Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ My Dreams aren't as Empty ❯ chapter nine ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hello! I realize it's been almost a month since I posted for this fic. I promise, I haven't forgotten it, but I've been caught up in my Inuyasha saga. So much that it has ten more chapters than this story does at present. Sorry to keep you waiting! (Sweatdrop)
For any who have reviewed this story, I still honor you in my heart and thoughts. Thank you for reading.
“My Dreams Aren't as Empty” chapter nine
by penpaninu
Naisen woke up one morning a week later, feeling happier and more energized than most mornings. Those were the results of the nights Sadako snuck over to his balcony, into his apartment and into his bedroom while their parents went on sleeping separately, or fighting, and didn't even notice the childish excursions late at night.
The two would lay side by side, under the safe world covers drawn over their heads could create, and whisper about school, fantasy worlds and dreams.
It confused Naisen as he ran his small hands through his shoulder length hair that morning, about the frequently shared dreams they had confessed to have. Dragon gods unfurling across the sky seemed to be a key point in many, and traveling through a land without concrete was another. Sadako had blushed and said they had shared a tent several times in those dreams but Naisen shrugged. They shared a bed most nights now, what was so different about a tent?
“It was important!” Sadako had insisted, punching his thin shoulder the night before and the two had giggled, wrestling to exhaustion. Naisen smiled now, rubbing his small shoulder as he took in his reflection that morning. His pajama pants and t-shirt were too big on his sleight frame, but he knew he would grow tall and fill out everywhere. He knew, because his mind was getting stronger. His body could only follow and complete his vision.
“Naisen?” his mother called weakly from the hallway. Naisen stood still, hurt pouring through his heart before he masked himself for the morning routine.
“Yes, mother? I'm up.” He stated dryly. He heard his mother shifting on the other side of his closed door.
“Yes well…I have breakfast waiting. And your lunch….” Rebecca commented quietly and Naisen stood stock still until he heard her moving away towards the kitchen. He closed his eyes and willed his head to stop throbbing from the rage he felt build up.
His father would already be off at that hated office building, so the only person to stoke his anger was someone who did nothing to have strength over her life. And Naisen secretly hated his mother for being so weak.
He dressed in his school uniform, combed his hair back from his collar, and ate. He brushed his teeth without being told, put his shoes on and took his bag and lunch out the door for another day at school.
* * * *
Naisen waved to Hongo-sensei and Sukunami-sensei as he walked through the school gates with the usual mass of children, younger and older. Yui waved, a small smile on her lips. She could afford to be indulgent in cheering other people when her own life was far from happy at present.
Miaka sensed her inner turmoil, and she and Taka simultaneously took great strides to cheer her up. Yui didn't know if Miaka had told Taka everything that was troubling her, but was only grateful for the attention this dedicated reincarnated soul could show her as a friend. Miaka would wink slyly over his shoulder and often that cheered Yui up to open up to talk to Taka more and more.
Her friends wisely overlooked the topic of Tetsuya and Saito. Yui felt hurt and a betrayer, that while she missed Tetsuya's attentions while he was working so late these past few weeks, she wanted to go to Saito for comfort and reassure him she still liked him.
But for today, she had her appointments, she had an evaluation with Sumiyoshi-sensei, and she had her evening to decide what she would do about her erstwhile love triangle.
Yui tucked herself away in her tiny office, looking over her notes on Shindou Naisen. He was growing more and more open with her in each session. Often she would glimpse traces of recognition in his crystal blue clear eyes, but mostly he was a young boy who she had known once and he did not remember her.
While these sessions progressed, Yui had the feeling his home life was much to do with unhappiness he was expressing now, but she didn't know what she could do without Naisen stating it outright. Perhaps then, she could call the police to investigate the matter, but for now…she could only try to aide her once celestial seishi in venting his thoughts and frustrations.
A knock sounded on her door and Yui stood, brushing her skirt. “Come in.”
The door opened and Sumiyoshi bowed slightly to her. “I am sorry to disturb you, Hongo-san, but this young man wished to have a word with you before we began our session together.”
Yui stood, heart in her throat as a familiar vision of strength and sandy hair threaded his way in around the principal. Saito! But the eyes flashed a different recognition even if they were identical to her young mans.
Asakura grinned offhand and rubbed his neck. “Sorry to disturb you, Yui-san, but I was wondering if you would have a word?”
Yui sat down, shocked but nodded at Sumiyoshi that it was okay. The principal nodded and shut her office door. A shrill voice called out to the principal on the other side, and Yui smiled, hearing a distraction from her best friend. Good ol' Miaka.
Asakura twisted his hands together and smiled charmingly. “Yui-san, I was wondering if you would see my brother again? He's wasted away without you.”
Yui sighed and smiled slightly at Saito's twin. “I would like to, but I don't think it would be wise to….”
Asakura grew serious a moment and pressed his palms on Yui's desk. “Yui-san…. I was wondering, I know it was too much of me to ask. He's had dates and crushes before…. but I've never seen him this way before. He misses you so much. I think he may be….”
Yui sighed and patted Asakura's hand before he could say the words she longed to hear. It was putting off the inevitable for now, but she couldn't take it this moment.
“I think I know what you mean…. Oh, Asakura, I miss your brother. I will see him, but I just have to sort some things out,” Yui promised. Asakura smiled, his shoulders untensing.
“That would be great, Yui-san! I miss seeing you at the apartment. Besides, it's hard to bring girls over when your twin is moping around,” Asakura winked. Yui had to laugh at his easy-going nature. She missed him too.
“I'll see you later, Asakura,” she smiled. Asakura shook her hand, eyes twinkling.
“Hopefully at Dragon Scales!” he offered. Yui nodded.
“Perhaps so,” she added. Asakura swept out of the room and through the secretary's stations of the school office. Miaka looked up from a phone call and locked eyes with him.
Asakura stood still, staring at Mrs. Sukunami. Their eyes spoke of past meetings he could not remember fully. But he knew Mrs. Sukunami and her husband had been part of it. Shaking his head free of cobwebs, Asakura continued his way out to the streets and on his way to his college courses.
* * * *
Naisen regarded his counselor as they went through the usual banter of twenty questions. Hongo-sensei was someone he could trust, wasn't she? She was wise and friendly and sincerely seemed to care about his well-being.
Then again, weren't parents supposed to? Naisen sighed inwardly, eyes darkening again. He couldn't tell her. It was unspeakable what he was going through. He didn't know of anyone else ever who were touched the way he was at age eight, and he didn't plan on revealing his shame. As long as he could talk with Sadako late at night, it was okay for now….
“What is on your mind right now, Naisen-kun?” Yui asked gently. They had just stopped talking about Sadako and Hiroshi when Naisen stared off out the window.
“Nothing, Hongo-sensei…nothing at all,” he whispered. His heart clenched, outraged he couldn't tell her. But he would harden it, and keep it to himself.
Yui saw Naisen out of her office with a heavy heart. Her seishi was only doing passingly, and she worried for him. She should think about him instead of her own problems.
Yui tried to call Tetsuya on his cell, but only reached a voice mail. She sighed and looked through her school files. Maybe a call to the Shindou household would yield some answers.
* * * *
Naisen walked home with Sadako and Hiroshi to the other boys' home. He was willing to put off seeing his father this day as long as he could. His friends chattered and walked beside him, and otherwise tried to cheer him up.
Hiroshi wound his arm around Naisen and jabbered on about the stupid book report they had to write this week. Naisen allowed himself the smallest of smiles and bantered back easily. Hiroshi was trying his hardest.
“Will Ash be okay?” Naisen murmured to Sadako. She nodded her head, buns flying as she swung her lunchbox back and forth.
“Course! My mother is looking out for him,” she confirmed. Naisen chuckled and thought of the irritating puppy. The dog pissed him off for no reason, but he tried to make the effort to be kind to him as Sadako loved him.
Maybe it was the way Ash's eyes seemed to look right through him. But he knew what Naisen was thinking.
“Mama said she'd be home already since she had to leave in the middle of the day,” Hiroshi commented. Sure enough, Miaka was there to greet the children with smiles and a hug.
Naisen only stared at Mrs. Sukunami blandly when her arms encircled his small frame. Why was she being so nice? She barely knew him. Miaka only smiled for him and patted his blond hair.
“Did you three have any homework?” she asked. Hiroshi and Naisen nodded while Sadako shook her head.
“Well, you can do it later. For now, let's play hide and seek!” she offered. Sadako and Hiroshi cheered while Naisen raised an eyebrow.
Since when did adults play games with children? But he knew it wasn't unwanted….
“Okay, you kids hide, I'll start counting! One, two…” Miaka covered her eyes with her hands and started. Hiroshi giggled and tugged on Naisen's arm, pulling him to the garden of their first floor apartment.
“She'll see you!” Sadako insisted knowingly, hiding behind the kitchen's trash can. If she knelt just right, the tall can hid her well enough.
“Sss! Says you!” Hiroshi stuck his tongue out and tried to hide in the waist high flowers. Naisen crawled under the small table they kept out there.
* * * *
Yui hung up her cell phone and cleaned up her office. She had stayed far too long after school had ended due to a phone call that went nowhere. Shindou Rebecca had offered no guilty words, or an explanation at all. She numbly only offered that perhaps Naisen had fallen down the apartment steps sometimes. Otherwise, she had nothing to say.
In fact, she seemed surprised to hear from her son's school counselor. Yui decided to keep the element of surprise, thinking perhaps Naisen didn't tell his parents they were speaking. For now, perhaps she should keep that a secret in case something was going on at home….
Yui excused herself and waved to the remaining secretaries and teachers, walking out to the street. She needed to decide what to do about Saito. She couldn't put him off forever, and certainly not when she missed him. Tetsuya still hadn't picked up his cell so Yui could only assume he was still at work.
Yui's footsteps took her to the twin's apartment building and she climbed the stairs to their floor. Slowly she came to the door with the slot reading Boshin Asakura and Boshin Saito. She knocked once, and thought seriously about running.
The door opened before she make good on that decision. Saito stood in the doorway, his chest bare and sweatpants hanging low off his hips. Yui's eyes traveled down then up as he gaped at her and she blushed.
“Yui!” Saito blushed, raking a hand through his messy hair. His bangs adorably hung into his eyes, Yui thought. What was she doing? She smiled and coughed, looking down.
“I came to see how you were doing…since I haven't in awhile,” Yui whispered. Saito stammered and rubbed his neck with his fist, awake of his half dressed appearance. Great, she'll think I have some girl here or something! Yui was so refined, a real lady. She shouldn't have to think something like this!
“I wish to know to expect you…” he stammered, inviting her in. Yui blushed and walked in, her arm brushing his bare side accidentally. Both burned at the contact and turned to each other.
“Is it…a bad time?” she asked, desperately afraid of the answer. Is it too late for me with you?
“No! No, it's never a bad time…” he insisted. How could I refuse you anything? Yui giggled, taking in his deep blush as it spread across his neck and down his chest. A full body blush… how adorable.
“I seemed to have awakened you in any case,” she laughed and Saito stared at her in amazement. She was so beautiful…. she should be laughing always.
“Oh! I was just ….. laying and thinking,” he laughed weakly. Yui sat on the couch and watched him pace back and forth in front of her.
“About what, Saito?” she asked gently. Saito turned to her, the look of a starved frustrated young man caught on the spot.
“About us, what do you think?” he said sharply. He watched Yui pale and he cursed to himself.
“Yui, I didn't mean to yell but…I have to know, where do I stand with you?” he asked softly. Yui wrapped her fingers nervously around the ends of her long hair.
“I…I do care about you, Saito. You have to believe me on that…” she whispered. Saito beamed at her words, his chest muscles flexing proudly. She watched, transfixed, and shook her head.
“But I love Tetsuya…. I can't do this to him,” she confessed. Saito sighed and looked away. Yui wanted to run a hand over his tense shoulders and loosen his muscles. Finally he turned to her, and knelt down, taking her hand.
“Can I still see you? As your friend?” he asked hopefully. At Yui's nod he laid his lips to the back of her hand chivalrously.
“Good, I wouldn't have it any other way,” he teased. Yui sighed and patted the top of his head dearly.
“Saito…. Thank you for being so understanding…. What do you say we go out tomorrow? Spend some time together?” she asked brightly.
Saito grinned and pulled her up into a hug. Yui blushed and held onto him. His flesh burned beneath her touch…how would he be if they touched all over?
All too soon they let go and stared into each other's eyes. Their lips drew closer and closer without their knowing until the front door banged open.
The two sprang guiltily apart as Asakura lumbered in, carrying his schoolbooks and shoulder bag.
“Hey, you two made up! Good to see you here again, Yui-san,” Asakura winked. Yui laughed and the three teased each other.
* * * *
Tetsuya slumped over his desk, head cradled in his hands as he went over his reports. It wasn't the files in question that made his brain hurt, but the current situation he had put himself in. How could he have created such a personal soap opera? The object of his turmoil, the slip of an intern named Emiko, slipped around his desk, a cup of hot tea in her hands.
“Tetsuya-san, please, you need to keep your strength up,” she demanded lightly, her eyes shining in concern for him. Tetsuya's stomach dropped and he nudged the steaming cup before him.
“I'm sorry, Emiko-kun, but I don't the heart for tea right now,” he confessed. The two had developed quite the work relationship that he felt he could open up to her and talk about anything. While friends did this, his heart had strayed dangerously over to affection and longing, and the line pressed daringly closer to lust day by day.
Yui. He would not betray Yui. Even if it hurt that she mooned over something she would not tell him these days. He tried everything to gain her full attentions and while she seemed intent on making up for something she had done herself, he was guilty also for harboring longings for somebody else.
It didn't help Emiko openly liked him, and went so far as to massage his shoulders while he was on this train of thought. Tetsuya sat stiffly, head leaning back as he moaned openly. Emiko giggled, her hands precise across his broad shoulders.
“You're so tense, Tetsuya-san…come on, what's up? Can't you talk about it to me?” she asked in her lovely lilting voice. Tetsuya flushed, eyes hidden behind his shades.
“I'm afraid not, Emiko-kun…but you'd be the first to know if I did talk,” he confessed, his voice light and husky. Emiko's hands strayed around his shoulders and to his chest, her small body pressed against his back from behind.
“Just know, I'm here for you,” she whispered sweetly. Tetsuya flushed harder as her breasts pressed against his neck. His pants swelled and he closed his eyes. Slowly he brought his hands up and patted hers.
“Emiko-kun….I'll see you tomorrow,” he said. He turned his face to look at her over his shoulder and almost nudged noses with her. They stared at each other and Emiko's small fingers sifted through his dark hair lovingly.
“Okay, Tetsuya-san,” she whispered, blushing. She kissed his cheek and Tetsuya closed his eyes at the sweet pleasure. They separated and Tetsuya coughed, folding his hands over his lap.
“I'll see you!” she added, swaying out of the office. Tetsuya dropped his head into his hands again, and gathered his files to head home. What was he thinking? He couldn't betray his Yui. Not after all they had been through.
He loved her dearly, but he wondered if her heart was fully open for him alone. It hurt and day by day pushed his body to want Emiko's small hands and caresses. He had the most insane thoughts of passion regarding the petite woman. If he wasn't received fully at home, go for someone who did want him elsewhere.
Tetsuya shook his head and nudged his shades further up on his nose, pulling his suit jacket on. He wasn't that type of man. He would be loyal to Yui. But if she didn't tell him what was coming between them, he wouldn't be able to stop his lusts for Emiko.
Tetsuya walked out of the office and straight home.
* * * *
“Hi,” Yui whispered, as her boyfriend came into the door. Tetsuya smiled lightly and put down his briefcase at the door with his shoes.
“Yui…” he walked over to her and picked her up in his arms. Yui's arms twined around his neck dearly and they kissed sweetly. There were hints of their usual passion but it felt dulled today. Tetsuya's heart thudded and he rested his head against his lover's shoulder.
“Tetsuya?” she asked, her fingers twined in his hair. Tetsuya shook his head and put on a brave smile.
“It's nothing…how do you feel today?” he asked. Yui sighed.
“I feel just fine….not too badly,” she lied. Her heart twisted in her chest and she felt guilty to Saito. This was why women who had affairs went crazy. They couldn't chose between one or the other.
“All right, then,” Tetsuya said lightly, setting her back down.
* * *
After dinner, Tetsuya snuck out on the balcony to call his own confidant on the matter.
“Hello! Keisuke here,” Yuuki Keisuke chirped on his end. Tetsuya laughed, eyes twinkling behind his shades.
“Keisuke old buddy, how's married life treating ya?” he asked, teasing.
“Tetsuya! Hey, you still owe me 10,000 yen!” Keisuke yelped. Small voices behind him chattered and Keisuke had to smile.
“Actually, that was you! Don't try to weasel out of it. Is that Mayo? She sounds well,” Keisuke grinned as he watched the busy city.
“She's just fine. A little queasy, but I'm there for her,” Keisuke beamed. He and Mayo had married once she had graduated from high school three years after the reopening of the Universe of the Four Gods. They had been happy and slight on the monetary funds but he had supported her through college. Their first child had been born through her second year of college and was now three years old.
“Hey, you have to stop knocking her up, she may not like that,” Tetsuya teased. Keisuke guffawed and cursed at him lightly.
“She's only in her second month, don't say it like that,” Keisuku protested. The two men laughed and swore at each other then quieted down.
“Is this about the book? Do we have to rehack those files again?” Keisuke asked seriously. After his wife had been dragged into the book by the false Suzaku years ago, he had gone into the National Library files with Tetsuya in a daring attempt to keep the book from open use ever again. They had listed the book as truly lost and discarded, and the brightly bound red book was sealed at the Yuuki household in a fireproof, waterproof safe kept in Keisuke's home study.
Tetsuya grew somber as well. “No, it's not that. It's about Yui….”
Keisuke sighed. “Is that all? I thought there was something going on. The stars of Seiryuu have been acting up a lot lately.”
“What?” Tetsuya demanded. His friend made a noncommittal sound over the line.
“It's true! There have been studies coming up for the Dragon God out of nowhere at the school, and the stars have felt chaotic. I'd say something's happening with the warriors of that god,” Keisuke offered. Tetsuya shook his head.
“Keisuke, you never fail in your studies, do you?”
“Not while it's been in our lives,” Keisuke said seriously. Mayo chirped something at him in the background and Keisuke laughed.
“It's about this girl at my office actually….”
* * * *
Yui and Tetsuya laid down side by side in their bed that night, each focused on their own problem of the heart. Tetsuya lightly stroked his girlfriend's side and Yui laid on her side, sighing. She missed Saito already. Could she sleep with Tetsuya and forget about it for the moment? She would have to. She was seeing him, not Saito.
Far across the city, a young reincarnated soul tossed and turned in his bed, wanting his priestess.
End for now
I apologize for the wait, if anyone had been waiting for this. Real life and my Inuyasha story got in the way. Hehehe
I gave the twins the last name of Boshin, as it was part of their past live's names. Lame, I know, hahaha…
… But I hope you enjoyed. Please review!
Sincerely yours, penpaninu 10/08/05