Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ My Dreams aren't as Empty ❯ chapter eleven ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Now that Shuntaka thoroughly pulled an Althena to my forehead (ie: crawled out if it), I can continue on with Naisen and the others! Who did you hope would prevail in the love-triangle/rectangle? The beginning of the results are within….
Along with the last Seiryuu schiseishi. He didn't have enough said about his last life. Maybe we can elaborate more within!
Miss Lynne, as always, this one is for you. If you have any input on counseling again, I'd be much appreciative! You can adopt Shuntaka to give you a mental pick-me-up if you wish. He will take care of your children, and practice kung fu for you. And possibly serve you for the rest of his days (wink)
FushigiYuugifan, I don't know you well, but thank you for always reviewing! I'm pleased you like the story.
Ledefey, you get a notice as well. I see you every other day, but thanks for the reviews! I Take great stock in yours (ie: always respond after I email the fic!)
Inuyoukiskye, if you wish to take a gander at FY again, I'd be honored if you read this story. I'm trying to update the other story soon!
Disclaimer: Penpaninu does not claim to own Fushigi Yuugi in any way shape or form, but does claim to see the Mysterious Play in life. But she does perhaps own the little old shrine lady within the chapter. Penpaninu needed a priestess to sweep the front walk.
“My Dreams aren't as Empty” chapter eleven
by penpaninu
Yui was very confused as to what her boyfriend was thinking. When she tried his cell after she had gotten back from the twin's, she had unexpectedly reached him. Tetsuya had come, and their evening went along as it normally could. Tetsuya seemed nervous, and when asked about work, only admitted it was going well.
Tetsuya himself, felt very confused. Yui was worried over his brooding, but she also seemed to be hiding something. What was it? Over breakfast, they merely chewed and studied each other.
“Yui, I…”
“Tetsuya, did you?…” they both stopped, eyes wide and small smiles stretched their lips.
“I'm sorry, Tetsuya, what were you saying?” Yui asked. Her boyfriend smiled sadly and walked around the table to cup her face in his large hands.
“Nothing, Yui…. I'll see you later tonight,” he sighed, and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Yui looked up, watching him go. She couldn't worry about it now, she had to get to the school.
The once Priestess of Seiryuu pushed her chair back and did the dishes.
* * * *
“Naisen! Naisen-kun! Naisen, wake up!” Sadako called. Naisen, sobbing in his sleep, opened wet eyes to view his friend's face blurry and saddened over his. He groaned and pushed to sit up, coughing.
“What happened? Was it a bad dream?” Sadako asked, rubbing her friend's back. Naisen nodded, and brushed his wrist against his jaw. Last night had not been fun, to say the least. His father's president had gotten the bright idea to have him `entertain' certain out-of-town emissaries. Naisen had to allow himself to be used throughout the night. Tadaka had finally taken him home when the men had exhausted their efforts, and allowed his son a brief shower and sent him to bed shortly before 4 a.m.
Sadako had been waiting, hiding under his bed lest Tadaka walk in with Naisen and notice her. She dared not crawl out to see Naisen until he had collapsed into bed. Naisen slept fitfully on and off and it worried Sadako that he feared something. Why was he taken back home so late? Where did his father take him?
She did know she didn't like Tadaka's tone when he had wished Naisen rest for the remainder of the night. “Sleep well.” Just imagine, if she could peek out from under the bedspread, his face would be stretched in a sneer as his words led her to believe.
Then the bed had dipped under Naisen's slight weight, and she waited a good twenty minutes before crawling out and getting under the covers with him.
Sadako brushed a lock of hair out of Naisen's eyes and watched him sadly. Could she help him with whatever haunted him? What was so wrong? Naisen's eyes took her in again and he smiled briefly.
“Father will be waking up soon,” he murmured and Sadako's heart clenched at the sad smile on her friend's face.
“I don't want to leave you yet,” she begged. Her small hands clutched Naisen's to her chest. Naisen laughed weakly.
“Please, Sadako-chan, sneak back to your house,” he urged. His face started to seal itself and Sadako shook her head. Don't do that!
“Don't hide yourself from me! Don't…” Sadako urged, her small brows knitting together. Naisen laughed weakly, and he closed his eyes as they dampened.
“You shouldn't…come in here at night… promise me you won't, Sadako-chan,” Naisen gently urged. Sadako's heart clenched and broke as he weakly laughed and tried to keep her from helping him. She shook her head, loose hair swaying.
“I can't promise that, Naisen-kun! I'll keep coming back over,” Sadako whispered. Naisen began to laugh in a slight hysterical edge.
“You shouldn't be here. You shouldn't..” You shouldn't see me this way. You shouldn't be here after I get back from what happens to me. You won't understand, you won't want to be near me.
Sadako shook her head and lay across his chest, hugging him.
“Don't talk this way, Naisen-kun. You can tell me anything.”
Naisen wept.
* * * *
Tadaka rapped once on Naisen's door and poked in at 7 am. “Time to get up for school, boy. Your mother isn't….feeling well.” His face contorted in a grimace telling exactly what he thought about her illnesses, real or imagined.
Naisen, barely having time to fling his comforter over Sadako, nodded. His face was flushed and he let his hair hang into his face as much as it would. He hated being caught, he hated showing any emotion, particularily surprise, to his father. But if he hadn't acted fast, there was no telling what he might do to!…..
Sadako clung to his side under the comforter, barely daring to breathe. She feared her father whenever he screamed and fought with her mother, but Tadaka was hardly the screaming type. However, there was something slimy to his words and gaze that made her know she didn't want to be caught this way. Naisen's body laying rigidly beside hers helped confirm her theory.
“Yes, Father!” Naisen squeaked and coughed, his face still beet-red. Tadaka raised an eyebrow and leaned against the door. It amused him to be the more prepared one here. He was already dressed and washed up for work, while his son was a mess. Plus, he was exhibiting a lot of his emotions at free range. Really, the boy was a disappointment in every way.
“Hmm.” Tadaka mused, and discarded the obvious bulge in the comforter, turning around to leave. “Well, study hard. I'll be picking you up after school.”
Naisen's flashed flushed in anger as his father closed the door. He grasped his comforter in both hands, and breathed hard. Sadako peeked out from under the blanket after a minute of hearing her friend rasp heavily.
“What's wrong, Naisen-kun?” she whispered. Naisen bit his lip and took a huge inhale of air. He closed his eyes then unclenched his fists.
“It's nothing. Say, could we play at Hiroshi's house today?” he asked. Sadako smiled, and climbed out of his bed.
“Sure we can! But I thought your dad wanted you to go somewhere.”
Naisen laughed weakly, running his small hands through his tangled hair. “I don't want to go. So we'll play instead.”
Sadako laughed and hugged him. She was careful to sneak back to her apartment across their balconies. It was laughingly easy, as Tadaka had already left for work, and Rebecca was holed up in the master bedroom, presumably ill, as Tadaka had reported.
Back in her own room, Ash whined and wagged his tail. Sadako bent and picked him up, cuddling him against her chest. “Did you miss me! Naisen-kun says hello,” she giggled. Ash wagged his tail and yipped once, licking her cheek with his rough and warm tongue.
“You like him, don't you,” Sadako said knowingly. Ash wagged his tail in response, his eyes shining. “I think he'll like you in turn….”
That said, the child set her soul sibling down and turned to dress into her school uniform. Her mother called out that she would do her hair up this morning and Sadako walked out of her bedroom, Ash at her heels.
* * * *
“Naisen-kun, why do you give the new boy those mean looks?” Hiroshi asked as the three walked into the school gates. Naisen shrugged his thin shoulders and looked nonchalantly around.
“I don't give him looks,” he said smoothly. Sadako chuckled and punched his arm.
“You do too! Why don't you like Toya-kun? He doesn't seem so bad….”
“He's just too pretty!” Hiroshi commented. “Are his parents movie stars or something? He just is so….”
“Elegant. And arrogant. And needy.” Naisen finished. Were had that assessment come from? But he was sure his descriptions were more than accurate. That boy had always infuriated him from day one, and this time was no different.
While any adult may question their personal psyche closely as to why feelings of familiarity cropped up for strange people they had never met in their life, Naisen was a boy and knew his thoughts were true even if they were strange. Children weren't often in the habit to question their own intuitions.
Naisen's attitude did not improve when the aforementioned boy darted forward, arms clasped behind his back cutely.
“Good morning, Naisen-kun! You look well this morning. Your hair looks abit mussed though, do you mind?” Toya said eagerly. Before Naisen's lips could part to give him a resounded `no' even though he had no idea to what Toya was referring to, the shorter boy reached up to brush the ends of Naisen's shoulder-length hair back from his face. His fingers tips straightened the taller boy's uniform collar and he beamed.
“Just right!” Toya chirped then laughed. Sadako and Hiroshi shivered and looked to each other.
“Uhm, we're right here!” Hiroshi stated obviously. Sadako nodded rapidly.
Toya turn to sweep his calculating gaze over them and smiled.
“Oh, you're not in our class. Uhm…Satsuki, was it?” Toya asked. Sadako's mouth dropped open and she gaped at the rude boy. How dare he! Naisen wanted to be with her….. and while she knew this to be true, where had that thought come from?
“It's Sadako!” she squealed, face red in embarrassment. Hiroshi groaned and swept a hand through his dark-blue hair.
“You don't have to be mean just because she's in a lower class! Didn't your mother teach you?” Hiroshi asked. Naisen saw Mrs. Sukunami in his mind's eye, arms open for a hug as Hiroshi would run up ahead to fly into her embrace. His heart clenched and he swallowed in agony.
Toya shook his head, surprisingly open. “She taught me, but she and father are always reading their new lines, I have a feeling what they teach me comes from there.”
“Lines?” Sadako asked, past transgression forgiven. Toya nodded, brushing his longish hair back with a fine small hand.
“They both act in small tv dramas. They're not well known, but they love what they do,” he commented. Hiroshi smiled, the boy's mean words forgotten for the moment.
“Wow, tv stars! Maybe we can meet them,” he suggested. Toya laughed shrilly.
“If you want to, be my guest. I'm more interested in seeing what being around you guys has to offer.”
Sadako flushed and frowned, feeling rather plain around the elegant boy. She brushed her bangs out of her eyes and smoothed her skirt but Toya seemed to show her up.
“Perhaps,” Naisen agreed smoothly, then touched Sadako's arm uncomfortably. “I'll see you at recess.” Naisen stepped in side by side with Hiroshi, leaving Toya glaring at the both of them, and hurrying to rush in before the bell rang.
* * * *
Yui hurried along down the busy Tokyo walkway on her lunch break, checking her cell phone messages. She was in such a hurry, she almost didn't see the elderly woman hunched over her broom until it was nearly too late.
“Whoa, Nelly!…” Yui hissed and made a last minute leap over the stooped woman, glad she wore slacks that day. The woman looked up to see Yui hopping away on one foot to regain her balance. “Ah, geez…” she muttered, ankle hurting.
“Are you well, Miss?” The old lady asked in a wavery voice. Yui hissed and tapping her heel on the asphalt, but put a smile on her face.
“Just fine! I'm sorry to disturb you, ma'am…” she waved and turned to jog off, cell phone cradled in her hands. The old woman bowed at the waist, and started to sweep when something dawned upon her.
“Oh, Miss! Miss! Wait!” she called, hobbling after Yui. Yui skidded to a stop, glad she wore flat-top shoes as well, and turned, chest pushing hard for air.
“I'm so sorry, did I disturb you?” Yui asked politely. The woman bowed again in front of Yui and smiled, her face a mass of wrinkles.
“It is I who must apologize, kind lady! Mitsuko! Mitsuko, bring one of the formations here!” the old waved back to her small shrine and Yui groaned. If she wanted to make it to Tetsuya's office building before her break was over, she'd have to take off now. But she waited for the old lady's assistant to make his way over and her heart thudded.
Slanted mischievous eyes met Yui's startled orbs, and she took in the shaved head, and the assistant's robe. The small boy smiled brightly and bowed that bald dome to her waist. Miboshi! Where was that rattle he always toted? Yui noticed the boy held a broom tightly in his right fist instead. She bowed slightly, nervous to the last Seiryuu seishi that was part of her celestial fold but had never made himself known to her heart.
“Here you go, kind lady,” Mitsuko smiled as brightly as the sun, offering a small flower formation from the front of the shrine. The old lady beamed at his side, nodding at his offering.
“Oh! Thank you…”Yui said and reached down. When their fingers touched, Mitsuko's eyes darkened thoughtfully and he and Yui gazed at each other.
“Well, we're keeping this fine lady from her errand! Come along, Mitsuko, you have the shrine floor to wash,” the lady urged. Mitsuko bowed again, his eyes watching Yui from beneath his brow.
“Yes, Yuriko-san!” he said and followed her back. Yui gazed at the shrine. She knew the name now, so she knew where her last celestial seishi was living.
* * * *
Tetsuya's office friends hailed Yui as she walked onto their floor of their building and she smiled and waved, pleased she was well known at his workplace. Tetsuya really did care about her. He loved her, and boasted about her. Yui was resolutely glad she had decided to stay with him before she turned the corner and her heart sank to her shoes.
Who was that pretty young woman leaning over her boyfriend's shoulder, working with him on a file? She was quite lovely, with long dark hair and a modest but attractive fashion sense. Yui felt like a bookish fool in comparison and she licked her dry lips to call to Tetsuya, when his bright smile at the girl made her heart stop. She had seen that smile before, in their times alone.
And when Tetsuya just sat there grinning like a fool when she kissed his cheek in passing, Yui darted off to leave.
* * * *
Yui went through the rest of her work day in a daze. She was fortunate she didn't have Naisen to counsel today, for she could barely give herself attention right now. Sumiyoshi noticed her vacant attitude, and threatened to lecture her, but dear Miaka took his elbow and walked him aside to speak to him quietly. Yui could only thank Seiryuu she had as dear a friend as Miaka. She wanted to take care of everyone.
What had she just seen? What was that? A kiss on the cheek? So, Tetsuya had a new young intern. She was rather lovely, and she had to be qualified for the job, right? Then why did her heart hurt? Why did Tetsuya grin like a fool when she touched him? And why didn't she announce her presence?
“I'm a damn fool,” Yui whispered. She picked up her cell phone as the school bell rang and proceeded to feel a bigger fool.
“Hello?” Saito's smooth voice was honey to her fractured heart.
“Saito, can I come over?”
* * * *
Asakura didn't know what to think. Yui-san had come over in the early afternoon and made his brother skip his next class. Well, that wasn't accurate. She didn't make him miss anything, but the instant he saw how upset she was, he had blown off the rest of his plans for school that day.
Asakura could only pat Yui on the shoulder, and promise his brother he could copy his notes. He hoped she would feel better.
Back at the Boshin apartment, Yui sat on the couch with Saito, her head against his shoulder. Saito sat still and listened to her talk about the pretty young intern, and the seemingly innocent kiss on the cheek. Considering Yui said this Tetsuya was being awfully funny lately, this could be more than an innocent kiss between friends. But he sat quietly and let her talk, squeezing her hand.
“I'm going to have to talk to him tonight. Oh, Saito, you must hate me coming to you for this….I'm so sorry to disturb you,” Yui whispered. What was she doing to this young man? She was resolved not to see him romantically, yet she was pouring out a potential breakup to him! She would only get his hopes up like in the past, but it wasn't like then. She wanted him this time! She knew she did….
When Saito's strong hand clasped her shoulder and squeezed, Yui's heart sank further though brightened at once. Saito was a strong caring man she didn't deserve, but she did want him. She closed her eyes when Saito pressed her to his side and patted her platonically.
“I don't hate you coming to talk to me, Yui…how could I hate you? We're friends, aren't we?” He asked quietly. When Yui looked up, his smile was wide and he winked. Yui sighed. She truly didn't even deserve this man's friendship. But she did feel better.
“Thanks, Saito…I mean it. I'll call you later after I've talked to Tetsuya,” she said. Saito touched her forehead with two fingers.
“I hope it goes well,” he hoped, but deep in his heart, he didn't hope hard enough.
* * * *
Tetsuya was a little worried when he got home and Yui was waiting, perched on a kitchen chair.
“Tetsuya, can we talk?” she asked. Tetsuya, his heart clenching, made his way over slowly. He took off his shades and laid them on the table and set across from her.
“What is it, Yui?” he whispered. Yui smiled sadly and put her hands over his.
“Do you love me?” she asked simply.
“Of course I do!” Tetsuya stammered. Yui asked him about the girl in his office, and Tetsuya explained. Yui pried deeper, her counseling sessions coming in handy, and Tetsuya admitted his feelings to her.
“But I love you,” he stated firmly. His heart thudded when Yui's hands squeezed his dearly.
“I love you too. But I also love him…..” Tetsuya's heart caught in his throat as his Yui told him about a young man named Saito. She told him about his taking college, and his job, keeping out the celestial reincarnation until a later time. It would be hard enough to hear this so far but she would be gentle.
Tetsuya gasped and looked down at the table, their hands entwined. “What does this mean?” he asked quietly. Yui looked at him, tears shining in her eyes.
“I can't marry you, Tetsuya. I love you….” she whispered. Tetsuya knew what she was saying. It was going to end for them, but not badly as he feared.
It didn't mean he couldn't still be heartbroken over it. They sat quietly and talked gently to each other, easing the other's pain as best they could.
“Will you live with him?” Tetsuya asked, his heart searing briefly in jealousy. Yui shook her head.
“I want to stay with Miaka for awhile, and we'll see,” she whispered. Miaka would make her feel welcome until she knew what to do. She and Taka would take care of her because they loved her too. She kissed Tetsuya's palm fondly and let his hand down.
“Are you going to live with her?” she asked, her heart breaking in jealousy a moment. Tetsuya smiled sadly, his eyes open and pained without his customary shades hiding them.
“How could I, at least right away? Yui, it's not off with the old, on with the new….I'll miss you. You have to know that,” he whispered. Yui nodded and the two stood, coming around the table to embrace each other. They cried softly as the night wound on and on. Eventually they made their way to the couch and kissed sad goodbye kisses.
In the morning, Tetsuya called a cab for Yui as she took a couple of suitcases to the door. They regarded each other. Tetsuya cupped Yui's palms in his hands and kissed her one last time. She cried as the door closed. But one had to move forward. Yui picked up her suitcases and met the cabbie at the door.
* * * *
“Of course, you can stay with us! Until you decide what to do,” Miaka encouraged when a weary Yui made her way to the Sukunami residence the next day. Yui smiled weakly and thanked her in a groggy voice.
“What about Taka? I don't want to intrude,” Yui whispered, her eyes hurting. Miaka shook her head.
“I'll talk to him later! Just go greet him and I'll take your bags!” Yui almost could laugh this morning as Miaka valiantly wrestled one of the large suitcases inside. Yui made her way to the kitchen where Taka looked surprised to see her, but greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. Yui noted ironically, this kind of kiss on the cheek was purely platonic and sank into a kitchen chair wearily with the assessment.
“Yui, you need some coffee. Maybe you should call in sick today,” Taka urged gently, setting a large mug before his friend. Yui smiled weakly and took a sip.
“I think I just may… could you please tell Miaka to look over my files today?” she whispered, rubbing her eyes. Taka nodded, his eyes gentle and he left the kitchen to discuss Yui's temporary residence.
“Aunt Yuiiiii!” Hiroshi crowed and skidded into the kitchen on stocking feet, his Digimon pajamas bannering on him. Yui had to give a genuine smile as she enfolded her godchild in her arms.
“How are you this morning, Hiroshi-chan?” she asked fondly, kissing his dark blue hair. Hiroshi made a face at the kiss but beamed up at his `aunt.'
“I'm okay! I didn't know you came over this early! Why are you here before school?” he asked innocently. Yui smiled sadly and hugged him.
“I'll tell you later, Hiroshi, I promise…just please, tell Naisen-kun I'm sorry I couldn't talk to him today,” she whispered. Her heart was too sick. She just had to take a personal day off when she wouldn't be good to anyone. Hiroshi nodded, his eyes bright.
“I will, Aunt Yui… just feel better,” he urged and kissed her cheek. Yui smiled as Miaka called for him to come get dressed for his day.
Shindou Naisen would be all right for one day.
* * * *
Shindou Naisen had to talk to Hongo-sensei today. Last night had pushed him to an edge he hadn't known existed. He had ignored his father's direct command to wait for him after school so they could presumably head straight for his private hell. Naisen pushed Hiroshi, Sadako, and even Toya trailing them, to hurry to Hiroshi's house where he tried to forget the wrath that would await him when he finally returned home.
As predicted, it was not a pretty sight. Tadaka had raged and waved his fists, and berated his son up one side of Japan and down the other. Naisen was dragged to the office where he had finally shown defiance. He had struck back, but had received a frightening beating from his father for lashing out at his president. His mouth was bruised almost shut, and his eyes were red with unshed tears and anger. Naisen had come to the conclusion, that aside from his usual mask of safety, he would tell his counselor what was happening if she noticed how he looked today. It was a kind of personal test that Naisen was hoping against all hope she would notice.
And she may be able to make the bad things from happening anymore.
At one o'clock as usual, Naisen made his way to the office and asked to see Hongo-sensei for his appointment. Sukunami-sensei gently told him Hongo-sensei was sick today, but she would be in tomorrow.
“I can talk, if you need to!” Mrs. Sukunami suggested cheerily but Naisen's heart was already iced over, angry beyond redemption.
“No, that won't be necessary. Goodbye, Sukunami-sensei,” he whispered in disappointment and turned to leave. Miaka called after to look after his bruises, but Naisen continued outside so he could sit by the playground before his teacher noticed he wasn't talking to a counselor who decided not to show up today.
He had needed her! He was depending on her today! It was unfortunate the timing was bad, but to Naisen's young impressionable mind that was already growing jaded, today had almost been a last-chance scenario. And Yui had failed horribly in being there for him, like she had promised.
“I don't need her. I don't need anyone!” Naisen whispered angrily. His vision blurred until he realized that the sensation were tears, treacherous blinding, Betraying tears. He scrubbed his face good with one sleeve until his bruises felt bloodied and his eyes were dry. He would never show his emotions this way again. He would rather die first!
At the Yuuki heir household, Keisuke wandered to his home study to pursue a few tomes to go over a lecture at his high school. A bright flash of light caught his attention and he turned to regard the safe he had put under one bookcase. He knew what lay within, and perhaps why it would be flashing an intense lightshow.
“What is it this time?” Keisuke wondered. He hunkered down on his heels and reached for the time numbers then withdrew his appendage. He would not open the safe. The Shishin Tensho was safer where it was, under lock and key. It had to only be an outburst from one or more of the reincarnated souls.
Still the random calls for studies of Seiryuu the Dragon God at school was far too convenient to just be nothing. Keisuke turned to the nearest phone and darted in a number, waving to his beloved Mayo as she checked on him.
“Yui? It's Keisuke. Something's happening….”
End for now
Yup, Miboshi made his way in! What a cute little shrine boy. And he's shaved yet again (laugh) I hope you guys enjoyed this. Please review and share your thoughts.
Sincerely yours penpaninu 10/28/05