraiyami as she rubbed her right cheek.

The two stood up, and took a look around. Everything about this forest seamed enchanting, almost out of a dream world, but definitely real. The trees were tall and well flourished with green leaves. They seamed to glow in the sun light. "Wow... I'll say one thing though, Kurai, this place is nice..." said Akarui.

"Yeah, I'll give you that, but it seams a bit too peaceful for me!" stated Kuraiyami.

"Oh, but that's what I like about it," said Akarui.

"Oh.. yeah I forgot you're all for the calm and peaceful stuff..."

"Hey, you think that maybe this was why the book called out to me? I mean to bring me here?" questioned Akarui.

"I don't see it any other way," replied Kuraiyami, "but I was just expecting some kind of adventure or something I don't know..."

Akarui gave a little laugh. She also was expecting an adventure, but she wasn't just about to go looking for that. "Hey! What's so funny? huh?" questioned Kuraiyami.

"Oh... Kuraiyami, you're always looking for some kind of out let... you shouldn't go around expecting an adventure to pup up in front of you. Only the real adventures start up unexpectedly," Akarui said, however she wished she had eaten her words. You know I should quit preaching words that I don't follow myself... she thought to herself.

Kuraiyami looked at Akarui for a minute then she noticed something creeping up behind her in the shadows. Her eyes widened when she saw a huge, black panther come out from the bushes. "What's wrong?" questioned Akarui noticing the scared looked on her twin sisters face.

"Ahhh! Wwwwhaaaatchhh out!" Kuraiyami exclaimed as she pushed Akarui out of the panther's path.

The panther leaped up into the air barely missing Kuraiyami and Akarui. Kuraiyami landed on Akarui as she pushed her to the ground. Akarui lit out a loud a scream when she saw the panther. Kuraiyami stood up blocking the beast from Akarui`s path. "Akarui get out of here!" she ordered.

"Are you crazy?! I'm not leaving you here with that! It might kill you!" exclaimed Akarui.

The panther looked at the two its yellow-green eyes glaring at them. It let out a loud growl, then charged at them again. Kuraiyami gabbed Akarui by the arm, and through her out of the panther's way once more in attempt to protect her.

"Kuraiyami!"Akarui cried out as she watched the huge, black panther land on top of Kuraiyami, and began to viciously claw at her. Kuraiyami struggled with the Panther trying to free her self from it's grasp.

Akarui looked around desperately for anything that she could use to get the panther off of her sister. Her eyes fell upon a rock about the size of her palm. Quickly she picked up the rock and threw it at the panther with all her might. The rock hit the panther side pulling its attention to her. Loosing interest in Kuraiyami it moved off of her and began charging at Akarui. "Akarui you idiot! Move out of the way!"She heard Kuraiyami cry out. Akarui picked up a think tree branch and got ready to hit the beast when it leapt at her.

However to her surprise before she could make move a young man snatched the tree branch from her hand and hit the panther over the head. Everything happened quickly almost as though the young man had appeared out of thin air.

Kuraiyami's eyes widened with sock when she saw golden symbol glowing brightly on the forehead of the young man who had just saved Akarui. "Wow..." she said to herself.

She watched as the panther back away in fear of the young man. His bright yellow mark on his forehead seamed to have struck fear into the beast's heart. With in minutes the panther was gone.

The young man turned to Akarui. Akarui's eyes went wide when she met his gaze. His eyes were blue-violet, his hair was white with powder-blue highlights. On his forehead was a yellow mark that was now beginning to fade. He was dressed in accent Chinese clothing. Akarui found this very strange. "Are you okay, miss?" The young man asked.

"I'm fine... just a little shaken..." replied Akarui, "you surprised me coming out of he shadows like that!"

"Well, I had to act to fast or you would have been panther chow!" stated the young man.

"I could have handled it! I had everything under control!" said Akarui.

The young man looked at Akarui strangely for a while, "right!" he said dryly.

"What do you mean by that! I'm pretty capable of taking care of my self! I-" Akarui started, but she was then interrupted by Kuraiyami who was now holding her close to her in the tight hug. "You idiot! You could have gotten killed!" she cried. She pulled away from her gently, "what are you talking about Akarui! If that young man hadn't come along and saved you... you would have been killed by that panther!"

Akarui was quiet for a minute. She looked at her twin sister who was now in tears because of her. She now realized that she didn't really have everything under control like she thought, and that young man knew that, and had saved her. Akarui turned away embarrassed with herself. "I'm sorry..." she said in a hurt voice, "I didn't realize how much danger I had put my self in... I just didn't want you to die Kurai..." she went on, then turned her gaze over the young man who was now turning to leave.

"Well ladies. It has been a pleasure, but if this is kind of treatment I am going to receive for saving you're lives. I will make a personal note to my self for future reference to stir clear of weird girls in strange clothing and-" The young man started to say but he was suddenly interrupted by Akarui.

"Thank you..." she said, "and sorry... I was just a little worked up about all of this..." she added.

The young man turned around surprised with what the young girl had said. Akarui walked over to the young man and held out her hand to him, "I'm Akarui Yûki," she said introducing herself.

Kuraiyami was about to say something but she suddenly disappeared into the same yellow light that had brought her here.

"I am Rai," said the young man as he shock her hand.

"Nice to meet you Rai," said Akarui.

"So where are from? You don't look like you're from here... I mean with your strange looking cloths and all," asked Rai.

"My sister and I are from Tokyo, Japan..." replied Akarui feeling a little strange telling him this. She had a feeling Rai might not know what she was talking about.

"Where is that? I have never heard of that country..." said Rai dumbfounded. He had figured that Akarui and her companion were foreigners, but he didn't know that they were from uncharted lands. A thought came to him. Could she be the girl of legend that Taiisukune had told me about? He questioned in his thoughts. He shook the thought from his mind, and looked back at Akarui. He noticed that Kuraiyami was gone. "Where did your sister go off to?" he asked.

Akarui turned around. A baffled expression appeared on her face when she saw that Kuraiyami was gone. "That's funny... she was right behind me a minute ago..." she said. "Humm... I wonder where she went?"

~ * ~

Kuraiyami appeared on her bed, confused about what had just happened to her. She was shocked to see that Akarui was not with her. "Akarui..." she said. She got up from her bed and ran out into the hallway. She headed for the living room where her parents where both sitting on the couch talking to each other. She turned around to look at the other end of the hallway. She closed her eyes, then went back into her bed room. She walked over to where the book was. She sat down on Akarui's bed. She read what was written on the page. "The Two young girls appeared in a strange forest, where they were attacked by a vicious, black panther. All seamed hopeless until a young man with the "spirit" symbol on his forehead appeared, and worded the beast away..." Her eyes widened with disbelieve, "what... that just happened... but wasn't that just dream?" She questioned herself. She dropped the book when the page turned and words began to form on the fresh blank page. "What the hell!" she breathed.

She recalled the incantation Akarui had read before she turned the page, and they had appeared in that strange forest where they were attacked. She wondered why she hadn't figured this out then when she and Akarui found themselves in a the forests. Akarui's destiny was go into this book, and become the Priestess of Mitsu, gather the celestial warriors then in doing that she will be given the powers and granted a wish. She was the girl in the story, and Kuraiyami was the esteemed reader who must read the story till it's end. "Alright then," she said to herself as she nodded her head. She was now beginning to understand everything, at least she thought so. She only hoped that Akarui had caught on too.

With that Kuraiyami began to read the book. "The young girl and Rai looked around for her sister unknowing that she had gone back to her world....

~ * ~

"Kuraiyami!" Akarui cried out as she wondered through the forest. Rai walked beside her. All the while in his thoughts he tried to make since on how a person could disappear with out a trace. They defiantly would have heard or her leave, or had at least noticed that the girl had left.

"Akarui..." said Rai.

Akarui stopped walking and turned to face Rai, "Yes?" she asked.

"Something's not right about this... we wound have heard your sister leave or at least noticed it," replied Rai.

"Yeah... where is she?.." Akarui began to cry.

"It's okay... don't feel sad. I'm sure your sister is somewhere in this forest," said Rai as he rested his hand on her shoulder in attempted to comfort Akarui.

"I hope..." said Akarui.

Suddenly Akarui found herself surrounded by the same bright, yellow, light that had brought her hear. She heard Kuraiyami's voice. Out of the blue she was in her bedroom she could see Kuraiyami sitting on her bed reading the Universe of the four Gods. "Kurai!" she happily, "you're safe! You're all right!" she said. However Kuraiyami didn't even look up or say a word to her. It was almost as though she wasn't in the room. "Kurai! I'm hear! Can't you see me?" She said. No response came to her reply. Subsequently Akarui was pulled into the bright light again and was brought back to where she had been standing in the forest.

Rai looked at her in complete ah. Akarui had just disappeared into a golden light, then brought back before his very eyes. "What are you?" he questioned.

"Huh?" Akarui enquired in confusion.

"That light that engulfed you look like the light of the Goddess Mitsu!" exclaimed Rai.

"What? Mitsu?" Akarui questioned still confused. She recognized the name Mitsu from the inscription that she had read in the book before she and Kuraiyami were brought here. A sad expression appeared on her face when she thought about Kuraiyami.

Rai noticed Akarui's sad expression and began to feel sorry for her, "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have interrogated you like that," he said.

"It's okay it's not that... Kuraiyami was taken back to our world... I almost went back... but I was suddenly brought back here..." Akarui replied sadly.

"What? So you and your sister are from another world?" asked Rai.

"Yeah... I guess you could say that," replied Akarui, "oh how am I gonna get home?" she cried.

"Akarui do you think that there might be a reason that you were brought to this world?" asked Rai.

"Uh.... maybe..." replied Akarui hesitantly.

"Akarui in this kingdom. There is a legend about a time when this land will fall into chaos and a young girl from another world will come, and take on the role as The Priestess of Mitsu, and gather the seven guardian warriors of Mitsu. She will then awaken and summon the Goddess and in return she will be given her holy powers and granted three wishes. This girl will be the one who will save us from the chaos that threatens this kingdom," he said.

Akarui nodded slowly recognizing bits and pieces of this legend from the spell that she had read from the book. Suddenly everything began to make since. Oh my God... I'm in the book... and if what Rai is telling me is true then I'm the girl of legend...

"So do you think that you just might be the girl of Legend? I mean you fit the description. Your from another world, and you're wearing strange clothing," said Rai, his voice braking though Akarui's thoughts.

"Yes, I think so," said Akarui, "so what exactly is this place?" asked Akarui.

"Well this place is the Enchanted Forest which resides between Mt. Tykioko, and the kingdom of Raiyoko," replied Rai.

"Oh, I see," said Akarui. "So, where do we go from here?" she asked.

"We head out for Kirou, the capital of Raiyoko. Her Highness Yû Salfi must know that you have arrived," replied Rai.

With that the two headed out for Kirou.