Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Kitsune-chan..... An Eighth Seishi? ❯ Reunited ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Erm... This will be my first FY fanfic. Amusingly enough it'll also be my first het pairing ::sweat drops:: Anyway, we all know that Suboshi kills Tamahome's siblings and father. What we didn't know (actually, I made it up), is that he still has a living sister. One that's four years older! ^.^ Anyway, this fic idea nagged at me so I have to write it. Kitsune ends up being an eighth Suzaku Seishi (don't ask.... the idea of my muses. have a problem with it, rant at them, not me. I just happen to own the computer and the mind they live in) and she falls in love with the eldest seishi. If there are any spoilers, I don't know about it cuz I have yet to see an actual episode and I'm getting the manga tomorrow -_-;ON WITH THE FIC! Oh yeah, will be fluffy! I love fluffy things =^.^=yeah... Gotta do the disclaimer. Almost forgot.... Don't own any of the sexy seishi! If I did, Suboshi and Amiboshi would both stay alive and live together happily! I do own the character Kitsune, though! She's based off me. ^_^

Tamahome is lounging around with Tasuki and Chichiri when they all feel a strong, yet unfamiliar ki enter the encampment. Not long after, a yell from one of the guards tells them that someone is trying to get in, so they go to check it out.
As they get closer to the cause of all the commotion, they hear a woman's voice arguing with one of the larger of the gate guards.
"What's going on here?" Tasuki asks as they get closer.
A woman with black hair reaching just past her shoulders with piercing gray eyes turns on them and states, "I'm here to find my brother. I've been looking for some time now and I've finally tracked him to...... Kishuku-chan? Is that you?" She walks up to Tama and inspects him closely for a moment before throwing her arms around him in a fierce hug. "It is you! I knew you hadn't died with father and the others!"
"Kit--Kitsune?!" Tama questions his shorter sibling before wrapping her in an equally fierce hug, "Where the hell have you been all this time? When I didn't see your body with the others, I thought maybe....."
A small cough comes from a little way off, "Are you going introduce us, Tama, no da?"
Smiling sheepishly, Tama turns back to his fellow seishi, "Sure thing, Chichiri. Kitsune, This is Chichiri and Tasuki. They're fellow Susaku Seishi. I'll introduce you to the others later, but right now, I should probably introduce you to Hotohori-sama."
"We'll come too, no da," Chichiri replies cheerfully. "I don't have anything else to do. What about you Tasuki, no da?"
"Might as well."
The four of them search around for the young emporor before Tasuki smacks his forehead, "We haven't even checked with Miaka yet!"
The other two seishi stop and feel incredibley stupid for a moment before Tama says, "That should've been the first place we checked! They're probably out in the gardens as usual. Hotohori is too much of a romantic for his own good."
They finally make their way to the gardens and begin looking around until they come across the emporor and his fience.
Tamahome steps forward with Kitsune and greets him, "Sorry to inturrupt anything Hotohori-san, Miaka-chan, but I just out the greatest news and thought you should know that one of my siblings did escape the fate the others faced from Suboshi. This is my older sister Kitsune. Kitsune, this is the emporor and one of the Suzaku Seven, Hotohori."
"So this is the trouble maker I heard about from one of the guards," Hotohori states with a chuckle.
Kitsune blushes, "I didn't mean to cause a scene, but I've been looking for Kishuku since.... Anyway, I'm just glad I finally found the last bit of family I have."
Miaka stands to meet the newcommer with a smile, "Perhaps, in time, we'll all become family to you as well. We'd be honored if you'd stay with us here. I could use another girl to talk to around here."
Smiling as well, Kitsune replies, "I'd like that."
"Anyway," Tama inturrupts, "I'm gonna go introduce Kitsune to the others! She still hasn't met Nuriko, Mitsukake, or Chiriko!"
"Be gone with you then! She should really get to know them if she's going to live here with us," Miaka shooed them out of the garden before tuning to Hotohori with a concentrated look. "Did you feel that girl's ki, Hoto-chan? It's even more powerful than Chichiri-kun's, and he's had more training with his powers than any of you."
Noding, Hotohori just answered, "We'll just have to keep an eye on her. This may sound odd, but I have a feeling we have an eighth seishi on our hands. If the symbol appears on her, it wouldn't surprise me any. She survived that attack for a reason."
"An eighth seishi? Is that possible?"
"Hai, it is, and that's what this appears to be. As I said, we'll just have to keep an eye on her until she shows her powers."
Back with Tama and the others, they'd found the other three seishi and introductions have been made. Kitsune is now sitting with Chiriko and having an in depth conversation about some book they'd both read and loved (AN: I don't own DragonLance by the way. It belongs to Margret Weis and Tracy Hickman).
"Who's your favorite character?" Chiriko asks, excited to finally meet someone to share his readings with.
"Raistlin. He may be a sadistic pessimist, but he's got to be the most intelligant character aside from Tanis. What annoyed me was that none of them except Tanis and Caramon understood just how valuable his advice was."
"Yeah, intelligance is often over-looked in many places," Chiriko replies sadly.
"Not here it's not!" Tasuki claims as he scoops Chiriko up.
Chiriko squeaks, "Put me down Tasuki-kun! I get the point! I'm not over-looked, I never said I was!"
The group laughs as Chiriko is placed back in his chair and given a hug from the older seishi. He and Kitsune resume their conversation while Tama-neko climbs onto her lap and falls asleep.
"Oh! What a cute little kitty!" Kitsune coos and strokes his fur. "Who's little kitty cat are you? You're so adorable!"
Mitsukake chuckles, "I guess he's found another person to steal attention from. Tama-neko always knows who has a weakness for cats, doesn't he, Chichiri?"
Chichiri nods and smiles widely, "That he does, no da. You'd better not let him get away with much or he'll be on your lap every time you sit down, no da."
"I don't mind. I've never really had time for a pet before. It'll be nice to have one jumping up on me every chance it gets!" Kitsune's smile is even wider than Chichiri's.
The little cat turns over on its back and purs as Kitsune continues scratching behind his ears and rubbing his stomache. Tamahome sits beside her and pets the cat as well.
"So Kitsune," Nuriko finally says after being silent most of the time they were there, "you never told us how old you are. All we know is that you're older than Tamahome-kun."
"I still have to get used to that Seishi name. Anyway, I'm 21. I'll be 22 in May."
"Cool! You're close to Chichiri's age! He's 24," Tasuki responds while poking the blue-haired seishi.
Chichiri blushes and replies, "My birthday is also in May, no da. On the 21st."
"Mine's the 14th," Kitsune answers with a smile.

Err.... Can't think of anything else to write in this chappy! I should have the next one up soon though! That is, if my muses decide they want to talk to me again. They're kinda mad that I haven't had time to write in a while. Anyway, please disregard any spelling screw-ups. This program doesn't have spell check and the one that does is being a prick.next time!

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