Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Marionette ❯ Chapter Nine ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
© May 26, 2005 By Rory V. Pascual



After hurriedly dispatching Chin on his way, without giving his lover the benefit of an explanation for the young man who had unwittingly caught them in a most uncompromising position, Hakkai had stormed towards the lab. Seeing his three clones, he had immediately rounded on them.

"We did what we had to do, Hakkai," said Goku strongly. "You dilly dallied too long. In one way or another, Gojyo has to learn about this subject matter."

"But did you have to traumatize him with pornography?" the scientist retorted back. "For God's sake, Goku! I always knew you were a pervert, but I never realized what a dirty-minded kid you are."

Kwannon leaped on the console, putting herself between her creator and the monkey clone. She connected her peripheral to the computer in order that she could be heard this time.

Glaring at Hakkai, the Persian declared over the speakers, "You dare to call your friend a pervert! What about you, Hakkai? Just like three years ago, you locked yourself up with your damned boyfriend inside your bedroom, caring not one wit about Gojyo and his feelings. Same as what you did to your family. All you do is fuck your brains out and not give a shit about the people you hurt in the process!"

Hakkai pointed a finger at Kwannon. "Don't you dare talk to me that way! You're just a damned cat!"

"We may be animals, but we are more sensible than you," Jiroushin decided to interject. "Goku's right. You've constantly evaded performing this important duty. Hakkai, you didn't give us any choice."

On the screen, Goku shook his head in sorrow. "We're truly sorry this happened, son. But as I said, we had to do it."

"If he knew what Gyumao is planning for him," Kwannon began, "we were hoping that Gojyo would learn to say no and fight his destiny."

Jiroushin added, "We only had good intentions, Hakkai. You know how much we love our dear marionette. But we never expected this reaction from him. Besides that..." The Golden Retriever gave his creator a meaningful glance. "One way or another, sooner or later, Gojyo would've found out about you and Chin. That is the true reason for your anger, isn't it?"

"I know that Gojyo would eventually learn about Chin, but not in this way!" Hakkai exclaimed in despair. "It's like Kanan and Linchei all over again."

"If it's any consolation for you," said Goku, "Gojyo is still inside his room, and I don't think he has any intention of leaving it."

The good doctor ran his fingers through his ruffled hair and scratched the top of his head. "I'm going to talk to him. See if I could undo the...damage."

As Hakkai strode towards the door, his former colleague called after him, "We're not taking all the credit for Gojyo's psyche."

Rather than reply, the scientist simply granted Goku a fierce glare as he walked out of the lab. Despite his hesitation and the furious pounding of his heart, Hakkai's steps were steady and sure as he went up the stairs. Reaching the marionette's room, he knocked twice on the door.

"Gojyo, it's me," Hakkai announced to the clone inside the bedroom. "Would you please open the door? We need to talk."

The geneticist waited for a minute or two. For his patience, he was rewarded by the soft click of the door being unlocked. Turning the knob, he entered the guest room.

Gojyo was huddled in a corner of the bed, leaning against the headboard. He was hugging Teddy in a choking bear hug. Standing on the covers, like a soldier on duty, were his chattering teeth. There was a wary expression on the marionette's face, his eyes shadowed and red from weeping, as he watched his guardian's approach.

As he sat down on the bed, Hakkai softly began, "I don't know where to start, Angel. I'm afraid that if I just ramble off an explanation to you, you might not understand."

His voice hoarse, Gojyo replied. "You're right in that I don't understand. I'm so confused."

"The first step to understanding is to seek clarification, to simply ask. Gojyo, I'm here for you now. What do you want to know? Please tell me what's on your mind."

The marionette laid Teddy on his lap and, propping his arms on the bed, leaned forward, to face his creator. "What is sex all about anyway, Hakkai? Why is sex so important? Why do people crave for it so much? The images I it really supposed to be that way -- all smacking lips, snaking tongues, groping hands and all that other stuff I don't even want to think about. Is that the reason why my 'pee nis' thingee is standing all the time, because it wants to have sex? How could you put something as big as this into a teeny weeny hole? How does it feel when you have sex? Those women who got the man's 'pee nis' thingee inserted inside them -- they were moaning and groaning. Some were even screaming. Does it really hurt that bad?" He settled back on the headboard once more and wrapped his arms around his knees. Ducking his head behind his arms, he whispered with great hesitation, "I thought only men and women could have sex. Was that what you were doing, Hakkai? Were you having sex with that man?" There was great anguish in those brown eyes as Gojyo looked at Hakkai once more. "He didn't hurt you, did he? I shouldn't have left you alone with him. But I was too startled and afraid. Please tell me you're all right, Hakkai!"

Hakkai laid a gentle hand on that silky smooth cheek to calm the distraught clone. "No, Gojyo. He didn't hurt me. As you can, I'm quite fine."

With a sad shake of his head, the marionette mumbled again, "I don't understand any of this."

The scientist climbed onto the bed, and sat beside his creation, their backs to the headboard. Taking a deep breath to settle his own nerves, Hakkai began his attempt to answer the clone's questions.

"What is sex? Basically, it's the joining of two beings, normally a man and a woman who are married, in order to conceive a baby. That's the primary function of sex -- to have children. Sex, however, also serves a much deeper purpose of bonding the hearts and souls of two people who truly love each other."

"But those pictures I saw," Gojyo argued. "There wasn't any love involved. None at all! I know when two people are really in love. I saw it with Grandpa Takeshi and Grandma Megumi at the old folks home. Their aura was different, like a very pretty blue and pink cloud swirling around them. But in those pictures, it was all red and messy...chaotic. Yes, that's the right word to describe it."

"It's because sex is not just confined to a married couple. Everyone could have sex, and with anyone they choose. Even out of wedlock."

"But that's not right, is it? You're supposed to have sex with the person you really care for."

"When you have sex with someone who is very close to your heart, it is called 'making love'. Other than that...well, it's just sex."

"Then why have sex with a person you don't love? It doesn't make any sense."

"People have sex to satisfy a need. For young people, sex is an object of curiosity, so they do it with another in their age group, just to satisfy that curiosity. Few people use sex for power; they want to feel dominant, superior. These people couldn't care less if they hurt their lover. All they care about is having their way. Others want to have sex because of the intense pleasure it gives. Yes, it hurts at first, but soon the pain melds with the pleasure that you couldn't tell the difference between the two." Hakkai paused for a moment as pain lanced inside his heart. "For some, sex is a means of seeking comfort or a brief respite from the loneliness that is bearing down on them. There are so many reasons why people have sex. The examples I have given you are just a few of them."

"Hakkai..." Gojyo began haltingly, unsure whether he should ask the question or not. Swallowing hard, he decided to go ahead with his inquiry. "Is it right for two men to have sex with each other?"

The scientist was expecting that query. Unfortunately, he still didn't have the answer for it. Looking down at his toes to hide his discomfort, he answered, "In this society that we're in, most people...frown...upon men or women who have sex with others of their own sex. In a way, it is unnatural. After all, this defies the primary function of sex. No child could be born from a union between two men or two women."

"If most people don't like it, then why still do it?" Gojyo peered into his guardian's face. "Why do you do it, Hakkai?"

"Because people like me are...different." Hakkai halted, hoping that he wouldn't have to continue. But the marionette's inquisitive face still hovered before his eyes, expecting an answer. "For so long, I've denied this...aspect... of myself. I don't know how to say this."

"Just say it, Hakkai. I could see that you're hurting so much. Maybe it would help you feel better."

Hakkai sighed. "Gojyo, I have different...needs. These needs could not be satisfied with a woman. I only find satisfaction...and pleasure...with men. There are names for men like me -- homosexual, gay, fag."

"How could you, Hakkai? You got married, didn't you, and you even had a son."

"Like I said, I was trying to deny that aspect of myself. I was hoping that, if I got married, I would lose those urges. But it didn't happen that way. It only made my desires much stronger."

"Kanan found out, didn't she," Gojyo murmured. "That's why she left with Linchei."

The scientist bit his lower lip to fight back the tears. "Yes. That's why they...left. You know, in all religions, homosexuality is considered a sin. Perhaps that is why people like me are being...punished. I lost Kanan and Linchei because of it." Hakkai looked at the marionette, his despair mirrored in his eyes. "But why is it so wrong to love someone, even if he is a man like me? Why was I born this way, only to suffer such intense loneliness?" He raised his trembling hands before him. "I've tried everything to fight these urges, but I'm weak. Just like any human being, I deserve companionship...and love."

There was a long moment of silence between them. Neither of them would even dare to breath.

It was Gojyo who broke the uncomfortable pause. Timidly, he queried, "That man you were with... Hakkai, how do you feel about him? Do"

Hakkai laughed bitterly. "To be very truthful, I don't know."

"Why don't you know? If you're in love with someone, aren't you supposed to feel it inside your heart?"

"Love is a very broad term for an emotion that exists in oh so many varieties. You could tell a friend you love him or her. But it would be just friendship. Certainly not the kind of deep love that binds two souls together." The scientist halted for a second or two before continuing, "How do I feel about Chin? Yes, perhaps I do love a way. Chin says he loves me as well. Love...that word is thrown around so much, you don't know what it truly means. Chin and I could say that we love each other, but it could still be just lust, you know."


"Just a very strong desire for sex. Lord only knows that's how I feel when we frolic in bed."

Hakkai almost jumped when his hand was enclosed in a warm grip. Looking up, he found himself staring into hope-filled crimson doe eyes.

"I know how I feel about you, Hakkai," Gojyo said firmly. "I know that I love you very much."

As if stung, the good doctor clambered off the bed. "You can't know how you feel, Angel. That's impossible! You're just a..." Hakkai stopped himself before he could say the words. A cyborg, a marionette.

"I do know, Hakkai!" Gojyo insisted, following after his guardian. "I've never been so sure of anything in my life." There was a trace of embarrassment on his handsome face as he mumbled, "Is it because I'm such an idiot about sex? I could learn, you know. Even if I'm still a bit afraid, I could watch those movies again and learn from them."

"Oh, no you won't! I expressly forbid you from watching any more pornography!"

"Hakkai, I don't want you to be so lonely. Even when you're with Chin, I could see that you're not happy."

"What I do with my personal life is none of your affair, Gojyo."

"I'm just concerned about you."

"I'm a grown man. I can take care of myself."

Again, there was a pregnant pause. Hakkai could clearly see that the clone was not convinced with his reply.

The marionette bit his lower lip and twiddled his fingers nervously before him. "I asked you this before. Do you love me, Hakkai?"

"Yes, I do love you, Angel," Hakkai began, "but not enough to want to have sex with you. It would not be...right."

"Why not?" Gojyo blurted out despairingly. "Isn't it enough that I love you so much that I am very willing to make love with you? I know that I can make you happy, Hakkai. You could do whatever you want with me, and I won't hurt you. I swear!"

But you will hurt me in the end, Gojyo, thought Hakkai sorrowfully. When you go to Gyumao. Cupping the marionette's face in his hands, he said gently, "You're like a dear son to me, Angel. That is all. It would be wrong for a father to make love to his son."

"You're not my father. I don't even know who my parents are, but that's not important. What is important to me is you. You've always gone out of your way to make me happy. I want to give you happiness as well."

"Oh, Angel, but you have been giving me happiness! You have no idea how much joy you've given me these past few months -- with your little jokes, your smiles and laughter, your loving kisses. My deepest regret is that, since Chin arrived, I've been neglecting you. It won't happen again. I promise you that."

"It will happen again." Gojyo gazed pleadingly at his beloved mentor. "Please don't make him come back any more. If it's sex that you need, it would be my pleasure to make love to you."

Hakkai halted the marionette's ramblings with a sweet kiss that stole Gojyo's breath away. "Let's have no more talk about sex, Angel. As I said, it's not what I need from you."

"Then what do you need from me?"

The one thing that Chin is unable to give me. Hakkai, however, did not voice out that thought. Instead, he smiled and said, "The happiness that you've been bestowing upon me is enough." Grinning, the scientist declared, "Well, that's enough talk. I'd better get down to the kitchen to cook us some dinner." Gojyo was about to argue, but Hakkai raised his hand, stopping him. "No, let me do it for a change. You've had a rough day. Angel, I just want you to lie down and relax. I'll call for you when I'm done."

Before Hakkai could walk out the door, the marionette said, "I love you, Hakkai. And I mean it too."

The scientist nodded. "I know you do, Angel. I know you do." He then stepped out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Gojyo stared at the door for a full minute. With a sigh, he jumped onto the bed and cradled Teddy in his lap. The motion jostled the chattering teeth into action.

Although the clone's eyes were focused on the walking teeth, what his mind could see was the image of his beloved guardian lying in bed in the arms of another man.

"I know what you need from me, and I know that Chin will never be able to give it to you," Gojyo mumbled to himself, his fingers playing with the bear's ribbon. Even if the emotion was alien to him, anyone could detect the jealousy in the marionette's words. "I'll learn everything there is to know about sex. Just you wait and see. I'll make you forget him. You'll see that the only person who truly loves you is me."


Chin Issou was driving down the mountain, the cellphone pressed to his ear. There was a broad grin on his face.

"I've got great news for you, Boss," he declared. "I think I found your cyborg."

"You've seen him?" Gyumao asked excitedly on the other end. "How is he? What does he look like?"

"He looks exactly like the man you cloned him from. Seems a bit stupid though. I don't think Hakkai has finished programming him yet."

"I can't wait any longer! I want to get him now!"

"Just be patient a little while longer," Chin advised his eager superior. "I want to be sure that it is him. Besides, you wouldn't want a cyborg that couldn't satisfy your needs now, would you?"

"Yes, you're right about that." The multimillionaire laughed wickedly. "But then again, I also love innocents. It would be exhilarating to fuck a virgin again. Maybe I should get him from Hakkai now."

"No, I wouldn't recommend it. I don't think he knows that he'll be delivered to you. Like I said, be patient. I'll call you once he's ready for you to pick up."

"I'll be waiting for your call, Chin Issou," said Gyumao in expectation. "Don't forget! You've got a huge reward waiting for you here."

Chin switched off his phone and set it down in its cradle. A dreamy smile formed on his lips, remembering that lovely vision of masculine perfection that had suddenly barged in on them while he was fucking Hakkai. He vividly recalled the startlement in those beautiful crimson eyes, seeing his creator in bed with another man. Yes, a virgin indeed. Truly innocent of the ways of the world.

"Don't worry, Gyumao. I'll give you a call when you could take your sex toy." Grinning slyly, Chin laughed raucously. "But I cannot guarantee that he would still be a virgin when you get him. Just like you, I also like an innocent. Who needs programming when you could give him a hands-on tutorial? Yes, oh, yes!" His mind focused on the image of Cho Hakkai. "Such a pity you're a big coward, Hakkai. If I were you, I would've fucked that cyborg's brains out. Well, sorry to say, you, and Gyumao as well, will never get the chance. Because it will be I, Chin Issou, who will take the precious innocence of your beloved marionette."

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