Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ My Dreams aren't as Empty ❯ chapter two ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hello! Chapter two to the story is up. Sorry for the delay, I was caught writing two more Inuyasha's and dealing with some crit on using the same title for a previously existing fic. I ask you please if you want to give criticism, make it constructive and not destructive. I always listen to reviews.
Thanks for reading ^_^ The beginning is a look how Naisen's parents met. I put Amiboshi in there too, and gave both of them an `A' and an `S' name, how original again! Yui looks like she's trying to lend everyone a hand. Please review! ~~~~~~~
“My Dreams aren't as Empty” chapter two
by penpaninu
Shindou Tadaka was on a business trip in London when he met a young college student with blond hair named Rebecca Stewart. They hit it off fairly well and he romanced her, convincing her to marry him and live in Tokyo with him. Rebecca was happy and in love so she agreed, but was naturally overwhelmed at the culture shock of moving to a different country. She did the best she could but didn't like how many hours Tadaka's office work kept him from home, or how often he was sent around the country and to others to promote company negotiations.
Rebecca learned sparse Japanese and was perpetually alone and homesick without her husband. She didn't make any friends and she couldn't communicate as fluently as she could at home.
She was genuinely happy when she became pregnant a year and a half later and Tadaka was thrilled. A small boy was born to them both, with Rebecca's blond hair and blue eyes. They decided upon Shindou Naisen. Things went well the first three years of Naisen's life, until Rebecca received a call from a strange woman claiming to have been having an affair with Tadaka.
Rebecca confronted her husband but he blamed her for his outburst and infidelity. He went so far as to blame their son as well for clinging to him. Rebecca was so shocked, she withdrew into herself, intent subconsciously to be the perfect wife. A wife who did everything perfect, but, without joy or strength. An unsmiling mother, and unresponsive wife.
Tadaka continued on his exploits outside the house and did what he pleased, no longer caring his marriage was emotionally over. Poor Naisen had no idea why his mother didn't respond normally or why his father hated to be at home. At the age of six, Naisen asked his father why other children's mothers laughed as loudly as they and he received a barrage of obscenities and quite a few hits.
Naisen being so young, reacted rather maturely. He was humiliated and hurt and took it into himself, not crying out or protesting. It wasn't healthy for a child but he did it anyway. Rebecca did nothing or didn't even notice as she almost lived only in the kitchen.
When Naisen was enrolled in grade school, he had to memorize his way there and back home as his mother wouldn't walk with him beyond the first day. He followed a pack of neighborhood kids those first few terrifying days until he had the way memorized. Then he didn't need them. He could do it himself alone.
Naisen diligently did his work at school and learned from his teachers and went straight home, not bothering to stop in the neighborhood park though he wanted to. The other children's smiles and their tall loving parents angered him so he never stopped to play.
He would just go straight home, home to a dim home where his mother nursed cups of strong spirits, waiting for dinner to finish. Sometimes when his father would get back after sunset, he would collect the boy to take with him back to work, and show him off to his partners and colleagues. At first Naisen was happy his father chose to point him out to these men then the excitement quickly dulled to anxiety as he was witness to drinking and shouting instead of kind compliments. It was obvious his father wanted him here for something else and Naisen didn't want to find out what it was.
He remained stoic, and polite, even if the hands got too friendly and he was forced to share sloppy kisses with some of the more drunk business associates. Filled with disgust at his situation set Naisen to grim determination that sooner or later he'd learn enough from school, master himself, and leave this place.
One such night `talking' to some of these colleagues, Naisen tried to keep a straight face as he was chattered at with alcohol-lathered breathe and groped from each side. His father was watching from across the room, and the clock on the wall read that it was almost 11 pm as it was. Damn. And that dumb counselor wanted to talk at school tomorrow.
Shindou Tadaka took another drink and studied his blond son seemingly entertaining those men from out of town. He would do well to go on to other levels of entertainment these men wanted. Tadaka's president nudged him and leaned to inquire a request in his ear. Tadaka smiled and nodded. “Tomorrow night should be fine.”
* * * *
Tetsuya dropped off Yui at the middleschool with a kiss the next day and she waved as he drove off. Several students waved shyly as she walked in with them and she greeted them with a smile. From here she could hear Miaka chattering happily as usual, no doubt answering a phone call.
Yui pushed open the office doors and waved to Matsuko and Eri, giggling as Miaka winked over the phone. She bowed to Mr. Sumiyoshi, and took her customary cup of morning coffee, sliding into her small counselor's office and going through her files for the day. Ten o'clock with Masuri Aoshi, noon with Hideki Yuriko. And the one oclock with Shindou Naisen. Yui sighed and pushed her bangs out of her eyes. She couldn't stop thinking about that young boy even after what Tetsuya had advised.
She may be setting herself up for a fall, but she knew her intuitions accurately now and she was sure it was him. Just as she was sure the pizza boy yesterday was Suboshi. She'd have to get his name…. “I need to stop turning into a stalker!” Yui sighed and sipped her coffee. Wouldn't hurt to stop by for lunch though…
“Yui do you want any sugar….heh you're too funny,” Miaka's rang out again and Yui looked up. “No, black's fine, Miaka-chan. I was just thinking.”
“About pizza for lunch again? You're going to get fat and then Tetsuya will find someone else,” Miaka teased. Yui smiled, knowing Tetsuya would remain devoted no matter what. “I was thinking we'd try them again to be sure of the quality,” she answered happily.
“Well I can't blame you…Taka is fond of the place and Hiroshi loves the twins who work there,” Miaka commented and Yui's heart pounded.
“He did say he had a twin brother…” Yui mused, more sure than ever of her intuition.
“You should see them both toss dough! They have a regular act going…Yui, are you alright?” Miaka waved her hand in front of her eyes. Yui laughed and tucked a lock of hair behind her earlobe. “Just fine. I'm ready for those kids now.”
* * * *
Picking up lunch at the pizza parlour (called Dragon Scales) proved to be interesting once more. Both brothers were there, and the first that Yui was sure was Suboshi loudly exclaimed that his admirer was back. The other brother teased right along side and Yui blushed to receive so much attention. Their nametags read Asakura and Saito, and she would remember that.
The twins were so young and earnest and it made her smile to see them happily at ease in their new lives. She knew fate had put them around the corner from her job, and she would take advantage of that to set their relationship straight.
She shouldn't have asked Saito out to coffee because Asakura looked alittle jealous, but she couldn't help herself. Suboshi died with so many mistakes under his belt and she only wanted to help.
Along with another of her seishi at one oclock. Yui made it back just in time to distribute the pizza around the office and hide in her office with a slice. She was brushing the crumbs from her hands with a napkin just as a polite knock sounded at the door.
“Shindou Naisen here, ma'am. I've come for my appointment.”
He did sound formal and polite…but he had some shields put up already. Were things going well at home for her reincarnated seishi? What if legal matters had to be called in? For now all she could do was talk to him and try to reach him.
“Come in, Shindou-kun.” Yui called and tossed the napkin in the garbage can. Naisen slid the door open and stepped in and bowed before taking a seat across from her desk.
“First things first would be to ask why you got into a fight yesterday, Shindou-kun,” Yui began, picking up her notepad. Naisen shrugged.
“I don't see the need to coddle weaker boys. Taro was poking at me constantly and I finally put him in his place.”
Yui raised an eyebrow and jotted a short note. `Superior complex.'
“Did Taro incite your actions?” she asked. A short nod from Naisen.
“Very well… how are things at home? Do you have any siblings, or pets?”
Yui was quick to notice an angry fire behind his eyes before they iced over completely. “No brothers or sisters. My neighbor has a cat,” Naisen shrugged.
“What do your parents do?”
“My father works for a company and my mother stays at home.”
“How would you call your relationship to them?”
Naisen declined to answer, boredly watching the clock. “Are we almost finished, Hongo-san?”
Yui shook her head. “A few more questions, Shindou-kun. I'd like for you to trust me you know.”
Naisen turned to look at her, confusion flashing through the ice in his eyes. So he could be somewhat vulnerable even with his shields. And she had startled him.
“Sure, I mean you are a teacher right?”
“I'd like to be your friend,” Yui invited, jotted more notes down then setting the pad down to smile at him. “If you ever need to come talk to someone, my door is always open for you. And please try to get along, your classmates should be your friends.”
Naisen shrugged again, seemingly bored. “I'll keep that in mind, Hongo-san. May I be excused?” Yui nodded and he stood up, bowed and exited her office, sliding the door carefully shut behind him.
Yui took a deep breathe and leaned her head against her raised hands. Naisen was hiding some pain there was no doubt and it was connected to his parents. He had to trust her first before he could tell her and so she could help. All the help she could offer was her support and an open ear. Nakago never trusted anyone in her time in the Other World. And he had had years of experience keeping people from his heart.
She found him early enough she was sure she could help him. He just needed to let her in.
* * * *
“I'm surprised you asked me out, Yui-san,” Saito grinned, stirring sugar into his coffee. Yui declined when he offered the pink packets and sipped hers plain.
“Well it was such a hard decision considering you have a twin,” she teased gently, heart pounding as his smile widened. Saito had a more open nature than his past life, but then again his brother hadn't been washed down country accidentally.
“I'm going to have to tell Asakura later on that you picked me for my looks!” he joked, leaning back and crossing an ankle over his knee. The coffeehouse they chose to go to was busy but they had managed to grab a couch in the corner.
“Tell me, are you in college?” Yui asked. Saito smiled and filled her ears with the activities of his life which led him to need a part time job with his brother, and the hours passed in comfortable companionship.
A ring on Yui's cellphone broke the gentle atmosphere with a shrill blast and Yui flipped it open.
“Hello! Sorry, Tetsuya…. I know, I didn't mean to be late…I ran into an old friend and we went to coffee. Sure, I'll say hi..Okay I'll be home later! Jyaa…” Yui sighed and hung up.
Saito grinned. Old friend? What was that about? He liked the sound of that though.
“Don't tell me you're going already, Yui-san!” he laughed. Yui groaned goodnaturedly and rapped his shoulder.
“I have to. But I'll see you won't I?” her heart pounded as Saito considered her seriously.
“You can count on it.”
Oh shit. What was she getting into?
* * * *
All that night Naisen's stomach twisted and roiled despite his mothers careful cooking and soothing lies from his father's mouth. He was taken back to the company building for another meeting and Naisen had the urge to just run away while he could. Security would just grab him, wouldn't they? So he resolved to see this usual atrocity through so he could go home faster.
“You'll be talking to Yasunori-san. He's my president, Naisen-chan. You'll do what you're asked, won't you? I work for him,” Tadaka was saying. Naisen grit his teeth and bobbed his head in acquiescence. Why did he have to go to a separate office all alone with this Yasunori? This whole business smelled funny and Naisen felt the urge to flee growing stronger. His short legs trembled as he contemplated a run to the front doors downstairs.
“We're here.” A sharp heavy hand on his shoulder froze Naisen in place. Tadaka opened a door and gestured for the boy to enter. Naisen looked back.
“You're not coming in, father?” he asked one last time.
Tadaka sneered at his son. “No. Now go please my boss.”
With sinking feelings, Naisen turned to walk in and commit to what was demanded of him. Afterwards as he cringed there, sore and bruised, he vowed to take revenge on what was done to him. One day.
End for now
Did you like it? Hate it? Please review and tell me what you didn't like or did like. Will Yui go for a romance with Suboshi? Or will she stay true to Tetsuya?
I promise to use Miaka and her family more, trying to establish more ground. Please tell me what you think!
Penpaninu 8/27/05