Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Only In My Heart ❯ Gone But Not Forgotten ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 13 "Gone But Not Forgotten"

Hotohori quickly dressed, grabbing his tie and jacket from the locker. He had so many questions he wanted to ask her. So many things he wanted to say to her. And so many things, his mind screamed that he wanted to do to her. He hurried out the front door onto the sidewalk to find her… gone…

Hotohori stood outside the dojo looking up and down the street. She ditched him! "Damn! I knew I should not have let her leave." He slumped against the wall trying to decide what he should do. Walk over to her apartment or call her? He shook his head in disbelief. 'Why?'

Jenna came out of the coffee shop, three doors down from the dojo. She grinned at Hotohori's slumped form leaning against the glass window of the dojo. She slowly and quietly made her way towards him.

He sighed raising his hand to rub his now hurting head. In three days, this woman had succeeded in driving him crazy. 'Okay, we will walk to her apartment.' With that thought in mind, he opened his eyes to see a pair of black tennis shoes in front of him. Slowly he raised his eyes to meet the owner. He couldn't hide the shocked expression that played upon his handsome features.

"Jenna! I thought you left me." She couldn't help it, the grin on her face spread and she held out a styrofoam cup to him. "I hope you like vanilla chai. It's my favorite." He accepted the cup with a nod of his head. He was speechless and unable to move. He watched as she turned away from him and started walking. Then she turned around and smiled at him. "Are you coming?"

She continued to walk, her thoughts running amok in her mind. He was just too damn cute. That shocked expression on his face when he saw her, she giggled. It was just priceless! She thought back to the kiss in the dojo. Had the trainer not come in and interrupted who knows where that would have gone. He brought out feelings in her no man had ever done before… Well, except for the guy in her dreams… Who was most definitely this man. She was sure of it. The scuffing of shoes on the sidewalk brought her out of her thoughts and she turned to smile at Hotohori.

He smiled back at her as he walked beside her. They walked in silence. Both in their own thoughts, smiling at one another as they continued down the street. Hotohori looked down at his watch and finally broke the silence. "May I take you to dinner?" He glanced over at her, awaiting an answer and saw her frown. "That is, if you do not have other plans."

Jenna looked down at her attire. She was dressed in a black sweat suit with black tennis shoes and a baseball cap. She tried to speak between giggles. "Um, I don't think I'm exactly dressed to go anywhere." She looked at her clothing again. "And I really need a shower after that workout."

"Yes, you do have a point. Any suggestions?" Hotohori quirked an eyebrow at her. He tried not to grin as he envisioned them in a hot tub together. And then he was shocked again at the response he received from her.

"Well, we could go to my apartment, shower and change clothes. Tasuki has some clothes at Korin's apartments. I'm sure there's something that would fit you." She grinned thinking about the flamboyant clothing that Tasuki always wore and tried to imagine Hotohori dressed in tan slacks with a bright orange shirt. She shook her head, no way would he go for it. But much to her surprise, he said yes.

They walked the last two blocks in silence, once again, both in their own thoughts. Had Jenna not realized where she was she would have walked right past her apartment complex. Hotohori on the other hand, just followed like a lost puppy. His mind no where yet everywhere at the same time. He glanced up at Jenna as she walked up the steps to her apartment. 'This is not a good idea.' He thought to himself as images of her glistening body in the shower flowed through his mind. He felt himself being aroused at the mere idea it.

Walking into her apartment, he was surprised at the size. He thought it would be much smaller. As he entered the first thing he noticed was the entertainment center that covered one entire wall. Besides the normal television and stereo system, it housed everything from books to CD's to beautifully intricate Chinese vases in all shapes and sizes with the occasional bouquet of dried flowers.

"Wow, that's nice." He walked over to it, placing his duffel bag on the floor. Then began looking at the collection of CD's. "Make yourself at home." She threw her purse down on the sofa and headed to her bedroom. She popped her head back out of the door. "I'll be done in fifteen minutes." Hotohori turned to acknowledge her but she had already disappeared back into the bedroom.

He grinned as he looked around the comfortably decorated room. The dark green sofa and two cream armchairs enclosed a small glass coffee table. On the table was a well-worn book. He picked it up examining it with a smile. Richard Bach, One. He ran his finger of the picture of the two intertwined circles of gold. 'So she's reading about soul-mates.' His grin grew broader. 'We seem to have a lot in common.' He had read all of Richard Bach's books, starting with Jonathan Livingston Seagull.

He listened to the shower turn on as he walked to the kitchen. Walking into the small alcove, the first thing he noticed were the herbs hanging against the wall. Below that was a two-tier shelf with herb jars lined up. 'No labels.' He picked one up and unscrewed the lid, taking a sniff. 'Lemon basil.' He screwed the lid back on, putting it back in its place.

He couldn't help his curiosity. He wanted to know everything about her. He began opening the cabinets and drawers. 'Likes to cook.' He nodded his head in response to his thought. Two woks, lots of sauce pans but only four plates and silverware for four settings. Wineglasses, times four and jar jugs, times four again. He thought about this. 'So she only entertains four people at a time? Herself and Korin and maybe their boyfriends or parents?' His brow furrowed. 'I hope not a boyfriend.'

His curiosity got the better of him. 'A boyfriend? Never thought of that.' He walked back to the livingroom in search of photographs. He found not one picture of anyone. No family, no friends, none. He was not happy with that so he quietly walked to the bedroom listening to the water run. He peeked into the bedroom and grinned. The bed was unmade, the dark blue sheet hanging over the edge. The sweats she had discarded on the way to the shower were casually thrown on a wicker chair next to the bathroom door. That's when he noticed the picture frame on the dresser.

He quickly covered the distance to the dresser and picked up the frame. He frowned. He knew the man and woman in the picture. The woman was Jenna, perhaps taken a few years ago, as she looked very young. The man was an old friend of his, the eldest son of Mr. Xiang, the brother of his supposed betrothed. He didn't hear the shower turn off until it was too late to be caught in her bedroom.

Jenna opened the door to the bathroom and gasped. He was looking at 'that' picture. She quickly grabbed it from his hand. "What are you doing in here?" She opened the top drawer and placed the picture face down beneath the under garments that were in the drawer and slammed it shut. Then she turned to glare at him as if expecting an answer.

Hotohori stood frozen to the spot. He was speechless. His mind was full of thoughts trying to remember the name of his friend's fiancée that lived in America. It could be her. He glanced at her hands looking for a ring. Instead, he realized she was standing there wrapped in a towel, with her left hand holding the knot at her breast. His face began to redden but his eyes would not leave her body.

Jenna's gaze followed his eyes and she immediately ran back towards the bathroom. She peeked around the corner of the door. "Do you mind? I need to get my clothes."

Hotohori hesitantly left the room and went back to the livingroom, plopping down in one of the armchairs. His hand shook as he lifted the bottle of water to his lips. 'Why was she so upset at him seeing that picture and why did she hide it?' His couldn't help but think the man in the picture must be an old boyfriend since she wasn't wearing a ring and he knew Jackie told him he had gotten engaged. 'Could this be the beauty his friend ranted and raved about the last time they'd seen each other?'

Jenna quickly got dressed. 'Please don't let him ask about the picture.' She repeated over and over like a mantra in head. She didn't care that he saw her half-naked but he saw the picture, the only picture she cherished enough to have enlarged and framed.

She picked up her hairbrush and grabbed two clean towels and a wash rag from the closet then she walked into the livingroom. Hotohori sat in the chair as if in a trance and he was startled when she dropped the towels in his lap. "Here. You can shower and I'll run over to Korin's and get those clothes for you." She tried to act as though nothing was wrong but she could see he was troubled by something, presumably the photograph. 'Shit.' She thought again. 'Please don't let him ask about it.' She tried to laugh. "I'll try to pick something less bright than what Tasuki usually wears." With that, she quickly left the apartment before he had a chance to ask about it.

Hotohori slowly rose from the chair, placing his bottle of water on the table and grabbing his duffel bag. Making his way to the bedroom, he couldn't get the photo of the couple out of his mind. 'Why was she acting as though she didn't want anyone to see the photo?' As he passed the dresser, he just couldn't help himself. He had to look at it one last time. He glanced around as if he would be caught then slowly pulled the drawer out and reached his hand in to grab the frame.

As he pulled it out, he noticed writing on the back. Me & Jackie, 2001, below that was a little heart drawn with red marker. So, the photo had been taken two years ago. 'She would have been nineteen', he thought to himself. He tried to remember what his friend told him about his American girlfriend, other than she was the most beautiful girl in the world. 'Well, that could be Jenna.' He thought as he placed the photograph back into the drawer but she isn't wearing a ring so if it is her then maybe they broke up. With that thought in mind, he went into the bathroom.

Jenna returned shortly with a pair of black jeans and a dark maroon shirt. She quickly went into the bedroom and placed them on the chair outside the bathroom door as she heard the water turn off. "The clothes are on the chair when you're done." She left just as quickly as she heard the click of the door opening. A muffled, "thank you" was all she heard as she closed the bedroom door.

Jenna stood in the kitchen, nervously chopping an apple when someone knocked on the door. She wiped her hands on the towel hanging below the sink and went to answer it.

"How are you dear? I tried to call you earlier but I guess you were sleeping. Are you feeling any better?" Aunt Betty reached a hand out sweeping the still damp hair out of Jenna's face. "I brought you some won-ton soup incase you're hungry." She walked to the kitchen placing the styrofoam cup on the counter as she reached for a bowl.

At the same time, the bedroom door opened and Hotohori came out with his shirt half buttoned and hair dripping. "Hey Jen, can I borrow your brush. I must have left mine at the dojo." He glanced up at the silence and saw Aunt Betty standing there. "Oh, hi. I'm sorry I didn't know anyone was here." He turned and quickly buttoned up his shirt then turned back around again with a smile on his face. He looked from Jenna to Aunt Betty. Both were wide-eyed and speechless. He crossed the distance to the kitchen and stuck his hand out at Aunt Betty. "Hello, my name is Hotohori. I'm a friend of Jenna's. You must be Aunt Betty?" He quirked an eyebrow at her as she slowly put her hand in his.

"Um, it's very nice to meet. Well, I'll be going now. I just stopped by to bring Jenna some soup. I'm sorry there isn't enough for both of you." Aunt Betty glanced back at Jenna as she made her way to the door. "I'll call you later." She quickly closed the door and made her way out of the apartment building.

Jenna and Hotohori looked at each other and began to laugh. "Well, that looked real good. I told her I was sick and I took off from work this morning." Jenna collapsed on the sofa laughing. Hotohori sat on the sofa beside her. "First impressions are everything." He reached for her hand, shrugging his shoulders as they went into another fit of laughter.

A few moments later, when they finally contained their laughter, they looked down at their clasped hands then up at each other. Hotohori smiled. This was the best he'd ever felt in his life, sitting here holding Jenna's hand, and laughing. His face went serious as he gazed into her eyes. "I hope she will not be angry at you."

Jenna thought she would melt into those beautiful eyes. She didn't hear a word he said as she stared at him. Those lashes… 'Why do men always have beautiful eyelashes?' She was so into her own thoughts that she missed the glint in his eyes as his face came closer. She had just enough time to glance down at his lips as they descended upon hers and all thoughts vacated her mind as he took her lips in a gentle kiss.

The seconds ticked by as she brought her hands to his back and wrapped her fingers in his damp hair. Hotohori brought his own hands up around her shoulders as he pulled her closer to deepen the kiss. They sat on the sofa making out for a few minutes before Hotohori's cell phone began its insistent ringing from the bedroom. They broke the kiss staring at each other as the phone continued to ring.

Jenna brought her hand to her lips as she continued to stare at him. When she spoke it was a whisper. "I guess you better get that." The spell was broken as he stood up, still looking down at her before he turned to go get his phone.

Jenna sat on the sofa in a daze, smiling to herself. He was such a good kisser. She could just sit there all night with him. But that wasn't going to happen. Hotohori came out of the bedroom with his duffel bag and jacket in his arms. "I'm sorry, I have to go back to the office. Some things have come up that I need to deal with immediately." Jenna stood up, disappointment written on her face. "Oh." He reached out for her hand and squeezed it. "If it's not too late, may I stop by later?" She smiled up at him and shook her head yes then walked him to the door.

Hotohori didn't want to leave but he was vice president of the American operation and when shit happened he had to take care of it, no matter the time or day. He hesitated at the door and turned to her. "I'm sorry we didn't get to spend more time together. I will try to come back quickly and we can still go out to dinner if you like."

Jenna tried to smile although her heart felt like it would break. She was looking forward to spending more time with him. She wanted to know all about him, where he lived before, how he came to be here, and his position at her father's company. Just everything about him, period. It seemed everything was against them. "Okay, I'll be here."

He brought his hand to her chin and tilted her face up so he could look into her eyes one last time before he left. He smiled at her and gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek. "I will see you in about an hour." Then he turned and left.

Jenna walked to the bedroom and stared out at the limousine that was parked in front of her apartment. She watched as the driver came around and opened the door for Hotohori and as it pulled away, taking him away from her. She sighed then went to lie down on her bed and quickly fell asleep.


Hotohori sat in his office finishing up the financial report he should have had done this morning. It was needed at the Hong Kong office over an hour ago and his father was calling every five minutes wanting to know where it was. He sighed as he pushed his chair away from his desk and walked to the printer to retrieve the spreadsheet. He glanced up at the clock above his door and saw it was nearly ten o' clock. He had been working on it for over three hours. He glanced down at the paper in his hand, making sure all the corrections were complete. Then he hit the fax button on his computer and watched the progress bar. 'Ten more minutes and I'll be out of here.' He thought to himself as he looked at the phone as it began to ring. He quickly picked it up and answered his father's questions.


Jenna awoke and looked at the clock, five minutes before eleven. 'I guess he's not coming back.' She stood up, stretching as her stomach growled. She grabbed her sandals and decided to walk to the Dragon China before they closed.

Korin greeted her at the restaurant. "So, I hear you're harboring a man at your apartment. Anyone I know?" She gave a silly grin and raised her eyebrows at Jenna.

"News travels fast, huh? It's not what you think. Is Aunt Betty upset?" Jenna plopped down in the booth Korin showed her to. She started playing with the napkin on the table as she waited for Korin to answer. Korin sat down next her with a laugh.

"Upset? That's the least of it. She ranted on for hours about the half naked man that came out of your bedroom and both of you with wet hair as if you had showered together." Korin began to laugh. "And you said I moved too fast." She gently elbowed Jenna in the side.

Jenna cringed at the elbow contact, she had completely forgotten about her sore ribs from the workout at the dojo. "It's not what you think. I went to work out today and met him at the dojo. He asked me out to dinner and since we were close to the apartment I let him shower at my place and gave him some of Tasuki's clothes to wear. We were getting ready to go out when she stopped by."

Korin grinned wickedly. "Uh-huh. Sure. So was it any good?"

Jenna looked up at her. "Was what any good?" 'Yeah Korin, it was good.' She thought to herself, her eyes glazing over as she remembered the kiss.

Korin gave a laugh. "The dinner. Where did you go to eat?"

"Oh. Well, we never got to that part. He was called back to work around seven o' clock." Jenna rested her chin on her hands and sighed. "How about some food, I'm starving."

Korin stood up laughing. "Okay, I can take a hint. I'll be right back."

Jenna leaned back in the booth, sighing. 'I wonder why he didn't come back?' Her mind went back to the apartment when he stepped from the bedroom with his shirt unbuttoned. She had been speechless. She had wanted to run her hands over his chest. She shook her and leaned forward in her seat. 'Get those thoughts outta your head!' She screamed in her mind. 'You only just met him and any resemblance to the man in your dreams is merely coincidence. So stop thinking about him like that.'

She hadn't seen or heard Korin come up beside her until Korin giggled. "You're a thousand miles away." She spoke as she put the plates in front of Jenna. "Wanna tell me about it?" She took the seat across from Jenna and watched as Jenna popped a shrimp in her mouth.

"No." Jenna reached out with her chopsticks to pick up an egg roll. She dipped into the hot mustard and took a bite. "There's nothing to tell you. We really didn't have much time for anything." There was no way she was going to tell Korin he kissed her. "He got called away right after Aunt Betty left."

"Oh, I see. Then why do you have that faraway look on your face?" Korin pressed the subject. She wasn't trying to pry but she recognized that look. It was the same look Jenna always had after having those dreams. "Come on, I'm just worried about you. You're my best friend, remember?" She gave Jenna her sweetest smile as she reached her hand out to grab a shrimp.

Jenna poked Korin's hand with her chopsticks. "Hands off my food." She laughed. "You worry too much. Nothing happened. Maybe a little kiss but nothing else." She shifted her eyes up to Korin's and blushed. "That's it."

Korin got that shit-eating grin on her face again. "Ohhhhh. I see. Just a 'little' kiss." She emphasized the word little and began to laugh. "So that's why you're turning red, huh? Well, that's a start. So, is he a good kisser?"

Jenna didn't think she could blush anymore but she did as she nodded her head yes. "Um-hmm." Just thinking about how he kissed her made her blood turn hot.

Korin burst out laughing. "Alrighty then." She glanced up past Jenna. "So when are you going to see each other again?" She winked.

"Right now." Came a quiet voice from behind Jenna.

Korin smiled. "Oh, hello Hotohori. I didn't hear you come in." She quickly stood up. "Um, I'll go get you some food since you didn't have time for dinner." She winked at him again then glanced down at Jenna who was now doing a great impression of a tomato. With a laugh, she strolled off to the kitchen.

Jenna kept her eyes downcast as Hotohori sat down opposite her. "So how much of that did you hear?" She shyly looked up at him. He smiled at her. She was gorgeous when she was embarrassed. "All of it." He replied bringing his hand across the table to hers.

Jenna thought she was just going to die of embarrassed but when he grasped her hand, she felt at ease. "Perhaps we can pick up where we left off?" He quirked an eyebrow at her and she felt her face turning hot again, not from embarrassment but from need. She suddenly felt hot all over. If one touch could make her feel like this, no telling what more would do, this was not good.

She pulled her hand away from his, looking up to face him. She was about to come back with a witty comment but when she saw the look on his face, she lost all train of thought. What was that look? Lust? Did she make him feel the same way? She shook her head to remove the thoughts from her head.

Hotohori laughed at the look of pure shock on her face. "I, for one would love another kiss." She blushed again. 'This is fun.' He thought to him self, 'she is so beautiful.' He reached for hand again but she put her hands under the table. He leaned back in the seat. "Ah, I just seem to have this effect on woman." He laughed at the look of exasperation that now crossed her features.

"You are bad." She whispered quietly. "If you know you have such an effect, why tease me?" She was beginning to laugh herself at his teasing.

"Because you are so beautiful when you blush." He leaned across the table to push a strand of hair back that had fallen on her cheek. His hand lingered as he touched her and she leaned her face into his hand. It was unconscious, she just moved to the warmth of his hand.

Hotohori blinked. 'This is so familiar.' He rubbed his fingertips against her skin and she closed her eyes. A soft moan left her lips. Then she straightened up and stared wildly at him. He was about to speak when Korin decided to make her appearance.

"Hey, scoot over. I hate to be a party pooper but I haven't eaten dinner either. I hope you don't mind." She placed the plates on the table then sat down next to Jenna. Hotohori and Jenna just stared at each other as Korin began to eat. "Hey, if you're not going to eat that I'll take it." She pointed at Jenna's half-eaten bowl of shrimp.

"I'm eating it." Jenna replied stiffly as she picked up her chopsticks breaking the gaze with Hotohori. They began to eat in silence when Korin began talking about her day at work.

Hotohori and Jenna kept glancing and smiling at one another. When Hotohori was finished eating, he reached for Jenna's hand that was lying beside her plate. He gave her fingers a squeeze then stood up, reaching in his pocket.

"I guess I should be going. I have to work early tomorrow." Jenna and Korin stared at him as he tried to place some money on the table. Korin grabbed his hand. "Your money is no good here." She pushed it back at him and he put it back in his pocket.

"Thank you for a wonderful day. May I call you tomorrow?" He looked down at Jenna who seemed to be disappointed once again. He really had to quit making her make that face. It was really unbecoming of her true beauty. She nodded at him then smiled. "And thank you too. It truly was a wonderful day."

"Aww, come on you two." Korin stood up, pulling Jenna with her. "I think you need to walk her home." She pushed Jenna towards Hotohori. He reached out, putting his hands on her shoulders to steady her as Korin pushed a little too hard. They both looked at her and laughed.

"Yes, thank you Korin. That is a good idea." He put his arm possessively around Jenna's shoulders, pulling her close. "Good night and thank you for dinner."

Korin shrugged as she sat back down. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." She started to laugh as she waved them away. Jenna turned to her and bending down she whispered in Korin's ear. "Thanks."