Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Kaerimichi ❯ On the Road ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The silent anticipation was so thick it could have been cut with a knife. The five warriors, excluding Hotohori (who remained composed as always), were all leaned forward a bit, waiting for the redhead to speak.
“Miaka Yuuki… The Priestess of Suzaku…” it felt strange saying those words- “…was my grandmother.” Shock flashed over everyone's face but Tasuki's and Chichiri's, and Kou squirmed a little. “So I guess your Tamahome was my grandfather,” she continued a little awkwardly. “We used to visit Grandma all the time, and whenever we did, she would read me stories of this… grand adventure before bed. I always thought she wrote the book herself, but…” She shrugged.
A quiet moment passed before Chichiri spoke. “You say Miaka and Tamahome- no, Taka, were your grandparents.”
Corey wished the monk had just asked the question he'd hinted at. But, it seemed, he was going to make her explain. “They died… almost ten years ago. Mom… mom found them curled up next to each other in their bed. She said they had never looked more peaceful.”
Uncomfortable silence hung heavily in the air. Kou couldn't imagine that had been easy for any of them to hear, and she hated that Chichiri had forced her to say it. It would have come out eventually, but still… She got the distinct feeling that the monk had done it purposefully.
“Wait a minute.” Nuriko's voice shattered the quiet. “How can that be? It's only been five years since we last saw her. The timing doesn't fit.”
“That's a damn good point,” Tasuki added none too happily.
“I- I don't know,” Kou admitted. “I don't know exactly how time works here.”
“Hotohori, do you remember when we sent Miaka back to her world? She said she was only there half a day, but three months had passed here,” Nuriko said.
“Wait,” Kou started slowly. “Tasuki, how long was it in between my appearances?”
He thought for a moment. “Two months. Why?”
“Because in my world, I was there for three days before I came back,” the redhead explained, realization lighting her face. “I knew it! Time isn't constant between the worlds! I remember uncle Keisuke telling me about the other priestesses when grandma got to the part in the story about the shinzaho. The priestess of Byakko was here… um…”
“Two hundred years ago,” Chiriko interjected.
“Right! But then the priestess of Genbu came a hundred and ten years later, but in my world, it was almost immediately. And then grandma and aunt Yui ninety years later, when in my world it was over sixty years!”
“Unbelievable,” Hotohori breathed.
“But even so,” Mitsukake spoke up, “why are you here?” Silence fell again at the question; no one had an answer to give.
Kou took a deep breath. “I don't know… but… A few months ago, I started having these dreams. They were of this place. Well, not here exactly, but in the open fields overlooking the city. At first it seemed random, but then the dreams got closer and closer together until I was having them almost every night. And then… the night I inherited the book, they…” her voice trailed off. It sounded too outrageous to say they stopped being dreams, even if it was true. “That's when this all really started, I guess.”
Nuriko chewed on his lip thoughtfully. “Could it be a mistake?”
“No,” Kou answered quickly, although a bit distractedly. “Otherwise the-“ She had almost said `book'. Not knowing for sure whether they all knew that or not, she decided to leave it be. “Otherwise I think I would have been spit out back to my world like aunt Yui was.”
“But she came back,” Chiriko argued.
“Only because there was a call for a priestess,” Kou shot back.
“Then I don't think we should ignore the possibility that you could be another priestess of Suzaku no da.”
“Isn't there only supposed to be one per god?” Tasuki asked blankly.
“The gods work in mysterious ways,” said Mitsukake. Corey grinned at that.
“That they do,” Hotohori uttered mysteriously. “If you are Miaka's granddaughter, then you share the same genealogy as the priestess of Suzaku…”
“So you're saying it could have been a mistake. That the forces that brought me here might think I'm my grandmother.” A hush fell at Corey's last words. The conversation had just very quickly gone full circle and revealed only that no one had any solid idea of just what the red-haired girl was here for.
“If I might make a suggestion no da…” All eyes turned to Chichiri as he spoke. “Perhaps we should see Taiitsukun about this.” The other warriors began to murmur, but Kou didn't hear them as her heart skipped a beat. Taiitsukun had sent her grandmother home; maybe she could do the same thing again.
Hotohori turned to his wife, concern written obviously over his perfect features. “Houki-“
“Saihitei,” she cut him off chidingly with a smile. “Go. I can manage things here quite well.”
“Come on, Hotohori,” Nuriko whined. “A road trip! It'll be just like old times.”
The emperor closed his eyes in contemplation. The anxiety in the room was high, everyone waiting in trepidation for his answer. Finally, after a moment, he sighed. “Get rest. We leave in the morning.”
For the life of her, Kou could not sit still. She paced the room back and forth, her mind restless. How long would it take to get to Mount Taikyouku? What if something terrible happened on the way? Would Taiitsukun even be able to send her home? What if… what if she really was the new priestess of Suzaku? Or at least, if the book thought she was… would it let her go?
“Why am I here?!” she cried out to no one. Flopping onto the bed, Kou buried her face into the pillow. “I just want to go home…”
A knock on the door made the redhead moan in miserable frustration. Who would be visiting her at this hour anyway? Was it really too much to ask to be alone? She pondered pretending to be asleep, but that would have been poor manners. Kou lifted her head just enough to yell, “Come in!” before dropping it again to the soft down cushion. She wouldn't make the person leave, but if he really wanted to talk, he would have to deal with her mood.
“Somehow, I don't think asphyxiation is going to help you,” said a pointedly feminine voice. With mild reluctance, Kou lifted her head to greet Nuriko with a deadpan glance. The warrior had a tray in one hand but rested the other on his hip at the look, shaking his head. “I brought you a snack.”
Kou eyed the laden tray for a moment as Nuriko set it down and seated himself on the foot of the bed. “I don't think I can eat right now,” she murmured, pushing the goodies toward her purple-haired friend. “My stomach is all in knots.”
Nuriko goggled at the statement. “Can't eat?! Miaka would have chewed off my arm by now just to get to this stuff. And that would have been if she wasn't really hungry!” He chuckled, but Kou only frowned and pulled her knees into her chest.
“I'm not Miaka.”
The smile fell from Nuriko's face, a sheepish embarrassment glittering in his eyes. “I know that,” he said softly. “We all know that. I can't imagine how irritating it must be for you to have to sit around and hear `Miaka this' and `Miaka that'. But… try to understand, we all loved your grandmother very much. She was our priestess. She was the reason we exist. That kind of person leaves a hell of an impact on those she meets. No, you aren't her, but having you here brings back a lot of memories for us.” He paused and smiled lightly. “I sound like Chichiri.”
In spite of herself, Kou smiled, too, but it was fleeting. “It's just… it's hard enough to live up to my own expectations without having my grandmother's shadow over me. I- I know it isn't fair to be envious or resentful for her past, but…” she sighed heavily. “I don't want to be her replacement. I just want to be me.”
“I know what it's like to be in someone else's place,” Nuriko said. His expression had fallen as well to a sorrowful understanding. “To live in someone else's shoes… It's no way to live. I don't- none of us want to put you in that situation. We don't want you to be Miaka, but maybe you could let us remember what it was like to have her here.”
“Maybe,” Kou murmured as she fidgeted with her sheets, eyes downcast.
“Give it another day or two for the shock to wear off and everyone will be back to normal.”
“We'll see.”
“Honestly,” Nuriko sighed as he rose from the mattress, the movement garnering a sidelong glance from the redhead. He was smirking again. “Miaka was never this gloomy.”
Hazel eyes narrowed even as a ghost of a smile tugged at Kou's lips. “You ass,” she said, amusement evident in her voice, and threw a pillow at the violet-haired man. He let it bounce off his head. “Go on, get out. A girl needs her beauty sleep, you know.”
Nuriko bowed mockingly and reached for the tray.
“Wait,” Kou blurted as he started pulling it away. “Maybe I will have a bite or two.”
The smile on the warrior's face as he left spoke more than any words could have.
Corey settled under the sheets and chewed thoughtfully on a dumpling; eating in bed was a luxury she rarely afforded herself, but she didn't have to clean up the mess here, did she? In just a few hours, she would depart for Taiitsukun's, and everything would be okay. She had to believe that. Just a couple of days, and she would have her own story to tell her grandchildren.
Nothing! There was absolutely nothing here except Miaka's story, and he already knew that! Alex had figured that maybe something in the god-forsaken tome would help him, but there was nothing!
“What am I going to tell mom?!” he bemoaned out loud. It would only be a matter of time before she came home and realized Corey wasn't in the hospital or here. “Gee, ma, Kou-chan's been sucked into an evil book that almost killed her grandmother. No worries, it happens all the time, apparently!” His voice grew louder until Alex shouted the last word, throwing the leather-bound volume in his rage. It hit the wall with a dull thud and fell to the floor. The anger in the blond boy dissipated as he saw the page it was open to, only partially written. With slow, cautiously disbelieving steps, he approached the book.
A large number of blank sheets followed the half-written page that had not been there before. It seemed impossible, but if a book could take someone into it, the idea of it spontaneously growing more pages wasn't so preposterous. Alex kneeled and hesitantly retrieved the tome.
“Nuriko left the Chosen Star to sleep in preparation for their journey,” he read aloud. Chosen Star? That had to be Corey… but what did it mean? It wasn't a phrase he remembered seeing in the original story. Something new… just for her? But why? `I can't do this alone,' he thought despairingly. Alex wracked his brain for who he could turn to. Miaka and Taka passed away ages ago. Kou's parents might have known something… if they were still alive. Keisuke Yuuki was gone, too, so-
“Yui!” Alex yelled, the realization hitting him like a ton of bricks. The last he heard, Miss Hongo was still alive and well. Now, if he could just remember where she lived… Book still in hand, he rushed to his bedroom and hit the power button on his computer. “Come on, come on,” he muttered as the laptop seemed to take hours to boot up. As soon as the system was ready, his hands flew over the keyboard.
“God bless the internet,” he said absently as he pulled up an online phone directory. Alex typed furiously for a few minutes and a satisfied smile spread across his features. “You can find anything.” She was living in Kyoto now, it seemed. It was going to be one hell of a train ride, but at least he knew where to go. He scribbled down the address on a scrap of paper and rose from his chair. Within minutes, Alex had thrown together a quick travel bag complete with snacks, his cell phone, and the book.
The blond-haired boy paused at the front door. Who knew how long this was going to take? He would have to leave a note for his mother lest she go out of her mind with worry. Making his way into the kitchen, Alex retrieved a pen and scrawled a message on the notepad stuck to the fridge.
`Mom, took Corey out for the day. Don't worry, we're fine. I've got my phone if you need to call. See you later.
-Love, Alex'
With a sigh and a twinge of guilt, he slung the travel bag over his shoulder and left the house, heading for the train station.
“Kou!” The yell of her name along with an incessant pounding on her door jarred the redhead from sleep. She groaned, wincing at the sunlight and pulled the covers over her head.
“Go away!” she screamed back moodily. Corey had slept restlessly through the night, too saddled with anticipation to get any real sleep. She felt as exhausted now as she had when she'd lied down the night before.
“You already missed breakfast!” the effeminate voice continued. “If you don't get up now, we're going to leave you behind!”
“Nuriko, I don't think that's the best way to go about it, no da.” The knocking didn't stop.
With a frustrated whine, Kou threw the sheets back and sat up. “All right! I'm coming!” she cried out. The pounding immediately let up.
“Thank you,” Nuriko said as sweetly as could be. Hazel eyes glared at the heavy oak, hoping the stare would bore through and burn the warrior on the other side. Kou sighed heavily and ran a hand through messy burgundy-colored hair as she slid out of bed.
She could already tell that it was going to be a long day.
With sluggish movements, Corey pawed through her bag for clothes. Skirts were nice, and she'd love to wear her favorite one again, but they seemed terribly impractical for horseback riding. She settled instead for a pair of dark stone-washed denims and a plain white baby-tee. Sending another silent thanks to Alex and Jessica, she grabbed the sneakers that had been included in the pack.
Dressed and carrying her back over one shoulder, Kou exited the room. Chichiri and Nuriko were waiting for her there, the latter tapping his foot impatiently. The red-haired girl couldn't help but grin.
“Jeez, Nuriko, you in a hurry to get rid of me?”
The seishi balked at this, much to Kou's amusement. He frowned good-naturedly when she laughed and poked her on the forehead. “Brat,” he muttered. Spinning on his heal, Nuriko started down the hallway that would lead them out of the palace. As they walked, Kou glanced up at the blue-haired monk beside her.
“You're awfully quiet this morning, Chichiri. Is everything okay?”
Chichiri turned to face the girl, eternally smiling features skewing the serious expression that lay beneath the mask. “We'll find out, na no da.”
Outside, the rest of the warriors were gearing up their horses. Hotohori and Houki were sharing a fond farewell beside his steed. There seemed to be one for everybody… except Kou.
“Why don't I have a horse?” she asked, a little disappointed.
“Do you know how to ride one?” Nuriko countered.
“Well… no…”
Nuriko winked. “That's why. You'll ride with Hotohori.” With that said, the violet-haired warrior left Corey's side to tend to his own horse. Alone, the redhead let her eyes sweep around; did they all have to go with her? It made sense to have the Suzaku shichiseishi around to keep tabs on the otherworlder, especially if she did turn out to be another priestess, but it made her feel a little self-conscious at the same time. It seemed far too impressive an entourage for someone as unimpressive as she.
Her eyes fell on a particular fanged someone just as he was casting a sparing glance her way. Kou still hadn't spoken to him herself, and had no idea of Nuriko had actually given him her message. Lowering her gaze from the bandit, she made her way over to Hotohori. The emperor looked down on her from tightening the saddlebags, a small smile lighting his features.
“Are you ready to go?”
Kou fidgeted with the hem of her shirt for a moment. “Yeah, but… I was wondering if you wouldn't mind if I rode with Tasuki instead.” Hotohori said nothing, and the silence only intensified the redhead's awkwardness. “We kind of got into a fight the other day, and I haven't had the chance to talk to him and work things out. I… don't want to leave on a bad note with anyone.”
Hotohori's smile remained, but his expression had turned almost… sad. Nuriko's words the night before flitted through Kou's mind; was this only going to remind everyone of what it was like when Miaka left them for the last time? She bit her lip gently, about to make an apology (though she wasn't sure what for) when the emperor spoke.
“If that is what you wish, I have no objections. Tasuki!” The flame-haired bandit turned at the sound of his name and trotted over. “Help her up,” Hotohori said simply. A look of confusion and mild annoyance crossed the younger warrior's face. He opened his mouth to say something, but seemed to change his mind at the last second. With a quiet sight and a frown, Tasuki held his hand out for the redhead. As he pulled her into the saddle, Kou looked down at the emperor, mouthing `thank you'.
The troupe set out a scant minute or two later. Nuriko, Chichiri, Mistukake and Chiriko were chatting idly about something or other, but Kou simply sat in awkward silence. Why were words failing her? There really was no reason to feel so jittery… right?
“Tasuki?” the redhead finally managed. Her voice had been quiet, and a strange part of her hoped the warrior hadn't heard it.
“What?” Kou winced internally, unable to read Tasuki's mood by his tone. It seemed she would just have to go for broke.
“I'm really sorry about the other night, I was completely out of line and what I said was uncalled for.” The words flew from the girl's mouth so fast that they were nearly indiscernible from one to the next. Risking a sidelong glance back, Kou saw the warrior's expression scrunched in thought.
“The other night?” he asked, and a moment later, realization washed over his features. “You're still hung up on that? You need to learn to let things go.”
Silence settled again, comfortable this time, and Kou just smiled as they galloped along.
Author's Note: I told you I would explain the seeming `inconsistency' in the timeline of the story. ^__^ Hopefully in the next chapter, I can get some action going. Nothing adds to character growth like a little adversity. Also next chapter, I hope to bring out something very, very important to plot development. Writhe in the suspense of it all. =)