Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Why Taka ❯ Going Home ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Thanks Tsuki for doing the editing. With out her there would be MANY MANY mistakes. I thank her from the bottom of my heart. She is a true friend and I dedicate this chapter to you, thanks!

Disclaimer- I wish I owned Tasuki ^____^

~ Means unspoken words.

Chapter 7- Going Home

Chichiri stood up and summoned Miaka to follow him to the Shrine so that she could see her long time friend, Yui. Miaka stood up and looked at everyone. "Umm, Chichiri, I don't really want to at this time. I still don't really know what I am thinking about doing." She said.

Chichiri understood and sat back down. Tasuki glanced over at Chichiri and saw him looking over at Miaka's face. For some reason, seeing him do this caused a rage of jealously in him. He looked back at Miaka who had her face in her hands, thinking hard. Tasuki felt bad that he could do nothing to make her frustration go away.

"Um. I'm going to my room to think." She said, getting up from the table. Tasuki got up to follow her and was stopped by Nuriko who was sitting by him.

"No," he said," Let her go, she needs to think about this alone. You can go to her a little later, just leave her alone right now. She has a lot of thinking to do and your being there won't make up her mind any quicker."

Tasuki sat back down as he stared at the door his Miaka just walked out of. He understood but he also

needed to be near her, now more than ever, but he respected Miaka and Nuriko so he obeyed.

Through out the whole meal, everyone was talking and Tasuki didn't hear anything. He wanted Miaka so badly to walk back in the door with a smile on her face saying she made up her mind and that she was going to stay there, with him.

~ When dinner is over I'll somehow get away from Nuriko over here an' go on an' see Miaka!~ He thought.

Knowing Nuriko, Tasuki will say he was going to bed and "accidentally" pass by Miaka's room. He smiled

as he thought of his plan.

"What are you so happy about over there Tasuki?'' asked Chichiri. Tasuki looked up and his smile quickly left his face.

"N-n-nothing.... Not a thing" he said still trying to hold his smile. He finally had enough and excused himself the room. Nuriko grabbed his shirt and with his great strength making him fall flat on his face.

"Nope. No ya don't." He said.

"What ya want from me Nuriko...I'm only gonna go ta bed, geeze. Tightwad." He walked away mumbling

something about Nuriko.


Miaka laid on her back staring up at the ceiling thinking about Taka. She had so much on her mind it was driving her crazy and then the whole thing was starting to make her cry. She didn't want to think about anything anymore so she got up and changed her clothing for bed. The moment she pulled up her shorts, she heard three very quiet knocks. She almost missed the knocks and continued on her way. Three second later four quiet knocks came. She walked to the door and opened it to see Tasuki with one of his famous Fanged Grins. She smiled and let him in.

"If you hear Nuriko comin' tell me. He said I wasn't allowed ta see ya so I snuck over here."

"So," she said checking outside to see if he was coming, "looks like you haven't completely given up being a bandit huh?" she said smiling. Miaka sat down and motioned for Tasuki to sit by her. "So, tomorrow is a big day for me." she said looking at the floor.

Tasuki looked at her and realizing she was crying, he put his arms around her and placed his hand on her chin. Turning her face to his he stared deep in to her green eyes.

"Ya little baka, no matter what your decision is, no matter where ya end up going, your still gonna be mine."
He lowered his head to her and gave her the most enchanting kiss anyone can give. She put her hands on his shoulders and gave back all her love for him. After what seemed like forever, Tasuki pulled away. He stared in her eyes and saw that she loved him, she stared in his, and realized he loved her as he always has.

The spell was broken by a knock on her door. Tasuki's eyes flew up to the door and whispered Nuriko's


"Hold on, " Miaka thought quickly to make up something to give Tasuki enough time to hide, "I'm getting


Tasuki looked frantically around and when he saw that there was space underneath the bed he quickly and quietly slid under. Miaka was trying not to laugh because what she saw reminded her of a fat cat trying to squeeze under a small area, holding in her laughter she walked to the door and saw Nuriko staring at her.

"Sorry to bother you, Miaka, have you seen Tasuki? I went to go see him after dinner and he wasn't there so I figured he came here."

"No. I haven't seen him since I left earlier. Want to come in for a few minutes, I was getting ready for bed when you knocked?"

Nuriko came in and walked over to the bed and sat down. There was a small `oof ` and a whisper `damnit

Nuriko you fat ass'.

Nuriko, not sure what that was, looked at Miaka who was turning red. "What?" he asked.

Miaka looked at Nuriko, gave him a small giggle, and a peace sign.

He sighed and shrugged. "I'm sorry." he said, Miaka looked up at him wondering what he meant.

"I'm sorry. I just can't hold it in anymore." He grabbed Miaka in his arms and gave her a bear hug. "Since the day you left me, all I could ever think about was you. Only you. Miaka, I know it's selfish for me to tell you this now but,'' he took in a deep breath, ''I'm in love with you and always have been.''

Miaka fell silent as she wondered what Tasuki was thinking. She was scared for Nuriko being there and she had to find a way to get Nuriko to leave without looking suspicious.

"N- Nuriko," she said nervously," you didn't come looking for Tasuki have you?" she giggled.
Nuriko noticed Miaka wasn't making eye contact and he felt a little uncomfortable. He looked at Miaka who was again staring at the floor and the stood up.

"Actually, I did come looking for him. I wasn't planning on telling you until I saw you alone and this

seemed like the perfect time to do it." He glanced towards the bottom of the bed, "since we are alone, Miaka."

He reached down and placed a kiss on her forehead. He smiled and walked out of the room. Miaka looked down to where Tasuki was and expected him to come out, he didn't. She bent down and looked underneath the bed, he was just laying there face away from Miaka.

"T-Tasuki, he's gone, you can come out now." she said poking him.

He didn't move, Miaka sighed and he started to move with out a word. By the time he was crawled out, Miaka had already sat back down on her bed facing away from him.

~ I knew this was a bad idea~ He thought. ~ But is that why Nuriko told me ta stay away from Miaka tonight?~

He walked quietly over to Miaka and put her hands in his. He got down to her level and stared deep in her eyes. Miaka couldn't help but stare into them, those amber eyes were magical.

"Miaka," he said," There can be only one man that truly loves ya. I'll let ya decide who. Good Night."
He said placing a powerful kiss on her lips.


"MIAKA! WAKIE WAKIE! TIME TO GET UP, UP,UP!" Squealed Chichiri as he burst into her room in his chibi form.

"Mmmmm no." Miaka joked as she crawled out of her bed. She looked at Chichiri and he turned back to normal size.

"Are we going to send you back to your world for a day Miaka. First of all, have you made a decision?'' He asked her.

Miaka looked over at him and thought about it for a minute, she stood up and walked to the door stopping to look out side and she closed the door. She smiled at Chichiri and motioned him to come closer.

"Don't tell anyone but yes. Yes I have, I have decided to-" she whispered.

Tasuki burst into the room and stopped dead when he saw Miaka talking to Chichiri. He turned really red and gave Miaka and Chichiri a fanged smile, "Miaka, Hotohori wants you to go see in the dining hall. He said he had the cooks prepare your favorite breakfast."

Miaka's eyes lit up as she smiled. She turned to Chichiri and said, "I'll tell you later." With that, she bounced out of the room with a huge smile on her face.

"That girl loves her food" said Tasuki.


Yui was still reading the scroll when Tetsia walked into the room yawning.

"Mornin' Yui." His eyes got wide when he saw her in the same clothing reading the scroll. "Have you slept any?" He asked. Yui shock her head.

"She is coming here today." she said looking at him.

"Well, When did she leave?''

"Almost 2 days ago." she answered.

"What is happening now?" He said trying to look over Yui's shoulder. Yui looked at him and told him what happened with Nuriko and Tasuki.

"Woah! Tough. Is she coming here alone or with a group?" he put on a smile "I would do anything to meet the famous Suzaku Seven."


"So Miaka, are you ready to go?" asked Chichiri as Miaka wiped her mouth with a smile. She didn't know if she would ever be ready for what she had to do but she thought

~ Now or never~

She nodded and stood up. "The others are waiting for us in the room."

"Chichiri?" She looked up at him, "what is going to happen?"

Chichiri looked down at Miaka. He could tell she was scared and didn't know what to do.
"Miaka before we walk in. Tell me what you have chosen to do."

Miaka looked at him and smiled, she wanted to tell him but she wanted it to be a surprised but she remembered that she was going to tell him. "Don't worry so much Chichiri. You have to help me. You can worry later, after all I AM staying here with you guys." She looked at his shocked reaction and whispered to him to keep it a secret and she gave him a small kiss on his cheek and ran into the room smiling back at him. "Good morning everyone."

"Miaka," was the first thing out of Tasuki's and Nuriko's mouth. They had no idea what Miaka was planning on doing and her cheerfulness was driving them crazy. They both so badly wanted her to stay so that they all could be happy but they didn't tell Miaka that just in case her plan was to go back and stay there in her world to never see them again. They really didn't want Miaka to feel guilty or bad for making a decision.

A few moments later Chichiri walked into the room and gave Miaka a small wink that Tasuki noticed. Chichiri smile and told everyone to surround Miaka as they did when summoning Suzaku. Chichiri was saying a spell that made the room glow red and Miaka had not yet known what to do but she sat still watching Chichiri with awe about how good he was getting with his magic. The room glowed red and Taits-Kun appeared next to Chichiri.

"Taits-Kun?" said Miaka

"Priestess. Have you decided what you are going to do? If so, listen to what you are going to do. I understand that you do not wish for your warriors to know your decision just yet. Listen to me, you will have one week in your world to settle your affairs and say what you must to people you love in your world. Your decision is final and once the barrier is sealed, it may never be open again, you understand that?" Miaka nodded not making eye contact with anyone but Chichiri and Taits-Kun. "Good, with the power of all of us," she explained, "you will be transported, along with one companion, which you will chose, to your world for one week. At the end of the week, there will be a need for your decision. Then and there, your life will change. Shall we begin?"

~ Yea no pressure though~ thought Miaka staring at The Creator.

Tasuki and Nuriko were staring at Miaka the whole time wanting to speak with her before she left. While Chichiri and Taits-kun waited, Miaka looked at each and everyone of the Suzaku Seven...err...Suzaku Six and smiled.

"Bye everyone, and thanks for everything."

By the way Miaka was acting and speaking made everyone but Chichiri and Taits-kun start to feel sadness due to the loss of their Priestess. Tasuki stood up but was quickly sat back down by The Creator. He wasn't going to lose Miaka again for a second time.

"Hot head, SIT DOWN!" Shouted The Creator.

"Everyone pray and focus all of your energy to Miaka."

"Miaka who do you chose to go with you?" Asked Chichiri looking at Miaka with caring eyes.

"You" she said not opening her eyes, she was picturing her world in her mind.

"As you wish, Priestess."

A few moments later Miaka and her companion were surrounded by a scarlet light that instantly warmed Miaka from head to toe. She felt her body starting to get light and she felt herself lift off of the ground. She opened her eyes to see a red light around Chichiri and herself. They both were lifted off of the ground and they both heard Taits-kun say a spell and both people started getting drowsy as they fell asleep. The last thing in Miaka's mind was seeing Yui... one.... last... time.


"HURRY SHE'S COMING!" Yui screamed at Tetsuya making him hurry up.

"YUI!! CALM DOWN!" he yelled back at her. " I know you are excited but please-" The room started to glow red and a giant red circle formed on the floor where the shadows of the two friends started to appear. Yui swung her head around and grabbed onto the man next to her and smiled knowing she was going to see her friend. Yui had not known what Miaka's decision was and didn't know what she was planning.

The two people's faces started showing and the moment Miaka and Chichiri felt ground they opened their eyes to see Yui and Tetsuya standing there with huge smiles.

"Hi Yui!" She looked at Tetsuya and followed his gaze; he was staring at Chichiri who was in chibi form.

"Tetsuya? What are you doing here?"


"So… I have a week to get my stuff and to do what I have to?"

"I understand why they need you, but do they actually think that you can make a choice to live in a world where you were born and raised or a land that you lived in for a while. I mean, come on Miaka, be reasonable, you left that place seven months ago and when Tamahome turned into Taka you seemed so happy. Do you really want to live there?"

Miaka looked at Yui and started feeling anger towards her best friend. "Yui," she said looking into her eyes, "I know that the other world didn't treat you so well, but since Taka's behavior is a threat I really have to do what I think I need to do."

~ I'll tell Yui later~ she thought.

"Yui, I know that you want your friend, but at a time like this you need to think of what is best for her, ya know." said Chichiri.

Yui understood but she didn't sill want to lose her friend. She lost her when Nakago was around and she didn't want to lose her again. Yui looked at Miaka who had her head down and staring at her feet like they were very interesting. She started to cry and didn't want anyone to see so she excused herself and went to her bedroom. Yui looked to Miaka for help when she needed it and Yui thought this was a time when Miaka needed help and someone to talk to. She stood up and told Tetsuya to stop gawking at Chichiri and to get him some modern time clothes on.

"Why?" he said, still staring at Chichiri who was feeling very uncomfortable being stared at.

"Because, you staring at him is annoying and because we are going out tonight, once I get Miaka."

Tetsuya nodded and got his car keys and told Chichiri what was going to happen. Chichiri loved the idea of going out and seeing this world since he didn't get a chance to after beating Nakago, several months ago.

~ Tasuki doesn't know what he's missing, ya know~ he thought to himself smiling as he followed Tetsuya to the car garage. Little did either of them know, that was going to be a ride neither of them would forget.