Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel ❯ The Girl ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: well it's another new story that I thought up at like midnight one night. I was trying for a one shot fic but it didn't work out that way. So yes this is from Chichiri's point of view and it takes place after the flood and before he becomes a monk. Spoilers for Chiri's past and some morbid moments but other than that, safe. Fushigi Yuugi isn't mine but the little girl is. And to the fic….

My Angel

As I sit here all alone, calmly marveling at nature's beauty and enjoying the peace that has fallen over me I start to reflect on my life and how different it might have turned out if not for one small child. I smile fondly at the memory. Yes, she truly was my angel, my savior. If not for her things would have turned out very differently indeed…

As I sat in the ruins of what was once my home, I thought back to when I was a boy playing and laughing with Kouran and Hikou, blissfully unaware of the future. My thoughts drift slowly back to the present and my emotions closed in around me, like the walls of a prison… the loneliness and despair, the indescribable anguish of having lost everything including my left eye, all in the same day. Not only had I lost my family and everyone I held dear, but with them had gone my hopes and dreams, my sense of self and even my will to live. I could never amount to anything more than a half blind monster now that I'd murdered my best friend. I would never be able to love again, could never hope to be trusted by anyone … all I wished for was death. With all my heart and soul, I prayed that Suzaku would end my pathetic excuse for a life once and for all and give my tormented mind peace. I longed for the darkness that came with eternal sleep because then I wouldn't have to relive that day over and over in my mind. Coming to my senses only to realize that Hikou was drowning in the river, the waters swollen and the current swift… me taking his hand in a weak attempt to spare his life…the horrible agony as that log hit my eye and then the awful realization that I was no longer holding onto my best friend's hand…that he was gone forever, all on my account. All I wanted was for the darkness to claim my life, to put me out of my misery!

Then the strangest thing happened, I heard a scream in the distance and, somehow, it sparked something deep inside of me. Momentarily forgetting my inner turmoil, I ran towards the scream only to find a child of about four years old being attacked by two large, unsavory-looking bandits. She was sobbing uncontrollably as the bandits demanded she turn over all that she possessed. The tiny girl told them over and over that she had nothing but they wouldn't believe her.

The first man, a tall young lad of about sixteen with hair as dark as night, kicked her down and proceeded to drive his heel into her arm, right where the joint meets the lower arm. A sickening crunch rent the air followed by a yell so piercing and full of anguish that I left my troubles by the riverbank for a minute as I sprang towards the two unsuspecting thieves. I caught the raven-haired man by the arms, twisting them up behind his back while I froze the other with a spell.

"Why are you tormenting this poor child?" I demanded "What has she done to you?"

"N-nothin'!" stammered the one I held in my spell "We're jus' doin' our job! Us bandits gotta make a livin' too y'know!"

"Be that as it may, I cannot allow you to harm this girl." I told them "Now either leave immediately or prepare to fight!" I growled with more bravery than I felt.

The raven haired man broke my hold on his arms and swiftly punched me in the stomach. I gasped and fell backwards as the air was forced out of me, accidentally releasing the second man from my spell.

As the second thief started towards me, fists raised threateningly, the little girl darted forward and put out her good arm, trying to shield me from the oncoming attacker.

"Don't hurt him." she said, voice small and frightened but still firm.

"Aww.. isn't that sweet?" the raven haired man cooed mockingly "Our blue-haired hero has a pint-sized girlfriend!" He stalked up to her and sneered "Whatcha gonna do, kid? Tell your mommy on us?"

The two bandits burst out laughing and the second man shoved the girl aside and started for me again. This time his friend joined him.

I swallowed, my bravery slipping with each step they took, scared out of my wits. Then the girl was there again.

"Don't hurt him." she repeated, stepping between me and the two men once more.

The second man grabbed her by the front of her tunic and lifted her so that they were face to face. "An' if we do?" he challenged, voice dangerously soft.

The girl whimpered as fresh tears tumbled down her cheeks, green eyes wide and tearful.

I felt anger begin to rise within me. How dare they hurt her! She was only a child, small and defenseless! How could I be such a coward? If even this tiny child could show such bravery in the face of danger, then surely so could I! It wasn't right to let them hurt her and make her cry! I sprang to my feet and said in an ominous whisper "Let her go."

The raven-haired bandit smirked. "Or what? You'll cry about it? Shut up, you half-blind freak and get outta here before we really mess you up!" he yelled.

"If you leave now, I'll let you live." I told them flatly.

The second man threw the girl down and advanced on me again. His fist connected with my left eye before I had a chance to block it and I screamed in pain, throwing my hands up in front of me. A red light shone from my right knee and surrounded me as pure white light glowed from my palms. In horrible agony and sheer panic, I let loose two glowing spheres of pure energy. The man in front of me crumpled to the floor like someone who had just been hit by three tons of sand. The raven-haired man gaped in shock at what he had just witnessed then shook himself out of his stupor, grabbed his friend and bolted as fast as his feet would carry him.

I stood for a second looking at my hands in disbelief. How in the name of the seven hells had I done that? And what had that red light been? A small sob reached my ears and snapped me out of my astonished staring and I remembered the little girl.

She was huddled in the grass where the thief had thrown her, eyes wide and fearful, trembling like a leaf.

"D-don't hurt me." she stammered fearfully, her tears falling more rapidly as I came closer." Please…"

********** well that's it for chapter one. Sorry about the cliffhanger but my fingers are gonna fall off from typing so damned fast. Anyways tell me whatcha think and see you next chapter.

~Tenshi Kitsune~ ******************************