Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Were It Not That I Was Lost ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The twin Seishi were blown away by the palace and would enjoy their stay. Soi found them most interesting and would be the kindest to them. Nakago would find time to explain everything to them and to teach them about their chis', which they only knew so much about. They adapted their Seishi names quickly just as everyone else had. Tomo sat under the mid-day sun feeling the need to practice with his chi. Having used the shin for his own personal fantasies illusions so many times, and the few for others, he'd really never use it as a weapon nor particularly desired to. It didn't make any sense as to why he'd need to fight with it. Nakago was the one who suggested that he practice as to be perfect when the time came. What Tomo questioned most of all was who would they have to fight? Holding his hand out with the shin in his palm, he gently closed his eyes preparing to concentrate his chi into it, "Don't you dare suck me into there." The voice came from right in front of him. He discovered Soi when he opened his eyes. "I wasn't planning on it," he sneered annoyed with her sudden arrival. "I wouldn't want to create a fantasy for you." "Fantasy?" he'd been facing the courtyard and she leaned on the railing next to where he sat. "So, since you don't get any in the real world, you get it in that clam?" she seemed proud of herself for that one. "Sure beats sleeping with a man who doesn't love you." he got her back hard. A glare was exchanged for the hit and she shifted herself to get to the reason she had came, "Your sister-" "She is not my sister." "Then what is she?" "Not much." the both cracked a rather cruel grin. "I don't like you any better than her." Tomo wasn't surprised.
"If you're trying to hurt me," he said. "Do something that'll leave a mark." "I see how you look at Nakago-sama." she was jealous. "Not that you stand a chance if you are..." "I know what's happened to him," Tomo had found it in the Emperor's memories. A small rare blonde boy trapped in a man's fantasy like a cage. "Not that it matters, because she fills the position." Soi's arms were crossed tightly. "I approach you with a proposal-" "You two speak?" From behind, Nakago had come through Tomo's room to find them. "Of nothing," Tomo wasn't going to put up an act like Soi was. "He and I need to better our relations, as you say." she was smiling like a doll; lips painted into a curve. "Then speak to the twins," Nakago wanted her off. "Tomo and I have things to discuss." Tomo would have grinned at Soi's dismay, but didn't want Nakago to see the strong rivalry. Once Soi had walked out of earshot, Nakago informed Tomo that he didn't plan for Tomo and himself to always be out and searching for Seishi, he'd find different strategies. One being that he'd called forth all of Kotou's finest fighters to be searched for symbols. "They'll arrive early tomorrow and will be brought to the courtyard." Tomo nodded knowing that he'd be the one to inspect them. Nakago left the way he had came and Tomo turned outward to the courtyard spotting Erato sitting near a small pond. His shin was still in his palm, and he wanted to know what she'd been thinking lately. Though he resigned from that idea. Putting his shin away, he would pay her a visit in person. Erato wore fine robes of beautiful shades of blue, her hair clean and put up high on her head in two rolls. Seeing him approach she looked away, "What do you want?" "What's wrong?" he'd play the part of the calm one making her seem more hostile.. "Nothings wrong." she looked down at the squares of colored paper she'd been folding into flowers. "Then why are you acting this way?" he kneeled down next her. "What way?" she was playing stupid and being very imprudent about it. "Stop being a brat for all of a day!" She squeaked from the impact of the insult. "I'm not-" "You are." he didn't spare her now that his tone had changed. "I know you're angry at me, but get over it." "I'm sorry." "Are you?" he didn't trust her immediate response. "You have no motives." "Please leave me now." she turned completely away from him. He couldn't pry anymore because all he had done so far now drove her away. Leaving her paper, she hurried away trying to run in her wooden sandals that wouldn't take her very fast. He went after her not wanting to be left like that. "Where are you going?" he was feet behind her, but she kept her pace. Not replying, she was headed out the front of the palace. "Erato-" he tried to slow her down aware that she wasn't thinking; she didn't know where she was going nor did she care. Passing the guards, a whole city lay in front of them and Tomo knew she'd get lost out there alone so nothing kept him from continuing the chase. Though a crowd she raced ignoring his calls until she could no longer. She stopped there in the middle of the road, spun around and yelled, "Leave me alone!" "Erato!" Tomo lunged out and knocked her backward falling on top of her. She hadn't seen the large wagon coming, the one that her upset self had blocked out. He lay on top of her holding himself up on kneels and hands knowing that any other landing would have harshly injured her frail body. Her eyes were wide in disbelief staring up at him realizing what had happened. "You saved me..." she felt obligated to state. Why had he saved her? Had he done it for her...or Nakago? Though why would he do it for Nakago if she'd still be his? He stood realizing how hard he'd have to work to get the stains out of his red clothing. Wiping himself off, he saw a smudge of white on her right cheek now aware that his face was smeared. "Lets just hope I saved that child," that was why he'd saved her, and that was for Nakago, he temporarily convinced himself. Now he was the one to hurry away, but she couldn't catch up, so she didn't even try.

*** He knew that he'd acted too quickly to have any other reason to have saved her. He just cared about her. He care for her because he could feel. Unlike most men Tomo felt his emotions. He realized that he did before and still could. He hated it, but had come to realize that he couldn't change it. As a result, Tomo just didn't want to be around others. He liked being alone. That night he only left his room once and on returning there was one of those paper roses on his bed.
The next morning, there was a group of men in the courtyard. Tomo came out in his normal attire and ignored their looks and snickers. He'd be testing and examining them in search for another Seishi. Each was the best of their village or class and before displaying their abilities, they gave their information. Tomo sat watching the young men spar and prance in their own battles. It was impressive, but nothing out of the ordinary. He knew the men thought they were competing for a rank or position, so they perfected every move they knew. "I come from Karauchi." the fighter's hair was dark, but it had a shine of gold in it oddly making him stand out from the others. Tomo raised an eyebrow immediately interested. "Proceed." he waved his hand from his chair where he sat crossing his legs and his arms rather bored from the continuous show presented in front of him. This fighter knew all of the moves Tomo had been taught so long ago. Finishing his presentation, the fighter bowed in respect and Tomo was cut off before he could even ask his name, "Emin!" Erato emerged from the side of the courtyard running to the fighter. She must have been watching and recognized the fighter. "Erato?" there was disbelief in his voice. The two embraced displaying their relation, "I thought you were dead!" "No, I ran away," She spoke in his shoulder, and now moved back to view the fighter's face. Tomo walked up to the reunion with his arms still crossed. "With Ruo Chuin." Erato told her brother. Tomo shuttered at the name. Oh, how he hated it now. "Chuin?" Emin squinted trying to see Chuin through Tomo's make-up. He nodded now piecing together a puzzle in his mind, "Rumor had it that the two of you had eloped. The deal went through and that was how father could afford to put me into training." "You were trained by Master Urine?" speaking the name brought back a wif of memories. "I was." Emin nodded. "Highest ranked in my class; he said there hadn't ever been a fighter like me since..." Tomo waited for him to finish his thought. "Zane." Now he had to put effort into keeping himself standing. News of his friend alerted him. "Zane, he was my best friend," Tomo told Emin. "He never spoke of you." Tomo wasn't surprised. "Though once you left, I heard he strove to be a better fighter than everyone else." Sounded like Zane. "Oh, but brother you can stay here now!" Erato changed the subject. "At the palace with us where we can continue our lives together." Emin smiled down at his little sister as he always had. Tomo watched on until Emin turned to him and bowed to display his gratitude, "You've taken good care of my sister, I thank you." Tomo nodded just once and left the two to return to the other fighters.

There hadn't been a Seishi among the bunch of fighters and Tomo had to report it to Nakago. "Damn," Nakago sat back in thought. "We need to be expecting the Miko and allow the seventh Seishi to come to us." Tomo tried to turn the perspective of the situation. Nakago nodded in agreement. "True," Soi appeared in the doorway. "Who is this new comer?" she spoke to Tomo as if it was his error that he had to cover for. "Emin, he's Erato's brother," Tomo casually informed her. "She invited him to stay." Soi probably figured it would anger Nakago, but instead he didn't even look up. "Whatever keeps her happy," Nakago shook it off though Soi frowned, he would never say anything like that about her. "I guess we'll have to begin the search for the Seiryuu no Miko tomorrow-" "Come back here, Aniki!" two young boys laughed as they raced past the door and down the hall. Soi watched them and was surprised when Nakago walked out after them. Nakago was all ready in a foul mood, but chose to deal with the two youngest Seishi, leaving Soi and Tomo alone. "You confuse me, Tomo." Soi spoke to him. She must have heard about the incident outside the palace walls. "I never strove to be understood." he stood strait up "Make-up shows the uncertainty of ones self-image." "Let's not share others secrets." he decided now wouldn't be such a bad time to ask, "Why are you speaking to me?" It was obvious that they didn't particularly get along, so why was it that she always seemed to talk to him when she was bored? "Is it because I am a woman, you ask this?" she seemed to look at it from a different angle. "That I should be friends with Erato instead." she shook her head while she spoke disgusted, "Nakago doesn't see me as an equal, as he does you.". she glared saying this, but returned to the topic of Erato. "I know you hate her," Soi took an odd position. "She's stealing what we both crave." "What I 'crave' is none of your concern." "Yes, but Nakago-sama is slipping out of your fingers." she went to play with the long white feathers of Tomo's headdress, but they moved out of her reach. Whatever she was up to, he wasn't going to tolerate it. "If it wasn't her it would be you." he reminded her "If it wasn't her it would be you," she repeated. "What are you talking about?" she'd achieved his confusion. "I see how he looks at you." "I don't, you lie." Tomo wouldn't be fooled. "You're just bitter because you hate women." she accused. "I never said I hated anyone." "Come on, help me." she got to her point and rather close to Tomo. "We'll rid of Erato, together." Her hands were about to rest of his chest, but he reacted. "Get off of me, you whore." anger filled him and the reaction caught her off guard. "I don't want any part of a slut like you, but if you do anything to Erato we might not be able to call the Seiryuu with one less Seishi." that was all he had to say to her, so he went for the door. Almost in the hall, she spoke, "You love her don't you?" he looked back over his shoulder. "What?" "Saving her, protecting her," Soi was trying to mess with his head. "It's not about Nakago-sama, is it?" "You don't understand what a friendship is, do you?" he shot at her. "You wouldn't since you've never had one." That was enough to shut Soi up. He took a step forward, but looked back once more, "Don't touch her."