Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Were It Not That I Was Lost ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The next day Erato disappeared. She hadn't asked to leave, so she was alone. Tomo knew she'd have to return, she couldn't survive out there, not alone. Yet doubt fell upon him once the sun went down. Where could she be that had her out so late? As a look out, Tomo sat up on the roof looking out at the only dirt road that led to the house. It was mainly open fields that surrounded the dwelling, a tree here and there, but he would be able to see anything coming under the full moon. "Has she come yet, Tomo?" the old woman was terribly worried. "Please sleep, Sincuin-sama." He looked down at her hanging out the window. "I'll be out here all night; she'll come home."
"Oh dear," the woman's thoughts overwhelmed her. "Could it have been the talk of a husband that drove her out? Did she not want to marry-" "Sleep Sincuin-sama," Tomo would have to plea. "It wasn't your fault," It was probably mine. Tomo had already thought up all the possibilities. Erato returning to Karauchi to her brother was the best he could logically figure. "Please, Erato would want you to sleep." "If she would, then she'd be here." Sincuin muttered before turning in reminding Tomo to make sure he slept some that night. He set his chin on his arms that were crossed resting on his knees and stared strait out into the night. He felt the urge to just drift off then, but something deep inside kept him awake and alert. Maybe it was Erato's voice stuck in his head from the argument the night before. Or it was Zane's telling him to take care of her, "Love her when I can't." the illusion smiled. Tomo could have stayed all day in the green grass staring up through the branches of the tree twitching with the breeze. Lying to his left, his best friend was set as if nothing had happened to their friendship. "And him when I can't." Erato appeared above them handing each a red paper rose. She kneeled down and stroked Zane's dark hair making him look up and smile at her kind eyes. Tomo had just watched. They were their sixteen-year-old selves as he preserved Zane to be in his memory. Only once had he ever created an older man who resembled the lost friend, though it had only been for Tomo's own comfort, anything more would have felt wrong. He had played around with shin making artificial personalities for those he knew, but when they were their true selves, he felt comfortable because it was then that they seemed all too real. "What can I say to you except, I love you?" she now held Zane's head in her lap letting her hair fall to curtain their faces. Never before had Tomo included Erato in any of his personal illusions. It had been that day that she disappeared did he feel the need for her presence. Now to see Zane happy, and feel their warmth, Tomo felt like he could relax without his make-up on. "I know we are the lucky ones." he heard Erato speak to him. Turning to her, he smiled.
Shifting his eyes, Tomo had just recalled the illusion as a memory. He still searched the open night for Erato. Softly, as if traveling only as an echo came the galloping sound of a horse's hooves. Fully alert, Tomo then saw an approaching horse traveling solo, yet it carried two passengers on its back. Tomo jumped down from the roof with grace hanging back in the shadows unsure of who it was that was there. Approaching the clearing quickly, the horse was pulled to a sudden stop and the second larger rider dismounted and assisted the other rider. "Erato." Tomo's voice turned the large male's head quickly. "Chuin." she addressed him solemnly, not happy to see him. "Sincuin is worrying herself to headaches," if he hadn't known her face so well, Tomo wouldn't have been able to recognize Erato. The three were just dark figures to each other. "How were you so foolish to leave like that?" "He isn't my brother." Erato ignored Tomo's question and had her attention to the man standing tall and bold behind her. "He has only brainwashed himself to believe so." Tomo's eyes were slits with anger barley acknowledging the stranger until he spoke. "Well, he must care enough about you to wait for you in this fashion," the deep voice seemed to calm both of them down. Stepping forward, the man's hair seemed gold in the moonlight. "I am Nakago-" "My fiancé." Erato clung to him. Only then did Tomo see her vengeful smile.

"You came for permission?" Sincuin had discovered the new guest that morning and was frantic making extra food. Seeing the blue eyed, blonde hair man with the smiling Erato she seemed to forget about the day of worry before. Kneeling silently in front of his meal, Tomo was observing that Erato knew what she was doing. She was fully aware that he favored the rare blonde hair men "To have Erato as my wife," Nakago didn't seem like one who'd smile much naturally. It was as if he was making himself ill forcing the ends of his mouth upward. Nakago truly did reminded Tomo a bit of his pet in his own personal illusions, but Nakago was bolder, stronger, harder. Tomo's eyes were kept low as to keep his breath from being taken away by simply the sight of this man. "You say you're from the city?" Sincuin seemed so proud that Erato had caught such a solider. "Palace, actually." Nakago explained. "I am an assistant of the emperor." That was enough to have the woman satisfied. "You have my permission," turning to Tomo, Sincuin felt it was also up to him. "Tomo?" "Tomo?" Nakago repeated it and that was when Tomo looked up. "Its his nickname when he has his make-up on," Erato must have explained it all to him before because seeing Tomo for the first time Nakago didn't question his appearance nor seem even the least bit taken back like most strangers often were. "Where did you get it from?" Tomo felt put on the spot. "It was given to me," Tomo wasn't sure how to justify it. "By whom?" Why was he asking so many questions? "A friend, a long time ago." Tomo was about to ask what the importance of this information was, but Nakago's steady nod seemed content with his answers. "Did you know Erato can cook?" Sincuin changed the subject with a bright smile.

*** Tomo hadn't expected Nakago to show such an interest in him being that Nakago's purpose there was Erato. She and Sincuin were packing the necessaries for Erato's departure and it was then that Nakago approached Tomo sitting out in the grass where he usually fantasized being that he was often left alone there. "Why did you become Tomo?" Nakago asked him phrasing the question as if he knew something more. Tomo didn't look at him at first while he thought, It gave me an identity. Gave me a spirit that had able me to live the life I didn't have. That spirit came with the shin, which handed me an entirely new outlook on this so-called reality that creates the world we live in. Tomo is who I am when I alter the world Chuin lived in. My emotions are clearer now. I don't cry as I had. I don't feel that way anymore because now I have an outlet. I have an identity. "I don't know." Tomo stared ahead. "Have you ever heard of the legend of the Four Gods?" Tomo searched in the back of his head recalling something of that nature having been once told to him by his 'father'. "That a maiden from another world would come one day and bring peace to Kotou." Tomo recited all that he knew of it. "And the guardians of the maiden would come together," Nakago nodded. "Each bearing a symbol of their constellation." He pulled aside his blonde bangs to reveal a blue symbol on his forehead that Tomo hadn't noticed before. It wasn't that he hadn't seen it, but it had just now appeared. Feeling his own symbol inked on his hip Tomo's eyes were wide with disbelief. What did this all mean? "Tomo," Nakago spoke his name and it made his skin tingle. "You are one of the seven Seiryuu Guardians." It was hard to conceive what Nakago was telling him. It was all just a legend, how could he be part of it? If it had been any other person telling him this, he would have turned away, but Nakago's eyes drew him in. "Will you come with me to the capital of Kotou and help me search for the other seishi?' The definition of 'no' was erased from Tomo's mind.

Erato wasn't informed of Tomo's company to the palace until the morning they left. Sincuin was in tears seeing her 'children' leaving her, but knew it was for the best. Erato either didn't want to believe that Tomo was joining them or she just didn't understand why, "Just when I thought I was getting rid of you." she'd say. "Ditto." Tomo had all his belongings bundled and attached to his horse's saddle. "Return one day," Sincuin waved them off. "Bring me grandchildren!" Erato kissed her head once more, and mounted the white horse sitting in front of Nakago. Tomo did the same, but got on his own horse ready to leave this portion of his life behind him as he did the last; never looking back at it. It was a lengthy ride to the palace and the lack of participation Tomo had in the conversations made it longer. He just concentrated on his anger towards Erato. This was the second time she'd ruined his life. More or so he felt he'd brought it upon himself having brought her with him all this way. Though it was now that she brought him along. He owed her that much. Erato wanted to talk about the wedding and beautiful married life, but Nakago had to explain to her that it'd be postponed a short time since he and Tomo had 'business' to attend to. The palace was a place she hadn't ever been before so she wouldn't be bored; especially after she met the first seishi Nakago had found.