Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Marionette ❯ Chapter Nineteen ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
© June 23, 2005 By Rory V. Pascual


"Jien? I think something's wrong."

Looking up from his computer, Jien saw the confused expression on the marionette's face. In truth, he too was worried. For the past two hours, he had been having difficulty in patching into the mainframe of Houtou Enterprises. Every time he thought he had succeeded, the connection would be lost a few minutes later, as though someone was thwarting his attempts at hacking. However, he had no intention of voicing out his concerns to the already worried clone.

"Why do you say that, Gojyo?" he asked. "Did something happen?"

"My guard friends are all leaving," Gojyo answered, frowning. And new people are coming in. Mean-looking ones. I tried to ask Dokugakuji earlier but…he was too busy packing his stuff."

"Packing?" Even Jien frowned at that last. "Have you tried asking Kougaiji? He's the more likely one to know what's going on, being his father's personal secretary."

Gojyo beamed at that suggestion. "That's a great idea, Jien! I'll go to his office right now."

To Jien's surprise, the marionette laid his ever-loyal Teddy down on his lap. Mr. Smiley was hanging around the bear's neck like a cannibal's necklace.

"Teddy, Mr. Smiley, you watch over Jien for me, okay?" the clone ordered his favorite toys. "I'll be right back." In the blink of an eye, Gojyo ran out the door.

Grimacing, Jien pinched the bear's nose. "I think what he really meant was that I should keep an eye on you two."

Hearing the electronic door slide open again, Jien turned, a smile on his face, ready to ask why the clone returned so quickly. The smile, however, faded from his lips, as hulking dark shadows fell upon him.


"Kou?" Gojyo asked curiously as he followed the secretary around the office. His thick brows had knitted in a frown as he watched Kougaiji place his things one by one inside a box. "What are you doing, Kou?" he queried again.

"Isn't it obvious, Gojyo?" Kougaiji sighed, unsure of how to break the news to the charming clone. "I'm packing my stuff."

"But why? I saw Dokugakuji doing the same thing upstairs. I was asking him too, but he just broke down and cried. Are...are you two leaving?"

Seeing that he had no choice but to tell the marionette the truth, Kou wearily sat down on the edge of his desk. "My father fired us, Gojyo. He also replaced all the security guards in this building."

"Why would he do that? Is it because of me? It's not your fault!"

"Gojyo, we disobeyed his orders. We were not supposed to let you out of this place."

"But I sneaked out, remember?"

"A convenient story we concocted. We couldn't get away with it all the time. If only you didn't pull that stunt too often..."

"You know I had a good reason, Kou," the clone argued in earnest. "Dokugakuji couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. Jien had, but he needed Hakkai and Goku's help. They were the ones who fixed me."

"But you know that Hakkai couldn't fix you one hundred percent. Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately? If you weren't a cyborg, I'd say you not only lost a lot of weight, but you've also become very pale. You look very sick, Gojyo." Kou made a defeated shrug. "Besides, you know very well that my father doesn't want you to be reunited with the good doctor. I guess this is the price we all have to pay for our insubordination."

The marionette stubbornly shook his head, his lower lip jutting out in a pout. "No, no, no! This is most unfair! It's my fault, not yours! Why won't Mr. Gyumao understand that?"

"Gojyo, please!"

"NO! I'll go talk to him right now!"

Before Kougaiji could stop the clone, Gojyo stormed outside the office and swiftly went up to the penthouse where Gyumao was having lunch. He was about to enter the dining room, but Zakuro and Zenon blocked his path.

"The Boss doesn't want to be disturbed," Zenon said firmly, laying a hand over Gojyo's chest.

Zakuro gave the clone a leer. "He says he'll see you tonight."

Gojyo, however, insisted, "I want to see him now. Let me pass!"

With strength he never thought he had, the marionette shoved the two men aside and pushed the glass doors of the dining room open.

A dark frown creased Gyumao's brow at the clone's abrupt entrance. "Gojyo, what's the meaning of this?"

"I want you to tell Kougaiji, Dokugakuji and the others not to go," demanded Gojyo, putting his hands on the edge of the dining table and staring straight into his owner's eyes.

"And who, pray tell, are you to tell me what I should do?" the rich man asked ominously.

"They're not to blame. I sneaked out on my own, because I needed Hakkai to fix me."

"You've escaped far too many times that it connotes gross negligence on their parts. It's their job to see to it that you do not leave the premises of Houtou Enterprises, and they failed miserably in that simple task."

"But what about their families? If they lose their jobs, what's going to happen to their kids, the folks who depend on them?"

"They should've thought of that before they permitted you to leave. They're lucky that firing them was all I did to them."

"Why?" Gojyo railed at the multimillionaire. "If you hadn't fired them, you'd have killed them like Chin Issou?"

Gyumao slammed his knife down on the table and stood up. "This discussion has become very annoying. Now, go on and leave me be. Go to your room. Play with your toys. But tonight, I expect you to be in my bedroom. You need to be punished."

"Oh, I'm leaving all right," muttered Gojyo, his voice strained with anger. "When Kou, Dokugakuji and the others leave, I'll go too! And I'm taking Jien with me!"

Saying this, Gojyo left the penthouse and hurried to Jien's suite, only to find it empty. His heart seized by dread, he searched every inch of the suite, but there was no sign of his beloved guardian. Seeing the computer still on, the clone jacked himself into it. As he tried to access the mainframe, he was instantly blocked by a firewall. Desperate to find Jien, Gojyo struck again and again at the firewall until he created a tiny crack. Before that crack could be sealed, the marionette caught two disturbing images – of Jien, with Teddy and Mr. Smiley in his arms, being forced inside a black limousine by armed men and a forbidding black tower.

Rage filled Gojyo's heart, realizing that Gyumao had taken his dear guardian away. He rushed back to the penthouse where Gyumao and his two henchmen wee waiting for him.

"What did you do to Jien?" the clone demanded in fury. "Where is he? Where did you take him?"

"Far, far away, so he won't influence you any further," was Gyumao's smug answer. "I won't tolerate any rebellious behavior from you, Gojyo. You'd better curb it, if you want Jien to live."

"I am getting sick and tired of your threats, Mr. Gyumao," Gojyo mumbled ominously. "Hurt Jien in any way and I'll make sure that you pay dearly."

"Gojyo," growled Gyumao, slowly standing from his chair, "don't you dare try my patience!"

"I tried to understand you, Mr. Gyumao," the marionette cried out in frustration. "Even when you hurt me so badly, I tried so damned hard to understand. To see if I could learn to love you. But I can't! You're a very evil, very selfish man, Mr. Gyumao! I can't stand to be with you any longer!"

"Have you forgotten who owns you, you little shit?"

"YOU DON'T OWN ME, MR. GYUMAO! Regardless of what you think, I believe myself to be a human being and I'm free to do anything I want. And the first thing I want to do is to get the hell away from you!"

At these words, before Gyumao or his men could stop him, Gojyo dashed up to his bedroom and stuffed his few meager belongings inside his Pokemon backpack. As he emerged from his bedroom, though, Zenon and Zakuro met him, with guns ready.

"STOP HIM!" Gyumao roared. "DON'T LET HIM ESCAPE!"

Gojyo's red eyes shone with a bright glow as anger flared up inside him. "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY!" he screamed, backhanding both men before they could even blink. Stunned by those blows, Zakuro and Zenon skidded across the floor to bump into the far wall.

Ignoring Gyumao's furious shouts, the marionette made his way to the Fire Exit, knowing that the rich man may have ordered the elevators to be shut down. Still, Gojyo moved like a blur, running down stairways and through corridors, passing by startled employees. At his great speed, no one would've been able to stop him. In five minutes flat, the clone reached the exit.

In the parking lot, Kougaiji and Dokugakuji were stunned to see the clone. Gojyo gave his friends a quick wave as he ran through the gates and out into the street.

As the marionette disappeared, Dokugakuji exclaimed, "Oh, Kou! This is not good! We must stop him!"

The two men hurriedly got inside the computer geek's van, as Kougaiji cried, "Do you have a phone? We must call Hakkai!"

The same thought was running through Gyumao's mind when the twins rang up to inform him that the escaped clone had just passed by their hiding place. With a snap of his fingers, the rich man gave the silent command for Zenon and Zakuro to follow him.

"You know where he's headed. We'll meet you there," Gyumao ordered the twins. "Do whatever it takes to get that damned clone back! Kill Hakkai if you have to, but I want Gojyo back!"


"What? Kougaiji, speak slowly! I can't understand a word you're saying!"

Hakkai was still cleaning up the remains of the living room when his phone rang. The heavy downpour outside made it difficult for him to hear Gyumao's personal secretary. Then, his green eyes widened in shock.

"What do you mean Gojyo's coming here?" the scientist demanded. "Doesn't he know it's dangerous? This is the first place that Gyumao will be sure to look. What time did he leave? Damn it, Kou! Why didn't you and Dokugakuji stop him? I'll have to meet him down the road before Gyumao catches up with him."

Suddenly, Goku's voice spoke over the speakers. "There's no need, Hakkai. He's already here."

Hakkai found himself lowering the phone on its cradle, not minding Kou's frantic cries on the other end, his attention drawn to the drenched figure standing at the front door, Goku and Jiroushin beside him. Hakuryu was perched on his shoulder. Kwannon would have gone to greet the clone, but she couldn't bear to let Gojyo see that she had lost her leg. Instead, the Persian decided to remain hidden in her basket behind the couch.

Smiling, Gojyo let his duffel fall from his right hand. "I'm home, Hakkai. I'm home at last!" Laughing in relief, the clone threw himself at the surprised scientist, wrapping his arms around his maker's waist. Pressing his cheek to Hakkai's chest, he exclaimed, "I'm not going back there ever again! I'm going to stay here with you, Goku, Hakuryu, Jiroushin and Kwannon, because you're the ones who truly love me."

There was an uncomfortable silence. Then, Jiroushin, Hakuryu and Goku found themselves gaping at Hakkai in shock, hearing his answer to the marionette's exuberant cries. Even Kwannon's head lifted, her ears jerking.

"Who told you that I loved you?" Hakkai said coldly, pushing the startled clone away.

A chill went up Gojyo's spine at that query. "Hakkai? What..."

"Who told you that I loved you?" the geneticist quietly repeated.

The marionette shook his head in confusion. "I don't understand. Jien told me that it wasn't necessary for those three words to be spoken. Was it not enough that I gave everything to you? You gave of yourself to me as well. We made love, Hakkai!"

"To you it may be that, but to me, it wasn't. I told you before, Gojyo, that I had needs that only Chin Issou was able to fulfill. Now that he's...gone, you have certainly taken his place quite adequately. You're a fantastic fuck, Gojyo. Gyumao taught you well."

The marionette couldn't believe what he was hearing, but his sensitive crimson eyes were telling him differently. Despite Hakkai's words, he could see a tiny beam of light trying to pierce the dark cloud of chaos that shrouded his maker.

"You're lying, Hakkai. I could tell," Gojyo said firmly. "Why are you doing this? Why are you telling me all these hurtful things? Is it Gyumao? Did he do something to you?" His eyes fell upon the three animal clones. "And where's Kwannon?"

Hakkai cursed under his breath. He had completely forgotten the marionette's ability to read auras. Behind the couch, he heard a rumbling growl from Kwannon. Even Jiroushin and Goku were giving him a warning glare. Hakuryu, he could see, was dying to blast him with a stream of fire. But he hardened his heart, willing the darkness to envelop his soul.

Striding toward the bewildered clone, Hakkai jerked Gojyo into his embrace and gave him a bruising kiss. At the same time, his hands fondled the clone's squirming body, his fingers delving into forbidden places.

"Hakkai, no!" Gojyo pushed his creator away. Bursting into sobs, he asked again, "Why are you doing this to me? WHY?"

"Because the only thing I want from you is your luscious body," Hakkai explained, with a sneer on his face. "Too bad Gyumao beat me to you. I should've taken you when you were throwing yourself at me."

"Don't say that!" the marionette begged his maker. "I know it isn't true. That night...we made love. It was love, not lust!"

Snarling, Hakkai gripped Gojyo's arms, shaking him roughly, as he yelled, "I NEVER LOVED YOU! How could I love a thing I created? In fact, I fucked up big time when I made you. You were supposed to be an experienced whore, not a stupid virgin. And if there's one thing I absolutely have no patience for, it's virgins like you."

"Please don't do this to me! Stop lying! I love you so much, Hakkai, and I know that you love me too. Tell me the truth, damn you! TELL ME YOU LOVE ME!"

Instead of the words he desperately longed to hear, what Hakkai bestowed upon him was a fierce slap on his cheek. Gojyo stared in shock at his creator, his hand clutching his stinging face. Hakkai's next words were much stronger blows.

"I don't love you, Gojyo!" the geneticist shouted at him. "I could never love a cyborg, a machine like you! You're better off sent to a junkyard and torn to pieces by a mangler! You're my greatest failure, Gojyo! A FAILURE!"

Before Gojyo could react to that cruel condemnation, chaos suddenly descended upon them as Zenon and Zakuro leaped through the window, machine guns blazing in their hands.

:GOJYO, RUN!: the marionette heard Kwannon cry from out of nowhere.

From behind the couch, the Persian cat sprang at the men, her sharp claws bared, ready to shred their faces to bits. However, because of her disability, Kwannon was unable to move as agilely as she used to. Before she could leap out of the way, the men opened fire on the brave cat.

"KWANNON!" Gojyo screamed, seeing those bullets pierce the cat's fragile body. At that moment that bullets were pummeling Kwannon, she seemed to be frozen in mid-air, and Gojyo saw all too clearly that his dear friend's right hind leg was missing. As Kwannon fell at his feet in a mangled heap, the marionette was horrified to see the cat melting right before his eyes.

A furious Jiroushin jumped Zakuro, his teeth sinking deep into the man's forearm.

Kneeling before the cat, Gojyo cried hysterically, "Kwannon, no! Please!"

:Take the master circuit from my head, Gojyo,:
the Persian gasped inside his mind. :I don't want my life to end like this.:

"But, Kwannon..."

:Gojyo, just do what I say. Take my master circuit and run away!:

The clone gingerly picked up the cat's master circuit from the gelatinous remains of her head.

In the meantime, Hakkai saw Zenon aim at the Golden Retriever that was chewing the flesh of his buddy's arm. Swiftly, the scientist grabbed the lampshade and sent it crashing down on Zenon's head, knocking him out.

"Jiroushin!" Hakkai called sharply to the dog. He thought for a moment that the angry Golden Retriever would not obey him. To his relief, Jiroushin released Zakuro's bleeding arm and went to his master's side.

"Jiroushin…" Hakkai fell to his knees before the dog, cupping his face. "You and Hakuryu take Gojyo as far away from here as you can."

There was a flash of confusion in the Golden Retriever's eyes, followed by sudden understanding.

"Yes, Jiroushin," the scientist admitted the truth to the dog. "I DO love Gojyo, but I don't want him to die because of me. He deserves someone better than me and Gyumao."


Damn you, Hakkai! DAMN YOU! Goku cursed his friend inside his mind as he descended to the underground laboratory. How dare you break Gojyo's heart like that! Jiroushin and Kwannon were right about you. You're nothing but a fucking coward!

Entering the lab, the monkey clone saw on the large screen the chaos that was happening in the manor above. To buy his friends some time, he used his link to the computer to send power surging into the living room appliances, causing them to overload.

Then, Goku faced the cyborg body floating inside the cloning chamber with grim determination. It wasn't completed yet. He could see that the skin at the center of its forehead had not yet sealed. But the immediate need called for its early use.

"I'll save Gojyo from Gyumao," Goku said firmly, "because unlike you, Hakkai, I am not a coward!"


As the all the appliances exploded, Jiroushin barked three times at Hakuryu, who was keeping the henchmen at bay with his breath of fire. He turned to the dog and nodded in understanding. Quickly, they ran to the grieving marionette, urging him to go with them.

Gojyo's head lifted to look at Hakkai, his gentle doe eyes begging for the love that he so desired from his creator. But the scientist turned his head away in seeming hatred and disgust.

Hakuryu and Jiroushin saw the clone's face scrunch up at that rejection.

"BAD HAKKAI!" the white dragon railed at his creator.

The Golden Retriever chose to keep silent. He swore he would tell Gojyo and Hakuryu the truth later. What was important was for them to escape.

Before Gyumao's henchmen could fire again, Gojyo and the animal clones dashed into the kitchen. With Zakuro and Zenon following at their heels, they ran out the back door and fled into the woods.

A weary, heartsick Hakkai picked himself up from the floor. At that same moment, Gyumao finally entered the ruins of the manor.

Grinning, the scientist told the rich man, "Well, Gyumao! Gojyo is out of your reach. You'll never find him. What are you going to do now?"

Gyumao's face was a stony mask as he answered with one word, "This." He lifted his revolver, aimed it at Hakkai's head, and fired.


When Goku emerged from the elevator, he was greeted by deathly silence. Willing the nyoibou, the special staff he had chosen for his weapon, to materialize in his right hand, he cautiously entered the living room, only to find it empty. Still, he slowly went forward, using his sensors to negotiate through the darkness and the thick smoke.

Then, Goku stubbed his toe on something lying on the floor. His gold eyes widened in horror.

Hakkai lay on the floor at his feet. Where his right eye had been was a gaping, bleeding hole where Gyumao had shot him.

Goku fell to his knees, unsure of what to do. "Hakkai?" he asked, as tears filled his eyes. "Hakkai, wake up! This is a joke, right? You can't be dead!" Cradling Hakkai's head on his lap, with his trembling fingers, he touched the artery at his neck. To his dismay, he found no pulse.

Anguish gripped Goku's heart, and he let out a keening wail.

* * * * * * * * * *