Gakuen Alice Fan Fiction ❯ All things invisible. ❯ All things invisable. ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
~Ch. 1 Starlight, Starbright~
"Starlight, Starbright, ï¬rst star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, get the wish I wish 
tonight." Whispered a small girl, her golden eyes glittering with freshly shed tears that stained her 
cheeks. The little girl closed her eyes and wished, nay prayed, with all her might, hoping someone 
would answer her desperate plea.
   A young girl sat in the car-seat in the back of a van listening to a tape of silly songs her kind 
parents had prepared. Smiling she hummed along to "the wheels on the bus" as the drove down the 
highway. It was the weekend and they were driving to her grandparents house for a couple days. It 
was a long drive, but it was something that the little girl always looked forward to. Suddenly there 
was the sound of screams, screeching breaks, and colliding cars along with "the itsy bitsy spider". 
The girl just stared at the bleeding bodies of her injured parents. Soon an ambulance was rushing 
her parents to the nearest hospital. The girl, still in a state of shock, one thing still fresh in her 
mind: the shocked look of the other driver as he sped around the corner before the collision and the 
sound of her tape as her parents lay unconscious and bleeding.

~End flashback~
All her tears cried, the girl, known as Mandy Trueman, walked toward the hospital guest room she 
was to stay in. Once there she fell into a troubled sleep.
~The next day~
Hope fresh in her eyes, Mandy ran towards the hospital room. Before she could reach her parents 
though, a nurse stopped her, pulling her into a sorrowful hug. Being a very clever girl, Mandy 
ï¬gured out that her parents had left her behind, going on their long journey to somewhere not of this 
earth. Suddenly in a state of shock, Mandy moved out of the hug. She just stood there a moment, 
then ran out of the hospital, tears flying behind her like rain.
Mandy didn't know how long she ran, she just knew she had to get as far away from the hospital as 
possible. Due to her upset state Mandy did not notice where she was until a ï¬rm but gentle hand 
grasped her shoulder. Knocked out of her trance Mandy looked around, then realized she was in the 
'forbidden zone'. The place where all the criminals and gangs hung out. There were several bars 
around her, clothes and blood littered the ground, surrounded by trash, dirt, and sleeping criminals. 
A scream would have ripped from her throat and awakened all the sleepers had a comforting hand 
clamped over her mouth causing her to squeak instead.
Feeling the breath on her neck, Mandy turned around and gasped. The person before her didn't look 
particularly dangerous. Red her fell across purple eyes that adorned a perfect face. He smiled at her, 
wiping away her tears and whispered "Little girl, where's your parents? Did you lose them? Don't 
worry, I'll help you ï¬nd them, besides, this is no place for a 5 year old" he smiled. Suddenly, unable 
to control herself, Mandy attached herself to the nearest piece of sympathy and cried, this 
happening to be the young man before her. Through her broken sobs she managed to pour her heart 
out to the young man, and somehow, after she did that, she felt a rage. 
The young man grinned at the dangerous glint in her eyes, she would make a great pawn. So he 
decided to weave a web of lies that would surely snare her, but ï¬rst, he turned off the device in his 
earring, and then he spoke. "My name is Reo. What's yours?" he smiled, eyes glinting dangerously.  
"Mandy, Mandy Trueman." came the reply. At this Reo pulled her into a ï¬rm hug as he gasped out, 

quiet convincingly, "oh thank god!! I thought I'd never ï¬nd you!!" Blinking Mandy stared at Reo in 
confusion, so Reo weaved his web of lies.
"You were only two when it happened..." he started "Mom and Dad were mad at me because I'd 
gone and done something adventurous again, it had caused me to sprain my ankle. They said I was 
a failure of a brother, that all I did was cause trouble and set a bad example. They threw me out, 
without even letting me say goodbye to my only sister. So I did the only thing I could, I joined a 
gang. I roamed around as I pleased and it was fun, at least until recently." Then it hit Mandy like a 
ton of bricks as she recognized his face. "it's you." she stated simply, remembering the face of the 
young man who had caused the accident. Reo sniffed for good measure and started again. "Yes, that 
was an accident, you see as a gang member I often get chased, it was just unlucky that it happened 
when I was going to see you." he looked at her pointedly. "I knew you would all come by that way, 
and I was determined to ï¬nally introduce myself to the only sister I had. But I was caught by the 
other gangs before I could do anything, and now look at this mess."
Sighing dramatically for good measure Reo secretly glanced at Mandy to see her reaction, he 
blanched, she wasn't a sweet girl anymore, he hadn't expected THAT much of a change....then she 
spoke, her words full of poison. "I hate them" she spat. "They left me behind, they didn't even tell 
me about you, they always acted like I was their perfect little angel that they would never leave, but 
truthfully...." she paused, then shockingly said "they never loved me........" in the end she looked 
back and saw what really had happened, they had always ignored her, made out in front of her and 
other unpleasant things. No, they had never loved her or her brother. She hugged him tightly and 
whispered "I love you brother, I won't leave you like they did, I'll do all I can to make you happy" 
grinning at his success Reo pulled Mandy close to him, then he heard her gasp. "W-what, I can 
see......" but her words were drowned out in the sudden crash of thunder, but Reo knew what her 
alice was, and it, well it wasn't pleasant.
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So what do you think of this series? Let me know!! Enjoy!! (Going to try and write a chapter a day) 
I edited this chapter, didn't like how it ended the ï¬rst time. So anyway, R&R!! Peace and Love!