Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Marionette ❯ Chapter Seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
© May 24, 2005 By Rory V. Pascual


"Gojyo, hold still! Stop fidgeting!"

"I can't help it, Hakkai! It tickles!"

Hakkai was hooking up the computer cables to the sockets at the back of the marionette's neck. Overseeing the procedure was Goku, who was observing his ex-partner critically with arms akimbo. Pacing to and fro before them in anticipation was a very exuberant Jiroushin. As usual, Kwannon was taking a kitty nap on the console.

Before Hakkai could connect the last cable, dreamy sunset eyes peered up at him.

"Am I really going to see a lot of exciting new things on the Internet, Hakkai?" Gojyo asked for the umpteenth time, hugging Teddy who was seated on his lap.

"Angel, you won't find out if you don't sit still and let me hook you up to the computer," chided the geneticist, raising his brows in mild exasperation.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Thinking the clone would now be motionless, Hakkai resumed his task, only to have Gojyo gaze up at him once more. "But I'm so excited and I just couldn't help myself!"

"Then perhaps you could quell your excitement just a teensy bit so I could finish."

This time, with much effort, Gojyo obediently sat still as Hakkai finished his connections.

Going to the console, Hakkai began, "Now, Angel, I'm going to..." The scientist stopped himself before he could say "Shut you down." Instead, he continued, "I'm going to put you to sleep. Don't be afraid. Net surfing in your head will be just like dreaming, except that you'll remember everything."

"I'm not scared." The marionette beamed down at Goku and Jiroushin. "This is how Goku and Jiroushin and, okay, Kwannon too, taught me the Basics." Gojyo's brows knitted together in a frown. "But, Hakkai, is it true that there are naked women with big boobies on the Internet too? Jiroushin's saying that, after me, you should hook him up to the Net too."

"Why? Do you want to see these naked women?"

"Of course not!" Gojyo retorted in righteous indignation, shocked that his beloved mentor would even dare to ask him that. "That one time was enough for me! Yes, sirree!"

Hakkai typed in a series of codes for the firewall, blocking the marionette's access to all the porn sites. As an added precaution, he also blocked the links to the women's sites as well.

Then, Kwannon meowed softly, smacking his lips. Whatever it was that the cat said caused Goku to leap onto the console, storm towards the smug cat and stomp on that furry tail. Kwannon yowled in pain and hissed at the monkey clone.

Noting the quizzical expression on the marionette's face, Hakkai sighed, knowing that the Persian had given his precious clone another puzzle. "All right! What did Kwannon tell you this time, Angel?"

Gojyo answered, "Kwannon told me to ask you when are you going to give a hot-blooded male like me sex education. He also said that you should teach me how to do it with anyone I want." Again, there was a graceful tilt of his head. "What is sex, Hakkai?" the clone innocently queried. "Kwannon said something about my being hot-blooded. I read in Linchei's book that when you're hot, that means you have a fever and that you're sick. Do I have a fever? Am I sick? Hakkai, is sex something that could cure a fever?"

The scientist glared at the cat, who simply stared back at him. Hakkai blinked at the inquisitive marionette in confusion. Turning to Goku, the monkey clone, unfortunately, just made a reassuring wave that he could handle it.

Scratching his head, however, the geneticist opted to take the easy way out. "Er...uh...Perhaps once you're through with Net surfing, I could answer all your questions. We could both go through Linchei's simple medicine book together."

Goku slapped his hand to his forehead in exasperation, hearing that reply.

Ever patient, Gojyo just grinned and said, "I would like that very much."

Clapping his hands, Hakkai laid a finger over the ENTER key. "Okay, Gojyo! Are you all set to surf the Net?"

"You betcha!" the marionette declared, settling down comfily on his seat, closing his eyes.

Hakkai smiled, seeing the quiet repose on the clone's face. For a moment, he was seized by an urge to kiss those lovely rose lips. Rather than give in to the impulse, he pressed the key, logging Gojyo into the Internet server.

"Happy surfing, Angel!" the scientist whispered as the marionette assumed a more relaxed state as his systems shut down.

Before Hakkai himself could settle down and monitor the data transmission, the sudden ringing of the doorbell jolted him. Even the three animal clones had cocked their heads up at that sound. As he hastened to activate the camera at the front door, Goku's human form appeared on the giant screen.

"Are you expecting someone?" Goku asked, the concern obvious in his voice.

"No," Hakkai answered, typing furiously on his keyboard. "God, I hope it's not Gyumao!"

Then, the image of the scientist's mysterious visitor appeared on a small block of the screen. Hakkai's face darkened, seeing his visitor fumbling on the doorknob with a key.

There was a look of displeasure on Goku's face. "What the hell is that bugger doing here?"

Getting to his feet, Hakkai declared, "Goku! You, Jiroushin and Kwannon must stay with Gojyo. By my estimate, he should be waking up within three to four hours. By that time, I would've gotten rid of our unwanted visitor."

Jiroushin began shaking his head and barked twice.

Goku nodded in approval. "Jiroushin is right, Hakkai. You don't know how smart Gojyo is. He could reactivate a lot sooner than that."

"Then, distract him. Keep him busy. DO ANYTHING! I don't want Gojyo getting out of this lab!"

Saying this, Hakkai hurried out of the lab. Although he knew it wouldn't do much good, he locked the door behind him anyway. Going up to the manor's ground floor, Hakkai found his visitor already waiting for him in the living room, lounging on the couch.

"It's been a long time, Hakkai," his guest said softly, smiling as he stood up.

"How did you get in here?' Hakkai demanded in anger. "Didn't you return my key to me when I told you to leave?"

"You mean this?" The scientist's visitor held out his hand, revealing a shiny key in the middle of his palm. "I had a duplicate made. I knew that it would come in handy someday."

"Well, I don't want you here!" Hakkai made to snatch the key. "Give me that key!"

However, as his hand closed around the key, it was enfolded in a strong grip. With gritted teeth, Hakkai glared at that handsome face that had once caused his heart to flutter and break his marriage vows.

"God damn you, Chin Issou!" he exclaimed in fury. "Let me go! I told you it's over between us!"

Undaunted, Chin Issou took the struggling geneticist into his embrace. "Hakkai, leaving you was the biggest mistake I ever made in my life."

Before Hakkai could utter a retort, Chin pressed his lips to his former lover's mouth. At first, the scientist tried to break free from that strong embrace. Chin, however, was insistent, demanding his surrender. Years of loneliness gagged the cries of his conscience, and Hakkai found himself succumbing to desire. His hands went up to cling tightly to Chin's back.

Giving in to the call of passion, the two men broke up momentarily to go up the stairs, arm in arm, heading for the bedroom.


Goku deactivated the security camera in the master bedroom in sheer disgust. Stealing a glance at the clock hanging on the wall, he realized that the two men had been going at it for nearly two hours.

Shaking his head, Goku mused out loud, :And I thought that idiot of a partner of mine had finally come to his senses.:

:Too bad you're more than just partners in science,:
put in Kwannon, waving her tail with sinuous grace as she looked at the monkey clone. :Both of your heads are located in the region between your legs, and not on top of you shoulders where it should be.:

Goku turned sharply to the haughty feline. :Will nothing good ever come out of that mouth of yours?:

:I'm only telling you to face reality! Nothing's going to change in this place. First, Hakkai betrayed Kanan and Linchei. Now, he's going to do the same to Gojyo.:
There was bitterness in Kwannon's voice. :In the end, we always lose them, because your damned colleague doesn't know how to keep his damned cock out of another stallion's ass and vice versa.:

:Shut your mouth, you blasted cat! How dare you talk about Hakkai that way! Without him, you wouldn't be alive!:

"Alive, yes! But helpless! Unable to do anything!:

There was a startled expression on Jiroushin's face, listening to their exchange. :Why, Kwannon! You surprise me! For awhile there, you nearly had me convinced that all you were capable of was envy and hate.:

:What the hell are you blithering on about, Jiroushin?:
asked Goku, wondering what he had missed.

:You care very much for Gojyo, don't you,: the Golden Retriever persisted. :Don't lie to us, my friend.:

:So what if I do care?:
Kwannon spat back. :We're going to lose Gojyo anyway, the same way we lost Kanan and Linchei. But Gojyo's fate will be much worse, if Hakkai should eventually decide to give him to Gyumao. If only he wasn't so sweet and innocent. So...human...:

:That's the reason why you've been dropping hints of the purpose that Gojyo will serve to Gyumao,:
Goku nodded in understanding.

:Yes. Because if he knows the kind of future that is in store for him, he would learn to say no. That he would fight against his destiny. I don't want to lose him, but I fear that his departure from us would be inevitable. That's why I've been trying to...distance...myself from Gojyo, teach him and myself to hate each other. So that our parting wouldn't be too painful. But I just couldn't do it!: Kwannon looked at the monkey clone in desperation. :For God's sake, Goku! You can't allow this to happen to him! Gojyo may be a cybernetic clone, a confusing mix of living tissue and metal. But each day that passes by, I am more convinced that he is more a human being than a machine. Gojyo feels, he loves. I would even go so far as to say that he has a soul. Tell me if what I say isn't true!:

Hearing the cat's argument, even Goku was at a loss on what to say.

The Persian continued, :You were human once. Would you allow a fellow human being to be corrupted, ABUSED?:

:Kwannon, I told Hakkai I wouldn't permit any wrong to befall Gojyo, and he agrees with me.:

Jiroushin shook his head. :The only reason why Hakkai agreed with you is because he himself is attracted to Gojyo. However, there are two things that are much stronger than his love for our gentle marionette. The first is guilt over his family's death and his own refusal to admit his sexual proclivities. The second is fear of Gyumao. And, now, you could even add a third -- his lust for Chin Issou. Formidable odds, if you ask me.:

:I have faith,:
Goku said firmly. :Call me a dreamer and a romantic, but I know that good and love will triumph in the end.:

:For Gojyo's sake,:
Kwannon began, clearly unconvinced, :I hope you're right. Despite your intelligence, you're still a child, Goku, and you tend to be very naive:

:I am not!:
:In the meantime,:
Jiroushin interjected, :Gojyo's welfare is our responsibility.: He looked meaningfully at the monkey clone. :And this includes teaching him what he should know.:

Goku knew immediately what the Golden Retriever was talking about. Uncomfortable, he said, :I think we should leave this...delicate Hakkai.:

the Persian blurted out in sarcasm. :If that's the case, then the only recourse we have is to put Gojyo in a monastery. I doubt if he'll even hear the word 'sex' there!:

"Whatcha talking about?" a cheerful voice suddenly asked behind them.

The three animals jumped in surprise, their fur bristling. Turning, they found themselves staring at the marionette, who had quietly crawled up to them.

:Gojyo,: Goku began scoldingly, :it's not polite to sneak up on, I mean animals, like that.:

"I'm sorry. It's just that you three looked so serious." As he plopped down on the floor, again there was that tell-tale tilt of his head. Sitting Teddy beside him, Gojyo repeated his earlier question. "Whatcha talking about?"

Jiroushin quickly decided to steer the clone's mind away from his inquiry. :Well, you were fast, Gojyo. How was your trip through cyberspace?:

A glorious smile lifted on the corners of Gojyo's full lips. "It was amazing! So many wondrous things to see and learn! I never knew that the world is such a big place!"

:Do you want to explore the world, Angel?: Goku queried.

The marionette's answer surprised them all. "Actually, I'm of two minds about it. I want to go to all those beautiful places -- like Egypt to see the Great Pyramids and the mummies, San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge." Gojyo grinned shyly. "Maybe even go to London and see the wax figures in MHakkaie Tussaud's Museum. But..."

:But what?:

Gojyo turned somber, confusion written on his handsome face. "The world is a lovely place, sure, but why are there so many ugly things happening? I've seen people with guns shoot at other people. I see them bleed, but most of the time, they don't get up at all." In a hushed tone, he added, "I saw a clip of what happened to those two towers in New York. All those poor people..."

Kwannon at last broke his silence. :They died, Gojyo. All people die eventually, some through old age, others get very sick and don't get well. Some, like the people you saw, perished through violent means.:

"I don't like it," the marionette declared with a stubborn shake of his head. "I don't want anyone to get hurt, more so, to die. It's just too...sad. And sounds so scary."

:Unfortunately, that's the way of the world. Some people have come to think that death is the easy way out of all these problems.:

"Why should it be this way? Why do people hurt each other? Is it so hard to love and help one another? And what about the children? Children die too. Some are so thin because they aren't getting anything to eat. We're supposed to love and cherish the children, aren't we?"

:Oh, how I wish we could answer all your questions, Gojyo,: Goku remarked in sorrow. :I doubt it if anyone could. Maybe if the answers were found, then wars, terrorism, famine, poverty, all the ugliness in the world will be gone.:

The marionette immediately brightened. "I know someone who could solve all these problems -- HAKKAI! Hakkai is so smart, he could make all the ugly things go away!"

Kwannon snorted and muttered, :He couldn't solve his own problems. I doubt if he could cure the world's ills.:

The animals started when Gojyo suddenly piped in, "I know what I'll do! I'll ask him right now!" and quickly bounded towards the door, holding on to the paw of his beloved bear.

:Go get him, Jiroushin!: Goku cried in panic.

Swiftly, the Golden Retriever leaped over the console and made a lunge for the ecstatic marionette. With his teeth, he snatched Gojyo by the waistband of his sweat pants. As he jerked hard, he pulled down the clone's pants below his buttocks. Caught off balance, the poor marionette landed painfully on his behind.

There was a baleful pout on Gojyo's lips as he glared at the dog. "Do you have something against my hiney, Jiroushin?" he asked, rubbing his sore butt. "You did it to me again!"

:Aren't you forgetting something, Gojyo?: Jiroushin queried, panting from that mad dash.

"I forgot something?" Gojyo thought for a moment, tapping his chin with his index finger. Turning over onto his belly, he cupped his face in his hands, legs raised behind him, bent at the knees. Grinning at the three animals, he asked, "What were you talking about?"

Goku and Kwannon glowered at Jiroushin.

:Yeah, Jiroushin,: the monkey clone said sarcastically. :What were we talking about earlier?:

Undaunted, the Golden Retriever declared, :How quickly you have forgotten, my friends! Don't you remember? Kwannon at last admitted to us that she cares a lot about Gojyo.:

A sound like a strangled squeak was elicited from the Persian's mouth.

Furious, Kwannon rounded on the dog. :You call this a bloody distraction? Damn you, Jiroushin! You know that I couldn't care less about this stupid...:

The Persian was never able to finish what she was going to say because the marionette's face suddenly popped up right before her eyes, a hopeful glimmer in his expressive crimson orbs.

"Is it true, Kwannon?" asked Gojyo softly. "Do you really care about me?"

At first, the cat couldn't answer, but the marionette insisted, "Kwannon, please! I like you too, you know. A lot! But I don't like it when we quarrel. We don't have to be nasty to each other. Please, Kwannon! I want to love you."

Kwannon was touched by the sincerity in the clone's words. There was no use in denying what she truly felt. Craning her head upwards, she licked Gojyo's chin.

Giggling, the marionette exclaimed, "Ooh! Your tongue is so rough!" He gently picked up the Persian and gave her a warm hug. "I love you, Kwannon," he kissed the cat at the tip of her nose.

Sighing, Kwannon answered back, :I love you too, Gojyo.:

There was a broad smile on the marionette's lips, making his lovely face shine like the sun. "Isn't it wonderful that we're all great friends! I'm so happy, I'm going to tell Hakkai right now, and also ask him questions about the state of the world too."

As Gojyo stood up with Teddy and the shocked cat in tow, Kwannon shrieked, :Goku! Do something!:

Not knowing what to do, Goku let the cable emerge from the back of his neck, attaching it to the computer, and opened the satellite dish on his crown.

Before Gojyo could reach the door, the monkey clone cried, :Angel, wait! There's something you haven't seen yet.:

The marionette came to a full stop, slowly turning to gaze at the monitor. As the images filled the screen and loud music began to play, Gojyo's mouth gaped open, transforming into an awed smile.

His doe eyes sparkling with wonder and excitement, Gojyo whispered, "WOW!"


"We shouldn't have done this, Chin."

Hakkai had turned away from his lover, his conscience resuming its relentless nagging over his weakness.

Chin leaned over so that he could drape his arm over the scientist. "Why not? Hakkai, it's been three years, too long if you ask me. How long are you going to deprive yourself of the love and companionship that you need?"

"Companionship? Yes, perhaps. But love?" The geneticist made a wry laugh. "I'm having serious doubts that that is what I feel for you, even before. More and more, I am convinced that it's just a fling, a one night stand that cost me dearly."

"It wasn't a one night stand for me. Hakkai, you should've told Kanan about us. I've suggested that to you many times."

"You know I couldn't leave my family. In a way, I loved Kanan. I loved Linchei even more." Hakkai closed his eyes as the memory came flooding back. "I would give anything to turn back the hands of time, and that Kanan didn't catch us in bed together that night."

"But you can't do that. It's over. It has happened, and no miracle could help undo that...mistake. However, you're still alive. You cannot live like this, all alone and still wallowing in guilt and grief." Chin turned onto his back and sighed, an arm over his brow. "You don't know how much you hurt me when you told me to leave. For three lonely years, I kept my distance, because I wanted you to realize how important I still am to you. But you never called, neither did you inquire about me from Gyumao. In the end, I decided to come back. I should never have left."

"It's over between us, Chin. You should never have returned." Hakkai stood up, wincing at the aches in his body, and got dressed. Besides, I have my work to occupy my mind."

"Ah, yes! Gyumao's project… I've heard there's been a setback. Hakkai, I used to be your research assistant. I could help you."

Exhausted and in emotional distress as he was, the scientist failed to notice the menacing undercurrent in his lover's words. "It's only temporary. The project is now right back on track. Gyumao will get his results in six months time guaranteed. And, no, I don't need an assistant. I cannot afford any...distractions."

Chin got up as well. Going towards the scientist, he wrapped his arms around Hakkai's waist. "Are you sure?" he nibbled on an earlobe. "Remember that you and I used to work really well together."

Hakkai, however, pulled away. "Yes, I'm sure."

Breathing in deeply, Chin said, "All right, Hakkai. If that's what you want. But I do not want you to prohibit me from coming here. I want to visit you whenever I'm available. Hakkai..." He looked meaningfully at his lover. "I can't live without you."

The geneticist sighed. "If you want to visit, yes, you may, but I suggest you call up first before coming. As I said, I'm at a critical stage in my work. I can't afford any mistakes or mishaps happening again. Also, if you're expecting that you and I will... Don't put too much hope in it, Chin. You'll only hurt yourself in the end."

"I'm not giving up on you, Hakkai," Chin said firmly. "You can mark my words on that."

"Suit yourself," remarked Hakkai, shrugging. "But you're wasting your time."

A few minutes later, the two men emerged from the bedroom. As they went down the stairs, the sound of music immediately caught their ears. Hakkai frowned, realizing that it was coming from the lab. What was worse, singing along to the music was the marionette.

"'I'm afraid of Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera!'" Gojyo happily sang. The scientist nearly groaned when the clone queried, "Why should I be afraid of Britney? I LOVE Britney!" This was followed by a cheer of "Ooh! It's Rambo No. 5!"

"What the hell is that?" Chin suddenly asked behind him.

"I must've left the radio on when I went to answer the door. It's nothing," Hakkai swiftly replied, hoping to draw his lover's attention away from the lab.

But Chin's curiosity was aroused. When he was waiting for the geneticist in the living room, he was sure that he did not hear the radio playing.

Glancing suspiciously at Hakkai, he inquired, "Since when did you start listening to music in the lab? You hated any kind of noise when you're working."

"That was then. This is now. I like to listen to music. It helps me to concentrate more. At least, I wouldn't be thinking of something else, something more distracting." Hakkai gestured to his lover. "It's time for you to go now, Chin."

At first, Chin hesitated, his eyes still focused on that small stairway leading down to the lab. Hakkai, however, took his hand in a firm grip, tugging on it. With no choice but to obey his lover's wishes, Chin allowed the geneticist to lead him to the door.

As he opened the door, Hakkai raised his hand, palm up. "The key, please?"

With great reluctance, Chin laid the silver key in Hakkai's hand. "Hakkai, we'll be seeing a lot of each other again. I promise you that."

"Like I said, call first. Goodbye, Chin," the scientist simply said, gesturing to the parked car.

Leaning forward, Chin kissed Hakkai on the lips. This time, the good doctor found the strength to turn away.

Patting Hakkai's shoulder, Chin said, "I'll be seeing you!"

He then strode towards his convertible and got inside. As he turned on the ignition, he gave one last look at Hakkai before driving down the driveway and out of the electronic gates.

Shaking his head, Hakkai remembered that he had forgotten to delete Chin's entry code. Well, he won't forget this time. Despite the irresistible temptation his ex-lover was, he had to close that door to his past.

"Ooh! It's 'Rambo No. 5'!" That exuberant voice rang in his ears.

The laughter just bubbled out of Hakkai like a clear blue spring. Yes, Chin was a part of the past. He now had someone in his life. Someone very important, and who truly needed him and loved him. With a skip and a whistle, the scientist hurried back inside the manor, and went down to the lab. When he opened the door with his key, a fond smile quirked up the corners of his lips.

Sure enough, playing on MTV Rewind was the video to Lou Bega's "Mambo No. 5." Gojyo was dancing to the bouncy tune, holding on to a gyrating Goku, who was tapping his feet and wiggling his behind and tail on top of the console. Jiroushin was also dancing at their feet, swaying his body left and right and then whirling around and around like a top. Surprisingly, even Kwannon was giving it her all as well. The cat was walking back and forth on the console, head moving right and left, tail wagging, much like that scene in Linchei's favorite cartoon, "The Lion King."

Then, Gojyo started to sing with Bega, and Hakkai had a difficult time holding back his giggles, hearing the marionette's impromptu lyrics.

"A little bit of Hakkai in my life
A little bit of Kanan by my side
A little bit of Linchei's what I need
A little bit of Teddy's what I see
A little bit of Jiroushin in the sun
A little bit of Goku all night long
A little bit of Kwannon, here I am
A little bit of Gojyo, makes me the Angel!
Yeah! Rambo No. 5!"

Suddenly, the music video ended and Gojyo grumbled, "Awww! Why did it end so soon? Play it again, Goku! Play it again! I want to dance some more! 'Rambo No. 5' is a great song!"

"Don't you mean 'Mambo No. 5', Angel?" Hakkai heard his amused colleague's voice over the speakers.

Shrugging, the clone remarked, "Whatever! Play it again! Play it again!"

But then, the VJ announced that they were going to play Britney Spears' "Slave 4 U" video next, and the marionette exclaimed, "Never mind! Never mind! I love Britney!"

Goku had spied Hakkai peering at them from the stairway. Turning to Gojyo, he requested, :Gojyo, you know how to dance like Britney, don't you? Why don't you show us the whole thing? If there are any corrections, we could make them now so that you could surprise Hakkai later with it.:

Grinning, the marionette simply said, "Okay!" and took his position on the small platform before the monitor. Hakkai himself had decided to sit down on the stairs to watch his beloved clone perform, expecting the bouncy hip hop dances that were very popular among teens nowadays. Unfortunately for Hakkai, he hasn't been updated on pop culture to know that the singer in the video has decided to make a more mature turn. The good doctor frowned as the song began with a huskily spoken line, followed by a sinuous beat.

Ever so slightly, Gojyo jerked his hips from side to side, the movement becoming more pronounced. His hands went up, fingers running through his silken tresses. The marionette jumped up, parting his legs when he landed. As he did so, his left hand remained on top of his head, while his right was laid over his belly, his hips now moving round and round. Like a graceful belly dancer -- or a male stripper, Gojyo danced with seductive grace, letting his fingers roam all over his body.

With mouth agape, Hakkai watched in stunned silence as the marionette performed. It did not surprise the scientist that Gojyo was able to follow exactly the moves of the sexy singer on the screen. However, in the close-up segments and in the parts where no dance steps were performed, the clone improvised with graceful moves of his own. Although a natural dancer, Gojyo was completely oblivious to what those lewd gestures truly meant. What a conundrum it was, seeing an innocent perform such a very suggestive dance.

Hakkai hadn't realized that he had held his breath until he noticed that those lovely crimson eyes were focused on him. Before he knew what was happening, the marionette was running towards him, crying excitedly, "Hakkai! Hakkai!" The scientist let out a sharp exhalation when he was given an enthusiastic hug.

"Why didn't you tell me Hakkai was here?" Gojyo asked the three animals, pouting. "That was supposed to be a surprise!" Turning to the startled geneticist, the marionette queried, "You didn't see everything, did you, Hakkai? You didn't peek. Or maybe if you did, it was just a teensy little peek."

Hakkai swallowed hard as the memory of the clone's dance caused an arousal in his groin. To his dismay, he could feel his cock straining against the confines of his slacks. It certainly did not react this way and so quickly when he was with Chin.

Delighted giggles snapped him out of his reverie. Hakkai blushed scarlet, seeing the way the marionette eyed his crotch.

Pointing to the distinct bulge in the good doctor's trousers, Gojyo declared, "Oh, lookie, lookie! Hakkai's thingee is standing too!"

Hakkai shielded his erection with his hands before the clone could poke an inquisitive finger at it. "Why don't you go upstairs and we could discuss what you saw and learned on the Internet?"

"Oh, I saw lots and lots of things, and I have lots and lots of questions to ask you too." Gojyo beamed as he took Teddy into his embrace. "And Kwannon and I have become great friends. In fact..." He nodded towards the three animal clones who were seated side by side, like solemn soldiers. "...They told me that they would protect me from all perverts." Tilting his head to the side, the marionette inquired, "I don't have the dictionary and I certainly don't want to memorize all the words there, so I must ask you. What's a pervert, Hakkai? Kwannon says that Jiroushin's a pervert. He also says that Goku's a pervert too, but you're the biggest pervert of all. Are you a pervert, Hakkai?"

"Of course not!" Hakkai blurted out, although the voice of his conscience boomed, "LIAR!" Waving the marionette upstairs, he said, "Let's not have any more talk of perverts. Come on, Angel! Upstairs now!"

Gojyo wagged a scolding finger as he skipped up the steps. "I told you guys that 'pervert' is one of those bad words."

The three animal clones followed their ward. Hakkai frowned, seeing first Kwannon and then Jiroushin give him a fierce glare. Goku stopped directly before the scientist, paws on his waist. He always assumed this stern posture when his partner did something bad.

Raising his hands to his sides, palms up, Hakkai asked, "WHAT?"

Goku's human form appeared on the monitor. Snorting in disgust, he said, "Those two are right. You ARE a pervert."

"I was distracting, Chin!" the geneticist argued helplessly.

"You seemed to be enjoying yourself in the bedroom. That was one hell of a distraction."

"He would've gone into the lab with the way you guys were making noise! I had to do something!"

Goku, however, shook his head and made a dismissing gesture. "Keep on saying that lie, Hakkai, and you'll start believing it." As the monkey clone walked away, he remarked, "We need to have a serious talk about this, Hakkai. Your blasted libido could get Gojyo into trouble. Mark my words! We will not allow anything to happen to him."

"Nothing's going to happen to Gojyo," Hakkai retorted after his ex-colleague's departing figure. "Chin's never coming back!"


His convertible parked on the side of the road halfway down the mountain, Chin Issou was on the cellphone, glancing back up to where the manor was located.

"Well, what did you find out?" Gyumao's voice spoke on the other end.

"Nothing yet, I'm afraid," said Chin. "But Hakkai was certainly acting pretty suspicious. He wouldn't let me into the lab. Just give me a few days and you'll have your answer."

"Call me immediately once you get results," Gyumao ordered. "I've always suspected that Hakkai has succeeded with his experiment. Before he could get any notions inside his head to keep his creation, I want my little clone and I want him now."

A sly grin formed on Chin's face. "Please be a little patient, sir. I promise once I locate the clone, I will contact you immediately."

"I'm counting on you, Chin Issou! Don't forget that I have a huge reward waiting for you," the billionaire declared. There was an audible click as Gyumao put down his phone.

Chin looked at his phone, muttering, "Just make certain that you pay up, you dirty old man, or else I'll take your precious marionette for myself."

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