Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ To see you smile. ❯ Surrounded by idiots. ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Document Opened: 07/19/2007, 04:23pm.
Authors Note:
The song that's being referenced in this one, is called: Shout!
I think it's by the 'Isley brothers.'
A fun song at that.:).

Actually this was inspired by that song when I was listening to it a couple of minutes ago.

For the 30_Smiles community over at LiveJournal.
Theme/Prompt.: No.8. Say it LOUD!

Warning for possible out of character-ness.
Disclaimers: Kazuya Minekura owns Saiyuki. Not I said the writer.;p. And the song Shout! belongs to the Isley Brothers. I think. :b.

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Sanzo just re-adjusted his position in the front passengers seat after he yelled and whacked both Gojyo and Goku over the head with the harisen for arguing rather over food

He crossed his arms and had his eyes closed and his head tilted a little downward. "I swear, you two idiots make me wanna shout sometimes."

"A little bit louder now?"
Hakkai chimed in and something of playful smile on his face, He honestly couldn't resist.

"Or a little bit softer now?" Gojyo added from the back catching to what Hakkai meant. He had a smirk on his face.

Goku was lightly laughing in the back in the back.
Sanzo was certain his eye had to have been twitching or something by now. Ġm surrounded by idiots.'

Authors Note:
This was quite fun to write.:).
07/19/2007, 04:49pm.