Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Marionette ❯ Chapter Twenty-One ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
© July 10, 2005 By Rory V. Pascual


Genjo Sanzo was not the type of man to hesitate once he set his mind on something. And he did just that.

With the fury of a hurricane, Sanzo breezed through the sliding doors of Xyberdyne Tech, not the least bit minding the frantic cries of the security guards for him to stop. He walked with steady footsteps, amethyst eyes focused forward, ignoring the curious stares of employees and the shocked gasps of scientists who recognized him in an instant. His pace quickened, however, when he heard the calls of the guards behind him. As he neared the Restricted Elevator, he fired a bullet into the security panel. The door slid open and he swiftly went inside. With a press of the "Close" button, the door slid shut right in the faces of the guards. The elevator brought him down to Basement Level 10.

As the door opened once more, Sanzo's handsome face darkened in a scowl, seeing the unkempt man waiting for him.

"Long time no see, Koryu-sensei," the man greeted him with a wave, which was more to dispel the smoke that rose from his cigarette. "Or should I say…Genjo Sanzo?" He gestured to the stuffed rabbit tucked under his arm. "My little friend here would like to ask for an autograph."

"I did not come here for pleasantries, Nii," Sanzo declared with obvious impatience. "I came to retrieve what rightfully belongs to me and my brother."

"Now why would a lowly actor like you need all those scientific equipment for?" Dr. Nii Jen Yi asked in sarcasm. "Didn't Xyberdyne fund your research? When they took away your grant, that meant all your equipment belonged to them."

"Not anymore." Sanzo grinned fiendishly. "At this very moment, my lawyers from the Sanbutsushin Law Offices are speaking with the Board of Directors." From inside his jacket, he flashed a shiny gold card. "Sorry to say, Dr. Nii, but this 'lowly actor' can buy this entire company if he wants to. It would've given me such immense pleasure to kick you out the door of this establishment personally. However, I have no interest in Xyberdyne or its pathetic scientists who lack the vision and, yet, are still greedy enough to steal research projects from others. All I want is the equipment that my brother and I developed."

Sanzo took a step forward, but Nii blocked his path.

"I will not let you pass," Nii hissed in seething hatred.

"Up to now, you still covet what does not belong to you?" There was an ominous spark in one violet eye. "Get out of my way…unless you want a bullet through your guts!"

"Oh please! Don't do that!" a familiar cheerful voice exclaimed behind them. "Blood is so difficult to clean, especially on a white marble floor."

Sanzo's face brightened in an instant, beholding the kind face of his beloved mentor, Dr. Koumyo. His long brownish blond hair, now tinged with gray, was still tied in a single braid that extended down his back.

"Back off, Nii-sensei," Koumyo ordered firmly. "I just got the call from upstairs. The equipment in Lab No. 9 are to be surrendered immediately to Koryu."

"But Koumyo-sensei…" Nii was getting ready to argue.

"Those equipments are useless to you. The Board has granted you permission to use them. However, up to now, you still haven't broken the security code to Lab No. 9 that Koryu here had placed on the door. Since Koryu has paid for his own equipment, it is only right that it all be turned over to him."

Nii gritted his teeth in defeated anger, biting through his cigarette. Without saying another word, he stormed off.

When the disagreeable scientist was gone, Sanzo went into his mentor's arms and embraced him tightly.

"I missed you, sensei," Sanzo murmured, a small smile on his lips as he relished the scent of pipe tobacco on the man's lab coat.

Koumyo gave his favorite ward a doting pat on the shoulder. "I heard what happened to Jien. Haven't the police found him yet?"

"No," Sanzo said with a shake of his head. "But I now know for certain who it was abducted him."

"Who? Why not report it and…" Realization dawned upon the Chief Researcher of Xyberdyne. "Then…it was him!"

"Yes. It's very complicated, sensei – how I found out. I hoped that I would speak to you about this."

"The walls have eyes and ears." Koumyo smiled, and Sanzo knew who he was referring to. "Come, Koryu. Why don't you and I go to the most secure place on this floor?"

It was Sanzo himself who led the way to Lab No. 9. As Koumyo watched, his protégé looked closely at his wristwatch. Surprisingly, he pushed the ENTER key first. He then pushed in the time on his watch, starting with the numbers on the right. The time, Koumyo saw, was 10:45:55, and Sanzo punched in '555401'. The door, though, still did not open.

An electronic voice prompted, "Voice identification please."

To Koumyo's amazement, Sanzo recited that Zen Buddhist saying on 'Nothingness' – in Swahili! Only then did the door open and allowed them entry.

Koumyo could barely contain his chuckle. "I've always known you to be paranoid, but that was most ingenious. No wonder Nii couldn't figure it out."

"Only Jien and I know how to open the lab," Sanzo explained, as he looked over a motley assortment of lasers and large silver cases. He was relieved to find everything as he and Jien had left them. "Truth be told, the voice prompt was his idea. The saying itself rotates in a large cycle of foreign languages. We actually started the cycle with the saying spoken in the Filipino dialect of Chabacano. Then, we rotated it with dialects from Europe, North America, Asia, Africa, and South America. If I visited this place yesterday, I would've voice prompted in Navajo."

"You two are truly amazing! I'm just very dismayed that things turned out the way it had. If it were not for Nii and all those fools in the scientific community, you and Jien would've done humanity a great service with your ideas and discoveries."

"It's all in the past now, sensei. Right now, I have a different, more important concern that I have to take care of. That's why I need this equipment."

Koumyo gasped. "Don't tell me you're going to pursue your project of creating a cybernetic human? If you are, don't do it. I know you, Koryu. I know you originally planned to create a clone of your mother, to make…amends…for…." The Chief Researcher's words trailed off. But then, he quickly added, "Don't do it, Koryu. No clone could ever replace Jien."

"I must admit that I had thought of that, when the despair came so close to making me believe that I would never see him again." What Sanzo said next stunned his beloved mentor. "As it turned, however, someone beat me to it."

As Koumyo listened in rapt silence, Sanzo told him about the mysterious young man he had nearly ran over last night and the strange dragon-like creature he had with him. He also told him about those bikers who pursued them with bloodthirsty relentlessness. Sanzo did not leave anything out, including the fact that he had personally killed one of those pursuers. Koumyo's jaw dropped, however, when his ward came to the part when he finally saw the face of the young man.

"It was Jien…or at least I thought he was. He had Jien's face," Sanzo quietly revealed to him. "But then, he said, 'I'm your brother's clone.' When I finally brought him to the resthouse, I saw that although he possessed Jien's face, his hair and eyes were crimson, just like the character that my little brother played in the TV series. He was even named after that character…Sha Gojyo. I had so many questions running through my head. I wanted so much to ask him. But, he was wounded, and I didn't have the necessary equipment to repair him…."

"And that's why you returned here after two years," Koumyo concluded for him.

Sanzo nodded. "Gojyo knew that I was holding back my curiosity, and he was very eager to answer any questions I may have. But I convinced him to rest. He was sleeping when I left. Before he went to sleep, though, he answered the most important question that's troubled me for close to a year now."

Sanzo closed his eyes, remembering how the clone had gently held his face. Despite the pain, Gojyo had given him a breathtaking smile and whispered, "Don't lose hope, Sanzo. Jien's alive, and he misses you so much."

Arms suddenly enfolded him, and Sanzo felt Koumyo's face press against his wet cheek. He hadn't realized that he was crying in relief. For several minutes, he allowed himself to be held and comforted. When he pulled away, there was an embarrassed blush on his cheeks, as he wiped away his tears with his handkerchief.

"You have no idea how happy I am to hear that news," Koumyo said, not hiding his joy and relief. "Anyway, I take it you need the equipment to repair Gojyo. Can you tell me something about his physical make-up, any circuitry that he might have?"

Sanzo gave the Chief Researcher an initial report of his findings and observations, which were very meager, hampered as he was by the absence of any kind of scientific gadgetry in his home.

Koumyo hummed thoughtfully. "You're right. You will need all this stuff and more. I'm going to call the maintenance crew to help you with this equipment. If we are to get Jien back, you need to repair Gojyo immediately. Besides that, I'll give you something that might help you. You did say his little dragon friend was also injured."

"Yes. His wing was literally shredded by bullets. The poor thing."

There was an eager gleam in the Chief Researcher's eyes. "I'll tell you what. I'll come over to your place tonight. I think I could do something for the dragon. And I really want to meet Gojyo. The way you described him to me, he seems like a very nice young man."

" 'Man', sensei?" Sanzo asked, astonished at that descriptive.

"He was created from Jien's cells, wasn't he? You know I always hated the use of terms such as 'clone' or 'cybernetic human being'. It has always been my opinion that what came from a human's cells will still be human. And Gojyo is obviously very human, despite the circuitry he possesses."

"You'd better reserve your opinion until you actually meet him." Sanzo stopped at once, hearing what he just said. "Sensei, are you really serious about visiting my home and checking up on Gojyo and the dragon?"

"Of course I am! I would've visited earlier, but you left Xyberdyne in rather painful circumstances, and I hesitated dropping by to see you." Koumyo beamed in delight. "Now, I have the perfect opportunity to renew old ties with you."

"I never expected this, sensei," Sanzo admitted in hesitation. "For my part, I've always wanted to see you again. Many times, I came close to calling you. But I stopped myself every time. I was afraid that you might have thought of me as a disgrace, like the others had. I was such a fool. I should've listened to Jien. He was the one who kept on insisting that I contact you."

"It seems you and I have a lot to be thankful to Jien for." Koumyo smiled meaningfully. "If it were not for Gojyo, who was created from his cells, we would still be apart right now. Indirectly, Jien has brought us back together again. Now, it's up to us to get him back."

A sad little smile formed on Sanzo's lips. "You and Jien are the only ones I have left. It was different back then, when…he…was still alive."

Koumyo understood what his protégé was trying to say. "Yes, we were quite a team – you, me, Jien…and Son Goku. But Goku would not want to see you like this. Cheer up, Koryu. This is not the time to dwell on the past when we have something to look forward to in the future." He gave Sanzo a reassuring pat. "Let's have the maintenance crew pack all this stuff so you can get right back home to Gojyo. And, like I said, expect me later tonight. I'll bring dinner. You may be reliable in the lab, but certainly not in the kitchen. I'm not that old to enjoy cold noodle soup and stale crackers with you."

"Hah!" Sanzo declared huffily. "I'm a popular actor now. I've become a connoisseur of good food."

"But you still can't cook so forget it! Just stay here. I'll be right back."

Sanzo could only smile in loving appreciation as his mentor ran out the door.



Nii's assistant, Dr. Huang, nearly jumped out of her skin as the beaker broke into pieces on the floor, spilling blue-colored chemicals.

Seeing the man's trembling for, she asked worriedly, "Are you all right, Dr. Nii? Are you hurt?"

Dr. Huang made to touch Nii, but he brusquely brushed her hand away.

"Don't touch me!" he yelled. "Why don't you go and take a break? Just leave me alone."

Dr. Huang knew better than to argue with her superior when he was in this mood. As quietly as her high-heeled shoes would allow on the marble flow, she walked out of the lab with a soft 'tip tap'.

Dr. Nii Jen Yi punched the tabletop. "Curse you, Koryu! Don't think that you've won! Whatever it is that you're up to, mark my words, I'll find out what it is and I will get it from you. If I can't make it mine, I will destroy it as I will destroy you completely!"

* * * * * * * * * *

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Yes, I know. It's taken quite a long time for me to update, but RL has been super tough recently that I don't have the time for just about anything that I enjoy. (Yes, lntora, that crappy magazine is still pulling a boner on me and still hasn't paid the paycheck that is due me, so I'm flat broke right now.) I will try to update as much as RL allows me to (or if we still have electricity and all other utilities by then). Probably the next story to be updated will be "Tainted Innocence", followed by "Fire and Earth". Sorry, but I particularly find it difficult to write smutty scenes, and it would require a better mood than I am in right now to write it. Again, many apologies for the delay in updates. Oh, and if there are any errors in this, sorry but this is a rush type.