Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Fushigi Yugi: The Legend Reborn ❯ The Priestess of Mitsu ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2: The Priestess of Mitsu

Akarui's eyes widened as she and Rai arrived at stone gates of, Kirou. Her eye's marveled at the enchanting beauty of the capital city. The seen looked like a film set out of a movie or a painting of ancient buildings made of clay and peat touched sky.

As the two entered gates of the city Akarui noticed the people going about their every day life. Women buying jewels from the south, men haggling over prices on fish, children playing games in the street; it was amazing to think that all of this was inside this old, red, leather book.

The two came to the center of town where a huge crowd of people had gathered. Rai took hold of Akarui's hand and pulled her though the crowd after noticing the curious expression on her face, that clearly stated that she wanted to know what everyone was looking at.

When they got to the center of the crowd there was a young, well figured women, with long, black hair, and bright emerald-green eyes who was dressed in fancy, erotic, clothing, with colors of gold, purple, green, and blue. She was putting on an impressive magic show for her surrounding audience. There were lots of "oohs" and "ahs" coming from crowd. Akarui stared at the young women for a while sensing a connection of some kind with her. The young women's eyes met Akarui's gaze after performing another magical act, and falling into the splits. An explosion of smoke filled the air almost clouding the young woman's body. Her long, wild, black hair frosted over her face. "Wow she's pretty..." said Akarui.

"I know. She's from the Mi-jú clan, from the western part of this kingdom. The Mi-jú clan usually come to the capital to make money by giving marvelous spectacles like this one... however they do it only for the money, so we shouldn't watch for too long," said Rai.

"Oh I see… I bet this lady's gonna get a lot of money for her performance," said Akarui.

"Oh... You'll be surprised with how disappointing some things may seem after the show is over... this women will get money but not as much as she disserves..." said Rai.

"Oh... I see..." said Akarui with a sorrowful expression on her face as she watched the young women put on another magical act. She couldn't help but feel bad for the young women even if what she was doing wasn't real magic. However a sixth-sense deep down in side told her that this women had power and whatever magic that came form her was real.

Rai placed his hand on Akarui's shoulder, "we better get to the palace, it will be dusk soon, and no one will be permitted to see Empress Yû Salfi," said Rai.

Akarui glanced at Rai, then back at the young women who had just fished her performance and was now picking up gold and silver yin that had been thrown about her presentation area. She wished that she could give the young women something to show that she liked her work. Her gaze lifted to a stand not too far off where an old lady was selling flowers. "Can I do something really quick?" asked Akarui.

"Okay, but don`t take too long," replied Rai.

"Do you have some money?" asked Akarui.

"You're not thinking about giving money to that woman are you?" scolded Rai.

"No, you'll see," said Akarui.

"Alright just hurry up," said Rai as he reached into the money pouch in side his shirt and handed her a silver coin.

Akarui ran over to the flower cart and picked up yellow, half budded rose. She gave the elder women the silver coin, then ran over to where the young women was; still picking up the coins from the ground. She lifted her head up quickly when she noticed Akarui's shadow falling over her. A half-budded, yellow rose met her gaze. She looked at Akarui for a minute recognizing her from the crowd. Akarui placed the yellow rose in her hand. The young women look at it for a minute then turned her gaze back to Akarui meeting her golden eyes once more. She smiled warmly at her accepting the generous gift.

"Akarui!" Rai's voice called out. Akarui looked over at him then headed over to where he was.

The young women watched Akarui and Rai as they walked off and disappeared into the busy crowd of people. She pulled out a small yellow cloth and place the yellow rose inside it, then stuffed in side her well reviling shirt, and went back to picking up the day's payment...

"What was up with that?" questioned Rai as he walked through the crowd.

"What was up with what?" replied Akarui inquisitively as she fallowed at his side.

"With the giving the flower to the women? Those kind of people don't except anything but money... I bet you she threw the rose away," said Rai.

"I don't think so," said Akarui, "I thought she liked the gesture."

"Hum..." Rai sounded.

"What?" questioned Akarui giving Rai a side-glance.

"Nothing..." said Rai.

Akarui was about to say something back but she was stopped in amazement at the huge, golden, imperial Chinese palace that stood out before her. The sight was almost enchanting, "Wow it's beautiful," she breathed, "This kingdom must be rich!"

"Oh it is..." replied Rai. "Beyond anyone's imagination," he added.

"I'll say... any ordinary person would have to dream up this kind of a palace," said Akarui as they approached the golden gates of the palace. The two guards who stood post at the gates they stared at them as they neared by. One of the guardsmen walked over to the two. "We have come to speak to her Highness, Yû Salfi," said Rai.

"What is your business with the Empress!" demanded the guard.

"Tell her that Rai is here and he has brought with him The Priestess of Mitsu," replied Rai.

The guard pulled back. "The Priestess of Mitsu!" He exclaimed. He looked at Akarui examining the young girl. Her looks were indeed foreign to him. She was dressed in the strangest clothing. "If this is a lie you both will pay dearly!" said the guard his tone serious, "Come this way," he commanded before he turned to lead the two into the palace. The other guard stayed behind.

Akarui fallowed Rai and the guard a few steps behind as they walked along the smooth marble path that led through the front garden of the palace. The sweet smell of roses filled the air. It seamed to stay with Akarui even when she entered the palace. Her eyes widened when she saw the rich elegance of the palace halls. The floor was made of smooth marble; Akarui could see her refection in it almost as though she were looking into a mirror. At the end of almost every hallway there was a small idols of a gold dragon that Akarui recognized from the picture that she had seen on the front page of the book. Lanterns hung from the ceiling their candle-light-glow danced on the floor`s refection.

The Guard stopped at the two double doors with a golden dragon's head for knobs. He opened the door leading Rai and Akarui into the throne room. "Wait here, I'll go and get her Highness, Yû Salfi," ordered the guard before turning to leave.

Moments later the guard came back. A young Lady walked in after him. She appeared to be in her early twenties. She was dressed in a beautiful, silk, powder-yellow, Chinese robes that a Chinese Empress would wear, with little, light-blue flower patterns, embroidered in gold thread. She had a fair complexion almost like a porcelain doll. Her soft powder blue eyes stood out amongst the soft-yellow lip stick, and gold eye-shadow. Her long, white hair was worn half up by a golden head piece, with light blue and red gems. Akarui knew that this lady had to be Empress, Yû Salfi.

Yû Salfi made her way over to her throne and took a seat. Her gaze focused on Rai; recognizing him as her dear friend as well as a disciple of Taiisukune who she had trained with as a child. She turned to Akarui who stood beside Rai. She looked foreign to her, even her cloths she wore were odd, however she was pretty. "You may leave us," she ordered the guard, her voice strong yet refine. The guard left the room immediately closing the double doors behind him. Yû Salfi turned her gaze back to Rai, "so, Rai, what is it that you wish to speak to me about?" she asked.

Rai stepped forward and replied, "Your Highness, Yû Salfi, I have come to tell you that I have found the girl of legend, The Priestess of Mitsu."

"So, I've heard, I assume this young girl is the one whom you speak of?" she questioned raising her right brow to Akarui as her gaze rested upon her.

"Yes, your majesty, this is Akarui Yûki," replied Rai.

Yû Salfi looked back at Rai then back to Akarui, "Well, she is in the most strangest clothing, and she doesn't look like she's from here or any of the outer surrounding kingdoms. Where are you from, Akarui Yûki?" she asked.

"I'm from Tokyo, Japan," answered Akarui.

"I see..." said Yû Salfi. She was silent for a while in deep thought. By the Gods and Great Goddesses she is the girl of legend... she thought to herself. "Akarui Yuki, in my kingdom there is a legend that speaks of a young girl from another world who will come during a time of great chaos, she will gathers the seven warriors of Mitsu, and awaken and summand The Goddess Mitsu, and in doing so she will eradicate the catastrophe that threatens this kingdom and this world. In return she will be give the power and grated a wish," she said, "Akarui, from what you have told me, gives proof that you are indeed the girl of legend, my kingdoms saver, our long awaited Priestess of Mitsu," she explained, "however it is your choice, and your choice alone weather or not you want to take on such a role," she stated.

Akarui stood there for a long while thinking about this. Even though deep down she had already decided on taking on this role. She believed whole heartedly even though this was going to be a big responsibility, that taking on this role as the Priestess of Mitsu was her destiny. The Universe of the Four Gods had called out to her and brought her to this world for that very reason. This was something that she could not say no to. "Yes, I will save your kingdom. I will become the Priestess of Mitsu," she said finely after much silence.

Yû Salfi rose up from her throne, "Then let be known! That You, Akarui Yûki is the one we have been awaiting for! The girl of ancient Legend, The Priestess of Mitsu!" She stated.

~ * ~

"The young girl was brought out side on to front of the palace steps before the whole court of Kîrou. It was there that she was proclaimed before everyone that she was the priestess of Mitsu. Many court-ears, fell to their knees and paid homage to her. Feelings that could not be express flowed through her, for never in her whole life had she been given such high adoration as this," Kuraiyami read.