Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ My Dreams aren't as Empty ❯ chapter eight ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't know why listening to my `Samurai X' ova soundtrack puts me in a Fushigi Yuugi mood. Maybe it's the basic feeling of duty, to put out a chapter of this story for my few but loyal FY readers. (chuckles) If you have any suggestions or wishes, or just comments, feel free to email or just plain review. I read them all, and more often than not, reply to them all.
Cheers! Hope you enjoy. Nakago, you may have hope yet.
“My Dreams aren't as Empty” chapter eight
by penpaninu
A few short days later, Tetsuya returned. Yui welcomed him happily with open arms and generous affections. She warmed his bed readily and eagerly and could pretend she had never been on a few dates, and never kissed another man in his absence. The part of her heart she shared with Tetsuya was content, and pleased as usual. He had really missed her, and was almost overly affectionate in his ministrations to her body. Was he overcompensating for something? He had to just be glad to be back with her, Yui decided.
`You're just paranoid, since you went on a few dates behind his back. You're feeling guilty and are being suspicious because of that guilt! He's back and that's all that matters….'
Wasn't it?
* * * *
Days turned into weeks. Weeks into a couple of long months. Yui rarely ordered pizza, and she stayed in her office when Miaka ordered from Dragon Scales for the school's office. She answered a few calls from Saito, and Asakura, but retreated back to the life she once shared only with Tetsuya.
`I can't hurt him…. I've led Saito on long enough, and I love Tetsuya. Yes, that is what I decide,' she thought. `But why does my heart hurt so much?' Cheating guilt, now that had to be it.
`We didn't even do anything, but kiss…and a few….' Memories of being pressed against a wall and feeling Saito's head bury between her breasts made her legs weak once more. Tetsuya gargled in the bathroom and spit his mouthwash out, jarring the tempting memory. Yui blushed and pressed a hand against her cheek, and lay poised on the bed, waiting.
`Don't even think about it…. Your boyfriend's coming.' She thought, smiling as Tetsuya came into the bedroom, smiling widely. Yui ran a hand across her bare hip, eyebrow raised.
“I haven't had to ask if you were tired,” he laughed, taking off his t-shirt, and reaching for his waistband. Yui watched his slim stomach and hips emerge from the pajama pants as he shed them and her gaze grew more appreciative at what he revealed. Tetsuya was attractive in his own way, thin and nicely put together for being four years older. He didn't let his body go as most older men did, and she loved the feel of his warm flesh against hers, around her, in her.
Yui's eyes glazed as Tetsuya came to the bed, grinning widely and very ready for her. `If I love him so much, why do I keep feeling Saito against me? Seeing his face?' Yui closed her eyes and held Tetsuya's head against hers for a long kiss. His hands found her breasts and gently pushed her to lay back.
Stop seeing his earnest expression…his adoring gaze and god stop hearing his hungry moans at the more ardent moments of those dates. Yui scolded herself silently and clutched Tetsuya's back. They moved together easily and quickly.
* * * *
Saito knew better than to call Yui at night, for he knew Tetsuya was back some weeks ago. He would call during his work hours, when she was at work, or on lunch break. Asakura noticed they had no more deliveries to her specifically, and it hurt his feelings. If it merely hurt Asakura, Saito was crushed.
`She never said she was going to break up with him,' he thought, laying in bed alone and watching his cell phone as if it held the secrets to the universe. `But she still went out with me. I thought maybe she would…' Asakura snored loudly from his bedroom and Saito contemplated throwing something heavy to wake him up.
No, then his younger brother would want to tussle and rough house, and generally try his attempt of cheering his aniki.
Saito sighed and rolled on his back, chest rising and falling slowly. He missed seeing her frequently, or these days, at all. He missed her sweet words, her kisses and her conversations with Asakura. His twin had noticed her infrequent talk and visitations these days, but aside from some rather generous behavior, he didn't talk about it for fear of upsetting his brother.
“I want to call her…” he murmured, rolling over to hug his pillow. He had gotten Yui into his bedroom only once and that experience was short lived. Why did everywhere he look remind him of her? Was he falling in love with her?
“More like going crazy,” he muttered, dragging his arm across his eyes and willing himself to sleep. And not to dream of soft eyes and long blond hair and curving lips.
To die, to sleep…no more.
* * * * *
Sadako noticed more and more often that Naisen, looking athletic for his age, ran and jumped clumsily. Kids at that age just didn't get exhausted, she thought. Even if you didn't go to bed when they were supposed to, you always had a bit of energy. When jarred to talk, he always put it off saying he fell at home, or was just tired.
Hiroshi and she would only meet eyes and know that wasn't true. He limped way too often. While Hiroshi couldn't imagine why their friend seemed hurt, Sadako could only surmise he was fighting, like her parents fought.
“It could be why he's so upset…” Hiroshi agreed one day. He rested his chin on his knees, and let Ash frisk around his ankles. “But who is he fighting with? My parents don't fight, so I don't know about that, Sadako-chan.”
Sadako shook her head, circle buns flying. “I don't know, Hiro-chan. That's all I can think of since it's all my parents do.”
“Your parents are weird, did I ever tell you that?”
“And yours are perfect, Hiro-chan, so that's not fair,” Sadako pouted.
“If you want, you could come see them. I know you want to,” Hiroshi grinned. Sadako slowly smiled.
“They don't mind I come over a lot, do they?” she smiled prettily.
Hiroshi shook his head.
“Nope! Mama's always baking something, and Papa says not to let her eat all the cookies,” Hiroshi picked up Ash and they walked along.
“Your mommy is really pretty. I wish I could live with you guys,” Sadako said fondly.
Hiroshi laughed. “I thought you liked Naisen-kun?”
“I do! But sometimes he doesn't act like he likes me…. Hey, he should come over to your house too,” Sadako suggested.
“Uhm! I think that's a good idea,” Hiroshi agreed happily. His mother was waiting for them at the door as they came to his apartment and Sadako watched enviously as Mrs. Sukunami gave her son a big hug.
* * * *
“Bye, Sadako-chan!” Hiroshi waved as she started her walk home, Ash frolicking at her heels.
Miaka stood behind her son and saw the child off. “Are you sure she doesn't have far to go? We could walk her,” she suggested.
Hiroshi looked up at his mother and grinned. “No, it's only down the street, Mama. Can she and Naisen-kun come over sometime again?”
Miaka nodded seriously at her son, though her eyes twinkled. “Of course they may. I've only had your friend over in the office at school.”
“Mama, you know Taro started that fight,” he complained, going back to the kitchen. Miaka nodded.
“I don't doubt he did! But Taro just needs an open ear so he won't start so many fights, I think,” Miaka pondered. Her son giggled, settling himself in his chair at the table.
“You talk like Aunt Yui sometimes,” he teased. Miaka smiled and took five cookies out of the cookie jar. That would do for a light snack.
“Your aunt and Tetsuya may come over for dinner tomorrow, what do you think about that?” she asked.
“Yeah! That sounds alright, Mama.”
As her son chattered on, Miaka couldn't help notice the similarities of his schoolmate Sadako. It had to be Soi, make no mistake about that. Miaka had looked out of the office window and had seen her dancing around on the playground in the middle of a thunderstorm, while the other children had huddled under the roofed area of the edge of the building. Soi's method of attack had been lightning blasts and it only confirmed Miaka's theory that she was this seven-year old child dancing happily in the rain one day at school.
Miaka tore half of her cookie and handed it to Hiroshi, beaming as he grinned at her under his flop of blue hair. She remembered holding Hotohori's sacred sword in her hands, and facing that frightening woman now, knowing it was right to trust in her friend's love and trust that she would be protected.
Yui mentioned all of her seishi had grown up in rather abusive situations, so seeing Soi as a young innocent enough girl made Miaka guilty having to face off against her in the book. Even though it had been a different situation at the time.
“Mama, I'll help you get dinner ready,” Hiroshi chirped. Miaka smiled and hugged her son close to her. You will never feel neglected or unloved, my boy….
* * * *
Yui stood on the balcony of her apartment and talked to Miaka lightly. Tomorrow was a day off and she would be spending it with Tetsuya at every moment. If she couldn't wait to see her best friend at work, she knew Tetsuya was okay with her talking to her before bed.
“Hiroshi brought a friend from school over today,” Miaka chattered brightly. Yui raised an eyebrow.
“Was it Shindou Naisen, Miaka?” she asked quietly. The Tokyo skyline bustled with noise and she watched the people moving to and fro busily even at night.
“No, not this time! It was Takeuchi Sadako, she just moved here. And she lives next door to Naisen-kun,” Miaka commented. Yui heard a male rumbling voice in the background and smiled.
“Tell Taka to let you talk to me,” she ordered jokingly and Miaka giggled in return, hearing a playful exchange.
“I did! He said not to keep him waiting,” she laughed. Yui rolled her eyes playfully.
“Oh, that must be that new friend Naisen told me about,” she said thoughtfully. Miaka gave a small verbal affirmation.
“Did you get a feeling from her, Yui-chan?”
Yui paused. “I did, and from hearing her name alone. Is it…”
“Soi,” Miaka said helpfully.
Yui pressed a hand to her forehead. “It's amazing how many of them are showing up here….”
“That gives me hope for my seishi!” Miaka said brightly. Yui groaned.
“Come on, Miaka, it's all happening so fast,” she chided. Miaka giggled.
“Wouldn't it be great if Nuriko was a girl this time? I think that would be so cute…”
“Your luck and your charming emperor will be our age and try to charm the pants off you,” Yui joked.
“Not if I'm wearing a skirt,” Miaka laughed. The two shared a stream of giggles that made Tetsuya poke his head out the door and look at her strangely.
Yui shooed him inside at Miaka's next words. “Have you seen Saito lately?”
“Uhm….I'll be right inside, Tetsuya,” Yui crooned. She cupped a hand around her cell phone as her boyfriend disappeared inside.
“I haven't been at Dragon Scales in a few weeks,” she confessed. Miaka made a tutting sound on the other line.
“Have you at least called him? I was in there with Taka the other night and he looked just terrible,” Miaka said sadly. “Asakura looked sad too.”
Yui's heart thudded and she pressed a hand to her chest. “Oh, Miaka…. I haven't seen him, because I don't want to give the wrong idea.”
“You're his friend aren't you?” Miaka asked innocently. Yui groaned.
“Yes, and lately I can't stop thinking about him,” she sighed, sitting on the balcony. Miaka sighed on the other line.
“Yui-chan…what are you going to do?” she asked quietly.
“I don't know! I just can't stop remembering how he was there for me…he did some wrong things, but he was there for me back then. And I wasn't there for him at all. He needed me, Miaka and he's back again…. I could help him this time.”
“But he's so happy, Yui-chan. He has a good life, and he even came back with his brother! What can you save him from here?”
“His loneliness, Miaka…I think I'm falling in love with him.”
“Miaka, please don't tell Taka or Keisuke…. I just want to do the right thing.”
“I was only going to tell you to follow your heart,” Miaka said.
Yui sighed. “Thank you, Miaka.”
“You're welcome, Yui.”
Yui hung up and watched her city embrace the night life. She loved Tetsuya dearly, but there was always a part of her heart from her teenaged life that loved the younger boy who had listened to her fears during her purification bath. And a greater part of her young heart that loved the younger boy who had embraced her from behind and had vowed to protect her. She hadn't the experience then to express or say how his dedication made her feel at the end. And he died whispering her name even if she hadn't loved him back then.
That young boy she had cared about was reborn into a young man she could see herself reciprocating the same feelings to. She had begun to express her affection to him weeks ago, but she still had her heart to give. And her body if she chose to.
“I have to do the right thing! But Tetsuya….” She thought. Her heart clenched, and she went inside to her lover. He lay reading in bed. She curled up by his side and hugged him.
“Hey, what's all this about?”
“I love you, Tetsuya,” she whispered. His arms circled her gently, setting his book down.
“I love you too, Yui.” His eyes looked over her shoulder, worried.
* * * *
Naisen tossed and turned in his bed, sleep eluding him once more. It could be said some children did get exhausted from lack of sleep and he was the exception, children's energy or not.
Why couldn't he be normal? Why couldn't he just play with Hiroshi and Sadako and have fun like other children? Why couldn't he have real parents? Parents like that Sukunami-sensei even if her happiness angered him?
A creak outside the door jarred the young boy and he sat upright in bed, heart pounding in terror. Alone in the darkness of his bedroom could he show open expression. A tiny figure darted inside and shut the door.
“Sadako-chan?” he asked in confusion.
The little girl shushed him and snuck over as `stealthily' as she knew how and sat on the edge of his bed.
“We didn't see you after school, so I came to say goodnight,” she giggled. Naisen lay back down and laid his arm over his eyes,
“You said it, now sneak back out,” he ordered. He was too sore and too tired to play games or speak words.
Sadako nudged his side. “Nuh uh, maybe we can talk,” she offered.
Naisen groaned. “Go away, Sadako! I'm tired…” He heard her shift and thought she was getting ready to leave. He sighed happily.
Tiny arms wrapped over his blanketed form and squeezed him instead. Naisen froze and tensed, ready to fight his way free. Then he just let the tension go and cuddled against her.
Sadako patted his soft hair gently, watching his eyes close as he drifted off to sleep.
“I'll take care of you, Naisen-kun…”
End for now
Like it, hate it? Please let me know. I hope you enjoyed. Which part of the love triangle do you want to win? Place your bets and your votes and/or hopes.
Sincerely yours penpaninu 9/18/05