Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Were It Not That I Was Lost ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
First and foremost, I've just got to mention that the idea for the beginning of this chapter, I got from another fanfic I read a while back so I won't take full credit for it. BTW if you haven't all ready, check out my site where I've got some pictures of characters from this story posted at http://www.angelfire.com/il3/angelz/fy.html
*** "Emperor, I have found another one of the seven Seishi," Nakago presented Tomo to the emperor who sat sloppily on his throne in the extravagant and immense palace. Tomo felt the large man's eyes look at him with disgust so he never met them with his own. "Why is he dressed like that?" the Emperor wanted to know. "He is Tomo, one who works with illusions," Nakago and Tomo had spoken before the meeting with the Emperor and Nakago would do all the talking, while Tomo did the demonstrating. With his shin in hand, his chi pulled the Emperor into where Tomo could slip inside of his head to create an atmosphere of his memories so that the senses and feelings would be recognized by the mind. Being taken from reality so quickly, Tomo expected the man to have a panicked reaction suddenly being placed in the dark pool of water where he normally bathed. The water was perfect temperature and was lit from beneath leaving the surroundings shadows. Tomo created numerous gorgeous nude women to populate the pool with the emperor as he would suspect any man of his age and rank would crave. Though searching the man's mind, Tomo stumbled upon a fantasy. The women morphed before the man's eyes into young boys with pretty innocent faces. Tomo was disgusted at the man's bearded grin as he ran his hand over each boy's soft skin. He had been instructed to present the Emperor with a 'gift' of a fantasy, a demo of Tomo's powers, but this wasn't what he'd had in mind. Searching for what he wanted, Tomo grinned watching dozens of slithering black snakes fill the water making it dark. The Emperor's greatest fear made the little boys disappear. Standing unnoticed at the side of the pool Tomo crackled; that was rather new to him. He rarely laughed. He was rarely amused. The torturing ended quickly and the Emperor blinked out of the illusion. Realizing that he was back to where he had been, the Emperor's disbelief turned to anger and vengeance, "Have him killed!" "Emperor, it was only an illusion." Nakago reminded him. "Think of it as a weapon." The point took a moment to sink in, but it brought back that nasty grin to the man's face. "Let him stay here at the palace with you, Nakago." that ended the meeting and both Seishi bowed leaving. Tomo was still new at pulling others into illusions. It had been one afternoon outside in the sunny field that Erato had been running around using up her energy. She had collapsed in the tall grass and drifted off. Tomo, seated at his tree decided to try something new and focused his chi into her mind. He brought her into the shin and there he was inside her head reading her memories like books. There had been a lot of strong feelings towards him; she was very attached. So for that one time, for her own pleasure, he placed just the two of them there in the tall grass. He laid there resting on his elbows next to her in the illusion, looking down and watching her when she opened her eyes to see a purple sky from the setting sun behind them. It was cool, but they were warm close together. She liked him without his make-up, so he was as she wanted him. Their eyes locked and threw away the key as he leaned down slowly to kiss her passionately. Her hands ran over his bare chest and up around his neck where she pulled him closer. Tomo watched the two of them in the shin and let her enjoy her time there. It hadn't meant anything to him, it had been for her as a sister, since at the time they were still sibling-close. He'd take her out of the illusion, though she was still sleeping when he did. This brought him over to where she lay, "Illini," she seemed startled to be woken. It would convince her that it had just been a dream to look up and see the sun shining behind Tomo in his make-up. "Don't sleep under the sun, you'll redden your skin." She nodded and stood with him remaining silent. She never spoke of it, but Tomo knew that she had enjoyed her 'dream' and it would stay with her. He was just pleased to know he could do such a trick.
*** Walking down a long hallway at Nakago's side, the sound of arguing told Tomo their destination. In the rather large bedroom that Erato had brought her things to, she'd begun to unpack. A tall woman with red hair pulled up and to the side of her head in a loop stood with her hands on her hips stood facing Erato. She seemed to believe she was in charge of the situation in which she was ordering Erato to stop unpacking. Erato, now rather stubborn refused. Nakago only had to appear in the doorway to break up the fight. "Soi," he addressed the new woman. "This is Erato, my fiancée." "I told you." Erato stated crossing her arms with satisfaction. "Fine," Soi dropped her stand, and made her face appear angry that she hadn't won, but Tomo read through that; she was struck down by the truth. "I guess I'll move my things then." Erato seemed slightly surprised, but Nakago didn't seem at all effected. Soi gathered some clothes from a chest of drawers and as she began to leave Nakago saw Tomo standing near the door, "And this is the new Seishi I found, Tomo," Soi passed quickly, but made sure to make eye contact with Tomo on her way out. It was a fine line between her still angry at Erato and an immediate dislike to Tomo.
*** Nakago would present Tomo with his own room only a few doors down from his and Erato's. The furniture was nicer than Tomo had ever had before, everything was furnished and sleek. There were double doors leading out to the palace's courtyard that was sunny at the time. The accommodations were nice, but nothing to become comfortable in, "The time must be drawing near if the Seishi are coming together," Nakago said from the doorway of the room. Tomo looked to him. "I've known Soi since she was young, recently we captured Ashitare, and now you." "Drawing nearer to the calling of the Seiryuu?" Tomo had been refreshed with the legend and now understood his place within it. "Hai," Nakago nodded. "Though all we can do is search blindly; the others will come to us." Hearing Nakago say 'us' had Tomo in a bit of a trance. Just being alone with the beautiful man had him a bit shook up. Comfort around Nakago would come slowly as he would soon take Tomo as if he was his co-pilot.
*** Soi was awake to see them leave the next morning, but Erato didn't show her face. On their horses, Nakago and Tomo would ride far out to where they knew not, but they'd pass through several towns where the country's population gathered. In between towns was when the two spoke, "Who was it that gave you the name, Tomo?" Nakago asked and reminded him, "It is your constellation." Tomo reached far back into his memory to bring back that blue haired boy's face, "I never knew his name." he spoke honestly. "Just a boy who was there at all the right times." "The Seiryuu spirit," Nakago denounced. "Guiding each of us." "He watched over me, helped me." Tomo spoke slowly and now paused realizing that it all made sense. "Saved me from myself." Nakago seemed to understand, though his tone didn't shift to indicate any empathy, "It was because you were born to protect the no Miko, that of course he didn't want you to kill yourself." It hurt hearing Nakago say aloud what Tomo had been feeling. Hiding his wince from the impact of the words, Tomo continued, "I never saw him after he gave me the shin." "It didn't have to reappear because you learned who you were and trained yourself." Nakago informed him. "We each got part of the spirit to guide us, each in a different form. Mine was simply hatred and vengeance, I was Soi's, Ashitare can not say, and yours was in a male form. All to keep us going." "You were Soi's." Tomo didn't question, just stated. "Soi," Nakago let the name sit on his tongue for a moment. "I had found her in need of rescuing as a teenager, I hadn't known till afterwards that she was a Seishi. I took care of her. She knows intercourse techniques to enhance one's chi that I use; I have no feelings for her otherwise." Valuable information, Tomo grinned a bit. Discussing the girls, Tomo felt the need to question about Erato. He didn't want to seem as if he was prying, but the 'brother' of him was still there and he had to know, "How do you feel towards Erato?" "I am in love with her." Nakago stated not at all phazed by the question. "Destiny found her for me. She's just like me." he restated what he meant, "There aren't many blonde hair girls out on the streets." this suddenly angered him. "We're practically extinct." "It's like being on another planet and finding another human." Tomo summed up Nakago's emotions. "Hai," Nakago nodded. "And even as we speak, she hold the new evolution of my people." Oh great, Tomo thought knowing that Nakago was serious about all this. There was this urge to tell him not to hurt her, but then there were still the desires for Nakago. Tomo never imagined himself stuck in another love triangle such as this. If he were to get his way, she'd have to be hurt and vise versa. Though he wasn't completely sure if she felt so strongly for Nakago as he was growing to. Tomo knew she would, but only to get back at him. Especially if she had all ready given herself to Nakago. Interrupting his thoughts was a boy who he suddenly noticed had been walking beside his horse since they entered the small village. This boy with a cloth wrapped around his head seemed to be pretty close to his horse. A little too close. Noticing Tomo looking down at him, the boy gasped seeing the painted face and tripped from the surprise. Quickly climbing to his feet, his hand was in a tight fist, clutching something valuable, when he called out, "Koutoku, run!" Nakago had been watching the boy next to Tomo's horse, but a moment before he had tripped, Nakago noticed a second one next to his. The second, and identical boy had been about to jet off when Nakago stopped his horse, and grabbed him. He held the boy up by his tiny wrist, "There's two of them." "And five of me." Tomo duplicated himself to surround the boy trying to escape. Falling backwards to the ground the boy was absolutely terrified seeing the counterfeits lour over him. So much so that when the real Tomo came up behind him, he was frozen. "Didn't your parents teach you better?" Nakago snatched the coins from the boy's clutched fist. Having dismounted, the two men cornered the boys. "Don't talk ill of our parents." the slightly smaller one piped up, though he was fearful of Nakago, it showed in his eyes. "I wasn't talking ill of your parents," Nakago was face to face with the teenager, "I was talking ill about you." "Shunkaku, don't." the larger one place his hands on his brother's shoulders as to calm him, and to keep him from attacking the man, which would have been a deadly mistake. "Hmm," Nakago thought. "What to do with two little thieves..." Taking out a dagger from his belt, and catching Shunkaku's arm, he snitched, "There are places where when a thief is caught, they punish him by cutting off his hand." Hearing this, the boy panicked and began to squirm frantically to try to escape the deadly clutch, but it was no use. Holding the dagger to the boy's wrist, just about to break skin Tomo watched the specticale and saw Nakago get distracted. Using the dagger, he instead moved the boy's shirt aside revealing his left shoulder that had been exposed from the thin torn cloth that made-up the poor boys' shirt, shifting with the boy. Inked on his shoulder was a tattoo that Nakago brought to Tomo's attention. "You got lucky, kid." Tomo said as Nakago released him aware as to what was going on. "If we're lucky," Nakago went for the older twin who was just confused as to what was happening. In the same spot, but instead inked to the right shoulder there was another tattoo. Nakago titled them, "Suboshi and Amiboshi." he put away his dagger to offer, "Will you come with us?" "No!" Amiboshi held his brother close. "You are both Seiryuu Seishi," Nakago was the one to tell them about themselves. "Come with us, we will take you to the palace." "You just tried to kill us." "You just tried to steal from us," Nakago pointed out. "I guess we'll just have to trust each other." Nothing about Nakago at that moment would have made anyone trust him. "We'll give you food, shelter, and clothing." Tomo saw the need to sweeten the offer. He'd reassure them that they were in no harm. Tomo knew that Nakago would force them to come with if they didn't go voluntarily. "The palace?" the twins were looking into each other's eyes in their own silent discussion. Finally Amiboshi, being the older of the two, became the spokesperson, "Under one condition," Suboshi nodded. "That we stay together."