Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ My Dreams aren't as Empty ❯ chapter ten ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I know it's been awhile! Thank you for being patient, if you've been looking for this. I will resolve to work more on my FY stories (This one and my Houki ones) now that my huge Inuyasha saga is finally over. I intend something of a sequel for that one, but it won't be all time-consuming as the story previous to it. I had fun with the Yash gang!
But it's time to visit the Yuugi people. Hehe!
You get a power point if you guess which new character has shown up in the story below. Read on!
Thanks always to KittyLynne for her inspiring FY stories, and her uplifting words! I hope you read this one too.
Hey Inuyoukiskye, hope you get to these fics! Yash saga is over, dude.
Please review
Disclaimer: Penpaninu does not claim to own Fushigi Yuugi in any way, shape, or form, but does claim to see the Mysterious Play in life.
“My Dreams aren't as Empty” chapter ten
by penpaninu
Naisen and Sadako walked to school one morning, chattering off and on about their different classes and studies. Sadako had snuck over yet again, claiming her parents were the cause and Naisen had shrugged, letting her in under the covers again. He didn't mind Sadako's closeness as the nights went by. It was something to look forward to when he got back from his father's office building. No matter how sore, how he would limp into his room, how his mouth would burn, after he washed up and fell into bed, he knew Sadako would be there.
His heart felt strangely hurt and uneasy around her closeness but he knew it felt good to have her near. Naisen couldn't begin to fathom why he would feel so hurt seeing her bright smile when he would hold back the covers for her.
“Hiroshi said he'd meet us at the corner,” Sadako was saying, playing with one of her hair buns. Naisen raised one small hand to adjust her hair then let his hand lower.
“His mother's not walking him to school?” Naisen asked quietly. Sadako giggled, liking the way his shoulder-length hair shielded his chin. Naisen really was cute and he liked her.
“Oh no! I think Mrs. Sukunami already took off with Hiroshi's dad,” Sadako laughed, swinging her lunchbox. Naisen hugged hitched his schoolbag higher up on his thin shoulder.
“Hey there he is now,” Naisen muttered. Sadako grabbed his hand and dragged him closer to their schoolmate.
Hiroshi waved, and jogged up to meet them halfway, his navy-blue hair flying in his eyes, “Hey! Morning, guys,” he greeted. Naisen shrugged while Sadako beamed.
“Did you finish your book report?” Hiroshi asked as the three moved towards the school entrance.
Naisen groaned. “Just barely! I uhm….had to go to out to eat with my parents some of the night,” he blushed, hoping his friends would buy another lie about what he did so often at night. Sadako frowned, thinking.
“Did you fall at the restaurant, then? You said I touched a bruise,” Sadako said innocently. Naisen nodded a couple of times rapidly.
“You got it, Sadako-chan,” he winced and tried to smile. Sadako thought he looked so sad.
“Wait, touched a bruise? What are you guys doing at night!” Hiroshi laughed, teasing his friends. Sadako laughed and blushed while Naisen pretended to ignore them.
Ahead of them, a tall woman with long light blue hair knelt to hug her child goodbye.
“Sumiyoshi-sensei will take you to your classroom, so you be good!” she smiled, straightening. Her small son, his hair matching his mothers, stood straight and important, face set in an eager but careful smile.
“Okay, mama. I'll see you after school.”
“Have a good day, Toya,” the mother said. Toya inclined his head and walked into the school building.
* * * *
Naisen and Hiroshi sat at attention, waiting for their teacher to begin class when a small slender boy walked in behind her. Hiroshi shrugged and flashed a grin to his friend. New kids were always fun! But Naisen merely frowned and studied the boy. He was so slender, you could mistake him for a girl, even in the boy's uniform. His face was just so smooth and pretty, and his light blue hair longish and combed neatly.
When the boy stood at attention beside the teacher, Naisen's jaw clenched as the boy's eyes sought his and held his stare evenly. What was with this kid? He defied anyone with just a glance, and he felt so familiar. Naisen felt as irritated as if he knew the kid from somewhere before and didn't like him as much as others. Why was that?
Toya merely put a stiff smile on his lips as he studied the statuesque blond boy staring at him. What a handsome boy! Maybe they could be friends…. funny how he thought he knew him just by first sight. This would have to be explored…
“…and let me introduce our new student, Miyamoto Toya.” The teacher finished her small speech and finished up. Toya stood straight.
“I am Toya. It is a pleasure to meet you,” he said formally, and bowed at the waist, hands in front of him.
* * * *
Miaka poured Yui and herself a mug of coffee as they listened to Sumiyoshi talk to one of the secretaries.
“I'm so sorry, sir, I promise I won't be late again,” Eri bowed, her face flushed red in embarrassment. Sumiyoshi, flustered, ran a hand through his short hair and sighed.
“That will do, Eri-kun. Just keep that in mind, please,” he finished, turning for the principal's office. Eri bowed once more and shuffled back to her desk in a hurry.
Miaka poured a third mug and carried it to the flustered young woman, and offered it to her. “Here, take this. You'll catch chills if you don't calm down!” she smiled brightly. Yui breathed a sigh of relief as Eri managed a watery smile and sipped the black coffee bravely, her slender hands no longer shaking.
That was good ol' Miaka. She never failed to bring out the best in people she touched throughout her days.
“T-thank you, Sukunami-san!” Eri stuttered and relaxed as Miaka bestowed a smile in response as bright as the sun.
“Don't worry about it, Eri-san! If we didn't look out for each other, Sumiyoshi-sensei would eat us for dinner with a spoon!” Miaka giggled and Eri laughed with her easily. They both knew their principal was strict, but was really a softie, so the joke lacked sharpness.
Yui smiled and shook her head, going over her list of appointments for that day. Shindou Naisen-kun wouldn't be until tomorrow, he seemed to be doing well the past few days. Miaka confirmed to Yui that her son was having Naisen and one Takeuchi Sadako over every other day, or the three went headed for the neighborhood park if Taka needed quiet in the house for paperwork.
Naisen-kun had friends now. What was important was that he realized he needed to keep them, and they could help him not fall apart completely inside. That elusive something was still eating at him, she could tell. If she could only find out what, she could help.
“Yui-chan! Mou, Yui, what are you going on about this time?” Miaka smiled, holding up the creamer for her friend. Yui blinked, then accepted it, pouring half into her mug absently.
“You know how my life works these days,” she smiled lightly, touched by Miaka's concern. Her friend grasped her shoulder and nodded.
Taka ducked into the office, smiling and saying hello to the other ladies present, and made his way to his wife. Miaka having picked up the phone to answer a call, didn't notice him until his arm was around her slim waist and his lips pressed to her forehead.
“Thank you for calling….eeeek!” Miaka covered the mouth-piece and swatted her husband. “I love you too, Taka! Mou…. okay….” she went back to her conversation as Taka straightened and headed for the coffee machine.
He sidled by Yui and raised an eyebrow at her. Yui sweat-dropped. Was he trying to let on that Miaka had mentioned her current dating situation? She had made Miaka promise!
“So….Miaka told me about this boy you've been counseling,” Taka offered at last and Yui breathed a mental sigh of relief.
“Yes! He's rather…well he's familiar if you know what I mean,” Yui hinted, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. Taka nodded, his eyes downcast in thought.
“You know, it's strange, after the last time I went into…that place,” he finished lamely as Eri walked by. “That the gods were done with us. Why would Seiryuu send him here?”
Yui shook her head, eyes shining in determination. “It may not be any evil one's actions or the gods machinations, but maybe the natural course of their journey. I'm only grateful he's been…sent here,” Yui finished as Eri swept back their way. Taka snickered at her own odd cover-up and nodded for her to continue.
“I think he's been given a second chance being sent near us to live again. And Taka, he needs it. I think something's happening to him right now,” Yui's brows knit in worry and Taka gripped her shoulder.
“If anyone call help him now, it's you,” he smiled, his eyes kind. “I can't forget what he did…but I remember. I remember when I put my fist through him. And I saw his heart.”
Yui nodded, eyes wide. Taka had sporadic memories of his life as Tamahome, but that he would remember that helped and touched her. She smiled carefully.
“Thanks, Taka. This means a lot to me,” she said. Taka winked and sipped his coffee as Miaka hung up the phone.
“If Nakago could be sent here too then I…”
“It's not just him,” Yui interrupted. Taka looked at her as Miaka hugged his arm.
“What do you mean?” he asked. Miaka giggled and leaned up for a quick kiss.
“There's Sadako too. And she has a puppy named Ash,” Miaka suggested. Taka's brows drew down in thought as he tried to recall.
“Soi? And Ashitare?” he stammered. Yui and Miaka exchanged a smile.
“Who else is going to show up?” he muttered, raking a hand through his short dark hair.
Outside on the playground, Toya walked up to three children and introduced himself.
* * * *
In the capital of Konan…..
“We are ever grateful to your presence, Suzaku no schiseishi Tasuki,” Empress Houki murmured politely, as she led the exbandit down the palace's hallways. As ever, she was flanked by her maids, and the Prime Minister and his courtiers. Tasuki sauntered behind to her left, not as finely dressed as the courtiers of Konan's capital, but dashing in a dark green silk tunic belted with a yellow sash. His strong legs were clad in white pants and knee-high boots encased his feet.
Tasuki nodded, his earrings swaying with the movements. He flung his red braid over his shoulder and followed Hotohori's wife carefully.
“Ah, I'm…grateful to be here,” he said carefully and a smile from the Empress Mother told him he did all right. “Chichiri's on his way, he said… he should be here tonight.”
The Prime Minister beamed as the party progressed down the elaborate corridors. “Konan is ever honored to receive her Constellation Stars! Tasuki-sama, you and Chichiri-sama may stay as long as you wish!”
Murmurs of agreement resounded from the courtiers and dignitaries flanked by the aged minister. Tasuki smirked and laid a hand on his slim hip. “I'll take you up on that, but just let me know what delegation job you want us to do….”
Empress Houki led her late husband's comrade to the Shrine of Suzaku. “Offer what prayers you feel you should,” she said serenely and Tasuki watched her somberly.
“Thank you, my Empress,” he said quietly, kneeling down.
A young male attendant walked around the corner and bowed down also.
“Empress, his highness has taken his bath and awaits you for the evening's meal,” he murmured politely.
Tasuki looked over at him. Hells bells, this guy must have had it bad for the Empress. His eyes shone with fire as she regarded him, and although he didn't know his old buddy's wife that well, he could have sworn she took him in the same interest, empress or not.
`Damn, and here I thought I had it bad for the wrong woman!' Tasuki thought and shook his firey head.
Empress Houki chuckled. “Thank you, Shuntaka, I will join his highness shortly.” Shuntaka bowed lower and rose to stand by her side.
After a moment Tasuki stood also and pushed his way through the tall double doors. His footsteps carried him across the tiled floor.
Tasuki knelt before the shrine to Suzaku and closed his eyes. It would be blasphemous to not say a prayer to his land's patron god so he offered a few polite words to the Phoenix Beast God above. Then he opened his eyes, wet in tears, as he reflected upon the woman who had summoned that god.
“Suzaku, bless and watch over Miaka. I don't know how she's doing in her world, but if Taka's with her….” The ex-bandit rubbed his eyes with one long silk sleeve. “I hope she's happy.”
The red-haired celestial warrior stayed kneeled down in supplication as his shoulders shook. He grieved silently for long moments that seemed to last for eternity as the golden Suzaku statue looked down sternly.
Chichiri peered into the front door to Suzaku's Shrine and let Tasuki have his moment. He knew his dear friend had fallen in love with Miaka over the course of the years, and the last venture together into their world. Tasuki harbored preternatural guilt over his attempts enhanced by Hikou's dark spell and had worked hard over the years to atone for his grief, and to hopefully get over his bashful love for a woman taken away to another man and another world.
However the sensation of love was futile to ignore as Suzaku invoked the natural inclination to feel life's fire and passion, and Chichiri knew Tasuki could not just easily get rid of them. He could sooner cut off his own hand than forget the love in his heart for their priestess.
Finally the monk strode silently into the chamber and stopped behind Tasuki's kneeling form. His friend sniffled and rubbed his face. “Did you want your turn to pray, Chiri?” he asked in a wavery voice. Chichiri could only silently admire his friend's determination to hold his feelings in check. He tried so hard to hold them in, but Chichiri knew when his friend needed an open ear or to be left alone.
“Yes, I do, no da. But first, why don't you tell me why you're hurting, no da,” Chichiri asked solemnly, pulling his mask off. Tasuki looked at his friend over his shoulder, his face taut in agony.
“I miss her,” were all the words Chichiri needed. The monk patted the top of Tasuki's hair.
“I'll start praying, no da. Why don't you help yourself to some sake, no da?” Chichiri suggested and Tasuki managed one of his old laughs, standing up.
“I think I do need it. Thanks, Chiri. I'll be in my room,” he grinned and sauntered out as confidently as he walked in. Chichiri watched the exbandit swagger on out and shook his head. No matter how good Tasuki was at masking off his own feelings, he knew when he needed attention, or in this case, a good stiff drink.
Chichiri knelt before the statue of Suzaku and lifted one hand before his face as he closed his eyes. “Grant me the light and the path to enlightenment, oh Suzaku,” he murmured and began to chant.
In his guest chambers, Tasuki stared into a cup of sake, seeing his eyes reflected in the clear liquid. He downed it quickly and remembered a frightened woman beneath him, her breath smelling of sake and her face salty with tears. Tasuki shook his head and grimaced. He could still hear Miaka screaming for Taka beneath him. Hikou had drawn out his darkness to severe jealousy and he had almost taken her.
“If I have to deal with this for this life and the next….” Tasuki muttered, talking to his sake cup. “Then I will. Suzaku, let her be happy…let her be content….” The fire seishi stared down at the small round cup and set it aside. He didn't need the sake as much as he thought he did.
Far off to another world and in a Tokyo apartment, Miaka looked out her bedroom window, looking for the Suzaku constellations. She felt like she was being called for some reason. Chichiri or Tasuki? She kissed her fingertips and set them to the glass, closing her eyes.
“Be happy, you guys….” She thought, and let her hair down, joining her slumbering husband in their bed.
* * * *
Yui, not being able to contact Tetsuya all day, opted to try the Boshin apartment for companionship. She had to admit deeply to herself, it troubled her about the unspoken rift that seemed to just show up between herself and her boyfriend. Did he know? Did he not want her anymore? She had brought things to a platonic status with Saito, so he had no fear of her cheating on him.
But why was he ignoring her? It hurt Yui, but she couldn't bother Miaka and Taka with each little problem in her love life. So tonight, she sought out a person she knew would be her friend until the end of their days.
Saito opened the door and cheered, bringing the older woman inside with a smile. Asakura raised a beer and hailed their guest as he turned back to the piles of textbooks across the kitchen table. Saito pulled out a chair for Yui and rummaged in the fridge.
“What do you want to drink?” he asked. Yui smiled.
“I'll try that brand Asakura's drinking,” she suggested. Asakura laughed, nursing his bottle of spirits.
“Just stay away from mine, Yui-san, and we're fine!” he winked. Saito shook his head good-naturedly.
“A woman who enjoys beer. Yui, you're something else,” he said, handing her one of the tall-necked bottles. Yui took a sip and clinked her bottle against Saito's.
“How was work today, boys?” she asked. Asakura raked a hand through his hair and scribbled notes quickly down a notebook, hand flying. Saito laughed, nudging one of his own textbooks.
“It went fine, but we have a test next week for Psych. Can you believe the work that goes into that?” he grimaced. Yui angled closer to take a look at their book and smiled.
“Why, I had this class! Here, let me help….” The young men exchanged notes and theory with Yui as they studied far into the night. Any other young man may have felt lectured, in company of a tutor. Asakura saw a friend with the upper-angle of the class, and a damn fair easy way of getting one to understand it.
Saito only saw her smile and laughs, her slender hands as they turned pages or wrote notes with them. All too soon, Yui was stretching.
“Oh my god! Is that the time?” she asked, pushing her chair back. Saito stood as well, concerned.
“Ah, sorry to keep you so late, Yui-san!” Asakura said sheepishly. He leaned back in his chair and slammed a book shut. “But I think we have the hang of it! Thanks for the help.”
“I'll walk you, Yui,” Saito offered. Asakura gave him a soliticious wink and Saito brushed his hand at him. Yui nodded, rubbing her neck.
“That would be wonderful. I need to stop somewhere on the way back, I'm starved.”
“I'll take care of it, Yui! I made you get back into school study when you didn't have to,” Saito teased. Yui smiled as they stepped into their shoes at the entrance.
“You're great, Saito,” she said. Saito blushed.
“Ah well that is…see ya, bro!”
`Go get some, aniki!' Asakura thought and snickered as the door closed.
* * * *
Saito and Yui neared her apartment building, their conversation winding down gradually.
“So, Yui, feel free to keep stopping in,” he offered. Great, that sounded bad. Way to sound single and eager. Yui nodded, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear.
“I think I will. I really like seeing you and Asakura,” she confessed. Saito beamed down at her.
“Hey, we're friends aren't we?” he asked suddenly. Yui looked up past his broad shoulder to his shining eyes.
And her heart skipped a beat. “O-of course, Saito! Why wouldn't we be?” the walk up to her apartment door was spent in silence as both felt and thought the same thing.
Yui paused, looking up into Saito's earnest face. Her fingers reached to touch his jaw….then she retracted them before Saito could feel heaven's caress.
“Good night, Saito,” she murmured. Saito nodded, his bangs shielding his eyes.
“Good night, Yui,” he patted her shoulder. Too long his large hand stayed there, then he let go.
Yui went up to the apartment she shared with Tetsuya and leaned against the inside of the door. Where was he? She was doing the right thing and he didn't want to see her. She shouldn't feel this outraged, even in her mind, but if he had extra work, he should tell her.
“Tetsuya, come home to me,” she whispered, her eyes filling with tears. On the walk home, Saito brushed tears from his eyes, feeling her pain.
`If I could take every hurt from you, I would. But you have to figure this out. I'll be by your side waiting!' Saito thought. He walked home in the bustling Tokyo nightlife.
* * * *
Across town, Tetsuya sat in his office chair thoroughly confused but happy for the brief moment. Emiko had gotten him to talk by the water cooler, so to speak, and learned he was unhappy about what could be happening with his live-in girlfriend. Emiko truly felt for her work mentor, she truly did, but she couldn't help the small spark of hope from flaring within her heart.
Now, she sat on the arm of Tetsuya's chair, taking his shades off so she could peer into his hurt orbs and see every wish and pain there. Tetsuya watched as her fingers traced his jaw, his lips, his nose and cheeks. The simple innocent gesture made his heart ache explicably, and he allowed this very brief moment of pure joy before his brain turned on.
Emiko found she didn't want to stop touching the man she admired after he was calm enough to sit and let her near enough without excuses or paperwork. She knew he had a girlfriend, but something was going on badly between them. Emiko never considered herself `that kind' of woman, the kind who stole boyfriends or shattered homes, but she just for a moment wanted to love this man she grew to care about. She held no ill wish for his girlfriend. But…
The young woman's lips drew near Tetsuya's and he raggedly inhaled, bringing in the close intoxication of her perfume. Tetsuya closed his eyes and allowed himself to kiss the young woman who stole a corner of his heart and his affections. Their lips moved innocently, then delved to something far more intimate. Tetsuya's arms circled her waist and Emiko slid into his lip. She twined her arms around his neck and scraped her fingers through his hair. Tetsuya in his mindless state didn't care if his hair was mussed or not as his large hands carefully held her slender middle.
His cell phone rang and the two jumped apart, eyes wide and cheeks flushed as their brains registered finally.
“I…I'll finish the paperwork,” Emiko stammered, sliding off the chair. Tetsuya nodded, thoroughly stunned as he watched her rush away. He sighed and raked one hand through his wild bangs, and snapped the phone open to his ear.
“Tetsuya….Yui!” he stood up, sure she had felt what he had done, that he would be found out for exchanging a kiss with some one else. As her words reached his brain, he weakly nodded, saved for the moment.
She didn't know. She wanted him to come home. She sounded herself again. But….Tetsuya wasn't so sure he wanted to be saved from what he had done. What on Earth was going on?
“Yes, I'm coming home now, Yui….”
End for now
Yup, the cackling wonder is reborn as little Toya! I chose Miyamoto as it's an old name, and hell everyone likes Musashi. Hail the melodramatic Tomo has been reborn! Looking for the last one? You have only to ask.
I myself remain a Yui and Saito pairing fan, so that's why I'm giving Tetsuya a chance to hook up elsewhere. I'll resolve this love triangle-rectangle in due time, but for now the stage is being (re) set.
And with all of the wonderful works of KittyLynne to occupy me with, I had to throw a Tasuki scene in there. The character of Shuntaka belongs solely to me and if you read my Houki one-shots, you would recognize him.
Tasuki and Chichiri are still alive in the other world, and I wanted to say that openly here as I haven't visited them yet.
Like it? Hate it? Want Miboshi in there?? Review, please! Love ya, man.
Sincerely yours penpaninu 10/21/05