Gasaraki Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Project Mile Two ❯ Here's Ranko ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 3
Warning: this chapter contains a spoiler for the end of Gasaraki.
< br>
Yushiro was in deep thought.
'I felt something.'
'A connection, like the first time with Miharu.'
"What, oh sorry captain. What can I do for you?"
Captain Kaburagi shook her head, "I was calling you for the live fire test of the new recoiless rifle. We're waiting for you."
"Sorry, I just had strange feeling." Grabbing his helmet, Yushiro left for his T.A.
"Booting up, systems coming online now. Standing up." Yushiro checked the arms movement. "The right arm is sluggish with the rifle on it. Do you want me to recalibrate the auto-balancer to compensate for it or is it design to be dicarded in combat?"
"Leave it as it is for now, Yushiro, the Brass want us to use the default settings as much as possible for now."
The T.A. walked out on to the test range.
"Starting tracking test now," Yushiro aimed the 90mm rifle at the first moving target.
A salvo of three shots sped towards the target. One hit the target squarely and another struck a glancing blow to the right side of it, not bad for a first attempt. But something was wrong with Yushiro.
"Focus One your breathing is became irregular, what's wrong?"
"I don't know. I felt dizzy for a moment."
"Bring him in now captain," the colonel ordered. "We don't need Yushiro getting hurt just yet."
The T.A. started to sway. No mean feat when you consider the advanced auto balancing equipment fitted. Yushiro turned to the carrier truck, when he face planted the T.A. roughly into the hard ground, badly jarring his shoulder.
"YUSHIRO!" Rin Ataka shouted, concern for the young Gowa evident.
"Get the medic out there now!" Colonel Hayakawa ordered. "Captain Kaburagi, make sure we recorded Yushiro's data, we need want to know what happened."
"Yes, sir!" came the replies.
'Damn, what is it with these things? Does anybody else have the same problems as Yushiro? Is he only affected because he's got some power or something?'
Back in Nerima:
Ranma was sleeping through his history class as usual, when he started to twitch again. He was having disturbing images flood into his mind.
A demon with a seven pointed sword slaughtering an army.
Circles cut into stone.
Two evil looking things duelling against each other.
A man telling him to continue, "fight to the death!"
Being betrayed by his family.
Being killed in a battle against those he loved.
Were these images of things that were, of things to come? He could not answer that question.
His teacher threw some chalk at his head, having seen the automated defence reflex before. Still, he hoped to get lucky this time.
He almost hit his target when it's right hand caught it and dropped it on the floor.
No response.
"SAOTOME!" He bellowed
"You were sleeping in class again. Give me a good reason why I don't send you into the hall."
'I was having weird dreams in that I was some kind of crazed killer?' "I can't really sensei, sorry 'bout that." Ranma still had a suprised/pained look on his face.
The teacher scowled at Ranma, there was only two minutes left of the lesson. Not much point in sending him out in the hall. "See me after class, Saotome."
Ranma nodded.
The rest of the class chuckled at Ranma. He really was the best source of entertainment in Nerima.
After the lesson, the teacher started on his enquiry about Ranma's behaviour.
"I don't know, sensei. But something strange has been going on lately."
"With you it's there's always something strange going on. I know you sleep through a number of lessons, but seriously what's wrong. You're not having problems at home are you?"
"What? You mean aside from the fact that I have three fiancees, the principal's son and daughter are trying to date me and kill me along with god knows how many other people?"
"Yes." The teacher replied with a perfectly straight face.
Ranma sighed. "Ok, try this on for size: I found out the other day that my mom is still alive. Not only that but before I left on that training trip I supposedly sign a death contract. One that says I'm gonna commit seppuku if I ain't a man among men."
"But the curse...."
"Yeah. But there is some good news though, she knows about the curse, and she's not gonna make me kill myself."
"That's good, Ranma." His teacher was relived, not because Ranma was a good student, but he felt it reflected badly on schools when their students commited suicide.
"Yeah, I wonder what she's like."
"I expect that she's a traditional woman, the seppuku pledge indicates that much." Turning to the window, he continued, "I suggest you work on your manners. You can start by getting to your next lesson on time."
"Yes, sensei."
Back in Hokkaido Yushiro was being driven to the military hospital.
"Sorry about this..." Yushiro managed weakly before passing out. The blood trickling down from his nose was staining his clothes.
"I think he's having some kind of seizure, how long to we get to the hospital?"
"Five minutes," the driver replied.
The medic's thoughts were angry. 'Damn, these TAs. The pilots are put through too much stress.'
After a medical examination, Yushiro was deemed to not be in any immediate danger.
"I'm sorry to tell you this, but Yushiro needs to be kept under observation for a few days. We'll give him an MRI and x-rays in the morning to check if any thing shows up overnight. Has he received any head trauma recently?" The doctor asked Captain Kaburagi
"Not that I know of. He seemed a little out of it before we started the test, but to tell you the truth, he seems that way a lot of the time lately. He's been through a lot recently, you know our unit was in Belgistan?"
"Ahh yes, combat fatigue, but surely that would have expressed itself earlier."
"That's not all, his father was killed in an inccident during Nishida's attempted coup." Kaburagi was not privvy to all of the facts, such as it was Yushiro's eldest brother, Kazukiyo, that killed their father.
"Well, I can't say when he'll be fit for active duty, but I can tell you this - I recommend some serious R&R for him to recover when we discharge him from the hospital."
6pm rolled around at the Tendo house. A woman in a traditional kimono walked up to the front door and rang the bell.
"I'll get it," Kasumi called out.
"Hello, my name is Nodoka Saotome. Are either my husband or my son here?"
"Ah, hello, Mrs Saotome." Kasumi bowed. There was a faint splash outside, and suddenly there was panda sitting by the koi pond.
"I'm afraid that your husband and Ranma are out on a training trip at the moment, but would you like to come in?"
"Yes, thank you. Are you my son's fiance?"
Kasumi blushed ever so slightly. "No, my youngest sister, Akane, is engaged to your son."
"Is that her there?" Nodoka pointed at the red-haired girl in the garden.
"Er, no. That's Ranko, our cousin."
"Oh." Nodoka's act was well rehearsed.
"Hello." The red-raired girl walked into the house greeted the older woman.
"Hello dear, I'm Nodoka Saotome. I was hoping to find my son, Ranma. Have you seen him?"
"Yes, unfortunately you just missed him. He had to train for a challenge match on Monday. He'll be gone for the weekend, I'm afraid."
Nodoka looked downcast, "oh, well. Is his father training with him?" She eyed the panda curiously.
"Yes, he felt that Ranma needed 'hands on' supervision this time." Ranko answered a bit sadly.
"Well, I guess that can't be helped. After all, Ranma is a man among men and as such he needs to train constantly."
The Tendos were starting to look nervous.
"What do you mean, Mrs Saotome?" Ranko asked.
"Please call me auntie Nodoka. Well, before I let Genma take Ranma off on the training trip, he promised that Ranma would be a man among men, or they'd both commit seppuku." Nodoka idly fingered the bundle in her arms.
Nabiki and her sisters blanched at that. Genma had told them that she carried the Saotome homour blade around with her.
"But I'm sure my husband did a good job with raising Ranma. But anyway, I'd like to meet with the girl that has captured the heart of my son."
Akane was pushed forward by Soun.
"Daddy, wait I never agreed to this." Akane struggled for briefly, then realised that she had Ranma's life and her engagement in her hands. "I mean, please don't push."
Nodoka raised an eyebrow at this. She appraised Akane and her siblings, 'hmm, the sisters have better figures. The oldest one does seem a bit quiet and housewifish, but she is beautiful and you do have to watch the quiet ones. The middle one seems to be the one that might be able to make use of his curse to train him in the bedroom department.'
"Well, I'll bring in the tea." Kasumi left the room.
"Sit down, Mrs Saotome. Let me introduce my family to you."
"Please, call me Nodoka. Since we are going to be family after all."
"Alright. This is Nabiki, she's 17. This is Akane, she's 16 and Ranma's fiancee."
Akane smiled at her future mother in law.
Kasumi returned with the tea and started to pour it.
"So then Akane, how did you meet my son?"
"Well, he arrived on our doorstep one day with his father."
"When did you decide to get engaged? Was it love at first sight? Did he seduce you? Did you seduce him?"
"No, it was an arranged marriage." Akane looked at her father's friend who was making shushing gestures with his panda paws.
"That's a bit odd. I mean, Genma never mentioned a fiancee in the letters he sent to me. How did Ranma feel about the idea?"
"He rejected the idea, auntie Nodoka," Ranko chimed in.
"What makes you say that, Ranko?"
"Ranma and me are very close, almost like brother and sister. He told me that it was really his father's idea. He thinks that some of his father's ideas are a bit well, how do I say this?"
"What Ranko is trying to say is that she and Ranma feel that your husband's judgement has had a few lapses over the years." Nabik's quick wits found a face saving answer. It was a lot kinder than the truth of 'your husband's a moron.'
"I see, well I guess that happens when you're on the road a lot. So how did Akane get lucky with her selection as my son's bride?"
Kasumi and Nabiki started to look a bit guilty about this.
"What, is there something wrong with my son? Is he handicapped or disfigured?" Nodoka started to panic. 'Let's see how they deal with this.'
"No, it's just that well..." Kasumi was looking for a reason to give other then 'it was so sudden that I was scared and your son turns into a girl. But I can't say that, because it's not very manly and I don't want him to die.'
"Is he ugly?"
"No, far from it auntie Nodoka," Nabiki answered. "It's just that your son has few rough edges that, well, were unexpected."
"Like what? He doesn't have a strange condition or anything like that does he?" Nodoka looked over the Tendos.
"Only that he's a perverted jerk," Akane mumbled.
"He's a pervert? What do you mean, Akane?"
"Well, it's that he.." Akane shut her mouth when she realised that was about to get Ranma killed. "He keeps leading on these other girls."
"Hey, it's not like that! Ranma has two other girls that consider him their fiancee. Ukyo, a friend from his childhood and this chinese girl, Shampoo." 'Ranko' leapt to Ranma's defence. "He never wanted to get engaged just yet."
"Oh. Can anyone tell me how it is that these other girls got 'engaged' to my son?"
Nabiki pondered this. 'How do I tell that Genma ran out on another agreement? And what about those crazy Amazon marriage laws?'
Kasumi was also in thought. 'I can't just let Genma get out of this one scott-free. He's ruined too many lives.' "Auntie Nodoka, I'm afraid that your husband had something to do with the engagement to Ukyo."
"Oh, Kasumi, what do you mean? He didn't engage Ranma for food did he?" Nodoka asked jokingly.
Everyone looked at a panda menacingly.
"Oh, he did?"
"Yeah, auntie Nodoka." Ranko answered truthfully. "I get the feeling that lots girls under the impression that they're engaged to Ranma." Ranko eyed Akane. "And NONE of them are his fault that - they chase after him."
"Hey, if you weren't such a pervert, I wouldn't have to punish you so often, Ranma!"
Everybody in the room froze.
"Excuse me Akane, but did you just call Ranko here 'Ranma'?"
"Oops, no. It was just a slip, they're really alike, sometimes we forget that they're not related by blood. But Ranko is not really Ranma cursed to turn into a girl," Akane started to babble, not realising she was making the situation worse.
Nodoka started to grow a sweatdrop as everyone else started trying to distract her from Akane's admission.
"So Ranko and Ranma aren't actually the same person?"
"No, auntie Nodoka. That would be silly," Nabiki lied. 'Something's not quite right here, she knows more then she's letting on.'
Ranko asked to be excused, claiming she needed some fresh air.
"Of course, Ranko," Kasumi replied.
Nodoka looked up, "Is something wrong with Ranko?"
"She's had something on her mind for the last couple of days, auntie Nodoka." Kasumi answered.
"Is the anything the matter at her school?" Nodoka asked innocently
Nabiki pondered this for a moment. "I think that she is being bothered by a boy at school."
"She's being harrased at school? Why doesn't the principal do something about this?"
"The boy in question is the principal's son." Akane answered. "He's a real pervert. He keeps trying to date Ranko and me."
"He also has a problem with Ranma because he keeps losing to Ranma. And if you factor in that Ranma's engaged to Akane, you have some serious animosity." Nabiki replied.
"Oh. I think that I should have a word with Ranko about how to deal with unwanted advances." Nodoka paused for a moment be asking, "how does she deal with this attention?"
"Normally with violence, auntie Nodoka." Akane answered. "But it doesn't seem to work for me or her."
"Well then, perhaps it's time for the pair of you to try different methods of persuasion." Nodoka got up, "I think that Ranko needs some advice."
Outside, Nodoka sat next to Ranko.
"Is something the matter, Ranko?" Nodoka asked, suspicous of eavesdroppers.
"I'm just not feeling well today, auntie Nodoka." Ranko replied quietly. 'I'm not Ranko, I'm your son Ranma.'
Whispering into her ear, Nodoka spoke some soothing words, "don't worry Ranma. It's all just a ploy to see which of your fiancees is the best option."
Ranko's face brightened.
"Now, how about you tell me about my son?"
"Well, he's really good at martial arts. The best in the area, aside from the old freak and the chinese girl's great-grandmother."
"Old freak?"
"Uncle Genma and uncle Soun's master. He's a real pervert, always attacking the girls around here. Ranma keeps him under control most of the time, but he's a tricky one."
"I see, has he attacked you?"
Ranko shuddered at the memory. "Yes, auntie."
"What do those two do to stop it?" Nodoka was shocked that it was up to Ranma to keep the pervert in check.
"Not a lot." Ranko's features darkened. "The didn't help at all. They're scared of him. Sometimes I think that the only reason they let me stay around here is to keep him occupied."
Nodoka's face darkened. "Those two didn't help you and Ranma at all?"
"No, auntie." Ranko was looking incredibly sad at this point.
Seeing that there was little she could do with out revealing her trump card, Nodoka hugged her son-turned-girl. "Don't worry Ranko dear. I shall be having words with Mr Tendo about his behaviour."
The rest of the evening went by slowly for the Tendos. Soun was being grilled by Nodoka about the pledge to join the schools of Anything Goes and how Happosai was allowed to do such things to Ranko; Akane about Ranma's 'perversions' and their relationship. Nabiki and Kasumi were questioned about Ranma's other fiancees and whether or not he was actually husband material.
"Well, it's getting late it and I have much to think about. I shall have to talk with Ranma before I can make a decision regarding his manliness."
And with that she left the Tendos and Genma to stew for a few days, whilst she talked to the other fiancees.
The next day. Saturday afternoon, around teatime.
Ranma was tired and unhappy. Happosai was to blame for his exhaustion, he'd been upsetting martial artists again. Naturally the old pervert had evaded responsibility again claiming "if you can't beat my heir, what chance do you think you'll have against me?" Having full confidence in Ranma, he left do one of his 'errands', which meant that many of the neighbourhood women would have to buy new lingerie.
This, while irking Ranma vastly, was not the root of his unhappiness. No, he'd seen of the challengers without having to visit anybody for a new technique. He'd been hard pushed for sure, but it had been within his capabilities. No, the reason for his low spirits was his father. Ranma had found out that he'd been sold again. The dowery wasn't as bad as it had been in the past, money and food changed hands _this_ time. The problem was the fiancee.
It was a he.
Genma had engaged Ranma to another man. Genma needed a doctor after Ranma had spent some time alone with him.
Akane had taken it the wrong way at first, claiming he was creating a harem for himself and how he was being perverted. Then she saw the fiancee. She quickly made her exit and collapsed on her bed with laughter at Ranma's expense.
Nabiki and Kasumi had been worried at first, but they quickly took Ranma's side. Soon, the hot water heater was 'broken' and animal control called to the house. Soun did nothing as he was still shocked that Genma had betrayed the 'sacred pact to unite the schools of Anything Goes' once again. However, once Genma had returned, Soun perked up a bit as he was able to play shogi again.
Ranma was out scoping for free eats to lift his mood when he saw Shampoo being followed back to the Nekohanten by a suspicious character. This was the deciding for his food based dilema. Whilst he had no plans to go back to China with the girl, he still considered her a friend and didn't want her hurt.
That and she was a good cook.
He was about to enter the cafe when Mousse came flying out backwards. Then he heard the sounds of struggle inside. Throwing caution to the wind, he ran inside.
There was that same suspicious looking character. He was six feet tall. His build was comparable to that of a brick shithouse.(1)
He moved towards Shampoo with a sinister look on his face. "so there little lady, what time do you finish work?"
"You no want to underestimate amazon warriors. Very bad for health." Shampoo may have come across as an airhead, but she was no fool. She had more clue about the opposite sex than Ranma, but he's a social retard.
"Oh, I know how strong you amazons are, that's what I like about you." He stretched his neck, making the vertebrae crack. "That and the kiss of marriage rule."
"Hiyaaah!" Shampoo charged in ready to bring the pain to the upstart male, who she (rightly) suspected of doing unspeakable acts to her fellow warriors.
He blocked the bon-bori strike with his tonfa before jumping back, to give himself some room for his next planned attack.
The two traded blows for half a minute before Shampoo saw an opening. Moving in for a round house kick, Shampoo recieved a nasty suprise for her trouble.
A weighted tonfa swung down and broke her right tibia. A small knife was thrust into her thigh and twisted.
Shampoo screamed in pain as she was knocked to the floor. But that was not going to get her a respite in this fight, as she found her clavicles bruised from a quick barrage of strikes.
"Heh, heh. Not so confident now, are you? Now I will have some fun."
The man pulled out some cord from a pouch on his belt, planning on restraining his prize.
"Not so fast, Sicko," Ranma came running in, intent on making the man pay.
The two traded blows for much longer then Shampoo and Mousse lasted combined.
"You're not bad, kid. I might have to spend some time dealing with you."
"Heh, I don't lose. Certainly not to scum like you!" Ranma charged in using the amaguriken to keep his opponent off balance.
Pressing the attack Ranma kicked his adversary in his major vitals, making sure that once he was down, he stamped on his genitals.
"Shampoo, where's the old ghoul?"
"Great-grandmother off seeing nasty supplier-man. He charge too too much for ingredients."
"When will she be back?"
"Soon," Shampoo winced in pain when Ranma inspected the broken bone.
Ranma left to get a first aid kit when he heard a voice.
"Heh, you think that I am done so easily? Taste this bitch!"
The downed man pointed a tube at Shampoo, "No!" Ranma jumped infront of Shampoo, only to be hit by a few dozen metal fragments.
Cologne hopped in, seeing the mess that had been made, Shampoo and Ranma's injuries and the man pointing the metal tube at them. She made the right assumption and promptly knocked the asasilent out using a combination of pressure points and her cane.
She picked up the phone and called for an ambulance. Hanging up she went over to Shampoo for answers.
"{I don't know who the man is great grandmother, but he said he know about our kiss of marriage law. He said he liked how strong we were.}"
"{How did son-in-law get injured? He's quite skilled.}"
"{ He dived infront of the weapon when it was pointed at me. Airen is so brave, it was really romantic. Will he be ok?}"
"{I called an ambulance for him, it's not looking good. he's bleeding a bit too much for my liking. How did this scumbag here beat you? It looks like son-in-law came to the rescue.}"
"{He caught me by suprise. He's strong, like that lost boy, only he was faster than I thought he would be given his size.}"
"{Hmm, maybe we should be thankful that son-in-law acts without thinking. These metal shards look quite painful.}"
"{Yes, great-grandmother. I will make sure that I express my gratitude when he recovers.}"
At the hospital
The doctors were rushing around in the emergency room trying to stem the blood loss from Ranma's torso.
"It's not looking good, we're going to have to operate. Let's get him upstairs."
"What kind of monster would dop this ? Look at the lacerations, I haven't seen anything like this for ten years!"
"What happened then?"
"Some child was attacked by starving animals. Say, the boy looks familiar..." the senior nurse trailed off as Ranma was wheeled off into the operating theatre.
Later when the Tendos arrived with Genma, they were speaking with a doctor about Ranma's condition.
"I'm Dr Yamada, I have some good news and bad news about Ranma's condition. The good news is he will recover and if he keeps his level of fitness up, be able to lead a relatively normal life. Bad news is, we had to remove a lung and a kidney. I talked to him when he woke up and he mentioned something about a curse. Do any of you know what he's talking about?"
"Yes, I'm Akane Tendo. I'm his fiancee. His condition is called a Jusenkyo curse. I can demonstrate with Ranma's father right now if you have some cold water."
"Here," Akane was handed a cup.
Genma was turned into a panda. The doctor was stunned. "How?"
"It's magic. Ranma turns into a girl. That's why he mentioned it to you. If he transforms, then he might rip out his sutures." Cologne spoke up having heard the conversation with the doctor.
"What do you want Cologne?" Akane asked.
"I just checking if you all knew why Ranma was here in the hospital."
"Why should you care?"
"Why did you refer to Ranma as Ranma, not 'son-in-law?" Nabiki nad noticed this, and felt that something was up.
"Well, it seems that Ranma sacrificed himself to save Shampoo's honour."
"What was that idiot doing with Shampoo?" Akane fumed.
"He come for food, and save Shampoo from too too nasty man," Shampoo spoke when she hobbled up to them.
"WHAT?" came the reply from the crowd.
"The reason for Ranma's being here in the hospital is because a most unsavoury man planned to do unpleastant things to Shampoo." Cologne filled everybody in. "As for not referring to Ranma as son-in-law, it seems that we amazons owe him a debt. The man in question has proved to be an enemy to women everywhere, like Happy, but only more violent and not as skilled. And as thanks, the local repreesntative of council of eldars has freed Ranma from the kiss of marriage."
Shampoo looked sad.
Soun and Genma rejoiced as an obstracle was removed from their dream of uniting the schools of Anything Goes.
"I'll let every one know that the must not have cold water around him."
"Thank you, doctor."
"Now you are the father?"
#That's right# The sign read.
"Right then, your son will need to stay here for some time. Judging by his physical condition, he was training for something important. What was it?"
"He was training to take over the Tendo dojo. Is he going to be able to do that?" Soun asked.
"He'll be able to continue as if it were a hobby and to keep his good condition, but he won't be able to take over this dojo as you planned."
#Why must I be cursed with such a weak son?# Genma-panda started to wail.
Kasumi glared at him.
The panda tried to slink away but was tripped up by a cane.
"Your 'weak son' has helped us deal with a violent sex offender."
"Oh my." Kasumi and Nabiki chorused eerily. Ranma suddenly became more heroic in their eyes.
'Perhaps I should nicer to him,' Nabiki mused.
Back at the Tendo home.
"What shall we do Genma? The schools might never be joined now. Who will take over the dojo?"
"Maybe the Hibiki boy? He's quite skilled and he seems to like Akane."
"Yes, that's a great idea. You might have to train him in Anything Goes first, but it might just work." Soun then dragged his friend off to a nearby bar, unaware that Kasumi and was listening in to their conversation.
"Oh my, what will happen to Ranma-kun?"
"Akane, we need to talk with you about Ranma," Kasumi and Nabiki entered her room.
"What about Ranma?" Akane asked.
"Father is thinking about breaking off the engagement with the Saotomes, so he can continue the school with you and Ryoga," Kasumi informed her youngest sister.
"What? Why?"
"Ranma won't be able to practice the art to level he used to, with only a single lung and kidney." Kasumi's knowledge was making itself known.
"Akane, do you have any feelings for Ranma?" Nabiki asked. "I admit that my engagement to him was only a plan to get you two to admit how you felt about each other."
"I don't know. I mean Ryoga is so much nicer to me than Ranma, but he never stays around for very long," Akane's answer was not the one her sisters had been hoping for.
"Well, if that is the case, I'm sure Ukyo will be pleased, as that would be the only standing engagement concerning Ranma," Kasumi brought up a valid point.
"Well, I'm sure that Ranma will be gutted that he's losing his harem."
"Let's go, Kasumi, it seems that Ranma is going to be cast out anyway."
Kasumi was a little disapointed with her little sister, but she hide well. She turned to leave Akane's room, when Akane spoke to her.
"Since when do you two care about that idiot? I seem to rembember being foisted off on to him by the other bridal candidates."
"You're right, I should really be glad that we'll be getting rid of one of our freeloaders. What about you Kasumi?"
"I was scared, ok? But we were becoming friends. He was someone who saw me as something other then a housekeeper." Kasumi stormed off.
"It's all Ranma's fault, Nabiki. Before he showed up, we were all happy here." Akane fumed, because of _Ranma's_ actions, Kasumi was upset.
"Hhmm." With that, Nabiki followed her older sister out to comfort her.
The next day, Ranma woke up in his hospital bed and panicked. "Argh! Where am I?"
The nurse on duty rushed into the room to calm him down. "It's ok, you're in a hospital. You were badly injured. I'll get the doctor."
Dr Yamada entered ther room.
"So, then Ranma. How are you feeling today?"
"Lousy, doc. What happend?"
"What's the last thing you remember?"
"I was in the Nekohanten, a Chinese restaurant, fighting some guy. Then it goes blank."
"Well, it seems that you dived infront of a girl to save her life. I think her name is Shampoo."
"Y-yeah, she works there. But where are my folks?"
"They're not here. We didn't expect your condition to improve so quickly. I can call them if you like."
"No, I could do with a break from people trying to get me to marry 'em."
The doctor raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean people, Ranma? I thought your fiancee was Akane Tendo."
"My pops engaged me to a bunch of girls."
"Well, I have some news about that. It seems that the chinese girl's great-grandmother told your folks that she no longer has any claim on you."
"Apperently, it was a reward for saving her life and virture. She looked pretty upset about not being engaged to you."
"Yeah, well I ain't ready for anything like that yet. But it'll be nice to have her as a friend."
Ranma finished with a smile before drifting off back to sleep.
To be continued
(1) It's a saying where I live - if someone is 'built like a brick shithouse,' then you don't want to spill his pint. For a visual reference think Dolph Lungren or Arnold Schwarzenegger in the mid to late 1980's.
Thanks are to be given to Chi Vayne for his assistance with Nodoka's first meeting with the Tendos.