Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Only In My Heart ❯ Thoughts of Betrayal and Answering Machines ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 15

"Thoughts of Betrayal and Answering Machines"

Jenna tossed and turned all night. Snatches of dreams played though her mind. One minute she was remembering the taste of Hotohori's kisses the next she was dreaming of them making love. Her body was on fire with the need to be loved by him like in her dreams. But her conscience kept telling her it was too soon, she barely knew him, and any similarity to the man in her dreams was merely coincidental.

Although her and Korin had talked about it at length during their many conversations, she just couldn't be positive. Even after all the signs, the paintings in his condo, once again could merely be coincidental. Perhaps she had seen the paintings before. Perhaps it was an ancient palace that many had used as a focal point for their artwork.

In the end, sleep took over and she dreamt of his death once again. Thankfully, the alarm went off before she entered the bedchamber where he lay dead. She rolled over turning the alarm off noticing it was still dark outside. How long had she slept? Not long, that's for sure. She yawned, stretching, shaking her head to dismiss the dream that still lingered.

In the shower, she replayed the dream over in her head. It had sort of become a morning ritual since that particular dream played over and over for many years. Why was that one dream stuck in her head? Was it just the fact that he had died? The other, more happy dreams were less frequent. She sighed, wishing she had had one of the pleasant dreams as her final farewell to dreamland. She hated this particular dream as it always left her with a feeling of sorrow and longing for something, she had lost.

Drying her hair, she glanced at the clock. 5:15 Korin usually called by now to make sure she was up and getting ready for work. Since Tasuki had been spending the last week at Korin's, she had been the one to be getting up late. She decided she had better call and make sure she was up.


Hotohori sat up on the sofa, startled by the ringing of the phone. He stared at the phone sitting on the coffee table then looked around the room. Recognition finally dawned on him. He was still at Korin's apartment. He looked at his watch, who called someone at 5:30 in the morning? After the seventh ring, he reached for the phone wondering if he should be answering it.

"Yes?" He heard silence on the other end. He was getting ready to hang up when a voice whispered his name. "Jenna?" Silence. He stared at the phone, had he imagined it? Then she spoke again, this time in a rather rushed tone.


Jenna stared at the phone, why on earth was Hotohori at Korin's, answering her phone. She thought for a minute she had dialed the wrong number but then realized she couldn't have since she didn't have his number.

"Hotohori, what are you doing at Korin's apartment?" She waited for an answer but was getting impatient. "Hello, are you there?" She paused again waiting for an answer. "Okay, well look I was just calling to make sure Korin was up getting ready for work." Still no response.

Shit! Jenna hung up the phone and grabbed her shoes. What the hell is going on?


Hotohori sat holding the phone to his ear, listening to the dial tone. She hung up? He had been so surprised to hear her voice. He hadn't been able to speak. Suddenly a pounding on the door woke him from his stupor. He stood up quickly, knowing that it would be Jenna. But then plopped back down holding his head. He groaned. "I hate having a hangover." He stood up slowly this time and made his way to the door.

No sooner had he unlocked the door; Jenna burst in yelling something about the bitch moving in on her man. He was too confused to understand what she was saying as she was screeching and it was hurting his head.

With a groan, he put his hands over his ears and plopped back down on the sofa. "Why are you yelling?" He whispered over her nonsensical babble.

Jenna stopped pacing back and forth and pointed a finger at him. "You!" She screamed. "Said you had to get up early for work." She started pacing again then stopped again when she glanced into the kitchen and saw the whiskey bottles sitting on the counter.

She swung back around towards him. He lay with his head back, eyes closed and hands still covering his ears. "Are you listening to me? Do did you get drunk? You guys partied without me?" She screeched incredulously.

She began pacing again as she babbled on. "I can't believe this. Don't anyone think to invite me over. No, just take my boyfriend and get him drunk." She stopped pacing and covered her mouth with her hands. What had she just said? Technically, he wasn't her boyfriend, was he?

Hotohori slowly stood up, walking to her. He put his arms around her and rested his head on her shoulder. "Will you calm down. We did not intend to 'party' without you. I stayed for a drink and we started talking." He closed his eyes breathing in the scent of lilacs. "Mmm, you smell so good."

Jenna tried to turn in his arms but he held her closer, enjoying the warmth and closeness of her body. He just wanted to stand there like that for a few more moments. But the moment didn't last long.

"Let go of me!" She yelled and shoved him. "You smell like a brewery." She wiggled out of his grasp and turned to stare at him. "So only one drink, huh? That's why there's three empty bottles sitting on the counter?" She thumped her foot. "I can't believe you. Is this what you do in all your spare time?"

Hotohori grinned at her. "Only when the most beautiful woman in the world leaves me." He said it in a cocky voice that was strikingly like Tasuki's voice, which only infuriated her more.

She stomped her foot and started pacing again. "I can't believe my best friend would do this to me. After everything I've told her. And you." She turned and pointed her finger at him again, this time poking him in the chest. "I can't believe you spent the night here."

"Well, if you weren't such a stick in the mud… And will you please stop yelling. You're going to wake up the whole apartment complex." Korin stepped out of the bedroom, stretching. "What the hell is your problem? Give the man a break. He wouldn't have been over here if you had just invited him into your place." Korin walked to the kitchen, opened the fridge, pulled out two cans of coke, and handed one to Hotohori who took it willingly. He opened the can and started drinking it then sat back down on the sofa.

Jenna listened and watched them. She thought they seemed a little too comfortable. Knowing that Korin had also had dreams about 'her man,' she was a little too suspicious. Not to mention that Korin had threatened to move in if she didn't move a little quicker.

Jenna stomped her foot. 'That bitch, she didn't' she thought to herself. She quickly turned, not wanting to look at her friend anymore. She felt her eyes starting to well with tears and didn't want them to see her cry. After she contained herself, she turned back around to face them.

They were both now sitting on the sofa with their eyes closed. She stared at them in disbelief. "I can't believe you Korin. Was Tasuki not good enough for you?"

Korin cracked opened one eye and stared at her. "Are you kidding me?" She opened both eyes and leaned forward on the sofa. So did Hotohori. Realization of what Jenna thought finally hitting home. She really thought that? He began to laugh. Korin turned to glare at him before looking back to Jenna.

"Will you listen to yourself Jenna? What are you implying? That I slept with you boyfriend?" She couldn't help it, Hotohori was laughing too hard. She began to giggle then slapped Hotohori's leg. "Will you shut up. This isn't funny. She really thinks that." Hotohori looked up, trying to contain his amusement but failed miserably.

"I'm… sorry." He tried to speak but couldn't get his words out through the coughs and laughing. "Jen, I would… never… sleep with Korin. She's a guy… remember…" He burst out into another fit of laughter as Korin and Jenna stared at him in shock.

Korin jumped up and began yelling at him as tears ran down her face. "I am not a guy! I'm a full-fledged woman, you moron! What the hell are you saying?"

He kept laughing, oblivious to the tears being shed. "You just said last night that you were guy in your dreams." He coughed trying to bring his laughter under control. "I am sorry. But the image is funny." He had another bout of laughter as he thought of her as a man.

Korin had had enough of his insane laughter. She punched him upside the head and sent him sprawling on the floor. Well that shut him up. She brushed her hands together as he sat up rubbing his head. She glared down at him. "If I ever hear you say that again, you'll have another lump on that thick head of yours."

It was Jenna's turn to laugh. While all Korin's yelling was going on, she had seen Tasuki come to stand at the doorway to the bedroom. She realized she had been wrong about her friend and her boyfriend. How stupid she felt for thinking the worst.

Tasuki just stood there grinning at the scene before him. Thankful that he wasn't the one on the receiving end of Korin's fist. She had hit him before and he knew what a wallop she could pack. At Jenna's laughter, he began to laugh as he came into the room. He walked up behind Korin and grabbed her wrist. "Now, now, no need to get violent. He does have a point there."

He chuckled into her hair. Hoping she wouldn't try to hit him next. Trying to smooth things over he whispered in her ear. "You are a beautiful woman and I love you." As soon as he said those words, his brain screamed. 'What the hell did you just say?!' His grip on Korin loosened and she moved away from him to turn and stare at him.

"What did you say?" She watched him fidget. "Aww, your crazy! The bunch of you are certifiable." She walked to the bedroom and slammed the door, locking it behind her.

Jenna looked down at Hotohori who was still rubbing his head where Korin had punched him. She bent down to help him up. "Are you okay?" He stood up and grinned at her. "I will be when you say you believe that nothing happened between us." Jenna smiled and kissed his cheek. "I believe you."

Tasuki stood in the kitchen in his own thoughts. What had possessed him to tell Korin he loved her? 'Geez, I must be getting soft in the head. Time to stop drinking.' He turned the water on to make coffee and suddenly had to…

He ran to the bedroom door and pounded on it. "Hey Korin! Hurry up. Unlock the door. I need to use the bathroom." He banged some more.

Hotohori and Jenna looked at each other and started laughing. Then Jenna looked down at her watch. "Shit! I'm late for work and I'm supposed to be there to open up." She turned grabbing her purse off the sofa and headed for the door. She paused. "Well talk later, okay?" She didn't wait for an answer as she turned running out the door and down the steps.


Hotohori sat in his office at 9 am with a cup of coffee and two aspirin in his hand. He silently swore to himself that he would never drink again. A pounding resounded on his door and then in stepped Tasuki.

"Hey boss, here's those reports you needed." Tasuki plopped down in the chair opposite Hotohori and looked at the aspirin in his hand. "Hey, I hope you got a couple extra." He rubbed his temples. "Man, I feel like shit." He leaned back in the seat as Hotohori reached in his desk for the bottle of aspirin and handed it to him.

"Yes and I could use about eight hours of sleep." To accentuate the point he yawned, leaned back in his own seat and put his feet up on the desk.

Tasuki rubbed his head again. "Yeah, well that ain't gonna happen. I hear the big guy is coming in today and we have a meeting at three o' clock." Hotohori groaned. "Yes, I know. Is it just me or do we sit through a lot of boring meetings since I have been here."

Tasuki laughed. "Yeah, you've only been here a week and seems they got a meeting for you everyday." He stood up. "Well, I gotta get back to my office. I'm running the new software that NASA ordered trying to work out the bugs. I'll see ya at lunch?" He quirked a brow Hotohori. "You are going to the Dragon China?"

Hotohori looked up at him. "No, I cannot. I need to have five reports written by the time Xiang gets here. But if you see Jenna tell her, I'll call her tonight." Tasuki shook his head. "Okay. I'll let her know. See ya."


Korin showed up three hours late for work, looking none the worse for wear. She had a huge smile plastered to her face from the moment she walked in but she refused to speak to Jenna all day. By the time the lunch crowd came in, her smile was starting to falter. She finally spoke to Jenna but briefly and only to complain about annoying customers.

The day went by too slowly. Tasuki had stopped in for lunch and Korin took her break to eat with him. Jenna never took her break until two o' clock. She wondered why Hotohori hadn't come in with Tasuki. She thought that maybe he was angry with her for the way she behaved early that morning but she didn't bother to speak to Tasuki, as she was just too busy.

The hours ticked by and she finished setting up for the dinner crowd before she left for the day. She packed up her dinner and on her walk home she stopped at the farmer's market and picked up some fresh strawberries for dessert. She decided she would just spend a quiet evening alone since it seemed everyone was presently upset at her.

Entering her apartment she glanced at all the mail she had received that day then threw it on desk as she saw the answering machine was blinking, letting her know she had messages. She hoped one of them were from Hotohori. She hit the button. "You have four new messages," the machine said. She sat down in the chair and spun it around waiting to hear his voice.

She stopped dead as her father's voice rang out into the silence. "Kai, it's your father. Answer the phone." A short pause. "Okay, I assume you are either not home or refuse to speak to me at the moment." Another pause. "I don't know how to ask this but could you meet me for dinner at the Madison Hotel? I'll be there around seven-thirty. I need to discuss something with you. Bye." Beep.

"Kai, it's me again. I really need to speak to you so I hope you'll meet me tonight. Bye." Beep.

"It's just me again. I never got to wish you a happy twenty-first birthday and I'd like to treat you dinner. Will you at least call me? I'll be in town all week. I have a company party that I'd like you to attend. I love you Kai." Beep.

"Please Kai. Meet me tonight at the Madison. I promise you won't regret it." Short pause. "I'm hear with a group of business associates and I'd really like you to meet Saihitei." Another pause. "I know you don't agree to the marriage thing but I'm begging you. Just come and meet him. I'll see you around seven-thirty. Plea…" Beep. The answering machine cut off.

Jenna sat staring at the machine. No way. He couldn't possibly think for one moment that she would actually show up after he told her that. The phone rang and she nearly fell out of the chair. She stared at it.

It could be Hotohori her heart said but her minds thought outweighed that idea. It could be her father again and there was no way she was going to get into an argument with him again. She'd call him towards the end of the week and tell him she had busy week. She stood up to walk away when the machine beeped and she heard her father's voice come through again.

"Kai, it's me again. I just want to let you Seishuku will not be making dinner so that means you don't have to meet his son. I know you're happy about that." Pause. "I'll be at the Madison anyway with some other employees. They are your age so you might actually have some fun." Beep.

The phone rang again and she still continued stare. Beep. Her father again. She shook her head as she listened. "I'm sorry to keep pestering you. It's been so long since I've seen you. Your stepmother has sent presents for you, she asked that I deliver them personally. Please come to dinner. I'll only be in town this week. And I promise not to force you into anything you don't want. I really love you Kai. You're my only daugh… Beep.

Jenna continued to stare at the answering machine. The last message kind of got to her. 'Okay,' she thought. 'If Saihitei isn't going to be there than maybe it would be all right if I go.' She didn't have plans anyway and it was already six-thirty and no call from Hotohori. She turned to go take a shower when the phone rang again. She waited for the message.

A lot of noise, like a party was going on then a voice. "Hey little sis, it's Jackie. You'll never guess where I am. I'm at the Madison in downtown Covington! My number is 859-555-6324. I want you to meet my fiancée. We'll be having dinner tonight with pop. Call me tomorrow and well go out somewhere for lunch." Beep.

She had been about ready to pick up the receiver when the machine cut off. She smiled. Well won't he be surprised when I show up. She quickly went and took her shower. She couldn't wait to see Jackie, she hadn't seen him in nearly a year, and she was dying to meet his fiancée.

She quickly put a green satin dress and pulled on a pair of black pumps. She ran to the livingroom to check the answering machine again incase Hotohori had called while she was in the shower. Nope, he hadn't. She picked up the phone and called for a taxi then dashed back to the bedroom pulling her hair up into a bun on top of her head. A little hair spray and she heard the honk of a horn outside. Looking out the window, she saw the taxi was there already so she grabbed her purse and jacket and headed out the door.