Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ To see you smile. ❯ The scent of a flower. ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Document Opened: 07/16/2007, 03:10am.
Authors Note:
For the 30_Smiles community.

Claim: Genjo Sanzo and Son Goku.

Theme/Prompt: No.9. Floral Scent.

This one is pre-journey and chibi-Goku.
Warning for possible out of character-ness.
And intentionally short.

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It smelled sweet. Not too strong but not weak either.
He had gone a little outside the temple grounds today. The sky was bright, the sun was shining and a light breeze was in the air.

It seemed like a good enough day to explore a little it was then he spotted the flower there. It's coloring got his attention so he stopped to smell it. There were a few others like it around, as well as some others.

It's scent was so nice that he smiled brightly at the flower.He picked it and decided to show Sanzo. Maybe he would know what kind it was?

Authors Note:
It is really intended to be that short.
Have a good day or night or both or whatever.==^-^==.
07//16/2007, 03:20am.

07/16/2007, 03:44am.
Had to add on to it because the original was too short.;-_-;.