Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Marionette ❯ Chapter Ten ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
© May 28, 2005 By Rory V. Pascual


In the days that followed, Hakkai found himself walking in a dreamy, sensual haze, conjured up his own beloved creation. Even the heated embraces of Chin Issou were not enough to quell the fires of desire that were raging within him. His passions were now being stoked to a blazing inferno by the love and honesty of an innocent heart.

Day and night, Hakkai was plagued by images of an angelic succubus with the eyes of a fawn and the lips of a siren.

"Do you love me, Hakkai?" that sweet husky voice whispered enticingly inside his head. "I know that I can make you happy. It would be my pleasure to make love to you."

Many times, he would find himself on the brink of saying this lovely wraith's name, so very close to saying those three precious words as well. However, it was by sheer force of will that he roused himself from this dream...only to find himself staring back at those same tantalizing, playful eyes in reality.

"Are you all right, Hakkai?" that query of concern issued forth from those luscious lips that were hovering so close to his own mouth. "You fell asleep with your eyes open again."

Resisting the urge to kiss that lovely mouth, Hakkai would smile wanly and raise his hand to caress a prominent cheekbone. "I guess I have, Angel," was all he could say. "I guess I have." And then, he would walk away without saying another word, aware that he had disappointed, yet again, the cyborg he had left behind.

But Gojyo was not the type to give up so easily, a trait he probably inherited from the genes of the unknown man whose cells were used in the creation of this amazing clone. This wonderful marionette.

Despite the vehement objections of his animal guardians, Gojyo immersed himself in his 'studies' on human sexuality, not just in books he had sneaked out of Hakkai's library, but also in the Internet, having learned for himself how to open and close the portals to those sites that his mentor didn't want him to see. This was during the day. Nights were spent for hands-on experimentation.

Hakkai had unwittingly stumbled upon one of these nocturnal, intimate explorations. One night, the scientist had suffered an attack of conscience that the marionette had taken to sleeping in his own room ever since Chin reentered his life. There's also the added reason that Hakkai missed having the childlike clone cuddling up to him at every evening.

As he opened the door, before he could even utter a syllable, Hakkai's vocal cords were frozen in his throat, his blood running as cold as ice then as hot as molten lava, when he beheld the tempting dish that was laid out on the bed.

Gojyo lay gloriously naked, his luxurious crimson tresses fanning out on the corners. Sitting so close to his side, watching his every sensuous move through shiny black button eyes, was Teddy. With soft gasps and whimpers being elicited from his moist lips, his trembling fingers explored every inch of his body. His eyes were shut, an occasional tremor occurring in his eyelids when his fingertips brushed over a deliciously sensitive area. Hakkai noticed how the marionette's left hand lingered over the tiny disks of his chest, teasing the nubs into hard points. His right gracefully slid down his flat belly, tracing the pit that was his navel. Going further down, there was a moment's hesitation, his fingers playing with the blood red curls of his crotch, in which the sleeping serpent lay. Then, not wanting to delay it any further, his hand suddenly grabbed his cock in a fierce grip.

Hakkai didn't wait any longer for what he knew was about to happen next. The minute that Gojyo gripped his member, the scientist rushed out of the room, a hand placed over his mouth to stifle his cry. It took considerable effort for him to close the door quietly. Out in the hallway, he leaned against the wall, panting for breath. Realizing that he needed a cold shower and fast, he hurried to his own room and locked the door.

Unknown to the good doctor, Gojyo's right eyelid fluttered open, dismayed to find the door closed. Taking Teddy, he sat up, placing the bear on his lap.

Quizzically, the marionette asked his faithful toy, "Wasn't Hakkai just here, Teddy?" A mischievous grin quirked up his lips. "Do you think he liked what he saw? But then..." Gojyo pouted as he glanced at the door once more. "Why did he run away? It doesn't happen that way in the movies I watched. They always tumble into bed together." With a sigh, he raised the bear before him and smiled. "I'm not giving up, Teddy. I know what Hakkai needs and that's me. Certainly not that yuccky Chin person!"

However, the marionette was unaware that lust and a guilty conscience were excellent defenses against an irresistible temptation. To avoid any further confrontations with the amorous, and obviously jealous, clone, Hakkai had taken to meeting Chin almost every night in a small roadside motel. This was a sin he could live with. Even if his lover were to eventually go his merry way, it was a loss that he knew he could deal with. As he had told Gojyo days back, Chin provided him with company, a temporary respite from grief and loneliness.

What the marionette was offering was a different thing altogether. No matter how strong the urge was he couldn't bring himself to take what Gojyo was giving him. The needs of the flesh and the heart were two different things. He had separated these two before when Kanan was still alive. Now, he was again faced with the same difficult choice. This time, however, Gojyo CAN fulfill both his needs. But he dared not succumb to the temptation, fearing a repeat of the tragedy from three years ago.

As expected, in the days that followed, Gojyo's frustration grew. He knew that his guardian was attracted to him. He was hoping against all hope that Hakkai could actually be in love with him. But the scientist's evasive behavior was wearing his patience thin. He had to do something.

One day, to the scientist's dismay, the marionette had taken it upon himself to be extremely tenacious. Everywhere he went, the clone was sure to follow. Hakkai had begged Goku, Jiroushin and Kwannon to help him get Gojyo out of his hair, but his best friend and the two animal clones did nothing. Worse, they were very amused and approving of the marionette's determined attempts to woo him. The manor seemed suddenly stifling to him. He wanted to get out of the house.

That afternoon, Hakkai had made the decision to go down to the city. He would ask Gojyo, in the meantime, to keep an eye out for the three animal clones, who were undergoing a thorough systems check. At Goku's insistence, even Hakuryu was being programmed with data so that his intelligence would be at the same level as the rest of them. Hakkai hoped that watching over the clones will keep the marionette busy. The geneticist was thankful, at least, that he didn't have a clandestine rendezvous planned that night with Chin. He desperately needed to be alone for a change.

When he emerged from the bathroom, however, Hakkai never expected the alluring sight that greeted him.

Like the seductive sirens he had seen on the Net, Gojyo was lying on his side on Hakkai's bed, as bare as a babe, head propped up on his right hand. His left hand was playing with the ribbon around Teddy's neck. His left leg was crossed over his right, hiding the rod that lay between them. The scientist could still see, though, the dark line marking the top of the curls of his crotch.

With a charming smile on his lips and a graceful twist of his head, the marionette breathed huskily, "Do you like what you see, Hakkai?"

To the good doctor, that beautiful body was a feast for a starving man. Sadly, it was a feast that he could not and must not partake from. With gritted teeth and clenched fists, he steeled himself for the unpleasant task at hand.

Grabbing the robe from the hook, Hakkai hurled the garment at the clone. As the marionette stared at him in shock, the scientist ordered bluntly, "Get dressed! You look like a damned hussy!"

Something in Hakkai's voice made the clone hasten to obey. "Hakkai, what's wrong?" Gojyo asked nervously, swiftly donning the robe. "Why are you so angry?"

"You disappoint me, Gojyo," Hakkai muttered as he quickly got dressed as well. "I thought you would be different. I thought you were special. Instead, here you are, acting like a common whore. What the hell did I do to make you turn out this way?"

There was that familiar tilt of his head. "What's a whore?" the marionette queried. "First it was Kwannon who called me that. Now you. Why do you call me that? What does it mean?"

"You've seen the male and female sluts on those dirty videos you've been watching. They're whores, Gojyo. They bare their bodies and have sex with anyone for money."

At that answer, Gojyo finally understood the oddity in the auras surrounding those people in the videos. The aura of love was different. This, what he had seen, was the turbulent aura of sex. The same chaotic haze that was covering Hakkai and Chin when he had barged in on them.

"But I'm not a whore," Gojyo argued. "And I'm not offering you sex so that you could pay me. Hakkai, it's love that I want to give you."

"Is that the reason why you've been throwing yourself at me? God, Gojyo! You are so cheap! And you make me feel cheap as well! Do think me the type of person who would just go to sleep with anybody?"

"You know I'm not 'anybody'. I'm me -- Gojyo. Your Angel!"

"You are NOT my Angel!" Hakkai said flatly.

Resentment rose inside the marionette. "I know that I'm still the same person. It's you who have changed, Hakkai. Ever since Chin came, you changed. You're not the Hakkai I used to know."

"Is that why you're so desperate to get my attention? Gojyo, you're jealous of Chin. No matter what you do, you could never be the lover that Chin is in bed."

"How would you know if you don't give me a chance to show you?" Gojyo shook his head in dismay. "This is stupid. We shouldn't be fighting like this." He rushed towards Hakkai, gripping his mentor's arm in desperation. "Hakkai, stop lying to me and to yourself. You're not happy with Chin. Except for the sex, I know you don't care for him, and he definitely does not care about you. Not like me. I'll say it again and again until you listen. Hakkai, I LOVE YOU!"

To the marionette's shock, Hakkai jerked his arm out of the clone's grasp and burst into bitter laughter. "Love? You? How could you know about love? How could you know how it feels to be in love? YOU'RE NOT EVEN HUMAN!"

Gojyo gaped at the scientist in stunned silence. When he, at last, found his voice, he stammered, "What are you saying, Hakkai? I don't understand! What do you mean I'm not human?"

Rather than answer the confused clone's questions, Hakkai grabbed his jacket and ran out the door. It took a minute or two for Gojyo to get a hold of his wits, snatch the bear, and hurry after his guardian. But by then, it was too late. Just as he went out the door, Hakkai was already inside his jeep, speeding down the driveway and out the gates. Dismayed and bewildered by what had just occurred, the marionette slowly went back inside the house,

In his haste to flee the manor, Hakkai didn't notice the figure hiding in the garden.

For the past days, Chin Issou had been monitoring his lover's movements, waiting for the opportunity to confront the cyborg alone. With Hakkai gone, here was the chance he was waiting for. Before the clone could close the door behind him, Chin swiftly squeezed into the crack, surprising Gojyo. Grinning at the marionette, who had retreated a few steps into the living room, Chin locked the door.

"What are you doing here? What do you want?" Gojyo demanded, holding Teddy before him like a shield. "If you're looking for Hakkai, he's not here."

Chin slowly approached the clone. "Actually, I'm not here for Hakkai. I wanted to talk to you."

"I don't want to talk to you," the marionette declared hotly. "Go away!"

Chin, however, continued to circle the clone like a ravenous wolf. "I know who you are, Gojyo. Hakkai has been keeping your existence a secret for the past months. Unfortunately, secrets were never meant to be kept forever. Too bad you had to barge in on us that night."

"I know who I am," Gojyo retorted, more as a rebuttal to Hakkai's earlier statement than to Chin's sly insinuations. "I'm a person. A human being!"

At that reply, Chin burst into derisive laughter. "You really don't know what you are, do you. But never mind. No matter what you do, Hakkai will never love you the same way he does me."

"That's not true. Hakkai doesn't love you. He only wants you because of the sex you give him. If only Hakkai will just give me a chance, I'll show him that I'm much better in bed than you."

"Oh, really! And where did you learn all about sex? It's obvious to me your programming was never completed, because you're such an idiot about sex. Where did you get your 'education', Gojyo? From porn?"

Gojyo blushed a deep red, unable to speak. In his agitation, he had pressed Teddy close to his cheek and popped his thumb between his lips.

"You won't be able to satisfy Hakkai in bed if you don't have...experience," Chin continued. Inwardly, he added, I seriously doubt if Gyumao would have the patience for a stupid little virgin like you. Again, there was that wicked grin. "If you like, I could teach you."

The marionette looked at the other man suspiciously. "Why would you want to do that? If you teach me, and I will become a much better lover than you, you might lose Hakkai."

"Well, you're right in that Hakkai does love you more than he does me. However, you stand to lose him as well if you don't know how to satisfy him in bed. He's a very insatiable lover. But if you let me teach you, reassure me that you could make Hakkai happy, I'm willing to back off." Chin gave the cyborg a knowing glance. "Well, Gojyo? What do you say?"

Gojyo thought for a long moment. He wanted Hakkai to love him, but as Chin said, he lacked the experience. Shyly, he nodded his head.

Chin smiled broadly as he reached out and took the marionette's arm. He led Gojyo towards the couch, laying him down and removing his robe. Chin wanted to drool at the magnificent body of the clone beneath him.

Loosening his trousers, Chin slowly leaned down, an evil smile on his face. "Just relax, Gojyo. This won't hurt a bit."


Kwannon was the first to awaken from her computer-induced sleep. Yawning, she glanced at her companions, who were waking up as well.

As she unhooked herself from the console, the cat asked, :Do you guys need any help?:

:We can manage, Kwannon,:
Goku reassured the Persian. :Why don't you go and check on Gojyo? I still have to see to Hakuryu.:

:Are you sure that's proper?:
Jiroushin inquired with good humor. :He and Hakkai might still be doing something right now.:

:I seriously doubt if they even made it to the bed,:
Kwannon snorted back. :That grandson of yours has been acting very strange these past few days, Goku. Maybe we should advise Gojyo to lay off a bit. I think our dear marionette is coming on to Hakkai to aggressively.:

Goku sighed. :Perhaps you're right. We'd better have a talk with Gojyo. Damn, if that youngling isn't so difficult to deal with as well. Thank goodness he hasn't turned into a pervert from watching all that porn.:

the Golden Retriever began. :I certainly don't think that those hustlers on the video would make a good role model for Gojyo when it comes to the seduction department. I think he'd be better off if we taught him about the finer points of courtship.:

:Hah! What does a dog know of courtship anyway?:
Kwannon declared. :Goku probably could teach Gojyo, but he'd probably have our precious marionette running after anyone in skirts and trousers. Besides, Goku is himself a kid!:

:I resent that remark, you hacking furball!:
the monkey clone retorted back. :Let's talk about this later. In the meantime, as I said earlier, please check on Gojyo, Kwannon. We'll just unplug ourselves from the computer and we'll follow you.:

:Hurry up!:
said the Persian as she flounced towards the open door. :I don't know how to deal with the questions of a love struck clone.:

As Kwannon, however, went outside the lab, she heard voices coming from the living room. At first, she didn't recognize the voice of one of the speakers, but her ears perked up at the sound of Gojyo's plaintive wails.

"No! Please let me go!" Gojyo cried. "I don't like it! I don't want to do this anymore!"

"I thought you wanted to be a great lover for Hakkai," that very familiar voice snapped back. "You won't be able to satisfy him if you're this squeamish."

"Hakkai will understand! He's always been very gentle with me. But not this! Let me go! You're hurting me!"

Kwannon's pupils narrowed into vertical slits as the sound of a sharp slap pierced the air.

"You can't say no to me, Gojyo! I'm doing you a favor as it is! What kind of a cyber whore would you be if you couldn't satisfy the man who truly owns you!"

At that retort, the Persian dashed into the living room. Kwannon was stunned to see a naked Gojyo struggling on the couch, pinned down by the leering form of Chin Issou. The marionette's long legs were slung over the evil man's shoulders. The cat was horrified at the sight of Chin's huge member eager to plunder the innocent flesh of the clone.

With a howl, Kwannon leaped into the air, her claws bared. Landing on Chin's head, the cat scratched him in the face, creating bleeding slashes across his cheek. Chin released Gojyo, howling in pain, as he struggled to pull the tenacious cat off him. Grabbing Kwannon by the scruff of her neck, he hurled the Persian into the far corner of the room.

"KWANNON!" Gojyo cried out, seeing the cat lying stunned on the floor.

Before he could run to the fallen feline, a strong hand grabbed the marionette's arm.

"Where do you think you're going, you little bitch!" asked Chin, grinning broadly at the terrified clone.

Then, there was a loud bark and, from out of nowhere, Jiroushin appeared, his teeth sinking into the arm that was holding Gojyo. Hakuryu even swooped down on the evil man, blasting him with a stream of fire, which Chin barely evaded. At once, Chin let go of the marionette, who quickly ran to Kwannon, cradling her in his arms.

As Chin grappled with Jiroushin, Goku appeared as well, his cable extended to its longest length, still connected to the computer. The monkey clone held a long steel bar in his hands like a quarterstaff.

"Let him go, Jiroushin!" Goku declared over the speakers.

With great reluctance, the Golden Retriever released the evil man, who stood gripping his bleeding arm.

Looking at the speakers, Chin blurted out, "Son Goku! Is that you? It can't be! You're dead!"

"My body may be ashes, but my mind is still very much alive." Goku leaped on top of the table, staff held in readiness to strike. Chin stared at the monkey clone in shock, realizing immediately that the mind of the brilliant scientist was inside this grotesque animal. "Didn't I tell you not to come back here? You've overstayed your welcome, Chin Issou. Leave this place and never return!"

"Do you think you or those three animals could stop me?" Chin waved a furious hand at the cat, dog and dragon. "Oh, I'll be back! You can mark my words on that! And when I return, I'll be bringing Gyumao with me!" Pointing a finger at the terrified marionette, he added, "Did you think you could hide him from Gyumao? He wants his little sex toy and I intend to deliver Gojyo to him!"

"If that's the case," Goku began menacingly, his grip on the staff tightening, "then perhaps we should kill you right now."

"Please! No killing!" Gojyo suddenly exclaimed. "I don't want anyone to die!"

"But Gojyo…" the monkey clone said, surprised at the marionette's plea. "You have no idea what this man intends to do!"

"You're right I don't know!" Gojyo shook his head miserably. "There are so many things I don't know! I don't know who Gyumao is! He says I'm not human and that I'm just a sex toy! I don't understand any of this!"

Chin's jaw hardened as he gazed at Goku. "You'd better tell him the truth now, and don't you even dare think of running away with him. We'll find you. Gojyo belongs to Gyumao and there is nothing you could do about it."

Kwannon leaped out of Gojyo's hand and took her place beside Jiroushin. Hakuryu sat down on Goku's shoulders, red eyes ablaze. The animal clones snarled at the evil man who dared to ruin the peace of their home.

"GO AWAY, CHIN ISSOU!" Goku roared in fury. "If you persist in staying, I will not obey Gojyo's plea. I swear I will kill you myself!"

Chin glared at the clones one last time. With a sharp cry of "I'll be back!", he ran out the door, slamming it shut behind him.

When he was gone, the four animals converged around the marionette.

:Did he hurt you, Gojyo?: Goku asked, greatly concerned. :Did he...:

"No, he hasn't done anything to me...yet," Gojyo admitted, much to the relief of the clones. "I became frightened. His touch, his kisses... They revolted me. They weren't like Hakkai's sweet caresses or kisses. Chin..." The marionette took a deep breath to steady his nerves. "He said so many things that confused me. What's going on, Goku? What the hell am I?"

Goku looked at Kwannon and Jiroushin. Sadly, the dog and the cat nodded. Still uncomprehending, Hakuryu looked at all of them curiously.

Sighing, the monkey clone said, "Let's go inside the lab, Angel. We need to talk about this."

* * * * * * * * * *

AUTHOR'S NOTES: I'm just waiting for my boss so I decided to post this. Next chapters of both "Marionette" and "Fire And Earth" will come out on Thursday. Sorry, but we're rushing some issues this week. See you then!

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