Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Jusst Like Romeo and Juliet ❯ Apology ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Just Like Romeo and Juliet

Chapter 3. Apology

By: Gator Ri

Once they reached the river Houjun and Hikou sat there silent for a while with their lines in the water waiting for a bite. Finally Hikou couldn't take it any longer, "What is up with you and that girl!?"

Houjun looked at his friend surprised, "Oh Kouran?"

Hikou nodded.

Houjun looked off and didn't say anything for while. Finally he faced Hikou aand said smiling sheepishly, "I just helped her weed her vegetable garden today that's all."

Hikou noddeed and smiled, "Yeah right."

Houjun looked at his friend shocked, "What you don't' believe me!?"

All Hikou could do was laugh. Houjun blushed at this. Hikou laughed harder and and gasped, "S-seee I-I told y-you soooo."

Houjun turned back to his fishing deciding to ignore Hikou and his childish implications.

Hikou finally quit laughing, "Seriously though, You do like her admit it."

Houjun shook his head slowly not daring to look at his childhood friend for fear of blushing again and heavens knows he had had enough of that for one day.

************************************************************* ****

Kouran finished her walk home with a huge smile on her face. She couldn't help it not after what had just happened. Reaching her house she went to the garden and picked a small basket full of ripe peas calling over a Shitara and Inoku she told them to shell the peas or no supper that night, but she did this of course with a smile on her face. Shitara and Inoku looked at each other wondering what their older sister was so happy about. Shrugging they went to work on shelling the peas. Inoku, was third oldest child and the first born son, he ended up eating most of his peas which his older sister, Shitata, scolded him for. He just smiled in return.

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Houjun got up, "I better get home before I get scolded again for not being responsible," he rolled his eyes and walked off with fishing pole in hand.

Hikou just nodded and stayed where he was. He was rather mystified about the way that his friend was acting. He knew that Houjun liked this girl Kouran but why wouldn't Houjun admit it. He shook his head determined not to worry about it. Houjun would be Houjn and he always had been good at hiding his true feelings. Hikou sighed and waited for the fish.

************************************************************ *****

Houjun walked home his head down he wasn't feeling to good about lying to his friend Hilou but he couldn't bare the teasing he knew that would come if he told his long time friend about how he really felt. Walking in the door he sat down at the table to wait for dinner. His mother looked at him curiously but didn't say anything figuring that if her son wanted to talk he would. Finally his father came in from the fields. He looked questioningly at mother upon seeing his son act so down but all she did was shrug. Dinner was served and the meal began without anyone so much as speaking a word.

Later that night Houjun went out for a walk in the woods. The moon was very bright that night so he walked farther than he normally would have. He kicked a stone that was in the road and just walked wherever his feet took him. Finally he reached the river's edge there he stared into the water wondering what Kouran was doing. He smiled to himself and thought, "Why should I feel blue? I mean she seems to like me alright and it doesn't hurt Hikou to not know how I feel about her." Turning he started the walk back home feeling in a much better mood, of course nature seemed to have that effect on him.

************************************************************* ****

Kouran stood outside the door of her house and looked up at the moon waiting for the first star to appear so that she could make a wish. While she was waiting she looked at the bright and beautiful moon wondering if Houjun was doing the same thing, for she had noticed that day when they had, had their "run-ins" that he smelled very much like the woods, thus she ascertained that he spent much time with nature and would probably find the beauty in a night such as this. She sighed then looking at the sky she saw the first star appear and thus made her wish……

*********************************************** ******************

Houjun was out working in his father's field under the heat of the morning sun. He looked up from what he was doing and glanced towards the forest. He wished that he was already in its cool depths watching the wildlife, climbing the trees, and looking for edible plants. His thoughts suddenly turned to what happened a couple days ago while he was helping Kouran weed the garden. He smiled to himself. What a fool he must have looked like! His father came and patted him, "Son, things don't get done by you standing there."

Houjun nodded, "Yes, father. I'm sorry." He started chopping at the weeds but his mind stayed on Kouran like it had for almost every waking moment these last couple of days. He wondered what she was up to for he had not seen her or "run in" to her. He chuckled again, thinking about him running her over. Then a thought crept into his mind, "I never really did apologize right for running into her like that. Maybe I should…." His smile brightened as he continued with his work.

************************************************************ *****

Kouran swept her hand across her brow and looked up at the sun. Boy it was hot for being so early in the day. She sighed and leaned on the doorway holding the broomstick. She thought about all that needed to be accomplished that day and sighed. She never head anytime for herself what with her mother still being sick and getting worse.

Finally finishing the work inside the house she walked out to the garden with some baskets to pluck what vegetables were ripe, there weren't many seeing as the growing season had barely started, but luckily she had planted as soon as possible and her plants were already producing. She looked up at the sun again, it was quite high in the sky now almost ready to start its decent. She smiled as she though about Houjun coming to help her weed the garden. It had been about this time……She shook her head and went back to sorting through the plants looking for those that she could take.

************************************************************ *****

Houjun took a deep breath as he entered the woods and got out of the hot sun. "Aaaah," he thought, "This is the place to be." He smiled happily heading towards Kouran's house to properly apologize, but stopped to pick some flowers on the way. "Although," he admitted to himself, "it's just an excuse to see her." He continued walking and reached the edge that went into Kouran's yard. He stopped short when he saw her working in the garden. He studied her for a few moments and then walked towards her.