Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Whenever, Wherever ❯ New Girl ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Note: Yet another fic from me, but this time Fushigi Yuugi! Hooray! If ya like Sailor Moon, read my other fics by the way!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything!!

Chapter One

Miaka grinned to herself as she studied her new college, and destiny. She had finally found her seishi. It was ironic though that their reincarnates had ended up at the same, very small college in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

Walking across the quad to a side door near her first class, Ancient History, Miaka swore she saw a familiar blue mohawk. She shook it off and continued to her class.

As she entered the classroom five minutes late, the teacher stopped the lecture to greet her. "You must be our new student Miaka Yuuki from Tokyo?"

"Yes that's me!" Miaka answered cheerfully. A snort came from the back of the room from two boys. One had orangish red hair and the other had blue hair. Both were dressed like skaters in huge baggy jeans and sweatshirts. Her face broke into a smile when she realized who it was.

"Tasuki-chan!!!" she yelled running over to him.

"Ah! Crazy person, that ain't my name!"

"Miss Yuuki, Mr. Kou, will you stop? I'm trying to teach a lesson, now sit down!" the professor barked.

Miaka's face fell as she took her seat, `He doesn't remember.'

Shunu Kou, mostly known as Genrou, stared at the strange new girl thoughtfully. She was beautiful, he would give her that, but oddly familiar. Strangely, when he looked at her, he thought of the color red.

"Hey man, class is over," Kouji whispered knocking him on the head with the heavy history book.

Genrou kicked him in the shin and growled, "Thanks dipshit."

That weird girl Miaka caught up to them and practically yelled in that annoyingly cheerful voice, "Can I walk with you guys?"

"We're gonna go get some lunch," Kouji lied.

"Oh yeah, at a bar!" Genrou added catching on.

"Sounds fun!"

"It's a RAUNCHY bar!" Kouji desperately told her.

Miaka giggled, "That's the best kind!"


Of course when the trio got there, absolutely nothing was going on. Two people were chatting behind the bar and three other girls gossiped happily on the counter. No costumers were in sight.

As soon as the people saw the two men they all yelled greetings. One girl with long blonde hair half up, hugged both of them affectionately. The second girl with blonde hair down to her calves in pigtails waved shyly at them. And the last girl with black hair to her waist hugged Kouji and whispered something in his ear.

Feeling left out, Miaka sat on a stool and drummed her fingers on the counter. The two bartenders turned around. Miaka gasped. It was Nuriko and Tamahome.

"Hey girl, need a spirit booster?" Nuriko asked, obviously flirting. He wore tight leather pants and a white dress shirt, which was unbuttoned.

Tamahome grinned, "Don't mind Ryuen, how do you know Genrou? By the way I'm Kishuku." After his speech he winked cheekily at her. He wore less dressy clothes then his partner, simple baggy khakis and a black t-shirt.

Before Miaka could even reply, Ryuen asked, "Wait, are you here for the job?"


"Well you see we need another dancer. Usagi's boyfriend won't let her dance anymore so she has to bartend, making us one dancer short."

"You mean like stripping?" Miaka asked, the color draining from her face.

"'Course not!" Kishuku replied, "Just simple bar dancing."

"Oh, um okay I guess," Miaka, agreed. `Hah! I'll get to be with Tamahome!'

Ryuen whistled loudly and jumped on the counter, "Alright girlies, we got a new dancer!" He leaned down and whispered, "Name?"

"Miaka Yuuki."

"Miaka Yuuki!"

The three girls cheered and crowded around to congratulate her.

"Hi I'm Minako Aino!" one of the blondes told her.

"Rei Hino," the beautiful girl with black hair told her coolly.

The last girl with the pigtails hugged her and said, "I'm Usagi Tsukino! This job is really fun by the way!"

Miaka, after being greeted, felt slightly dazed from the instant acceptance she had gotten. Looking over at the bar, she saw Genrou drinking from a shot glass and sat next to him.

He grinned at her showing his fangs, "You already got a job?"

He was obviously a bit drunk and Miaka couldn't help but smile. Back in Konan, she had woken up many mornings to him whining, "Miaka-chan, I got a hangover!"

Genrou continued and commented, "You know when I first met ya, I thought ya seemed weird. But now I think you're kinda cute!"

"You're drunk!" she accused.

"No I ain't!" Kishuku glared at him and said firmly, "Yes Genrou, you are." He already had developed a crush on Miaka after only ten minutes of knowing her. And he fully intended on becoming her boyfriend.

Again, like a swarm of bees, the girls rushed at her and began talking at once. All she could hear was costumes.

"Um what are you guys talking about?" They all shouted costumes at the same time, and Miaka replied with a blank look.

"Well you're a dancer aren't you?" Rei snapped.


"Then you need a special outfit!" Minako exclaimed.

Ryuen suddenly leaned over and wrote a phone number on Miaka's hand. "That's Minako's number, call her for more instructions on clothes. Now of you'll excuse us, I must show Miaka the ropes.

Rei leaned in close and whispered to Miaka, "Careful, he'll come on to any person he likes, female or male.'

Miaka blushed crimson as Ryuen grabbed her hand and led her through a door. It led to a simple room with a desk, chair, filing cabinets, and a comfy couch.

He smiled flirtatiously and gestured, "My office. Take a seat."

She ignored the couch and perched herself on the desk. Ryuen took the desk chair and cleared his throat before speaking.

"We have a rule here, okay?"

"Just one?"

"Just one we're really strict on. Even if a costumer is hitting on you, you may not a) freak out and throw stuff, or b) flirt with them back. Got it?"

Miaka nodded. "Of course. What about relationships between coworkers?"

Ryuen took that the wrong way. She was talking about Kishuku, he thought she was talking about him. He leaned forward and kissed her on the lips hesitantly.

Miaka blushed and felt those damn fireworks go off in her head. Tamahome was a sweet kisser, the few times Hotohori had kissed her it was nice, but god could Ryuen kiss! Miaka broke the kiss first, jumped off the desk, walked over to his chair, and began to play with his long purple braid that he had even in this life.

"That was nice," she commented, "but-"

"But?" Ryuen questioned.

"But I meant Kishuku."

"Shit." He sighed and gave her a reluctant hug. "Ok then, I'll try to hook you guys up."

Miaka hugged him back and smiled brightly, "Thank you so much Ryu-chan!"

Ryuen smiled and joked, "Let's go back before they think I raped you."

As soon as they came out, everyone turned to look at them before falling back into their chatter. They both smiled at everyone's concern for her.

"Hey Miaka! Me and Kouji are leaving now, you coming?" Genrou called.

"Yeah!" "Don't forget to call me late!" Minako cried as the trio headed out the door.