Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ My Dreams aren't as Empty ❯ chapter seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

New chapter up! Yeah, me. I admit, the thing with Saito took on a whole `nother life form really. Do you like it at all? Tell me what you think of my story. I genuinely enjoy writing for it. This means you, please review! ^_^
“My Dreams aren't as Empty” chapter seven
by penpaninu
Yui tapped her pen against her notepad and regarded her young seishi reincarnation. Naisen looked blandly back at her, eyebrow raised slightly. So far their sessions of twenty questions had only gone passingly. Naisen answered sparingly and without real emotion. His attitude said he didn't care what Yui thought about him, and he wanted to get away from her.
It may have been wishful thinking on Yui's part to imagine she saw a hint of anguish in his cold blue eyes.
“You mentioned a new neighbor moving in next door. She's in the grade below you?” she inquired, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.
Naisen crossed his thin arms over his chest. “Her name is Sadako. She's one year younger, and she has a puppy named Ash.”
Yui got another jolt and regarded her pupil over the top of her notepad. “Sadako and Ash hmm?” Half of her seishi she hadn't known very long or well, but she got a feeling just from those names.
Naisen sighed mightily, closing his eyes. “Yup. They both like me a lot for some reason….”
Yui smiled. That was progress right there. Then again, Miaka's son Hiroshi liked Naisen and he only seemed to put up with it barely. Maybe a girl's attention was what he needed.
“Well, why does she like you?” Yui asked gently. Naisen's small fingers twitched and he tightened his hands into fists.
“I don't know. I don't see why. And she asks me to play with Hiroshi, too,” Naisen informed dryly. Yui nodded, smiling widely.
“See, that isn't so bad. It's good to have friends, right?”
Naisen shrugged. “I guess so….they're okay I guess…”
Cha-ching! Yui couldn't stop her smile from growing. Before, Naisen wouldn't have even admitted to feeling any way like this. At least it was a hint of normality for her young friend.
“That's good! I'm sure it's fun to play with them,” she suggested. Naisen looked at her oddly and shrugged again.
“I said they were okay….” His voice lowered softly. Yui set her notepad down and stood, walking Naisen to the door of her office.
“And you are too, Naisen,” she said cheerfully. “I hope you have fun at recess. Next time is tomorrow, okay?” she patted his shoulder. Naisen stood stiffly and nodded, eyes downcast.
“Yes, Hongo-sensei.”
“Go ask Sukunami-sensei for a doughnut, you deserve it,” Yui offered. Naisen closed the door behind him.
Yui smiled as she sat down behind her desk again, hearing Miaka's high-pitched laughter from the front office. She began to write a few lines of thought on Naisen's apparent progress before her cell phone chimed.
Flicking it open, Yui set the device to her ear.
“Moshi moshi? Oh!….Saito….” she blushed heavily. “No, I'm sorry I haven't stopped in since yesterday…I was busy….oh no… I'm free today. Tell you what, I'll surprise you for lunch, you wait for me at Dragon Scales. Okay, bye!”
Yui leaned back, eyes closed as she set her phone on the desk. She felt ecstatic at the thought of seeing Saito again so soon, and alone once more, but apprehensive once again since Tetsuya was due back in three days. What was she going to do about this whole mess? She couldn't very well take a page from Nakago's book on the short advice he had apparently tried to help her with in the past. She was his counselor now, he wasn't hers!
Taka once said, to live life in the moment, and live it fully. Yui quirked a smile. She was sure he didn't mean that in regards to her specific situation, but they were words to be noted.
Leaving the office, Yui went to tell Sumiyoshi she was going to take an hour and a half lunch break, and dashed to the market for supplies.
* * * *
“You don't think it's a date do you? Come on, she's got to go back to work,” Asakura suggested from his area behind the counter. Saito twisted his hands in the pizza dough, and threw it sharply in an arch towards the ceiling. He caught it nimbly and a woman clapped for him by the door. Asakura winked as Saito stretched it again and tossed it his way.
“I don't know, Asakura! But she said she would meet me….”
“Maybe that kiss you gave her made her weak all last night,” Asakura teased. Saito flushed bright red, and balled up some dough to throw at his brother.
“Hey you two! Stop wasting the food or I'll dock it from your pay!” the boss hollered, poking his head out of his office. Asakura winced and shaped a pizza, contrite. Saito merely rolled his eyes in answer.
“Damn college kids these days….”
Saito chortled as Asakura made a face at the office door. “Well either way, I'm going on break with her okay?”
Asakura nodded. “Some guys have all the luck! How come a hot older woman comes here looking for you?”
“Must be my better looks.”
“Go look in a mirror, idiot!” The twins laughed, content with the situation so far.
* * * *
When Saito met Yui at the front door of his work, he was surprised to see a grocery bag in one arm and a blanket in the other. She greeted him with a dazzling smile that heated the young man's blood from head to toe. He couldn't help feeling poor and shabby next to her. Yui's thighs were bare as her skirt was so short. Her blouse was elegant to make up for it, and she was wearing heels again. Her legs looked far more shapely due to the kind of shoes she wore and Saito couldn't help but let his gaze linger there, blushing.
“You have to help me carry this,” Yui giggled, getting his attention again. Saito took his pizza cap off and tossed it inside at his brother.
“Of course, Yui! Where are we going?” Saito inquired. Yui blushed and hugged his arm, holding the grocery bag captive while he took the blanket.
“To the neighborhood park… you don't mind do you?” Would it sound too childish to her young man? Yui's fears dissipated as Saito's eyes flashed in happiness.
“Not at all! I can't wait to see what we're having,” he joked. Yui watched the side of his strong profile as they walked along, happy for the moment. He was such a handsome strong young man…. A freshman in college, sharing an apartment with his twin brother, both swinging bachelors until she had come into the picture. Would she be splitting the brothers up with her foolishness of wanting to be involved with Saito?
Would he see her as old, frumpy and needy, going out with him though she was living with another man? (An older man at that?) His jaw was so perfectly shaped she wanted to curve a finger under it. His eyes were happy and shining whenever she was near. His arms were stronger and his hands bigger. He was so carefree, able to hold a part-time job at his leisure. And his body…. Yui flushed, rubbing her cheek against his sleeve.
He may wear a baggy pizza uniform half the time, but the tall muscular form beneath it was something Yui noticed more and more of late. Why he wants to go out with me, when he could have his pick of women…
Little did Yui know that Saito's mind held similar small thoughts of self-doubt as to why the other wanted to see them. Yui guided Saito to the park and once they had the blanket spread, both sat side by side and shared their lunch.
Yui had to admit, doing this spur-of-the-moment had been a good idea. Saito was pleased at taking such a pleasurable break from his job, and both were chattering amiably again, content once more in the other's company. Yui's eyes lingered on Saito's lips however, remembering his kiss before she left yesterday.
“Is there something on my face, Yui?” Saito asked softly, blushing. Yui stroked his cheek with the back of a finger.
“Maybe some pizza sauce here…” her fingers stole to his neck and Saito sighed, blushing. Her touch aroused him so much of late and it was all he could do not to pin her down and finish what they had hopefully started during their date.
The two stared at each other, and looked away, blushing.
“I don't think I spilled anything during…work…” Saito began. Yui giggled.
“What do you think about me, Saito?” she asked. Saito coughed.
“Think…about you? Or us?” he asked. Yui sighed, he was very insightful.
“Either one,” she offered. Saito smiled and turned her chin up.
“I think this could explain what I think better of us….” Yui closed her eyes and sank into his arms as he kissed her.
* * * *
Hiroshi walked home with Sadako that day. They both were disheartened at the turn of events, as both had gotten Naisen to agree to play after school as he felt too ill during recess. But Naisen's father, pulling up in a shiny new car, had settled the matter. Sadako remembered Naisen looking frightening a moment, before he sealed his face and got into his father's car. He hadn't looked back at his friends as the car pulled sharply away and headed downtown.
“That was his dad, huh?” Hiroshi asked Sadako. The girl shrugged.
“I hardly see his parents, I guess so,” she answered. The two took turns kicking a rock on the way home, quiet for the time being.
“Naisen didn't look too happy about it. Wonder what his dad wanted?” Sadako wondered. Hiroshi shook his head.
“I don't know. But he has to talk to Hongo-sensei in the office almost everyday.”
“She's the lady who talks to you right?” Sadako wondered. Hiroshi nodded.
“She's Aunt Yui to me, but I'm supposed to call her Hongo-sensei at school. She's been my Mama's friend for years,” Hiroshi smiled.
Sadako giggled. “I didn't know that! That must be lucky for you, Hiro-chan.”
“Hey, can we play with your puppy? We could wait for Naisen, too.” Hiroshi said.
* * * *
“You don't tell any of your little school friends about our business arrangment, do you?” Shindou Tadaka asked, driving his car downtown to the office. Naisen sat straight and nonchalant next to him in the passenger seat.
“No, father. Of course not….” Like hell he was going to mention the school counselor wanted to speak to him almost every day. He had scrawled a forgery of his mothers name for her after the first session, so neither of his parents knew about any of his appointments.
It would only be so long before his luck went out on that end. Naisen didn't believe in luck anymore, however, and glumly watched the skyscrapers go by. He wondered whom he would have to pleasure tonight.
“Good. You don't tell anyone a word of what happens when I take you to work. You understand me, boy?” Tadaka looked angrily at his son. Naisen's shoulders stiffened.
“Yes, father.”
“That's my boy.”
Naisen cringed involuntarily. Hearing that from his father, who was willing to give his child to perverted men, was almost worse than the acts he was forced to commit with those men altogether.
`I'm not your boy, even if I was born to you,' Naisen thought, mildly angry. He followed his father into the office building once more.
* * * *
“Saito, I have to go now,” Yui giggled, as she clung to her young man. Saito had his arms wrapped around her waist and wouldn't let her leave him. Neither was trying to hard to separate, keeping the other occupied with caresses and kisses.
Saito bent his mouth to Yui's neck again and she giggled, rubbing his shoulders. Asakura would probably burst out of the front door, intent on embarrassing the two, but for now they had a moment to tease and be together.
Yui let Saito press her against the hallway wall outside his apartment, and held her close against him. Yui looked into his eyes, and between them, flushing like a teenager. Saito groaned and buried his face against her collar bone, daring to dip his head to her cleavage.
Yui's legs trembled and she held onto his back when his lips moved over the top of her partially visible curves. Things were getting out of control again…but neither wanted to stop…
“Hey! What are you two doing!” Asakura burst out, just as predicted, startling his brother into jolting up, away from Yui's chest. Both were breathing hard and Yui straightened her blouse. Saito shot his brother the look of death.
“What does it look like! Get lost, ototo!” Saito growled. Yui put a hand over his arm.
“Ah, you both get a room already! Or get in here and watch the game with me. It's your fault you took the most attractive woman in this district!” Asakura pleaded. Saito sighed mightily, and pouted mournfully at his older woman.
“I'm so sorry, Yui… he can be such a pain….” He began. Yui giggled.
“That's alright, and I was meaning to spend time with both of you anyway,” she smiled. Saito brightened a little and they both went in.
Why was she so kind and attractive to him? And wanting to spend time with the closest member of his family? Saito could only hope it was the beginning of something great. No one was mentioning her live-in boyfriend, so he could make believe she was his girlfriend for all the time she was spending with him.
`For now, let me have this,' Saito prayed silently as he sat on the couch next to his brother, and Yui. She smiled when he slung an arm over behind her shoulders and Asakura teased when she leaned back against him.
This just felt too right.
* * * *
Naisen snuck out onto the balcony of his family's apartment, quiet as a cat. He couldn't help feeling cramped tonight for all the `special attention' he had received. Yasunori had two business associates who were eager to meet the toy he had acquired. Naisen was rather sore, and still felt sick as his father was so pleased at his progress, he wouldn't let him take a shower when they had gotten home.
`Don't want to wake your mother!' Tadaka had laughed, sending his son limping off to bed. Naisen had tossed and turned, and feeling his heart shred further, had gotten up and snuck out to sit beneath the stars that could be seen in Tokyo. He didn't understand. He had gotten good at sealing his heart away. Why was it aching so much that his chest hurt?
“Naisen,” a girl whispered and Naisen angled his head, longish blond hair flying. Sadako, dressed in a knee-length shirt for bed, was sitting with her knees pulled up to her chest on the balcony. Ash wagged his tail at the older boy and Naisen shrugged.
“What are you doing up?” he murmured, trying to be quiet.
“Wanted to see the sky again,” Sadako said simply. She gestured to Naisen.
“Come sit with me! Please?” she asked, voice quavering.
Naisen carefully climbed over to her balcony and sat beside the small girl. The damn puppy wriggled into his lap and Naisen resolved not to sigh in anger and push him away. It would hurt his new friend's feelings. And Hongo-sensei said that friends were a good thing to have.
Sadako rocked back and forth, then leaned against Naisen's shoulder gently. Naisen, schooled at sealing his emotions to drunk older men groping and doing unspeakable things to his tender body, merely all but jumped at that soft touch. Why was she doing this?
“My parents were yelling again today, Naisen-kun,” Sadako said sadly. Naisen looked over the top of her head, eyes glazing.
“I don't know why they do it. They don't care if I hear anymore,” Sadako continued sadly. She looked up at her friend's face, at his strong expression and touched his jaw.
“Naisen?” she asked softly. The blond boy blinked, eyes momentarily softening to vulnerability. Sadako's eyes widened, noticing that.
“What, Sadako-chan?”
“Oh it's nothing…listen, let's play tomorrow for sure,” she urged. Naisen's eyes went blank again.
“Oh, okay, I will.” As Sadako pressed her head against his thin shoulder, she couldn't see the tears prick behind his ice cold blue eyes briefly.
End for now
I know, this was way too short. My Inuyasha stories are averaging longer than this! But I will resolve to work on this. I tried to have Yui work with Naisen abit more. Maybe I'm focusing too much on the whole Tetsuya-Yui-Saito love triangle than on the poor boy. But what do you think of it? Love it, hate it? Please review!
Penpaninu 9/17/05