Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Were It Not That I Was Lost ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author's Blah-Blah: Hey - thanks for reading this far into my story! Coming up ahead is some Yaoi (no pun intended... - though if you didn't catch it don't go back and look). For all who aren't familiar with the phrase; Yaoi is 'boy love' (and if you think that its all cuddly-boy love stop reading...). Its OK if you didn't know, we all find out someway or another, what these dirty words mean...some better than others, but that's all just another story for another time. I'm trying to get better that the formatting and the spacing of the story (sorry it was so sloppy for the first 2 chapters). You may be noticing that the story matures with the characters...um...yeah, well I'm glad you noticed.
*** Morning seeped through the windows and onto Chuin's face, though opening his eyes he looked up to see Erato staring down over him. They had slept on a single mat together, also sharing a blanket due to the old man's lack of guest supplies. "Hey Pretty." she smiled at his brown eyes. Sitting up quickly, he backed away and blinked recalling their situation. Put in a back room, they understood that the old man had been poor and living with his wife. A door opened up just then and in looked an older woman with gray hair. "You're awake, come eat." she smiled with the invitation, her wrinkles displaying her age and she went back into the main room of the small house where a table was set for four. "It's a good thing I found you two girls last night," the old man sat eating his breakfast. "Otherwise I'm not sure where you would have ended up." "Renchan!" his wife scolded, and turned kindly to Chuin, "His eyes are poor now at his age, he means no unkindness." Kneeling to eat, Chuin discovered how he hadn't had anything to eat since they had left Karauchi. There was quite a bit of food considering only the two, who introduced themselves as Sincuin and Renchan lived in the house. They welcomed Chuin and Erato as if they were children finally returning home, "Our own have grown and left." explained Sincuin. "Oh, how quiet it has become." she sighed with memories. "Why, if you were to want to stay," Renchan was red with joy like a father. "You have no destination or home, so our house is yours." "Thank you!" Erato was accepting while Chuin just continued to eat his breakfast quietly.
*** "Imagine, we'll be like brother and sister." Erato's new optimism was beginning to annoy Chuin. The two were given money to fetch a fish for dinner. The day had been spent making the backroom into a bedroom for the two to share. Finding time to sit aside and think, Chuin discovered some things that had been resting on his mind. Just like when he had drifted off on the horse, in his dreams Chuin heard the voice of his best friend calling him. He didn't want to let go of a best friend or a first love. Part of him missed his home where he could go expecting routine, instead of this new unpredictable atmosphere. "I don't know..." his voice trailed not very aware that he had spoken. "Don't know what?" Erato was concerned about his gaze drifting away. He also wondered how different things would be if he hadn't taken her with him. All that they'd been through so far may have been completely altered had he been traveling solo. "I don't know if I'm going to stay." he summed up his thoughts. "What about me?" "You can stay here forever if you like," he shrugged a bit. "This may be a good place for you to live a normal life, but its not for me." "If you leave, so do I." how he had wished that she didn't say that. "I'll stay with you no matter what. You've gotten me this far." there was a moment's silence. "I had thought you to be shy," she brought up out of the blue. "I don't know what happened then," Chuin still struggled to get the memory to die. "Let's not speak of it now." "I'll need new-" "You'll get what you need." he was aggravated, not just with her, but in his thoughts. "Let's just not talk right now." Suddenly a man with a painted face appeared dancing around in the crowd holding up a sign that read, Opera; Performance at noon. Opera. Chuin's face lit up. He remembered the traveling performers in their attire that he had fallen so deeply in love with. Forgetting that there was an errand they had to run, Chuin changed routes and headed for the small theater. He hadn't dragged Erato along this time, so it was a surprise to see her still by his side after he snuck in without paying. There was a simple scene set up on a small stage where the actors would come out as characters in a story that they would perform. Though the show was only presented once, it was played over a million times more in Chuin's head that night. He wondered if instead of staying with this couple, he could travel with the opera and perform as they did. Become one of them. He felt he'd sleep peacefully that night, but instead fell into a dark dream. That feeling he had felt the first time the unmistakable blue haired boy laid eyes upon him crawled under his skin again. He stood in dark apparel grinning. Who are you? Chuin was awake in a lucid dream. "Call me a guardian angel." the boy smirked confusing Chuin with the phrase. "I know all about you, remember? I know you feel things, even things you don't wish to. I also know that you're just not aware that once you're in touch with the reality of the world, you can alter things, rearrange minds." Chuin tried to process every word individually, but it would only later make more sense. "I bear a gift," in an outstretched hand, the boy offered a small clam that seemed to glow with light when it opened. Chuin's eyes fell closed and he was in a different scene. One of his school under the tree blooming with pink spring flowers. Under the sun, it was peaceful with the calm sound of a running stream beneath the bridge Chuin stood on next to Zane. Zane. Chuin smiled seeing his friend's face. Without realizing it, his hand stroked Zane's soft cheek. It was warm. It was real. Though as quickly as he had felt the touch, Chuin drew away, Its just a dream. He felt the need to remind himself as to not get lost in those eyes Zane had. "No," the boy leaned on the same bridge next to the two boys. "It's an illusion; you are in shin. Open your eyes." It was the strangest feeling, since Chuin could have sworn his eyes were all ready open. He lifted his eyelids to be back in that dark nothingness looking strait ahead at the dark stare of the boy. As if he was exhaling a deep breath, a large amount of Chuin's energy was immediately drained out of him. "That was your chi that did that." Having always wondered what it would be like to feel actual energy within him, Chuin was shocked at the reaction his body had to it. He needed air, he was breathing heavy and would soon be very lightheaded. "Keep it," the spirit's voice was now slowly becoming an echo. "You'll teach yourself to use it, Tomo."
*** "Tomo?" he still heard the name as he broke out of the vision. "Tomo? Whose Tomo?" It was Erato's voice that had unraveled from the spirit's. "Do you always wake before me?" Chuin sat up quickly seeing her lying like a wife next to him awake. "You woke me," she sensed the bad mood he'd come out of sleep in. "You were saying 'Tomo'. Who is that? The boy you fantasize about in your sleep?" "I don't know-" he was about to break into a mind-you-own-business rant, but his anger caused him to clutch his fists and discover a small object in his palm. Opening his right hand he held what appeared to be a normal clam. There was no way that this could have come from the dream... Quickly hiding it from Erato's sight in his hand, he got up and fetched his shirt.
*** In the back of his head he had feared what he'd find that day, the opera had continued moving on and he was left behind. If he had known what lay ahead of the city Chuin would have gone in search of the traveling players, but again it was Erato's call to breakfast that brought him back to where she was. Days would pass and the couple made living with them more and more normal as if they truly were a family. Chuin did as the spirit told him and taught himself how the use shin. Unable to stabilize his energy and ration it wisely, the illusions he created didn't last more than a minute or so. It would take time before he would be able to create a place to hide when he didn't want to be around Erato or the couple. Though he also found other ways to pass the time, one being the creation of Tomo. Chuin knew that he and Tomo were the same. It was the tattoo on his hip that told him so. Every time Chuin used shin he brought Tomo to life feeling the birthmark's radiance. It represented his chi. Sincuin could sew and saving his own money, Chuin would buy fine fabrics for a costume he designed from the memories of the opera. The colors were brilliant, red, yellow, and black; each held its own significance. Putting his hair up high he found two long black and white feathers to piece into the strains. It was as if he was an insect with two antennas that with enough concentration of his chi, he could use as exploratory arms. He could move anything he wanted with his chi, but it would be long before he could use it as a weapon. "Hey Pretty," Erato found him one afternoon sitting in front of his mirror dressed in full garb squandering time simply admiring himself. It wasn't that time brought them as friends closer, nor as anything more. They became siblings, getting along while always quarrelling over simple things. He didn't turn to her, but only let his eyes shift. She brought for him a small red cloth box that she kneeled down next to him with. "I bought this for you," She opened up the box's lid. "I know how much you love the opera and when I saw this, I knew what your costume had been missing." He looked down at the box of face paint that laid her in lap. Studying his face, she gently stroked it with paint that she applied on the tips of her fingers. They faced each other now as she began to work. Every layer felt more and more relaxing and releasing to Chuin. A man. He felt as if he was becoming a man. Erato knew, but still touched him with such care as if he was as fragile as glass. She was finished. Admiring his face, her work, her lips curved into such a kind smile. Chuin knew that her eyes still saw something she couldn't have, but she felt it was all something she could nurture and stay close to. So locked on his face, she hadn't noticed his fingers in the blue paint. Cool, she felt it on her lips. He then applied a single layer meant to represent the kiss he couldn't give her.
--5 years later--
Tomo ran his hand across the bare peach colored skin. Longing eyes looked up at the partner he craved. In a romantic stone room, transparent sheets were curtained around the large bed blowing only with strong gusts coming from the cool bright night blew. The blonde hair man that lay in the sheets, was built strong, but in Tomo's hands made weak. "I love the way you smack my ass." Tomo felt aroused hearing the fine man speak. "I love the dirty things you do." "I have control of you." he grinned looming over the pet that would never tire from their practice. The smooth surface of his red nails breathed gently on the man's chest as Tomo ran the back of his hand over his wet skin. Tomo could feel the male become brick in between his legs. "I need to feel you." inhaling Tomo listened as he licked his way south. "You need to feel me." Suddenly it was his stomach that called to him and the thought of the real time broke Tomo's concentration. The orange sun blinded him when he returned to reality. Holding his left arm up to shield his eyes he felt his chi descend. Leaning back on the trunk of a tree, he sat out in the tall grass facing the setting sun that had the sky a mix of light blue, purple, and bright pink with clouds that seemed as if they were being sucked into the same hole the sun fell into. "Tomo!" hearing his name, Tomo turned his head seeing Erato waving her arm wildly summoning him for the last meal of the day. Rising dressed in his casual clothes, Tomo placed his shin safely in his pocket and headed towards the small house. Sincuin was kneeled at her place at the table set for three when he entered. After Renchan had passed away four years before, the three decided to move away from the dangerous city and out to the peaceful land surrounding it. When Sincuin sighed, it signed that she had something on her mind, "Are you alright, good mother?" Erato asked without hesitation. Tomo had kneeled down and began eating, only his eyes looked up at the conversation. "I've been thinking about your futures." putting down her chopsticks she confronted them on her thoughts. "Renchan had always imagined you two marrying each other," she smiled weakly. "Though I don't think he understood Chuin." Tomo allowed the kind old woman to call him what she wanted despite what he looked like. They were now used to him wearing his face paint everyday all day, which entitled them to call him 'Tomo' since he was no longer Chuin. "Though you'll need a man to take care of you, Erato." she nodded hearing the woman. Erato had always been two years younger than Tomo and was now nineteen, the age to wed or miss the youth catch. Her hair was still it's ivory blonde that shined with her cool eyes. Her skills in the cultural woman role were well learned so she would make an ideal wife. "Then I will search for a husband starting tomorrow," she said this solemnly to end the woman's worries, but her feelings weren't in her words. It was after the meal that Erato approached Tomo when Sincuin wasn't around, "Tomo-chan, I have an idea." he could practically read her thoughts, she was far too predictable. "I am not going to marry you." he replied not looking away from his own reflection as he gently brushed his hair. "We wouldn't have to-" she paused twirling her hair around a finger displaying her uncomfortable position. "Do anything." "No."
"Its only so that I don't-" he didn't let her finished, hushing her by turning around to face her. His eyes were what cut her off. "No." she wasn't stupid and was gradually maturing mentally, but none the less she was still the Erato who never seemed to catch on quickly. "Chuin-" she was about to start begging, but was practically thrown back by his tone. "Don't call me that!" Not while I am dressed like this. He was glaring, which was partly why he was surprised when she fought back. "I'll chant it if I want." she'd had enough of being silenced by the rising of his voice. "Sometimes I don't know who you've become. Your so vain, its as if you're never not in front of a mirror, yet I've almost forgotten what your face looks like. You have turned cold ever since you've become Tomo, I feel it." He wrinkled his face as if she was crazy and speaking a language he didn't understand. "How is that so?" he asked her as if she was really dumb. "I was never warm to you." "You were," she held back her tears, he saw. "You once told me I was beautiful. You took me with you and took care of me. I don't understand why you're so mean now." "Why do I need to be kind?" he didn't care what she had to say. "I never liked you. I only took you with me because-" his mind strained to remember. "because I had to. Stop clinging to me; I'm not your brother. I never was. You've just brainwashed yourself. I'm not even your friend." That had gone too far. Tears streamed down Erato's pale cheeks displaying her broken heart. "My real brother wouldn't abandon me like this." "Then find him." Tomo had had enough and began to ignore her looking at his comb. "I may never be your sister," she shook her head backing away. "And I don't know why, but I'll always be your friend." she was able to say only so much before she broke and had to run from him hiding her face. Tomo's eyes fell. He sighed. Looking back at the mirror he continued to brush his hair.