Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ My Dreams aren't as Empty ❯ chapter one ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Penpaninu here! I had this idea from the song “Behind Blue eyes” (the original, not the Linkin Park version) and that maybe if Nakago were helped early in his last life, he woudln't have, you know, tried to take over the heavens and two worlds. Turned into a greedy bastard, didn't he? Oh well, at least it had a reason….I went through the whole series screaming at the guy to get offscreen, then I cried at his demise. See, if he had help, he wouldn't have been such a bastard!
I don't say his actions are excused, I just understand them better. Anyway, here's a fresh start for him. This chapters mainly setting up what Miaka and Yui are doing, and a surprise Seiryuu seishi makes a last second reborn appearance.
Anyway, I chose the name Naisen as it started with an `n' (original, ahem I know) and he's a kickass character in the Mantis clan (tm Legend of the Five Rings, AEG). A man in charge of his own destiny and Naisen should be for what he's getting now.
Please review!
“My Dreams aren't as Empty”
by penpaninu
Sukunami Miaka did not attend college courses to be a guidance counselor or teacher as her husband had. She was content to stay at home with their son, Hiroshi, and witness his every development with joy. She would proudly display his daily accomplishments to Taka once he returned home from work.
Days off from the middle school Taka worked at ensured family outings and trips, allowing the couple to enjoy their son with the world. Then on Monday it would be off to the school. Once Hiroshi was old enough to be enrolled in the grade school attached to Taka's middle school, Miaka was more flexible o help her husband at work. She did not have a teaching degree, but she had a ready willingness to help.
The principal, Sumiyoshi Masarou, loved Miaka's cheerfulness and allowed her to organize, take calls or type. Whatever loose work that needed to be done, Miaka did willingly and cheerfully. She even was able to sub for the secretaries officially if they were under the weather.
Mr. Sumiyoshi paid her even if she had not the prerequisites as she was a joy for their colleagues and students.
With alittle pleading on her part, and a friendly nudge form Taka, Sumiyoshi even hired Yui as a part-time guidance counselor. Yui was dating Tetsuya , who didn't' like her to work too often. But Yui was glad to talk to the innocent grade-school children and mischievous middle-schoolers. And she could have her lunch break with Miaka, Taka and the other teachers and staff.
Yui had majored in psychology in college, mainly due in part to the anguishes of her celestial seishi. She felt she could have understood and helped them better. So now she was trying her part to help troubled children.
And be close to Miaka, Yui felt that Taka could use all the help he could get to keeping an eye on her.
One afternoon Yui was counting down the clock for she was eager to meet Tetsuya for a date. Things were getting serious and while she loved him dearly, it was frightening her how much he wanted her to be with him forever. She was sure something was wrong with her, but she needed more time. Tetsuya could only understand.
“Ten more minutes,” Yui murmured and tucked a long lock of hair behind her right ear. A blue earring shone in her lobe and she tapped it softly.
Just as Yui was picking up her purse to slide out early, the door rasped open impatiently. Damn, so much for getting out early, or maybe even on time.
“I don't know what you were thinking hitting Taro that way, he claimed you began the argument and…. don't you ignore me!!” Yui rolled her eyes then plastered a smile on her face to greet a frazzeled third year teacher and her charge.
Blond hair hung into clear blue eyes and a bland expression greeted her.
`Cheery little guy,' Yui thought. He wasn't sullen though… he put on a nonchalant air easily for being only eight. It wasn't to annoy the teacher, Yui was sure of it. It was to keep everyone away, period. Time to do the job. Tetsuya would have to wait.
“How do you do? I'm HongoYui. What is your name?”
Before the boy's lips could part, the teacher answered for him.
“This is Shindou Naisen and he raised hands to one of his classmates!!”
Yui winced at her shrill tone yet kept the smile on. Just barely. The boy's blond hair was intriguing though. Did he have European parents or was it just dyed?
“Is that so, Shindou-kun? Well…” Yui stooped down to smile at him. “We can talk about it or there will be a punishment. Which would you prefer, Shindou-kun?”
Blue eyes looked up from under his bangs and pierced his counselor sharply. Yui's earlobe burned and she took a deep breathe not to gasp aloud. Miaka spoke of reincarnation… particularily of their seishi, and Taka was every example to prove this. But she never thought that hers could….
“I'll receive the punishment.” Naisen said calmly. He pushed his hands into his pockets and stared past Yui's shoulder, seemingly content with his decision.
“Why you little!…”
“Admirable, Shindou-kun…” Yui stood up and smoothed her skirt out. It couldn't be…he was so young, and well maybe…not vulnerable. But he was so young! Still learning about the world. Yui decided to take the educator's angle and decided to help him learn something from her for a change. “…but I think we should talk about it. We should take time out of your afternoon lessons tomorrow. Is 1:00 alright?”
The teacher sputtered but nodded, consenting to the offer.
“Very well…” the bell rang and Miaka cheered loudly from the front office. “I shall see you tomorrow, Shindou-kun.”
Shindou Naisen shrugged and followed his teacher back to collect his things.
Yui sat down to think. Could her seishi truly be reborn? They weren't all clean-cut as Suzaku's chosen, and half weren't as loyal as to look at her. But if it was Nakago… he needed help. And this time she could give it to him before it was too late.
“Yui!…Yui-chan! What are you doing? The bell rang!” Miaka sang out, halting in her tracks. Yui hadn't responded and she had been prattling for a good minute now.
“Yui? Are you okay?…” only did her friend shake her head, coming back to the present.
“Miaka-chan…sorry. I just had a thought…”
“Well you better hurry, or Tetsuya will worry,” Miaka smiled, patting her shoulder. Yui nodded and collected her purse. She glanced out the office window. Light from the setting sun flashed off flawless blond hair as a small figure walked home by himself.
* * * *
Naisen made his way up to his family's apartments stopping to pet the neighbor's kitty. It was his one pleasure walking by himself, but all too soon he made his way home.
A skewed word, home. Home should be where the heart was, but Naisen resolved not to let his heart feel too much at his parents house because they hurt him too much. He took it upon himself to be unfeeling and not care what they said or did or didn't' say or do. Naisen glowered and pushed the door open, taking off his sneakers.
Sounds from the kitchen greeted the boy as he set his backpack down. No answer from a parental figure. Might as well make the attempt.
“I'm here, mother.” Naisen stod straight, eyeing the blond woman casualy. His mother, Rebecca, had grown up in London, and it was her family that gave the somber boy his light hair and blue eyes.
“Did you get home safely?” she asked and it seemed a chore to get the words out. That wasn't new.
“Yes, mother.”
“Yes well… do you have homework?”
“Yes, mother. I will do it now.”
A fake smile was the best she could do but Rebecca made the attempt and failed miserably. “ That's my smart son…well, I'll call you to dinner.”
Naisen picked his books up and turned to head down the hallway when his mothers next words froze him in place.
“Your father wanted to take you to another business meeting tonight. Don't let him take you home so late again. I worry so much.”
Tears pricked Naisen's eyes but he refused to turn around and show them, or let it show in his voice. He hardened his heart and his expression. “Very well, mother. I'll greet Father when he comes to get me.”
He hated these great ideas of his father's. Sitting around drunk and grabby businessmen was not his idea of parental nurturing. The way things were going, and right now Naisen had no idea what they wanted from him, something would happen and it would only get worse than fumbling hands on his thighs and knee, and spirits breathed into his face. Naisen's small hands clenched tightly around his books and he set them carefully on his desk.
Someday, he would learn all he could from school and did whatever it took. He would master his mind and himself and take himself from this hell. And he would take his revenge on what his father was doing to him.
* * * * *
“I met a student in my office today, “ Yui commented out loud. Tetsuya mumbled a question around his toothbrush, peeking out the bathroom door. “Who was it?”
Yui fingered the ends of her hair and curled up on her side of the bed.
“A third year named Shindou Naisen. He must have an American parent, but he has blond hair.” And blue eyes, eyes that were cold and saw too much.
Tetsuya climbed into bed and stretched. “That is interesting…that or his parents dyed it.” Yui curled up under his arm, letting Tetsuya kiss her.
“I thought that but that's not the point. When I saw him…. “ Yui gestured to the earring she wore, the only part of Nakago left. Tetsuya noticed the meaning and squeezed her tightly.
“You miss your…don't you?” Yui made a small sound of consent and snuggled close to his chest.
“Taka was reborn…. he is Tamahome. Miaka is sure the others will be reborn here. Why can't…why can't they?”
Tetsuya kissed Yui's neck, causing her head to fall back. “I know you wish you could see him, and maybe the boy looks like him, but it could not be him also. Don't' get your hopes up.”
Tetsuya's sure fingers opened her robe and pulled her close to soothe her worries away.
As if to spite his words, the next day Yui met an eighteen- year old boy at a new pizza parlor. A young man, with short sandy hair who laughed happily, and caught her attention with his smile. His left arm scabbed up in a rash that when inquired about, he told her he and his twin brother had the same mark.
“Usually when we're trying to talk through our minds,” he laughed, handing Yui's order over. His eyes held a flash of recognition and Yui's heart stopped. Suboshi.
~~~~~ end chapter one
There will be more on Nakago or Naisen here later, I was trying to establish the setting. Yui and Miaka will both be more present for his character, though I had to throw in Suboshi just to mock Tetsuya. Poor poor Tetsuya… (sigh)
The rash thing was during the first failed summoning of Suzaku at the end of season one :P Remember, the twins wrote on their arms and received the messages cross country. Hows that for express delivery? And well, I'm a twin, and when I DID get a rash on my left arm, I said “hey, my sister's trying to write me a message!”
Please review!! Do you want a chapter two?
Hugs, penpaninu 8/25/05