Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Marionette ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
© May 22, 2005 By Rory V. Pascual


"Watch Gojyo very closely, Hakkai. There is still something very important that you haven't taught him."

Hakkai picked at his lunch, his mind meandering through his thoughts, still pondering Goku's words. What the hell is he talking about? I've taught Gojyo practically everything already. What have I missed teaching him?

Lifting his head, he stared at the marionette, who was devouring his pork bourguignon with gusto. Gojyo kept putting spoonful after spoonful inside his mouth, pausing only to take a gulp of water. Unlike the marionette, Kwannon, Jiroushin and Goku ate their meal daintily. But then, seeing how the marionette ate, the monkey clone started digging greedily into his food as well.

Is it table manners? the scientist thought, frowning at the way the clone ate. No, it couldn't be that.

At last, Hakkai spoke up. "Slow down, Angel. If you keep filling up your guts like that, you might choke or, worse, explode. Eat slowly and chew your food well."

Again, there was that sheepish grin. "Sorry, Hakkai."

As silence fell upon the table once more, Hakkai found himself staring at Gojyo again. Something's very wrong here. Gojyo eats like a horse and yet I haven't seen him... It must be his metabolism. Maybe he burns more food than necessary, but surely his body doesn't utilize everything he takes in. He may be a cyborg, but he's still part human. I've delayed this long enough. One last systems check on the master computer and I'm examining him in the lab.

Lost as he was in his musings, Hakkai didn't notice that Gojyo and the others had already finished eating. As the marionette cleaned their plates, bowls and utensils, Jiroushin, Kwannon and Goku were staring back at the geneticist. The monkey clone even went so far as to stand before his best friend and wave his hands before his eyes.

When Gojyo was finally through, he turned to his guardian. He grimaced, seeing that Hakkai had barely eaten a bite.

Sniffling, the marionette inquired, "Does my cooking taste that bad, Hakkai?"

That plaintive voice pierced the haze of confusion in the geneticist's mind. He took a quick glance down at the minced pieces of his pork bourguignon.

"Oh, no! NO! It's very delicious!" Hakkai quickly countered as he proceeded to eat at last. "Please forgive me, Angel. My mind must have flown again."

The clone wagged a scolding finger and declared, "Very bad, Hakkai! Thinking is prohibited during mealtime, because I always make these special dishes for you, you know, and they must have your undivided attention."

"Er...about these special dishes," the scientist began hesitantly. "I've been meaning to talk to you about this."

Again, there was that slight tilt of his head. To Hakkai's amusement, he saw that the marionette's long red tresses were tied up in a single ponytail with a pink ribbon.

Noticing the geneticist's perusal, Gojyo fingered the ribbon on his head. Giggling, he said, "I'm Blossom today." He then asked suspiciously, with a hint of growing dread, "What do you want to talk to me about?"

"Angel, I really and truly appreciate all this wonderful food, but we just couldn't afford this any longer. The ingredients for these recipes are too expensive. If we keep going on like this, we may not have any more money, and we need it for more important stuff." In his mind, Hakkai added, I wouldn't dare ask Gyumao for cash. He might get it into his head to come to the manor.

"No more money?" the marionette queried.

"I'm afraid so."

"Does this mean we're going to starve?"

Before Hakkai could reply to the contrary, sorrow crossed the clone's features. Next to cooking, Gojyo truly loved to eat. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to do something special for you. Are hamburgers cheap? Would it be all right if I cooked hamburgers or hotdogs or french fries or..."

Although the scientist balked at the idea of spending the next few weeks eating junk food, he replied, "Yes, I would like that. They're much cheaper and, yet, still good enough to eat."

Gojyo's face brightened as an idea struck him. "Or I could get more money for us." Before Hakkai could say that it wasn't necessary, the marionette started to mouth off his plans. "You know, I could bake cookies and make lemonade and sell them at the gates. Maybe cupcakes too."

"Uh, Gojyo, in case you've forgotten..."

A frown creased the clone's brow. "But who's going to buy my cookies and lemonade? I haven't seen anyone pass by. Oh, I know. I could sell them in some busy road somewhere. Yes, that would be nice, and I would meet some nice people at last." Glancing down at the grinning Golden Retriever, he inquired, "You'll come with me, won't you, Jiroushin? You're much better at math than me. And Goku too!"

Jiroushin barked his approval. Before the monkey clone could give his assent as well, he stopped in mid-nod, seeing the sharp glare that his former partner gave him.

There was a sly meow coming from Kwannon.

At once, Gojyo beamed dreamily. "That's a great idea, Kwannon! For once, you came up with an excellent suggestion!" he exclaimed. "We could rob a bank! There's a lot of money in the bank! Jiroushin, we could use that lock-picking claw of yours to open the vault!"

"Hey!" Hakkai declared sharply. "That's a terrible idea!"

Before he could say more, the marionette wrapped his arms around the scientist and, bussing a stunned Hakkai on the cheek, started to walk away.

For a moment, Hakkai couldn't speak, but then he raised a hand to the happy clone. "Gojyo, I'm not through talking to you! You come back here!"

The marionette, however, strolled outside, chattering away at Jiroushin and Kwannon who were following at his heels. Hakkai's face darkened, hearing that smug cat make an uncharacteristic "ding dong" sound.

Goku was about to follow as well, plans of the ultimate bank heist being calculated in the master circuit in his head, when the scientist grabbed his tail.

"Don't think I haven't seen the look on your face, Goku," Hakkai said warningly. "I still have to run one final systems check on the computer. This means, Gojyo is your responsibility. So no bank heists!"

Hearing this, the monkey clone grimaced and clucked his tongue dejectedly. Nevertheless, he nodded, albeit grudgingly. Getting that assent, Hakkai released him, watching his best friend turned mutant ape hurry after the scheming marionette.

After he had eaten and washed his dishes, the scientist did a quick survey of the manor. He was pleased to find the whole place spotless. Gojyo may act like a child, but he eagerly obeyed his guardian, taking on his responsibilities dutifully. To his credit, the clone had become a neat freak.

One last check on the computer, Gojyo, Hakkai mused, whistling, as he skipped down to the basement. After this, I'll complete your programming and hook you up to the Net. But definitely no sex. You'll never be Gyumao's whore.


Three hours later, the geneticist sat in the lab, patiently waiting for the computer to complete its systems check.

Suddenly, the data on the screen was replaced by static. Hakkai groaned, wheeling his chair over to the console. "What now?" he growled in exasperation. The last thing he wanted was more delays.

Before he could punch a single key, Goku's human image popped up.

"GOKU!" the scientist growled menacingly. "Do you know what you just did?"

"Not to worry, Hakkai! Merely borrowed your monitor for a sec, but the systems analysis is still running," Goku hastily reassured his ex-partner.

"Then, what's wrong?" Dread filled Hakkai's heart. "Is it Gojyo? Did something happen to him?"

His best friend shook his head. "Yes, it is about Gojyo. No, nothing happened to him, at least, nothing bad...exactly. But he's...uh...doing something. Remember that I told you that you had forgotten to teach him something very important."

"Goku, I don't have time for this. Why don't you just spit it out?"

Grimacing, Goku let his finger slide under collar, sliding it from left to right uncomfortably. "I think you'd better see for yourself. He's in the garden."

Hakkai was about to ask more, but his former partner relinquished his control of the monitor and vanished. The scientist cursed under his breath. Curiosity getting the better of him, he bounced out of his seat and exited the lab. Swiftly, he walked through the living room, and going through the sliding doors, headed out into the garden.

The geneticist found Goku standing on a bench, hands on his waist. Beside him, dozing, was Kwannon, curled up in a ball of fur, not a care in the world. The monkey clone pointed to a thick clump of rose bushes. Sure enough, Hakkai could hear giggling within. Frowning, Hakkai slowly approached the rose bushes.

"Are you all right over there, Jiroushin?" he heard Gojyo ask. More giggles. "Maybe you should wiggle your tushie more."

As he neared the bushes, the first thing Hakkai saw was the Golden Retriever. The corners of the scientist's mouth went up to form a grin, seeing the hunched, almost tiptoe position of a dog doing his business. Jiroushin had even dug a small hole to catch his doggie doo. The poor Golden Retriever was obviously constipated, his butt flexing up and down in jerks as he attempted to relieve himself of the unwanted contents inside his belly.

Before Hakkai could call Jiroushin's attention to the fact that he had dug his crap hole right in the center of his late wife's prized petunias, there was a low, throaty rumble.

Right behind the bushes, Gojyo said breathlessly, "It's coming, Jiroushin. It's coming...coming..."

Gingerly, Hakkai stood on tiptoe, leaning slightly forward, to peer over the bushes. The geneticist's green eyes widened, beholding the marionette squatting on the ground, underwear and pants around his ankles, his shapely butt positioned over a large hole.

"GOJYO!" Hakkai exclaimed in shock.

Hearing his grandson's cry, Goku shook his head. :I warned him, but he wouldn't listen.:

:Does this mean he's going to start taking a crap inside the house?:
queried Kwannon with disdain. :He's just like us. A clone, and a whore at that. Why should he have special privileges?:

The monkey clone's golden eyes flashed with anger. With arms akimbo, he stormed towards the haughty cat and kicked her off the bench.


Huffing and puffing, Hakkai lugged a blushing and deeply embarrassed marionette into the bathroom. "For heaven's sake, Gojyo! You are NOT an animal! Why didn't you ask me about this?"

Gojyo couldn't answer, suckling his right thumb in his agitation. The poor clone had lost his trousers and briefs when Hakkai had grabbed him. Dressed only in his T-shirt, the marionette's bare legs were bent at the knees that he looked like a demented Buddha.

Setting Gojyo into the tub, Hakkai proceeded to wash the clone's soiled butt and thighs with soap and water.

"I'm sorry, Hakkai," the marionette sniffled. "Are you mad at me?"

"No, I'm not mad." The scientist took a very deep breath. In truth, he was having difficulty holding back his laughter. That hilarious scene in the garden was the last thing he expected to see. "Angel, whose bright idea was this anyway?"

"Jiroushin's," Gojyo reluctantly admitted. "He said that since I was too scared to use the toilet, I might as well do my business in the garden." The marionette popped his thumb out of his mouth and raised his right hand. "Hakkai, I swear I always cover up my holes. And the roses are very happy too."

To the geneticist's chagrin, he had indeed noticed that that particular clump of bushes where filled with blooming flowers.

"You're scared to use the toilet?" Hakkai inquired curiously. "Why should you be scared? There's absolutely nothing to be afraid of."

"Kwannon says there's a monster in the toilet. It's the one that makes the loud roaring and gurgling sound. Kwannon says the monster bites you in the tushie and drags you down." Gojyo looked at his guardian in awe. "Oh, Hakkai! You don't know how I scared I am for you whenever you enter the bathroom. Each time, I hear the monster, but you always make it out alive. You're so brave, Hakkai."

The scientist shook his head, groaning. He could just imagine himself inside the marionette's mind -- a knight in shining armor, a large plunger in his hand, battling the 'Creature from the White Commode'. "I should've known that blasted cat was behind this. But what about Goku? Didn't he tell you anything?"

"He tried to, but I was too afraid!" The marionette wiggled uncomfortably. "I have to go, Hakkai!"

"Uh, uh! No garden for you this time. You'll do it the right way!" Saying this, Hakkai snatched a cringing Gojyo off his feet before the clone could escape and plopped him right down on the toilet seat.

Gojyo blanched, realizing that he was sitting on the 'Throne of Doom.' In his terror, his bladder just emptied its contents into the water below.

Bending down to a small lever, Hakkai said, "This is the bidet. You wash with this." He turned it on, sending a small stream of water shooting up to the marionette's crotch. Tickled, Gojyo burst into giggles, squirming on the seat.

Without warning the clone, Hakkai suddenly flushed the toilet. A terrified cry escaping his lips, Gojyo jumped into the scientist's arms, his long legs wrapped around his guardian's hips, hands clinging to his neck. His eyes were tightly shut, face buried in Hakkai's shoulder.

"Look, Angel!" the geneticist urged his beloved creation. "Where's your monster?"

Cautiously, Gojyo raised his head and looked at the water that was slowly being drained out.

Hakkai explained, "The sound you hear is that of dirty water being drained out through that small hole. At the same time, the water in the tank here..." He patted to the porcelain reservoir connected to the bowl. "...Replaces the water that has drained out."

"No monster?" Gojyo timidly asked.

"No monster," the scientist said firmly.

The marionette grinned sheepishly. "I'm such an idiot!"

"Not an idiot. Perhaps too gullible is the right term. You should stop listening too much to Kwannon."

"Oh, I will! I will! I won't believe her anymore! Do you know that she keeps on saying that we're 'siblings', because you made us? How could a dog, a cat and a monkey be my siblings? I'm human, except for these things on my arms and legs..." He pointed to the seams that had failed to close due to the interruption in the cloning process. "...And the three holes at the back of my head." Gojyo grinned broadly, "Goku says I'm an ADVANCED human being...whatever that's supposed to mean."

Rather than give an explanation, the scientist hugged the marionette. "To me, you'll always be my Angel Gojyo."

Hakkai made to kiss the clone's brow, but Gojyo lifted his head that their lips met. Shocked emerald eyes stared into warm crimson doe orbs. Then, the clone's eyelids fluttered shut, waiting. Giving in to an urge, the geneticist deepened the kiss, relishing the feel of the marionette's soft lips upon his mouth. It took every ounce of his strength to end it.

"I love you, Hakkai," Gojyo suddenly murmured, smiling fondly.

Hakkai looked at his charming creation curiously. "Where did you learn that sentence, Angel?"

"From Goku. He told me about caring and love. I care about you, Hakkai. A lot. But it's also...different. It's very hard to put it into words. It's too...deep. Goku says if that's how it feels, it's not just caring anymore. It's love." Again, there was that tender smile as Gojyo repeated, "I love you, Hakkai."

"I love you too, Angel," Hakkai whispered back, meaning every word.

But then, there was a prodding at his hip. The scientist became still, his face turning pale. He didn't even have to guess what it was that was poking at him.

Sure enough, the marionette was grimacing down at the appendage between his legs.

"It's standing up again, Hakkai," Gojyo complained, pointing down. "How do I get it to go down?"

The good doctor let the playful clone down, making sure that his impressive erection does not make any further contact with any of his body parts. He doubted, however, if he could forget it. The image of that proud member prodding his hip would forever be etched in his memories as well as in his fantasies.

"Why don't you go out into the garden and play, Angel?" Hakkai suggested, playfully patting the marionette's bottom. He started at the contact of his palm upon bare skin. He had completely forgotten about getting briefs and trousers for the clone.

Before he could stop him, Gojyo was skipping out of the bathroom. But then, the clone paused at the hallway.

"Oh, hi guys!" The clone thrust his hips forward and pointed to his erection once more. "Look, it's standing again! What is this thing anyway? I have peed already and it just went up."

Hakkai was about to interrupt, but Gojyo tilted his head to the side, a clear prelude to another query. "What's that, Goku? A 'pee nees'? Why do they call it that? Because you pee out of it? I don't understand. And why does it stand?"

"Uh, Gojyo... Let me explain..."

"Who are you calling a dingle brain, Kwannon? I'm NOT a dingle brain!" the marionette declared in outrage. "I'm not making this thing stand! I want it to go down, not up! And what do you mean I've got the hots for Hakkai?" Blushing furiously, Gojyo spun around to face the flustered scientist, waving his hands. "Don't listen to that nasty cat, Hakkai! It's not true that my pee nees stands up whenever I'm near you!"

As the good doctor looked on, Gojyo stomped his feet in a tantrum. Pointing an angry finger, he demanded, "Don't you dare turn your back on me, you ugly cat!" Saying this, the marionette raced after the haughty Persian, shouting, "Get out of my way, Goku, Jiroushin! I'm going to make minced meat pie out of that bad feline! No! Better yet, I'll stuff you down the toilet!"

Hakkai, however, was no longer listening to the marionette's tirade.

"What do you mean I've got the hots for Hakkai?"

The geneticist felt his mind reeling that he propped his right arm against the wall.

"I love you, Hakkai."

Sagging wearily onto the toilet seat, Hakkai found himself bursting into tears. "I love you too, Angel. Very dearly. But how could I give my heart to you, knowing that you could never be mine?"

* * * * * * * * * *

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